The number of karmic debt by the date of your birth. Sins from a past life: how to calculate karmic debt by date of birth and work it out? Calculate karmic debt by date of birth

The concept of "karma" was given to the world by ancient Indian philosophy. The exact translation of this word: "action, duty." Karma does not necessarily mean something bad. This is the law according to which the fate of a person is determined by righteous or sinful actions.

The basis of the law is the ability to identify yourself with your actions. It all depends on what we do. A certain step in life retains its imprint, and every action has consequences. Both good and bad. If a person gets into trouble or commits unseemly deeds, they say about him with a sigh: “Such karma!” But the word "karma" means "fate".

Misdemeanors are committed due to weakness of character, hopelessness. And if your life is like a horror movie, then fate is calling you. Accept it, clear your karma until your drama life is like a romantic comedy. Open the door to happiness. And if in this life you have not done anything wrong, for whose sins do you have to pay? The concept of "karma" is closely related to "reincarnation" - rebirth, the transmigration of souls, when a person lives not one, but many lives.

Therefore, in this life, he is responsible not only for his faults, but also pays for the debts of previous incarnations. Even the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras claimed that a person appears on Earth fifteen times. According to him magic square you can calculate how many times you come into this world. Your life is twelfth, there are three more left. You are obliged to fulfill the Karmic Debt.

Numerology karmic

The number of karmic debt can be found out thanks to the esoteric science - Numerology. Numerology does not refer to the magic of numbers. She is close to astrology. Numerology and numerological divination were popular with mathematicians in antiquity. Karmic numerology deals with the study of the relationship of numbers with surrounding objects. If you correctly interpret the date of birth, you can succeed by learning to make the right decisions.

Numerology shows the course you need to move. There is a movement of numbers in the individual map. This contributes to a change in the karma of a person, his fate. Karmic numbers are the basis for calculating karma. You can even predict fate by compiling a numerical table.

Karmic debt is an obstacle that does not allow you to realize your dreams, choose a profession. By giving it away, you will be able to correct not physical shortcomings, but moral ones that carry important problems. The number of Karmic Debt is easy to calculate by date of birth - this means determining the type, understanding where and when it arose and how to get rid of it, how to behave in Everyday life, relate to loved ones.

Types of karmic debts

  • Earned by a person in this life.
  • Received in past life.
  • Inherited, i.e. hereditary "gift".

Karmic Debts by date of birth

The numbers of Karmic Debt by date of birth are 13, 14, 16, 19.

  • One of these numbers may be in the birthday number. The number of Karmic Debt by date of birth is easy to parse.
  • As an example, let's take the date of birth of a child: 09/13/2015 The date contains the number 13. Karmic Debt is already there.
  • Let's calculate the Number of the Life Path and determine the preliminary result, which corresponds to the number of the Karmic Debt: 1+3=4; 0+9=9; 2+0+1+5=8; 4+9+8=21 There is no Karmic Debt by date of birth in this number. The incarnation in a previous life does not affect this person.

Now let's calculate the Soul Number

This is the second number of the five individual numbers of a person, indicating the spiritual world, attitude towards oneself, towards people, towards marriage, desires and aspirations. To calculate the number of the soul, you need to add the numbers that indicate the vowels in the full name, patronymic and surname given at birth.

Table numerical value letters in Soul Number

And G O R b
9 5
6 1 5 9

6+1+5+9=2; 2+1=3; Summing up: 6+5+3=14

The transitional result of calculating the Number of the Soul is 14. This is the same Number of Karmic Debt. A person born on September 13, 2015 has two such numbers of Karmic debt: 13 and 14. 13 - Birthday number; 14 - Number of the Soul.

Karmic numbers

Number 13

The number 13 has always had a negative meaning. The person in the previous incarnation lived his life in vain, was a superficial person. He was lazy or did not do certain work, worked little, wasted time in vain. He took on a lot, but did not bring a single thing to an end. Could lose heart, did not want to take responsibility. Worried about personal wealth, desires and hobbies.

In today's incarnation, debt needs to be paid off only by labor. Learn to overcome obstacles, not waste energy on several activities. Do not look for a detour, but push a little, and the obstacle will move away. Choose one goal and achieve it. Be purposeful when starting any business. Do not shy away from work, rejoice in any fruit of your labor, be spiritually developed person. Less fuss and be confident. Good luck will certainly come if you focus on one thing.

Number 14

In a previous life, a person with such a number did not know the measure. He set himself an impossible goal and strove for it, denying everything to himself and his loved ones, thereby suppressing someone else's freedom and abusing his own. Lived without benefit.

And in real life, he wants everything at once. Making big plans. Turns into a workaholic, ready to work for days. Bumping into obstacles, loses interest and finds other desires. Stubborn, unrestrained, brawler. Envious, loves money. Such behavior will lead to an increase in Karmic Debt.

To pay off debt, you need to restrain yourself. Set realistic, achievable goals. Do not force people to listen to their opinion, do not humiliate, do not make demands. Learn to adapt to different situations. Learn goodness and justice, find friends.

Number 16

The meaning of this number is that a person in the past was an egoist, did not pay attention to the feelings of people. He went ahead to satisfy his own interests.

In the present life, such a person is closed, selective, avoids communication, has few or no friends. Independent, learned to live with his own mind. He is prone to thinking alone, to go into his thoughts, not seeing anyone around. Outwardly restrained and aloof, but internally vulnerable, they can accumulate negativity and resentment. Without having worked off the Karmic debt, you can withdraw into yourself, move away from people. The task of such a person is to learn how to find contact with people, find real friends, stop looking down. Engage in spiritual development.

Number 19

A karmic debt is given for the abuse in a past life of one's strength and power. He demanded unconditional obedience from the people. He offended those around him with his ingratitude, did not return debts. An unattractive image of a tyrant, a petty tyrant.

