Cosmic forces under the control of God. Source of Cosmic Power. Secret practice! Cosmic mind, higher powers


The megalithic memory of the Earth has nothing to do with bookish knowledge. The sacred places of the planet have the time of their appearance, which is a space-time volume, they have access to different cosmic levels. Harmony occurs when rhythms coincide, where oceans of bottomless energies have their own spaces and times. When we are attuned to these energy amplifiers, and our first energy center represents the planet Earth with its roots, the Cosmos becomes limitless. Here the combination of our cosmic shells comes into alignment, since we are part of this space. This is where our civilization began. From here begins the interaction only with the global man, dissolved in the global universe. There is no death here, only the mind of individuality. All this was used by our pracivilization Hyperborea. We can use this too. Here we are in the native prism of our interests, without departing from reality Everyday life. So we go through the space and time not only of the future, but also of the past, pushing through with our energy 8 millennia of the development of our ancestors. Here begins eternity, bearing true love and harmony, which leave behind the psychology of human animal reflexes, dragging some into the kingdom of monkeys, others into the slavery of philosophical ideology, and still others to the bottom, where there will be no opportunities for incarnation. If we do not develop ourselves in our native culture, we will be used by anyone who wants to.

Any changes in social policy and everything that concerns us first occur on the subtle planes of the solar system, which draws information from a deeper universe. There are 4 continents on Earth (north, south, east and west), which are inhabited by 4 main genetic groups of humanity of ethnic origins that were attuned to their cosmic ancestors. Here begins the genetic resonance on planet Earth. Different space civilizations laid down for their descendants a different survival program, where each ethnic group has its own development path, its own survival tasks, which begin with a culture where language is a means of communication between people who understand each other. Each space civilization has its own level of development and its limit, which is much higher than human understanding. Man is a part of nature, where our animal reflexes are the same, but the spiritual components are different. In this we differ from the ethnic cultures of other traditions. Motherland is the most important part of the formation of a person's personality. The most ancient civilization on a cosmic scale was Hyperborea, which in the north of Russia formed representatives of the white race living at a given time on different continents of our planet. The field of DNA genealogy research confirms that the Aryans, the descendants of the Hyperboreans, are the progenitors of the Russians. We can have different languages, religions, ideas about the world, to do different things, but on the energy plane we are representatives of one race, one haplogroup, which has one spiritual space of DNA development. History can be faked, but never blood. The information of incarnations resides in the ethereal sheath of our DNA molecules, where the practice of combining with the Vedic powers of the ancestors will reveal this.

Slavic energy is the totality and interaction of the energies of all representatives of this people. There are no neutral values. They are either theirs or someone else's. Cultural heritage is a connection with the native, primordial, where the mind wakes up and the mind calms down, sanity comes. In the Slavic-Aryan Vedic culture the energy of the Soul is fully manifested. To live according to the Soul is cosmic laws and the connection of everything with everything. Here, creativity removes the limitations of the mind. The name "Slavs" is the concept of the worldview of people glorifying their ancestors, where the gods were the elder families. Our ancestors did not pray to the Gods, they praised them, thanked them. Our ancestors knew how to invoke the forces of nature in order to give birth to strong offspring living in harmony with the entire universe. The Slavs had the concept of the most complex world order. Slavic letters, syllables are mantra components, where the word is a formula, according to which the entire system of universal forces passes through all the continents of our planet through sacred places of power. The 49 letters of the Slavic alphabet, when combined with syllables, have a figurative sound frequency, a vertical-channel entrance to the Universe, which contributes to communication with cosmic ancestors. The Magi knew 89 scales, which, when added, had a syllable, confirming the theory of cosmic strings, where the DNA of our body is a certain string associated with the outside world. The Aryan Koruna had 144 characters. However, in ancient civilizations and Europe, the Slavs were considered savages and barbarians. In order to destroy a people, it is necessary to destroy its language, distort words, distort chronicles, destroy ancient libraries, cut out the alphabet, which, during communication, gave a connection and direction for the movement of the peoples of our kind. But the ancient secrets were not revealed to strangers and charomuts.

