You can remember suicides on Spiritual Day. How are people who commit suicide remembered? Radonitsa is a time to remember suicides, drowned people, and the unbaptized. The rite of prayerful consolation of relatives who died without permission

There is a popular belief that the Church nevertheless commemorates people who have voluntarily passed away only once a year - on the Saturday preceding the Feast of the Holy Trinity (this day of remembrance is called Trinity Parental Saturday). This idea comes from one of the chants that is sung on this day in the temple; there are indeed words about people who committed suicide, but they are not remembered.

Life is given to a person by God, only He has the right to decide when it will end - and it doesn’t matter how pleasant life is to a person. From the point of view of a Christian, earthly life is a path of trials that must be accepted with humility, understanding their significance for spiritual growth. By willfully abandoning life and the trials it brings, a person puts his will above the will of God, thereby demonstrating a worldview that is absolutely inconsistent with Christian doctrine.

Such a person finds himself outside the Church - like an unbaptized person, therefore, she can no longer do anything for him. Of course, other sins also put a person in a similar situation, but they at least presuppose the fundamental possibility of repentance, while a suicide deliberately cuts off this path for himself. The priests do not undertake to claim that for such people there is absolutely no hope - only God can know everything about someone’s posthumous fate, but a suicide must be completely entrusted to His will.

Cell prayer

The impossibility of church commemoration forces loved ones of the suicide to seek at least some consolation in cell - individual, home prayer. There is no direct ban on private prayer for suicides in the Church, but this can only be done with the blessing of the confessor. However, priests are reluctant to give such blessings, and for good reasons.

Praying for a suicide to a certain extent becomes a manifestation of pride: the person who does this may think that he is more merciful than the Church or even God himself. In addition, by praying for someone, a Christian becomes involved in the state of that person’s soul. The soul of a suicide leaves the world in a state of despair, despondency, or even embitterment and hostility to God. This condition can be “infected” by the one who prays for him, so priests do not advise praying for suicides.

If you still receive the priest’s blessing, you need to read the prayer of St. Leo of Optina. A good way to help the soul of a suicide is to give alms to those in need.


  • How to remember suicides

Advice 2: Why you can’t perform funeral services for suicides in the Orthodox Church

In the funeral ceremony, believers ask God for forgiveness of the sins of the deceased. The priest reads a prayer of absolution, which absolves the deceased of his sins. Living people hope for God's mercy and hope that the Lord will accept his child. However, funeral services for suicides are prohibited in the Church.

In the believing people of God about the granting of paradise to the deceased. Every member of the Church of Christ must be inveterate. But in the canonical practice of the Church, funeral services are prohibited, regardless of whether the person was a Christian or not. This is due to the fact that a suicide commits suicide of his own free will. It is known from the Holy Scriptures that murderers will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Except for the case when a person was able to repent. A suicide does not have the opportunity to repent. Therefore, the one who commits this crime with the sin of murder goes into eternity.

Orthodox doctrine determines that there is no meaning in funeral services for suicides to the extent of the general understanding of the essence of the future life. Reaching heaven is not only a goal or reward for a person. The kingdom of heaven is a consequence of human life. Death is the transition of a person from one state to another, and the vector of people’s lives on earth goes into eternity.

The main reason for suicide is a person’s conviction that his life has become unbearable and turned into hell. If a person thinks that he lives in hell and dies of his own free will, then the idea of ​​hell follows him to the other world. It turns out that the Church does not violate human freedom. If he committed suicide, if his whole life is hell and the person does not turn to God, but, on the contrary, violates the divine plan for himself, then the Church can no longer help. The man made his own choice.

However, there may be reasons for funeral services for suicides. For example, when there is medical evidence of a mental personality disorder, when a person injured himself to death due to such an illness. In this case, the funeral service can be performed with the permission of the bishop. But these cases are not so frequent.

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A special day is approaching - Tuesday - Radonitsa or Radunitsa. Our Slavic ancestors called this day Rodonitsa. There are other similar names for this day. Radonitsa is a day of special remembrance of the dead, a special memorial day. This day has been celebrated among many peoples since ancient times, and Radonitsa is recognized, including by Christianity.

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Radonitsa is the only day in the whole year when, according to Orthodox traditions, it is possible to light a candle in a church for someone who died unbaptized, a suicide, and other deceased relatives or loved ones, whose commemoration by the church on other days is not permitted. Such people are not recognized by the Orthodox Church as “theirs”, and finding help from priests, if relatives want to help such a deceased with something, often turns out to be almost impossible.