Owners of the number 19 love to teach and instruct. They do not take into account the opinions of others, they impose their own. In caring for others, there is a desire to assert oneself at the expense of others, to keep everything under control. They often give advice on what to do, what to wear. It is quite difficult to communicate with such a person. People stay away from such a person. In the future, he will have no one to rely on, nowhere to wait for help.

To get around debt, you need to learn to cooperate with people, to strive for communication. Help others, don't wait for gratitude. Develop the ability to hear not only yourself, but also others. Listen to the advice. To cultivate such qualities as sensitivity, nobility, generosity, the ability to share success.

How to fix karma?

Do you feel the depravity of your karma? We need to make a decision without delay. If you calculate according to the Pythagorean table, this life is not the last for your soul. Advice will help you to correct the mistakes of the past, earn a satisfactory reward in the present life and come to the future with bright karma.

  • Never take revenge on low people. Try to be happy and know that life itself knows who to punish.
  • Don't hurt someone who believes in you.
  • Think about the consequences of your actions. Do not do them if it will cause suffering to another person.
  • Give a helping hand to those who do not ask. Don't do good just to prove to yourself how noble you are. It negatively affects your karma.
  • For the troubles that happen to you and for the unfavorable actions you have committed, no one but you is responsible.
  • Draw your own conclusions. Analyze your actions so that negative karma does not form.
  • Give the right advice, keep those around you from unseemly acts. Take care of their karma.
  • Do not forget about past karmic debts. Eliminate them.
  • Self-punishment can be used to improve karma. But don't be physically punished. Hindus for self-punishment took the most difficult poses. You don't do yoga, then do the deed. Do something good to the person who has suffered from your words, actions.
  • Do not wish harm to anyone, do not send curses. All thoughts are material, they can boomerang back.
  • Be fair. Love not only yourself, but also those around you. Someone else's grief does not happen. All this will help to get rid of an unnecessary, burdensome burden.
  • Ready for one good deed a day? It is not hard. Start and you will not notice how it will become a habit. This does not mean to be Don Quixote, to perform a feat, fighting with a windmill. Look around, smile at people. Be sympathetic and courteous, sympathetic. And they will answer the same.

All your actions performed in this life should not be from a prudent mind, but from pure heart. And then the next person after you will not have karmic debt numbers, and no one will pay for your sins.

The number 10 is responsible for good karma and is called the Wheel of Fortune.

Lucky number. Wheel of Fortune

Such a lucky person should be born on the 10th, or the number 10 should be present in the date of birth. The number is responsible for good karma, and they call it the Wheel of Fortune. It consists of two numbers 1 and 0. The value of the number 1 is everything new, and zero in numerology is the number of activity, energy, speaks of prospects, gives great promise. The person who was born with him has already paid his debts and can start life from scratch. Karmic debt is not a punishment for him. Such a person needs to do everything so that karmic debts do not arise in the future.

And if your numerical code does not contain the cherished one and zero, but there are numbers responsible for debt obligations, try to recover from a karmic disease given from above. The treatment is simple: be aware, accept and understand everything that the numbers say.

Numerology makes it possible to determine karma by date of birth. With the help of simple calculations, you can more accurately find out which karmic debts a person needs to work out, get acquainted with the reasons for their occurrence and ways to get rid of them. Precisely the presence karmic debts, which can be committed both in this and a previous life, is the cause of most troubles and failures. Each person has the opportunity to work them out throughout life and make existence happier.

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    The meaning of karmic influence

    Karma means philosophy, according to which a person creates his own destiny by righteous and sinful deeds. According to its laws, people can live several times, developing their spirituality and correcting vices, until they reach the ideal.

    The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras was sure that a person returns to Earth 15 times. All the actions that he did in will definitely return to him in a subsequent incarnation. In order to avoid punishment, you must be aware of your dark sides and fix them. Otherwise, the next life will be even more difficult.

    Depending on the deeds, karma can be light and dark, light and heavy. Everyone chooses the path of life, doing good and bad deeds. Karma helps a person to realize and understand his life path. With its help, you can determine what effect the past incarnation has on the present life. Karma is not a punishment, but only reflects what a person has earned by perfect deeds.

    Types of debts and sources of their occurrence

    Karmic debt is unfulfilled promises to the Higher powers, God, and other people. To restore justice, a person receives punishment and, only by changing and correcting his mistakes, will he be able to “cleanse” karma. The most important karmic debts are:

    • Data and broken promises. Even insignificant promises must be fulfilled, otherwise an energy debt will form.
    • Failure to fulfill earthly purpose. Everyone has a different Supreme Duty and you can determine it by listening to your heart.
    • Unwillingness to listen to the Soul. A person ignores the needs of the heart, which leads to a lack of spiritual growth. To draw the attention of the individual, unpleasant people and negative situations appear in life, which bring only discomfort and suffering.
    • Theft. When appropriating what belongs to another, karmic knots are formed. You can appropriate not only material goods, but also time, health, energy and life. The retribution for such thefts is similar - a person will lose what he took, but in a larger volume.
    • Irresponsible attitude towards family, work and people. A person refuses to provide for the family and bear responsibility for it, does not fulfill obligations at the workplace and does not participate in the upbringing of children.

    Karmic debts are of several types. These include:

    • Own, which a person managed to receive in this life.
    • Own, earned in past lives.
    • Inherited through the family.

    Numerology allows you to determine karmic debt, but before proceeding with the calculations, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with their main features:

    • With one of the people for no apparent reason, there is a persistent misunderstanding, aggression and conflict.
    • Followed by failure. At such time intervals, it is time for a person to repay debts and pay them off according to the laws of the Universe.
    • Performing any business, there is a loss of energy and strength, even though before that everything was fine. This may indicate that the Higher Forces thus make it possible to work out karma.
    • Having made great efforts and spending a lot of time, a person does not get a positive result, and his work turns out to be useless.

    All karmic debts must be worked out in a certain period of time. They are given not to cause pain and suffering, but to set the individual on the path of self-development. They indicate that a person makes many mistakes and it is necessary to change his life. Pain and suffering are a signal for action, to which you need to respond in time.