Air, fire, earth, water and man have molecular levels of consciousness. Everything in nature has a mind. If a person is ready for this information, then psychological barriers are removed, consciousness is ready to let in a new force that absorbs us entirely. To do this, you need to master the breadth of horizontal circles (Global forces of the Universe), be able to dissolve yourself in the natural elements (Vedic energy), where a vertical wave allows you to interact with the ozone layer of the earth at the molecular level, work with diseases according to internal sensations: stretching, evaporation, cold- hot burning, etc. In contact with a drop of water, you can see the entire universe as a whole. Strength is energy. The matter of the Earth consists of atoms that carry information. The deeper, the more ancient the information (memory of the geomagnetic field of the Earth). So, the spaces of the Slavic Vedic forces add to us the upper and lower hemispheres of the seven worlds with five worlds (measures), which increases the range of space and time to infinity:

Eighth center (chakra) - space. It prevails over human logic with its frequency characteristics.

Ninth Center - (Right side). The balance of the body's energy system.

Tenth Center - (left-hand side).

The ninth and tenth energy centers are located between the fourth (heart) and fifth (throat) energy centers and control the work of these two chakras, stop the ingress of the information dirt of the upper spaces into the downward flow.

Eleventh Center - (Right side). The balance of the lower systems of the body.

Twelfth Center - (left-hand side).

The eleventh and twelfth energy centers are at the level of the third energy center (the core of volitional consciousness) and stop the entry into the ascending flow of information dirt of the lower worlds.

Thirteenth Center - the birth of a new world, connection with the atomic, megalithic, crystalline and mineral worlds. The thirteenth energy center is the depth of the Earth, the platform of the mind, our nourishment, the unknown qualities of energies, pure navna.

Slavic Vedic forces pay attention to the spine, build the depth and wavelength, work in the key of controlling the ether, open the multidimensionality of consciousness. The cosmic spaces of the ancestors or the Slavic Vedic forces are the second entry into the depths of the same space and are turned on when working with the portal of the Global Forces of the Universe. Spiritual entry and combination with these spaces provide information on the retention of this force. At the second entry into the spaces of the portals during the initiation, the adjustment and awareness of the Vedic spaces of the cosmic ancestors takes place, with which the student then works. During remote initiation, attunement to the spine is performed. Long waves - biostrings have a range of 12 millennia, a point input in time. Thus, a height is built where the biostrings pass through the transverse time layers of the upper spaces of the noosphere. And the depth of the wavelength passes through the transverse layers of the Earth, geomagnetic fields, which have information of molecular content. This is how the finely stretched strings of time are connected, where the spine through the head is the receiver and transmitter of energies. The vertical strings passing through the spine are connected with the spaces of different sound ranges, which have a color scheme - a rainbow, where the sound rows of energy centers each have their own color. The length of a vertically tuned wave passes through eight horizontal worlds, which is space and time. The 3rd dimension in which we live recognizes the length, width, height and time associated with the biosphere of human life, in which not only energies and forces are one in essence, but also consciousness as a receiver and transmitter of low-order psi-energy. Consciousness and matter are different components of the common carrier of will, thought, idea and creativity. God, thought, energy and matter are the completion of the stage of physical reality. The 5th dimension is ultra-long waves of light. The 5th dimension is God, who generates the whole world of space and time. This is the superdimensional reality, the essence of all things in the original single clot of energy, which contains information about everything. As the wavelength decreases, energies approach materiality. The smaller the wave, the smaller the wave properties of the potential and the strength of the energy.