We are talking not only about suicides, but also about people, for example, who drowned under unclear circumstances. About people missing and under unknown circumstances, about people whose body has not been found. About people who were not buried according to Christian customs. About the restless dead.

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We are also talking about people who were previously customary to be buried outside the cemetery - murderers, maniacs, rapists and others who were mired in sins and did not repent before death (“evil souls”). Sometimes priests (according to the apostolic rules) do not allow those who were reposed in their time and by their death, those who were baptized, who called themselves Christians during life, but who did not often go to church, to attend the funeral service. For example, if you didn’t go to church for six months before your death, you don’t have a funeral service. It is believed that this person also died in unbelief, a non-Christian, and therefore he is not “ours”, does not belong to our egregor. These are the rules of Orthodoxy, and it is not for you and me to judge them.



The question is, what should family and friends do when they ask:

  • “How to help a suicide?”
  • “Is it possible to remember suicides?”
  • “How to remember drowned people?”
  • “He died unbaptized, but I am Orthodox - how to remember” and others.

Perhaps you will find the answer in this article, and you will be able to spend Radonitsa productively this year.


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Radonitsa to help a suicide

Are suicides remembered? How and when to remember suicides? The priests of the Orthodox Church advise praying for such people on your own at home, but they consider this to be absolutely hopeless and, moreover, dangerous for the person himself who wants to help such a deceased person. Moreover, we are not talking about Radonitsa, but in general. " Of course, you can try to dare this home prayer feat. However, be sure to take a blessing from the priest, and if he refuses, do not be outrageous - this will not end well", is the approximate answer.



Orthodoxy has examples of suicides being forgiven for this terrible sin - there are several examples where a saint begged a suicide during his lifetime. Of course, the saint has a large reserve of God's mercy, which he himself has earned and which he can give in payment along with his fervent prayer for such a person at his own request. For example, Seraphim of Sarov, after begging a suicidal young man, fell ill for several months, but he knew what he was doing and he himself wanted to help the suicide.

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It is up to everyone to personally decide what to do with such a deceased person whom the church has abandoned. It is often advised to simply forget about them. Previously, such dead people were buried outside the village cemetery, in especially remote places. If the cemetery was located closer, then such people were buried, on the contrary, further away.

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Moreover, they tried to avoid such places, and without special need not to go to that remote cemetery.

Nowadays, suicides can be freely buried along with everyone else, which is not entirely correct. Why does this matter? Where the souls of suicides end up after death, to put it mildly, they are not entirely happy. The energy shell of the suicide, which remains with the body near the grave, also suffers greatly. Most of the emotions after death are distorted, simplified or die off altogether, and very often both the energy shell of the suicide and his soul “get angry”, are reborn into fallen creatures, become bestial or demon-like and can attack the living.



The soul of a suicide, having realized its posthumous fate, really does not want to leave the earth, and, if possible, tries by hook or by crook to “catch on” to the earth. For example, she can inhabit a person passing by her grave, thus causing obsession, demonic possession. The energy shell is located near the grave of the suicide, and his soul can visit the grave, the place of life and death, only on this one day of the year - on Radonitsa.

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If this soul is not allowed to leave the places of its posthumous stay at all (for special offenses), then it can only hear the words, questions, prayers addressed to it on Radonitsa and be able to answer the questioner. Only one day a year, on Radonitsa! This is explained by the special energy of this day and the fact that the line between the “lower” parts of Navi and Yavi on Radonitsa is especially thin.



So, the decision is yours whether to help such a deceased person. But if you still decide to help a suicide or a drowned person, or an unbaptized person, then do not miss Radonitsa. Go to church on Radonitsa, pray for this soul, light a candle for the repose of this soul. You can take the prosphora and try to give communion to such a soul, leaving it on the grave.

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The only note that I consider important for your understanding is this.

The so-called evil souls do not remember at home, especially on Radonitsa! For example, if the deceased committed suicide at home (in your house or apartment where you live), then you should not leave food for him (bread, honey, etc.) in the same house.



You should not “feed” him in the house; this is a special place for such a soul - the place of his death. Don't make a mistake. The soul or energy shell will get stronger from the food offered to it, gain strength and can begin to torment the living, attack, “take out its anger” on those living in this house. In this case, you will have to expel her.

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If your deceased relative or friend drowned under unclear circumstances, or his body was not found and was not buried, and you want to help the soul of the drowned person, then also do not miss Radonitsa.