    Calculations by date of birth

    To check the absence or presence of karmic debt, it is necessary to calculate the number of the Soul, Fate and Name. According to Western numerology of Pythagoras, the numbers of debt include:

    People who were born on the dates listed are likely to have past life debts. If a person was born on other days, the date of birth must be checked in full. So, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2019 testify to bad karma, which is the result of mistakes made in past lives. To determine karma by year, it is important to pay attention not only to “bad” numbers, but also to the total amount of numbers, which can be unfavorable. To do this, you need to carry out the following calculations:

    • Take the date of birth, for example, 11/22/1991.
    • Add the numbers of the day of birth: 2 + 2 = 4.
    • Sum the digits of the month: 1+1=2.
    • Add the digits of the year: 1+9+9+1=20=2+0=2.
    • All received data should be summarized: 4+2+2 = 8.

    If the numbers 13, 14, 16 and 19 appear in the results, you need to reconsider your life priorities. To determine the number of the name, surname and patronymic, you need to know the numerical designation of the letters. You can get acquainted with it using the table:

    When calculating, you need to take full name. For example, the number of the Name Catherine is the following - 6+1+1+9+6+7+9+4+1=44=4+4=8. The calculation of the number of Patronymic and Surname is carried out in a similar way.


    Karmic number 13 means that the person was lazy, did not work enough, manipulated other people. He lived a selfish life and did only what gave him pleasure. In this incarnation, hard work and overcoming obstacles await him. It is difficult for him to achieve success, and he will have few opportunities to enjoy life.

    The main task of people with the number 13 is the development of discipline and spirituality. You need to learn how to do work responsibly, take on many responsibilities and assignments. A person will meet a large number of obstacles that other people in similar situations do not come across.

    In order to achieve success and avoid problems, you need to learn to concentrate, not to disperse all your strength and give yourself to one thing. The family needs to maintain order, as confusion will reduce the effectiveness of any effort. Working off such a debt is difficult, but you should not take easy paths, as they will only lead to a dead end.


    Karmic number 14 indicates the abuse of pleasure. Man misused his freedom and preferred to indulge in physical pleasures. The life of people with the number 14 is chaotic - there are unexpected events, changing circumstances and abrupt changes in the conditions of existence. They are prone to alcoholism, drug addiction, gluttony and other physical pleasures.

    People with the number 14 often have a beautiful and bright appearance and are the soul of the company. They have a sweet energy, and a trail of pleasure stretches for them in this incarnation. Communicating with them, people are inspired by new ideas and get closer to their dreams. Karmic debt 14 is often seen in show business among singers and actors.

    In order to achieve success, you will need to get rid of bad habits and find a higher meaning in life. It is necessary to choose activities related to and dedicated to the energy of inspiration. You need to control yourself and achieve emotional stability. When problems arise, you need to abandon impulsive actions and continue on your own path.


    People with a karmic number of 16 were careless about the love side of life, engaged in adultery, betraying partners. Such a person bears the burden of other people's grievances and often suffers from loneliness. In order to get rid of debt, a person must overcome the following negative traits:

    • Inaccessibility.
    • Alienation.
    • Irresponsibility.
    • Indifference.
    • Disregard for the feelings of others.

    It is necessary to engage in spiritual development and abandon love vices. Starting and maintaining a relationship will be difficult and will constantly have to deal with difficulties. Friends and connections will be lost due to strange and sudden circumstances. A person will often be in complete alienation and loneliness. The key to success is complete humility and building life according to the laws of higher nature.


    Karmic debt 19 indicates abuse of power. Man was turned away from everything holy and spiritually correct. He was endowed huge force but used it solely for selfish purposes. He was not interested in anything but his own desires. In real life, one has to face situations where no one will help such people.

    If a person copes alone, this is good, but usually he simply reproaches others and waits for selfless help. He is characterized by some aggressiveness, unfriendliness and irritability, which makes him unpleasant for others. In order to find happiness and work off karmic debt, you need to learn how to interact with people, not only to take, but also to give. We need to share our abilities and help others. It is important to abandon such negative character traits as:

    • Selfishness.
    • Laziness.
    • Aggression.
    • Addiction.
    • Narcissism.

    "Difficult" numbers

    Particular attention deserves karmic numbers 4, 6, 7 and 8, which do not always bring happiness and prosperity to people's lives. The number 4 in Vedic numerology indicates a great karmic debt. It may consist in a huge number of unfulfilled obligations. In this life, the owners of this figure also often lead a wrong lifestyle, which only aggravates their karma.

    Karmic number 6 indicates the presence of problems, the root of which is an incorrect attitude towards the world around. In a person's life, unforeseen difficulties and circumstances can arise that help him "work off" karma. It is important not to make rash actions and give up such negative qualities as selfishness, anger and irresponsibility, and regularly engage in self-development.

    With a karmic number of 7, a person can live a happy life and achieve their goals. He does not have karmic debts, but he has every chance of getting them, as he is subject to various temptations. It is important to choose the right path, devote yourself to work and family, give up forbidden fruit which can change lives overnight.

    Karmic number 8 portends a hard life. In past lives, a person did something bad and now he needs to pay for it. He will be able to achieve happiness only by fully working off his debts, and when this happens is not known. You need to accept yourself and your problems as they are, and continue to live, observing the laws of the universe. If a person chooses a sinful path, troubles cannot be avoided.

    Additional characters

    In order to better understand fate, you need to familiarize yourself with other numbers, which are divided into 4 groups corresponding to levels. The higher the level, the more lives a person has lived. The first group includes numbers from 10 to 19 and their characteristics, not including the numbers of karmic debts described above:

    The second group includes numbers from 20 to 29. People who have a total sum of digits of their date of birth in the indicated range are usually happy and lucky, although there are some exceptions. A more detailed description of the numbers:



    Constantly solves unexpected difficulties, which allows him to develop spirituality

    Can succeed in anything

    Too kind and trusting person

    Has every chance to succeed in building a career

    Lucky throughout life

    Lots of tests to go through

    Great intuition that avoids many problems

    Has developed intellectual abilities

    Abandoned his talents and abandoned morality

    Facing deceit, lies and betrayal

    The third level includes numbers from 30 to 39. Their description is indicated in the table:



    The karmic number 30 has endowed people with excellent intelligence, which they use to make money, which plays a decisive role in their lives.