We are 80% water. By connecting five additional channels, we become natural water structurers, which can also be connected to people close to us. In addition to the common flux, five channels are polarized. The descending flow, excited during remote initiation into the Slavic spiritual spaces of cosmic relatives, passes through the noosphere of the spiritual unity of the Aryans, the biofield and physical structures of a person, and, uniting with the ascending flow from the origins of the earth, actively acts on the spine (energy transformer). The lower space is connected with the invisible Hyperborea, which is the deep past. The spinal cord of the spine begins to work in new modes, linking the past, present and future. Energy centers are tuned to receive the cosmic flow of the fifth dimension, where there are no alien informational viruses, this is where the change in the frequency response of the organism begins. The flow generates magnetic fields of energy centers, which begin to work in new modes. This is how the thinly stretched strings of time are connected, where the spine through the head is a receiver and transmitter of energy. The more active the spinal cord works, the higher the wave of time is above and below (under the ground), where the layers of time associated with the Aryan civilization are located. Thus, through the downward flow, we change the focus of perception, where through the Soul we receive pure light, where negative destructive programs leave us, because we are in our native metaphysics of space and time. The upper space of the noosphere, which is information about everything, gives the connection of the relic brain (spiritual eye) with the torsion fields of the Cosmos. Here another phenomenon is born: the expansion of the circumference of the practitioner's space. Lack of energy and its excess leads to illness. Here it is more correct to be in the transmission mode (took, gave), it is necessary to be able to accelerate and lower the speed of passing flows, to pass, fill, transmit the light of rays saturated with the sun (spiritual energy of the Aryans). Everything in the Universe has a spherical, hemispherical formation, straight and intersecting lines. In this space, initiation polarizes hemispherical bowls (rock crystal). So three points: Man, Earth and the space of the Aryans are connected into one single whole. Due to the resonance of the vertical flow with the energies of space and time, a person receives an inexhaustible energy potential for self-transformation, where the main role is played by the level of consciousness and the removal of the limits of the mind. The basis of spiritual genetics is being in the ancestral roots, which connects our spinal column with the higher hierarchy of the White Light. Here everything is native, primordial, here the primordial develops its ancestral primordial. Imposing other plans on the physical plane, changing realities - this is only a small part of what has been said.

The polar star "Etara" gives access to 72 Slavic constellations and 12 worlds. Information is reflected on 72 thousand acupuncture points (meridians) of our body - a connection with the entire Universe. Attunement to the spine gives the relationship with the 12 worlds of the Universe. A vertically tuned wave through the spine on the spiritual plane connects the top and bottom. Thus, if the mind allows, we will be able to interact with the twelve harmonic Universes (7+5=12). The spine is the link between the Earth and the Cosmos, where the thymus gland of our body is a plug plugged into the socket of the cosmic constellations that generate energy for the entire Universe. Here we are combined with the earthly and cosmic depths, which gives a range of upper and lower space, where time, the Law of the term, will bring information to the initiate. Modulation of hemispherical bowls of rock crystal gives a closure sun rays, which allows you to concentrate the energy of inhuman volumes. Being in the distorted energies of the city, we can breathe the ozone layer (18 km.) of the Earth, interact with this world not with words, but with energy information. This is how we germinate the seeds of our innermost desires, where the energy of the collective unconscious is a breeding ground for the cultivation of our capabilities. Being in everyday reality, we manage to do everything and are not in a hurry, there is a stretching of the time of life. Being in the ozone layer of the Earth, we discover the world of the second dimension. Here is the information of cellular levels, which allows you to remove genetic modification from food. And we will succeed, because no other choice is given. The protective force of the organism is turned on, which makes it possible to survive in this (genetically modified) chemical environment. Deep polarization of structured atoms, which is matter, gives new solutions in any field human life. The ozone layer allows you to be in a different ecology of space.

An increase in solar activity gives an increase in charges "+", the Soul has an energy charge "-". When we create to our liking, we combine "plus and minus" in space, we mold everything that we need out of thin air. Here we touch the mystery northern traditions, where the initiates knew how to control the ether. The Slavs have always seen the reflection of God in the Sun. So electromagnetic clots gain intelligence and real power. Everything is simple, as in a drop of water, which is connected with the seas and oceans located on different continents of our planet. Everything in everything. This is the language of magicians and sorcerers. In the Vedic forces, ether is transformed into plasma and vice versa. Here everything is subject to gradual change. Plasma is a concentrated energy that has a mind. Terrestrial natural plasma: noosphere, northern lights, lightning, flames. Cosmic plasma is the Sun, constellations, space between planets, constellations and galaxies. Constellations are the acupuncture points of the universe. Galaxy in Sanskrit means throat. Plasma interacts with geomagnetic and electromagnetic fields of the Earth. There is cold and hot plasma. The conductor of all this diversity is blood plasma, which has the element of iron. Spiritual entry and combination with these energies gives information on the retention of this force. Solar activity gives the polarization of plus and minus into a single whole, here the unity of Spirit, Soul and space is formed, agreement with conscience, which is correspondence with the information of action. The unity of Spirit, Soul and conscience creates a Co-Creator. Here the tuning of the rune of great initiation through the thymus gland of our body turns on the cosmic chain of constellations as a plug and socket. In this initiation, the constellations and worlds are assembled into one concentrated microcircuit, linking the entire system of Vedic knowledge of Hyperborea as a whole.