If there is a grave, then go to Radonitsun’s grave. If the body was not found, then on Radonitsa you need to go to the body of water in which your drowned person drowned - a lake, river, sea. Or to that body of water that has a connection with that; for example, if you drowned in the Black Sea, but this sea is far from you, but you have the opportunity to go to the banks of the Dnieper, Dniester or another river flowing into it, then it will be easier and more convenient for you to go there to remember the drowned person.

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By the way, they also commemorate on Radonitsui other people who died without a body found and buried according to customs - if they disappeared in the mountains, then they go to the foot of the mountain, if in the forest, then to the forest, if in a swamp, then to the swamp, and so on. So, to remember the drowned man, they came to the reservoir in Radonitsyvo.

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It is possible to transfer food to the dead in two ways - with or without a boat; it depends on tradition and does not detract from the result itself.


1. If you don’t have a boat, then first throw the petals of fresh flowers over the waves, then throw the shells of boiled eggs into the water, then put bread and honey into the water. At the same time, they think about the person and ask for news from him.


2.If you have a boat, then put petals of fresh flowers in it, put a lighted candle, crumble the shells of boiled eggs, and also put bread with honey. If the drowned man smoked during his lifetime, then you can put a lit cigarette in the boat. Also, sometimes they put a note in this boat with the name of the drowned man, and in modern times, his photograph - it’s at your discretion.



Why exactly this “set”? It is believed that flower petals are placed so that the drowned person can hear you. The shells of boiled eggs are needed so that he can receive news from you and answer you (it’s like a “letter to the water king”). Bread and honey is what the dead crave to satisfy their hunger. According to the old custom, they did not go to the dead without bread and honey.

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You can also pray for Radonitsa in the temple for such a dead person, or at home.

You can also leave water, bread and honey for him at home, and light a candle. The best option is to light a fire in the evening on Radonitsa, as was said, and feed in this way.



By the way, if on Navy Day it is preferable to throw ash branches into the fire to keep the dead warm, then yew branches are thrown on Radonitsa. If you don't find any, use existing ones. After the fire, go to bed. Perhaps the drowned man will come to you with news in a dream.

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Usually they “respond” to the ritual not on the same night, but it is believed that they will receive your message before the Mermaid Day and then they will be able to respond, give you news about how they are there and how you can help them, how to ease their posthumous fate .

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In addition, in the evening before going to bed, place a lighted candle on the Radonitsa window - it will show the dead the way to your home, and will also ward off evil spirits that may come, taking the form of a dead person.

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I will also note separately about restless souls, which are often those who died before their time, those who died, those killed, those who fell in battle, and others.

With this ritual on Radonitsa, you can ask this soul itself what it needs for its repose. It often turns out that such a soul has some unfinished business, because of which it cannot find peace, and perhaps you are the only one who can help it. This may not be difficult for you, but it is very important for this soul. Do what keeps her going, finish this task for her, and it will become much easier for her. You can find out what is holding her in the described way only on Radonitsa.

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So, now you know when you can remember suicides, unbaptized people, drowned people and others.

You know that this is what Radonitsa or Radunitsa is for. You know how to help a suicide, how to remember a suicide, how to remember a drowned person. I will also add that you cannot write about all those who died not “as they should” in one article, and you cannot say unequivocally everything about what and with whom after death.

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Each case is unique and often requires an individual approach and consideration. But such a commemoration can be done on Radonitsa for any deceased person, without exception.

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The relevance of the problem of mortality due to suicide is evidenced by the active propaganda activities of the World Health Organization in many countries, including Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. To facilitate the work being carried out, an international date was established.

Based on statistics provided by WHO, the Russian Federation is among the top ten countries in the world in terms of the number of suicides. Typically, the main indicator in developed countries is male mortality, and in countries with low incomes - youth and older women (according to data from an international organization).

According to researchers who have been working on suicide prevention for a long time, the effectiveness of suicide prevention measures carried out today will only occur in a few years (3-4 years). Therefore, focusing attention on vulnerable segments of society and timely provision of appropriate assistance is a significant contribution to the social stabilization of the population.

When is it celebrated?

World Suicide Prevention Day has been observed annually on September 10 since 2003. It was established at the initiative of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IAPS) with the support of WHO and under the patronage of the UN. In 2019, the event is celebrated for the 17th time.