    Has a tendency to loneliness and usually does not have a permanent soulmate

    Have a great family and a successful career

    Luck accompanies a person in everything and he can teach others

    Rarely is a happy life up to 35 years old, but then they will have a successful marriage and an increase in material wealth

    Dependencies are clearly expressed, there may be problems when communicating with children and the opposite sex

    The karmic number 36 indicates unhappiness in love, but everything is going well in their careers.

    Good luck accompanies in all endeavors

    Have false friends, face business failures, and have failures in love relationships

    The karmic number 39 indicates a developed intellect, health problems and a large number of addictions.

    The fourth group includes numbers from 40 to 49:



    Karmic number 40 indicates loneliness and financial problems

    A person is prone to deception, and he has a weak energy

    Success in everything except love relationships

    Problems with building relationships and in the professional field

    Life is filled with deceit, troubles and hardships

    In order to achieve success, it is necessary to develop mental abilities

    Have true friends and a loving soul mate

    Will have to face betrayal, insincerity

    Can easily build a career due to developed leadership qualities and high level intellect

    A lonely person who is not interested in personal life or finances

    Julie Poe Numerology

    You can find out the presence of karmic debts and identify possible ways to pay them back with the help of Julia Poe's numerology, which examines in more detail the connection between the numbers of days, months and years. So, the number of the day of birth carries information about the past life and the percentage of debt fulfilled:

    • From 1 to 9 - the karmic task is fully completed.
    • From 10 to 19 - the mission is completed by 80%.
    • From 20 to 29 - the percentage of debt completion is 60.
    • 30 and 31 - the task is completed by 40%.

    Each birthday number in Tarot numerology by Julia Poe has magical meaning and endows a person with special qualities:

    Number Designation Quality
    1, 23 I MageNatural Leaders
    2, 24 II High PriestessVirtue
    3, 25 III EmpressTalented personality
    4, 26 VI EmperorProfessionalism
    5, 27 V High Priestenlighteners
    6, 28 VI LoversAbility to build relationships
    7, 29 VII ChariotDedicated to science
    8, 30 VIII JusticeSpiritual practices
    9, 31 IX HermitDefender
    10 X Wheel of FortuneThe man was mercantile in finance, therefore, in real life he is entrusted with the monetary mission of providing for the family
    11 XI StrengthThe individual exceeded psychophysical strength and was aggressive
    12 XII The Hanged ManThe man was rude and trusted only himself
    13 XIII DeathThe individual tried to be the first in everything and achieve his goals in any way

    The karmic numbers in the Tarot, indicating the presence of debt, are - 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. Their decoding can be seen in the table:

    Number Meaning
    14 He was greedy, so in real life he is limited in many ways
    15 Indicates the occupation of the occult and black magic. Most often, oncological diseases are hidden precisely behind this number.
    16 Man destroyed the fate of people. Now he must learn to build harmonious relationships
    17 The man loved fame and honors, he achieved this dishonestly. It takes a lot of effort to become a famous person.
    18 A deceiver who is keenly sensitive to others. He loves to embellish and gossip. He has developed creative abilities and, in order to achieve success, he must put his energy in the right direction.
    19 Abuse of power. Don't pressure people, help them
    20 Traitor of tradition. He could start relationships outside of marriage, go into a foreign culture
    21 Sold talent, did not want to have descendants and take care of them
    22 Bad and rude attitude towards children. Perhaps abortions were performed, or the person simply abandoned the children and refused to raise them

    By the month of birth in the Tarot, you can find out why a person came to his family and what tasks are assigned to him in the future:


    A task

    The need to work off the karma of a brother or sister by helping them

    It is necessary to develop such qualities as kindness and mercy

    Those born in March were not very independent and they need to learn responsibility

    April people have a strong bond with their father. They came to this world to help their ancestors clear karma and avoid negative deeds.

    A person carries the mother's karma, which most often has an unfavorable character. It is important for them to forgive their mother, to establish relations with her

    The main task is to create a strong and friendly family

    The human race has stagnated in one place and it needs changes. It’s good if he can move to another city or chooses a job that involves frequent business trips

    The task is to hold the family together and reconcile the parents


    Talented people with strong astral body. Their task is to glorify the family

    The duty is to increase the capital of the family. The more money they take from others, the less they earn

    The main task is to raise the status of a kind

    Young souls who need to learn to understand at least themselves

    Card Merging Technology

    In numerology, Julia Poe actively uses the technique of mapping. The most important of these is the birth chart of a person. It shows his character, positive and weak sides. The cells of the map carry information about the state of the energy channels, and the absence of numbers in them indicates problem areas. Numerological tarot square cards look like this:

    In this example, cells 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are empty, and the energy channels they are responsible for need to be cleaned. The more numbers indicated, the more developed certain qualities in a person.

    Karmic encounters

    In life, there are karmic encounters that can be creative and destructive. With a creative connection, partners are connected due to positive karma. Previously, they were a happy couple, led a quiet happy life without betrayal. Each of them was a good man and their love helped others and was a great example for them. They deserved another life together, and their meeting was destined.

    With a destructive karmic connection, partners quickly “know” each other and feel an irresistible pull, as if they had known each other all their lives, but family life only brings disappointment. In such a relationship, constant misunderstanding, quarrels, deceit, and one of the partners may have bad habits, there are often problems with childbearing.

    With a negative karmic binding, partners both love and hate. It is hard for them together, and when they part, they are pulled back. In a previous life, these people could not fulfill their obligations, and life gave them the opportunity to meet again and go through a series of obstacles, atoning for karmic debts.

