Angel by birth number

Angel by birth number

We do not travel our lives alone. We have a faithful and loving helper who will be with us until our last breath. We don't know him by sight, but very often...
Life path number - a vector of a person's life mission The history and essence of numerology

Life path number - a vector of a person's life mission The history and essence of numerology

All sorts of numbers surround a person throughout his life, and some of them are able to influence his fate in the most amazing way. Such, for example,...
History of discovery, secrets and riddles

History of discovery, secrets and riddles

The value of a number (pronounced “pi”) is a mathematical constant equal to a ratio. Denoted by the letter of the Greek alphabet “pi”. The old name is Ludolf number. What...
Number modulus, number comparison

Number modulus, number comparison

Comparing numbers In this lesson we will consolidate the knowledge of comparing numbers. Let us formulate a rule for comparing numbers with respect to their location on the coordinate line. Let's learn...
Free astrological program for checking spouses for compatibility by date of birth

Free astrological program for checking spouses for compatibility by date of birth

Have you ever wondered how the characters of people are combined and what is needed to create a strong union? Astrology has its own view on this matter. With the help of personal...
Synopsis of nodes on famp

Synopsis of nodes on famp "young connoisseurs club" How to teach a child to even and odd numbers

Narkas Kudabayeva Abstract of the lesson "Even and odd numbers" Topic: Even and odd numbers Objectives: 1). Define even and odd numbers. 2). Improve...
How to find your lucky number in numerology

How to find your lucky number in numerology

Is it true that numbers rule the world? According to Wikipedia, numerology is a branch of esotericism that studies the influence of digital vibrations on human life. This science...
Aztec and Mayan mythology

Aztec and Mayan mythology

Briefly about the article: Gods and Monsters of Mesoamerica. Call of the Jungle Aztec BestiaryReligion, art and science are branches of the same tree.Albert EinsteinIn May of this year we already wrote...
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