Who's celebrating

The tradition of celebration is supported by all countries of the world, including Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. To a certain extent, trust service specialists, psychologists and psychiatrists, as well as rescue negotiators and social service employees can, with a clear conscience, consider this day their professional holiday.

history of the holiday

World Suicide Prevention Day owes its origins to two psychiatrists: the Romanian-Austrian Erwin Ringel and Norman Farber. As a result of long-term studies of deviant behavior among various population groups, Ringel was the first to introduce the concept of suicidal syndrome in 1960. The doctor's further scientific activity was aimed at the possibility of correcting and neutralizing aggressive factors that influence a person and encourage him to commit suicide.

Also in 1960, he and Farber created the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IAPS), whose main goal is the prevention and prevention of suicide. Having secured the support of the World Health Organization, MAPS took the initiative to establish this holiday, which began to be celebrated on September 10, 2003.

Most suicide attempts could be stopped if there were no negative perceptions of psychologists in people's minds. Many people practically do not share the concepts of psychiatry and psychology and therefore are often simply ashamed to seek help.

In 1983, an American who suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder, which manifests itself in a constant obsessive desire to wash his hands, could not cope with his illness and decided to shoot himself. However, it so happened that the bullet passed along the left side, hitting part of the forebrain of the “culprit” of the disease and did not lead to death. By the way, in cases where all other methods of treating obsessive-compulsive disorder do not have a positive effect, the anterior fragment of the brain associated with the disease is simply surgically removed. The young man got rid of mania and received a “second life.” He got a good job and went to college.

Suicide in any religion of the world is considered a sin, and Christian clergy are extremely categorical in relation to people who ended their life in this way.

There are also documented exceptions in which suicide can be justified by the Church. These are cases of mental illness in which the deceased do not know what they are doing. In any other situations, funerals and memorials of suicides are regulated and subject to special rules:

  1. Suicides are not buried or remembered in the Church. You cannot submit a note with a name for the deceased; services are not ordered for them. Relatives are also not allowed to remember suicides in the church building;
  2. They do not put a cross on the grave of someone who has committed suicide. Previously, there was a custom to bury such people on unconsecrated ground. Now, for funerals in public cemeteries, this ban has been lifted;
  3. A whisk is not placed in the coffin as a symbol of passing through earthly ordeals. The body is not covered with a veil, which is a symbol of the patronage of the Church;
  4. There are no traditional funerals on the 3rd, 9th and 40th days. During these periods, the soul goes through ordeals and to alleviate the state of the soul of a suicide, constant prayer for its forgiveness is recommended, but not remembering it according to the customs of the Church.

Relatives of the deceased can order ritual wreaths and baskets, but their design should not contain Christian symbols.

How can you remember suicides?

Despite the strict prohibitions of the Christian Church regarding those who have committed suicide, there are a number of permitted rules that can be followed by their relatives:

  • On memorial days, you can order a consoling prayer in the Temple. It is not a funeral service and cannot be read at the coffin. It asks for mercy for the relatives of the suicide, who also bear the mark of his sin;
  • cell reading of the prayer of Elder Leo of Optina. Before reading, you must receive the blessing of the priest;
  • commemoration of Radonitsa. On this holiday, they remember and say prayers for those who drowned, those who died unbaptized, and ask for those who committed suicide;
  • repentance, obedience, giving alms. The relatives of the suicide perform these rituals in the name of saving his soul;
  • prayer and Christian life.

Strict adherence to the canons of Christianity, prayer, repentance, and giving alms should become the basis of the life of a person whose loved one has committed suicide.

From this article you can find out how those who committed suicide are remembered, where they are buried, and how relatives can help them in the afterlife. And also what happens to the souls of those who voluntarily die. Moreover, recently this has begun to happen more and more often.

Our life now is such that quite a large number of people decide to voluntarily leave this world without waiting for a natural end. The reasons for this are completely different, but psychologists are of the opinion that in any case at this moment the person is not completely healthy from a mental point of view.

Suicide is a grave sin in almost all religions. Some sects are exceptions; also in Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism, voluntary death is possible in some cases, i.e. it is not considered a mortal sin. If you are wondering whether it is possible to commemorate those who committed suicide, then the clergy will definitely give you a negative answer. There can’t even be any question of anything else here. Of course, there are exceptions, but they are quite rare and documented (more on this will be written below).