    Partners will not be able to disperse or start a happy life until they complete the karmic task. At the same time, they do not have to understand each other and achieve complete harmony - a complete break in relations can also be an option to solve the problem. If partners who are not suitable and only have a destructive effect on their soul mates continue their relationship, then in the next life they will meet again and will not be able to create a successful marriage, as they do not let each other go.

    You can determine the presence of love karma by the date of birth. You need to take the full dates of birth of a man and a woman and make a simple calculation, for example:

    • 22. 11. 1991 = 2+2+1+1+1+9+9+1=26
    • 28. 03. 1989= 2+8+3+1+9+8+9=40
    • Total amount: 26+40=66

    22 must be subtracted from the amount received. If the difference is less than 22, then the subtraction is repeated until the total is equal to or less than 22. In the given example, the calculations look like: 66 - 22 = 44, 44 - 22 = 22. After that, the resulting number must be compared with the decoding of the results:

    • 1. Complicated karmic relationships, where partners will fight for the right to take a leadership position.
    • 3. Creative karmic relationships built on harmony, trust and love.
    • 4. In such relationships, the dominant position is occupied by a man, which leads to a large number of scandals.
    • 11. Negative karmic relationships where one of the partners suffers.
    • 12. A man will cheat on his wife, because in the last incarnation she betrayed him.
    • 13. Destructive karmic union, which for a long time will not be able to break off relations.
    • 14. The love affair will not last long, but the partners will remain friends.
    • 15. A negative union with a strong karmic connection, where both partners will change, lie.
    • 17. The union has a destructive effect on two partners who cannot part.
    • 20. Creative karmic relationships filled with love.
    • 22. Karmic union, where partners live in a constant change of relationships, constantly swear and reconcile.

    If the result was the numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 18, 19, 21, then the partners are not bound by karma, but they have every chance for a favorable development of relations.

    How to fulfill duties

    Each person has the opportunity to work off the debts of karma and improve life. The first step is repentance and service to God, the second is suffering. It is important to follow these simple tips:

    • Don't take revenge.
    • Don't cause pain to others.
    • Do not offend loved ones.
    • Help those in need.
    • Take responsibility for your actions.
    • Analyze behavior.
    • Wish no harm to anyone.
    • Do good for free.
    • To be fair.

    Each person chooses independently how to repay his karmic debt - by repentance or suffering. You can realize your sins and change the situation or face the suffering and torment that is sent from above.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are just a consequence bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

    But who will help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that the whole life is going downhill and passing by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that it is possible to earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered a personal...

29 Jul

Most of humanity believes in karma (consequences for committed deeds), which acts as a kind of analogue of fate. The concept of karma is supported by many Eastern teachings(Buddhism, Hinduism), as well as the occult. With the help of numerology, you can calculate what reward awaits us today for actions from a past life.

Calculating karmic debt by date of birth is not difficult - any adult can handle it. On our website, there are convenient tips and options for this. By calculating online karmic debt by date of birth, you can understand what actions you will be most responsible for and how best to work them out.

Let's say you were born on 07/17/1976. Add these numbers: 1+7+0+7+1 +9+7+6=38. If you get a two-digit number (more than 9), then add the numbers again: 3+8=11.

And once again, to natural: 1+1=2. It is the deuce that is the number of your karmic debt.

Unit. Karmic debt by date of birth is very small. Conscious negative actions in front of the Universe were not very significant. Most likely, there were lies and a little selfishness, or you managed to atone for and close the negative actions at the moment.

deuce. Previously, in other lives, the vector was directed only at itself. Therefore, today's duty of karma is simple - you should help those who are dependent on you (animals, plants). And, of course, relatives: best friends, children, loved one. If you ignore help, then you will be unhappy and lonely, both in friendship and in love. Frequent betrayals of others for no particular reason are due precisely to obligations to the world

Troika. Numerology by date of birth associates karmic debt in this case with revenge. You were vindictive in a past life, but the debt is canceled if you stop remembering the bad, and throw all your strength into reconciliation of the warring. This will nullify the retribution of the Universe.

Four. Your debt is large and accumulated by other lives. It consists of a huge number of actions negative character. Many of the latest problems and questions have been with you for several reincarnations. Having calculated the number of karmic debt, act according to your conscience and your existence will become better.

Five. Your karmic debt is "young" and not heavy. Most likely, he is associated with ingratitude to fate (and in her person to people) for help. You previously took everything for granted, although success and happiness were the result of the efforts of others and their love for you. There is a possibility that you will pay off all obligations, since according to all the teachings, this karma is not the worst.

Six. This is a real symbol. karmic problems, the root of which is based in your relationship to the universe. Luck, which always eludes you, suggests that the Universe is trying to return the “debt” and the boomerang is returning. Perhaps in past lives you appropriated something that does not belong to you (someone else's success, a valuable thing) or betrayed someone who believed in you.

Seven. The calculation of karmic debt by date of birth considers seven to be the most favorable number of all. What happens in the world is exactly what you want and fate favors in all endeavors. Any action has fairly predictable consequences and there should not be too many upheavals in life. If troubles still happen, then the reasons must be sought in your character, but not in karma.

Eight. Your debt does not disappear anywhere because of a bad deed that has left an imprint on further events. Problems will go away only with his redemption. This will happen at any time - in a year or several lives, depending on the severity of the deed. In the meantime the only way Fortunately - accepting yourself and your problems.

The concept of karma came into our culture from ancient Indian philosophy. People are accustomed to invest in it exclusively negative meaning, although, in fact, karma is a retribution for everything that was said, done, or even thought out by a particular person. It can be not only, but also good. There is also such a thing as "karmic debt", it should be discussed in more detail.

Online calculation of karmic debt

Your date of birth:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 22 22 22 26 26 28 28 29 30 31 January March April June July August September November 1950 1951 1953 1955 1956 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


How to calculate your karmic debt

Of course, the most correct decision is to seek help from a professional numerologist. The expert will be able, knowing the date of birth of a particular person, to calculate, establish what kind of karmic debt you personally have and how best to deal with it.

The numbers of karmic debt are:

  • thirteen;
  • fourteen;
  • sixteen;
  • nineteen.

The easiest way is if the number of karmic debt corresponds to the number of birth. In other situations, you can calculate karmic debt by date of birth.

For example, the date of your birth is 05/25/1994.

The following calculations will need to be made:

  • 2+5=7;
  • 0+5=5;
  • 1+9+9+4= 23=2+3=5.

Now we add all the resulting numbers:

  • 7+5+5 = 17.

We are interested in a two-digit figure. In this example, we do not observe karmic debt, but let's now figure out who and what people owe who have the numbers 13, 14, 16 and 19?

Description of karmic debts

Number thirteen

If in the process of calculations you received the number "thirteen", then your karmic debt is associated with laziness and hard work, laxity and concentration, as well as self-love and the ability to share with others.

In your past incarnations, you did not really appreciate work, you tried to shift your work to others if possible, you tried to go the easiest ways, to easily and pleasantly spend time at someone else's expense.

Since you used to love to “ride others”, in real life you will be forced to overwork very much. Success will only come to you through hard work. You may have already noticed that it is very easy for someone to achieve what they want, and you have to remove obstacles and deal with obstacles.

advice for you: do not rely on luck and do not wait for "manna from heaven", but make your own efforts to the maximum.

Often for people with the number 13, the process of working off karmic debt involves suffering, but this is completely avoidable. You just need to learn to perceive life as a wonderful gift, put things in order both in your soul and in your head, always fulfill your obligations, and also not be afraid to work.

Number fourteen

For this figure of karmic debt huge role plays the correct fulfillment of the abilities received from above, the disclosure of one's talent. In past incarnations, as they say, you sought to “bury talent in the ground” and the abilities that were given to realize some kind of global goal were used to satisfy your own needs momentarily.

You probably got cold feet before something new, chose for yourself to stay in the old, comfortable position. You had chances for change, but you didn't use them.

Therefore, many changes will occur in this life, and they will break into your life on their own, without waiting for your permission. You can change your place of residence, occupation, your environment - this is just a small part of what you will probably have to face. At the same time, it is important not to lose yourself in this storm of events, not to change your principles and ideals.

Tip for you: change, but always remember the higher goal. Also avoid the temptations that will be encountered at every turn.

Number sixteen

If you received exactly this figure in your calculations, then your karmic debt concerns selfishness and the manipulation of love. In your past life, you did not properly treat the feelings of the people around you, you easily made them suffer.

Therefore, in the present, you have to pay back those whose love you have used, while giving nothing in return. Various problems with relationships, loneliness, unrequited feelings will act as such a retribution.

Due to excessive pride and selfishness, it will be difficult for you to find true intimacy and get real warmth in a relationship. You can be deceived, betrayed for no apparent reason.

advice for you: do not console yourself with the illusion that relationships do not work out because you are not beautiful enough or rich enough - your selfishness is to blame. It is important for you to show wisdom and humility. Learn not to put yourself above others, and also to accept others for who they are (the same applies to yourself).

Number nineteen

Your karmic duty tells you to learn to interact positively with other people, avoiding complete self-sufficiency. In past incarnations, you were blinded by power and your capabilities, you sought to subjugate those around you to your will. They did not help the needy, and the power was used as an end in itself.

In real life, situations will often arise when you will need the help of others, but it will be quite difficult for you to get it. You may encounter indifference from other people.

advice for you: learn to accept help from others, and also help others as much as possible. Understand that complete independence is virtually impossible, it is ultimately fraught with isolation and loneliness.

Ways to atone for karmic debts

To completely "repay" the karmic debt, you need to follow this algorithm:

  • To establish the root cause of the situation, as well as the Law of the universe, which was violated (it is best to do this with the help of people with paranormal abilities).
  • Find out from higher powers how you can atone for your karmic debt.
  • Engage in the development of the necessary qualities, apologize to whom it is necessary.
  • Often you have to resort to a special ritual, which is carried out by spiritual healers.

You also need to understand that you can automatically get rid of many karmic debts if you lead a right life, do good deeds, act with dignity and, if possible, help the world around you.

What is karmic debt

Karmic debt occurs in the following situations:

  • when a person does not fulfill the obligations entrusted to him - most importantly, before the Almighty and higher powers, that is, he commits a sin, which is inevitably followed by the imposition of a certain karmic restriction with punishment;
  • when there is a violation (of one or more), which is fraught with the occurrence of negative karmic consequences, this includes various crimes against others or oneself.

In fact, there are a huge number of reasons why karmic debts arise. But now we will not name common phrases, but we will analyze the most important examples of violations that provoke the appearance of the most significant karmic debts.

  1. Man makes commitments and promises towards other people or higher powers, but does not execute them. Remember that not a single, even the slightest promise, ever goes unnoticed.

Those individuals who do not know how to do what has been said fall into the category of the most delinquent karmic debtors. Each given, but unfulfilled promise is a heavy karmic burden on the fate of such a person and prevents him from achieving happiness and harmony.

  1. A person does not realize his karmic destiny, that is, he refuses his life goals and does not want to fulfill the karmic tasks assigned to him.

When the Soul does not fulfill its highest duty, it automatically goes into the category of karmic ones, which means that later you will have to pay for it until the offense is fully atoned for.

  1. A person illegally takes something from another or appropriates other people's achievements (that is, steals). In this case, the inexorable law of karma will operate:
  • if you take another's life, you will part with yours;
  • you waste someone else's time - you will pay off your own time;
  • you take other people's money - for several incarnations you will be forced to live in need, not being able to rise to the final atonement of your sin;
  • you take away someone else's energy - you will certainly find yourself in a position where other people will consume your energy in excess;
  • you take over someone else's material values You will lose ten times more.

At the same time, retribution can come both in this life and in the next - eternity has no concept of time.