It should be noted that in the modern world, some countries practice voluntary death from the terminally ill and those who “turn into vegetables.” This method is called euthanasia. It is believed that it is a personal matter for everyone to “live as a plant” or die. However, it should be remembered that the Lord never gives a person a burden that is beyond his strength. You just need to set your priorities correctly and reconsider your life, decide where to move. Maybe we should turn to the Lord?

And the doctors themselves, helping to carry out euthanasia, understand that this is a banal murder. Every life is valuable to the Lord, and he himself knows when to take it. You just need to rely on him in your troubles and sorrows.

The attitude of Orthodox Christians towards suicide

As stated above, suicide is a sin. This action is equivalent to breaking one of the Ten Commandments. After all, a murder occurs, albeit of one’s own body. This also indicates that the person does not believe that he can cope with the situation by turning to the Lord. He dares to decide his own destiny, without at all trying to pass tests or temper his spirit. The souls of those who commit suicide are doomed to wander and suffer forever.

It should be noted that this sin cannot be forgiven by the church. All this presupposes repentance for the person who committed this unworthy act. In addition to not absolving sin, the church does not pray for the soul of someone who voluntarily left this world. Therefore, there is no traditional church commemoration for him. You also cannot submit notes with the name of the deceased.

The worst thing is that it is very difficult to help such souls in the afterlife. If relatives have a question about when it is possible to remember those who committed suicide, then they should know that this action is prohibited in the church. As an exception, funeral services are carried out with special permission.

What do Christian scriptures and canons say about suicide?

There is a special mention in the Christian canons regarding those who voluntarily take their own lives. This first happened in 385, when the fourteenth canon was written down by Patriarch Timothy of Alexandria in the form of questions and answers. It mentioned whether it was possible to commemorate those who committed suicide. According to the canon, this is possible if the person was beside himself, and this must be thoroughly verified.

In 452, at the next church council, it was established that suicide occurs from devilish malice, which is why it is considered a crime. And in 563, at the next meeting, it was forbidden to perform funeral services for those who voluntarily died. Also, he was not buried according to church customs, they did not follow his body to the grave, and later they also stopped burying him on consecrated ground.

How is the burial of those who voluntarily passed away?

So, based on all of the above, you should know how suicides are buried. In early times, burial took place on unconsecrated ground (most often near the road), now everyone is buried in a common cemetery. However, it is not customary to hold funeral services for suicides.

In addition, there are other restrictions in the church tradition. Thus, a cross, which is a symbol of faith, is not placed on the grave of a suicide. He who voluntarily passed away from this life, according to the church, abandoned it. Besides this, other traditional things are missing. For example, a corolla, which is a symbol of the tests sent by God, is not placed in the coffin (since he did not pass them). It is also not used to cover the body with a church veil, which is a symbol of patronage (which is impossible in this situation).

As we see, on the issue of how suicides are buried, the church is quite categorical and has a set of rules that it strictly follows.

Traditional commemoration of suicides in Orthodoxy

So, now we will consider the question of how suicides are remembered in Orthodoxy. As mentioned above, there is no traditional commemoration for them. Church prayer cannot be offered for those who have passed away without permission, and memorial services are not held for them. Remember that the prayer of St. martyr Uaru is exalted only for the unbaptized, but in no case for suicides.

However, there are special days - Ecumenical Parental Saturdays (the day before the Holy Trinity), when all the dead are remembered. Of course, during the service there is a general commemoration, but this can also make it easier for suicides. After all, prayer is offered in general, everywhere for all the souls who are in hell. This is what makes Parents' Saturday different. Therefore, if among your relatives there are those who left life voluntarily, then on this day you need to pray with special zeal.

However, relatives of those who committed suicide should remember that such an act cannot be hidden. There have been cases when a request to pray for the repose of such a soul did not bring the desired effect. The Lord did not accept prayer. This was a sign that perhaps the person died of his own free will.

Radonitsa is a special Orthodox holiday

Now let's take a closer look at what Radonitsa is. It falls on Tuesday of the second week after Easter. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly what date Radonitsa is, since this day will depend on when Easter Sunday will be. This day is also called parent's day. It is naturally different from the one that happens before the Great Trinity.

If we turn to the distant past, this holiday dates back to pagan times. Only then was it called Navy Day, Graves, Triznas. On this day, it was customary to rejoice that the souls of the dead had found a second birth. According to ancient beliefs, it is believed that on this day the border between the world of the living and the dead becomes thinner. And the person who voluntarily passed away may be closer than you think. Therefore, when people who committed suicide are commemorated on Radonitsa, they do it very carefully, always after the blessing of the priest. However, the benefits of this action are undoubted. Although, of course, if you want to help your relative who died in this way, then you should perform a number of cumulative actions that are described above.