  1. Another kind of karmic debt to your Soul arises in those cases when a person does not take into account the needs of his Soul and does not give it proper development. When we stop developing, there is no spiritual or personal growth, a karmic debt to ourselves is invariably formed, which is punished by negative well-being, a feeling of devastation and the appearance of various pathologies.
  2. Karmic debt arising from irresponsibility:
  • failure to fulfill one's job duties - will form a karmic debt to a specific institution;
  • when a person does not want to take care of his family, refuses to take responsibility for it;
  • irresponsibility in the process of raising their children and so on.

Learn more about karmic debt by watching the following video

No matter how we deny it, but each of us, at least a little, but believes in fate. There are things in this world that are completely beyond our control and it is very difficult to explain why life went upside down. Many are sure that the reason for this is bad karma - mistakes and sins accumulated in past lives. To minimize the negative impact on today's events, I propose to learn how to calculate karma by date of birth.

34 is a metiacycle. That is, every 34 years in your life there will be a kind of exam for working off karma or a global event that will radically change your destiny. The resulting figure indicates the level of development of the soul and who you were in a past life. The first digit of a two-digit number indicates whether you have helpers to work off karma. The second number indicates the mistakes made in past lives, and tells you in which direction you need to move.

Now I propose to analyze the meaning of the karmic number. Let's start in order.

The level of development of the soul

At the first stage of development are people whose karmic number is from 10 to 19:

  • 10 is the number of karma, but very good. It means that you have learned past mistakes and a wonderful life awaits you. A stable income, good health and a happy family are rightfully given to you. Keep doing good. In a past life, you may have been a shepherd or a hunter;
  • 11 - such a character trait as gullibility can destroy you. You will have many children and no fewer marriages. Finding the perfect couple can take a lifetime and is not guaranteed to succeed. Do not be afraid, but in a past life you could be a thief or a murderer;
  • 12 - you are naive and need strong support. Get ready to be deceived all your life. The past incarnation is a terrorist or an enemy of the people;
  • 13 - the number of karmic debt. In a past life, you were selfish and irresponsible. Get ready for some common problems. It will be possible to work off the debt only by steadfastly enduring all the hardships and bringing things to their logical conclusion. A slave or prisoner is your past reincarnation;
  • 14 - you will have to work off the debt for avoiding reality. Refrain from alcohol, drugs and other psychotropic substances. Do not indulge your base desires. Sailor or soldier;
  • 15 - charm and natural magnetism will help you achieve your goals. Do not cross the line of morality and do not use people. In a past life, you sold yourself for money;
  • 16 - modesty will help to work out the karmic debt. Put the interests of loved ones above your own. Think carefully about every decision you make. Remember, royal blood flows in your veins, at least it was in the previous reincarnation;
  • 17 - you will finally find happiness in your personal life. Fate will return what you were deprived of in past incarnations. A beggar and completely lonely person;
  • 18 - you are cruel and selfish. Most likely related to crime. If you don't stop, life will be very short. In the past you are a sorcerer;
  • 19 is the number of karma. If you do not learn to take care of the people around you completely disinterestedly, you will remain alone for the rest of your life. Then your next reincarnation will have to work off the debt.

The following are the numbers of the second stage of development:

  • 20 - bring good to people and do not be afraid of obstacles. Your past life was connected with money;
  • 21 - great happiness awaits you, the main thing is not to sit still, but to move forward confidently. In the past you are a blacksmith;
  • 22 - kindness and responsiveness are your main character traits. Communicate with people more often, and do not go into your illusory world. The past reincarnation is a petty thief;
  • 23 - work, perseverance and kindness will help create a strong family and build a successful career. Dressmaker or seamstress.
  • 24 - karma is in order, but only if you abandon unseemly deeds and evil thoughts. All in all, a pretty happy life. In the past incarnation, you painted icons;
  • 25 - curb your difficult temper and life will get better. Try not to carry your royal character into this life;
  • 26 - you should be afraid of betrayal by your inner circle. Be careful. Sometimes, you can't even trust your own intuition. In the past you were a doctor;
  • 27 - do not be afraid of minor troubles in the first half of life. Kindness and sincere help to people will bring you great happiness. You were a scientist;
  • 28 - you don't know what morality is. Sometimes, you are completely immoral, but still a talented person. Do not spoil your karma and direct your energy towards the path of creation. Suicide - this is how your past life ended;
  • 29 - you deceived in a past life, now they will deceive you. To keep in touch with the world, find a soul mate. You were a rich but deceitful merchant.

Numbers from 30 to 39 belong to the third step:

  • 30 - the mind and developed intellectual abilities are given to you for a reason. Do good, and do not chase after money and fame. In the past you are a writer;
  • 31 - you are alone, but this suits you absolutely. For a very long time you were an actor;
  • 32 - the number of active, sociable and optimistic people. Try not to talk too much. You were a traveller;
  • 33 is a very good future. You will be happy if you dedicate your life to teaching children. Great magician in the past incarnation;
  • 34 - the difficulties of the first half of life are compensated by a cloudless life after 35 years. Expect family happiness and financial well-being. Knight;
  • 35 - do not despair, but your fate is not very good. Expect problems, betrayals, betrayals. Spend a lot of time with the kids. They may become addicted to alcohol and drugs. In the past, you are a singer with a failed career;
  • 36 - do not rely on the help of others. If we manage to achieve stability, then only on our own. In a past life you were a convict;
  • 37 - success always and in everything. But don't be too proud. Know how to give thanks and share the fruits of your labors. Hermit;
  • 38 - do not trust anyone, rely only on yourself. In the past, you were a girl of easy virtue;
  • 39 - stop envying and life will get better. Avid player.