It should also be noted that on this day there is a commemoration of those who drowned and died unbaptized. So, now you know what date Radonitsa is, what day after Easter it falls.

Special occasions in commemoration

It should be noted that there are special exceptions when it is possible to remember suicides in church. Priests may perform funeral services for some of them. However, to do this, you must know for sure that the person committed this sin when he could not control himself due to mental illness or severe insanity due to some events. Of course, all this must be confirmed by proper medical documents.

Before performing the funeral service, you should receive the blessing of the bishop who is ruling at that time. He must give it in writing, and only after that do this action. If the decision was made independently without higher permission, and the clergyman deviated from the rule when it is possible to remember those who committed suicide, then he is punished. He may be prohibited from performing his duties for some time or even defrocked.

How relatives can alleviate the plight of those who voluntarily passed away

If it happened in a family that one of the relatives passed away of his own free will, then relatives should know how to remember those who committed suicide. Of course, there can be no talk of any church commemorations, since this is prohibited. But the relatives themselves can perform consoling prayers for them. They can be held on memorial days. The clergy read this prayer separately in the church in the presence of grieving relatives.

However, it should be remembered that it is not a memorial service. It cannot be performed near the coffin and funeral table. This is done only for relatives as a consolation. It was specifically approved for such cases only in 2011, since the number of people who have taken their own lives is inexorably increasing every year.

In addition to the rite described above, there are other rules for how those who committed suicide are remembered. So, there is a special private reading of the prayer of St. Elder Leo of Optina. Of course, before performing it, you must receive the blessing of the priest. But the most effective method that can help those who died of their own free will in the afterlife is alms and the pious life of all relatives.

You can also perform independent prayers both at home and in church. You can light candles in the temple for the repose of his soul, ask the Lord for mercy.

It is also advisable not to hold generally accepted memorials for a suicide on the third, ninth, fortieth day or one year from the date of death. This should not be done because the deceased goes through certain ordeals on these special days. Therefore, in order to make these acts easier for him, one should pray more diligently these days (and not drink alcoholic drinks). However, those who died without permission, according to church canons, immediately go to hell. Therefore, traditional commemorations do not make sense and can even harm the living. This is why you should avoid them.

Controversial suicide cases

When can people remember suicide in church? Throughout the history of Christianity, there have been quite controversial cases of voluntary departures from life. For example, the martyr Domnina and her daughters. In order to protect their honor from desecration, and not to desecrate their purity, they threw themselves into the sea and drowned. If you look at this case from a different angle, they committed suicide. However, for what reason did they accept voluntary death? And this, of course, was not a decision that was thought out in advance.

And there are many such examples in the lives of Christian martyrs. Many accepted death in the name of the Lord. Of course, the question may arise as to whether this is correct? But there is no right answer here. The Church does not classify as suicide those who lost their lives in the name of her or God, or for the salvation of a large group of people. All this is considered self-sacrifice. However, where is the truth really? You cannot judge everything by human standards, because only the Lord knows the truth.

Black magic and the graves of suicides

Separately, it should be said about the graves of suicides. They are in particular demand for black rituals performed by those who decide to connect their lives with witchcraft. Why did the unclean ones like them so much? The fact is that, as mentioned above, the bodies of suicides are not buried; the graves often do not have crosses, which creates fertile ground for the creation of various ritual objects. For many conspiracies, land taken from such a grave is used.

It is no coincidence that previously they buried those who died voluntarily, at their own request, not in a general cemetery. And there was not even a question about whether the suicides were remembered, since this was usually not done. It is such an unclean grave that previously (and even now) attracted those who serve the Devil.


So we have come to the end of our article, which talked about whether it is possible to remember suicides. Of course, this is a terrible tragedy when a person, for some reason, cannot bear the burden of his worries and find a way out of the current situation. Thus, the suicide refuses the intercession of the Lord and does not complete his life’s journey, no matter how difficult it may be. Of course, it can be difficult, sometimes it seems that there is no way out, but this is not so. Turning to God, pure and sincere prayer will help you find peace and calm your soul. Before you take a rash step and die voluntarily, remember the Almighty and how much he loves you. Do not forget that there will be no turning back, and your relatives will have to go through the suffering to which you will condemn them with your own hands. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Be strong!