And finally, the fourth step:

  • 40 - many do not understand and do not support you. Look for inner strength to achieve all your goals. Writer;
  • 41 - you are surrounded by numerous fans and you, without hesitation, are used by people. Do not forget that selfishness and the eternal search for one's own benefit is fraught with sad consequences. Poetess;
  • 42 - life is filled with happiness and vivid emotions. In the past, you brewed beer;
  • 43 - get ready for trials on all fronts of life. You were a royal executed for treason;
  • 44 - danger lies in wait for you at every turn. Killer;
  • 45 - real life will only start after 40. Until then, prepare for disappointment. Doctor;
  • 46 - a happy life. Just choose your spouse, guided by the heart, and not materialistic desires. Military;
  • 47 - Choose your friends carefully. On the life path you will meet many traitors. Hermit;
  • 48 - develop your leadership qualities and achieve success in your career. In the past incarnation, you worked with weapons;
  • 49 - you are destined for a lonely and gray existence. This is how sinners pay for past mistakes.

Help in working out karma

If the first digit of your karmic number is even, a person will definitely appear in your life who will help you work off the sins of past incarnations. He will show you the right path. Odd number are anti-helpers. On the contrary, they will interfere with the right way of life. Try not to deviate from the intended course, but protect yourself from people with obvious negative thoughts. If your karmic number is single, you have practically no sins that need to be worked out. Try not to spoil everything.

Meaning of the second digit

The second digit of the karmic number helps to learn about the destination. Read carefully and find out what mistakes to avoid:

  • 1 - egoism, which was your main feature in past lives, will not allow you to find love and true friends for a long time. Beware of deceit by loved ones and never lie yourself. Selfless deeds and good deeds will help improve karma;
  • 2 - in past incarnations, you did not want to take responsibility and lived for your own pleasure. Now, fate is not on your side and it will be quite difficult to attract good luck. We'll have to fight for a place in the sun. The main thing is not to risk your life and show prudence;
  • 3 - means that in the past you were quite stingy. Be sure to do charity work and help people in need. Develop your spiritual qualities and do not pursue material wealth;
  • 4 - you have already cleared your karma, because in a past life you had to endure failures and loneliness. Now you will find family happiness. The main thing is to appreciate the gifts of fate and take care of loved ones;
  • 5 - the number of those who have devoted a past life to black magic. Avoid everything supernatural, and serious problems will bypass you;
  • 6 - in a past life, you did everything right. In this one, keep harmony and do good. Carefully weigh any decision and help the people around you;
  • 7 - the past incarnation was accompanied by constant difficulties, failures, moral and physical pain. Now everything is fine. The main thing is that the victories do not turn your head. Try to restrain yourself and not indulge in all serious;
  • 8 - in a past life you hurt loved ones, and in this one - the situation will change exactly the opposite. Try not to take revenge and steadfastly endure all grievances. Only in this way will you ensure good karma in the next reincarnation;
  • 9 - your past incarnation was very short. Therefore, fate gave you natural wisdom and developed intuition. Listen to your inner voice when you receive important decisions and don't forget to help people;
  • 0 - you were a very hardworking person, so this life is waiting for you.

Karmic relationship

According to the date of birth of both spouses, you can calculate the compatibility of the couple. Interesting? Then let's start the calculation.

Natalia - 02/15/1988. Karmic number: 1+6+0+2+1+9+8+8=35.

Oleg - 11/01/1983. His number: 0+1+1+1+1+9+8+3=24.

Determine the sum of two numbers: 35+24=59.

Now you need to subtract 22: 59-22=37. When the desired number is greater than 22, you need to subtract again: 37-22=15.

You can proceed to decipher the values:

  • 1 - a man will be the head of the family, imposing his worldview. It is better for a girl not to interfere in his affairs and not provoke conflict situations. In general, the union will turn out to be very interesting and creative. The main thing is to find common ground;
  • 2 - you are kindred spirits who understand each other without words. There will be absolute harmony in your relationship;
  • 3 - a stable strong family in which the woman will make the main decisions. Try not to listen to the advice of close relatives in order to maintain mutual understanding and harmony;
  • 4 - passion and strong emotions will prevail over common sense. Try not to limit each other's personal space and do not succumb to the destructive feeling of jealousy;
  • 5 - Appreciate your partner. It will help you orient yourself in life and take the right position. Do not pay attention to the difference in characters, temperament and social position;
  • 6 - misunderstanding is possible only at the initial stage of the relationship. The longer you are together, the stronger love, happiness and mutual support;
  • 7 - bright and dynamic relationships filled with travel and new acquaintances. However, the likelihood of treason is high;
  • 8 is rather a marriage on mutually beneficial terms. Don't try to change your partner, change yourself;
  • 9 - these relationships can hardly be called comfortable. Both partners will experience a mutual feeling of loneliness, lack of love and attention. The couple will eventually separate;
  • 10 - you are incredibly lucky. Relationships will help to achieve success and significantly increase financial well-being. This is a relationship for life;
  • 11 - difficult relationship. Both partners are strong in spirit and character. The constant struggle for power will lead to a break. The only way out is to look for compromises;
  • 12 is a relationship that requires sacrifice. To save them, you will have to give up some important things or people. Unfortunately, even this will not save you from difficulties and lack of understanding. That is your karma;
  • 13 - it is unlikely that you will be able to maintain a relationship. Partners are incompatible. In addition, the likelihood of domestic violence is high;
  • 14 - you have common goals, you are comfortable and cozy with each other. The union will be long and happy;
  • 15 - better give up this relationship. The union is involved in manipulation, cunning and strong sexual affection;
  • 16 - you are too different. Frequent quarrels will lead to parting and completely weaken both morally and physically;
  • 17 - you are two halves of a single whole. Appreciate your partner and be sure to live a long and happy life with him;
  • 18 - you do not know your loved one. Lots of misconceptions and misconceptions. You will have a hard time together. High probability of change;
  • 19 - everything is fine with you: a strong family, happy children, mutual support and absolute harmony;
  • 20 - at first it will be difficult. It takes time to know the true essence of a loved one. Do not worry, you will become not only passionate spouses, but also true friends;
  • 21 - you are compatible on an energy level. Get ready for a lifelong relationship;
  • 22 - extremely unstable relationship. One of you yearns for freedom. To be together, you will have to moderate your desires and put the interests of your loved one in 1st place. High chance of divorce.