Slavic Vedic energy pays attention to filling the spiritual forms of space with an egregor matrix, which is slavic gods. In the Gods, an ancient power is revealed. The twelve basic energies of creation saturate the tree of worlds (chakras). The highest pantheons of the Gods are the standard of aspiration, the highest idea of ​​life on Earth. Here everyone must answer a simple question: "Who are you with?". You don't need anything else, just know who you are with. The energy value of this understanding lies in the fact that our ancestors have one spiritual space, our recognition of which gives us a connection with them. The native creates the native, where the invisible past of the planet Earth is not a dense mysticism, but the initial source information: who you are, where you are from, and why you were given this life. The native always creates the native, the alien gives slavery and limitedness of the mind. To live in harmony with the ancestors means to live in harmony with conscience, in harmony with oneself. In the Slavic-Aryan egregor, a vertical and horizontal connection with the cosmic family is set up, harmonic schemes for the flow of energies are built, alien information is nullified. Spiritual alchemy pays attention to the 9 energy centers of the body, which gives an understanding of the trinity of energy, information and matter, which is the molecules of atoms. The ninth world is the standard, the matrix of the Soul, the ideal for striving human being, a world of possibilities outside the reality of time. Everything happens in the world of light figurative movements. Our chromosomes take on patterns. In the space of Vedic forces, we interact with terrestrial and cosmic plasma, which, upon careful consideration, has an inner trunk reminiscent of the spiritual tree of the Slavs. This is how the molecular bond of the Crystalline Grid of the Earth is formed and the combination with all the elements, where a person is the fifth element of natural forces. So we can solve any problems.

Pantheon of Slavic gods:

1. Healing Portal. Spaces of the PATRONS Gods (combination with the crystalline world). The space of patrons has the channels of Health, Intercession and Spas. Any negative long-term situation leads to disease. Channels contribute to the development of internal organics, cleaning at the cellular level and building the situation in the right direction.
2. Portal of sacred Venus. DATAR spaces. Spatial channels (cellular level). Any negative has a "tail" called time.
3. Portal of natural forces. Spaces of the Gods of GOVERNERS. The element of rulers is the space of the seven worlds, where the generic information of the great-ancestors who have reached immortality and reached the level of the Co-Creator is located.
4. Portal of the spirits of the Sun and Fire. Spaces of COSMIC GODS (energy-informational connections). Breathing with the ozone layer of nature strengthens the connection with the elements of the elements, gives help and support to living diversity, removes the limits of consciousness and develops a super consciousness. Being in the distorted energies of the city, we can breathe the ozone layer (18 km), interact with this world not with words, but with energy information.
5. Portal of sacred space. VEDIC MAGNETICS (molecular levels of space). Spiritual practitioner. Solar activity, due to high-energy rays, raises the atoms of the time of pracivilizations to the surface of the earth. This happens due to the ether, which is the nutrient medium of our Soul. Ether corresponds to our Spirit. The mind is the ether as a carrier of the genetic frequency that transmits information to the physical bodies of living objects. Here we are meant to be part of the whole and are capable of expressing ourselves in any form imaginable.
6. Portal of combat energy. SOUND SPACES OF ETERNITY. Everything vibrates, everything radiates, everything has sound, harmony and meaning. By interacting with the waves of time, we are interacting with the entire Sanskrit program as a whole.
7. Portal of unification of halves from God. SUPPORT OF THE GODS AND ANCESTORS of pracivilizations, of everything that exists on earth and in space. Healing of the Soul and Spirit, transition to a new range of consciousness. The highest primordial cosmic force is the root of the family: you came out of the family, you will go to the family.

After the initiation-initiation, the spaces open according to the pure intentions of the disciple, where our whole essence is visible through and through. The alchemical processes of the body change the frequency of vibrations of the negative vicious circle. Any sluggish problem affects health. Time increases the weight of this energy-information "dumbbell", which pulls down. Alchemical processes change the frequency of negative energy to the polarization of silver, which has a specific gravity. Being in the upper space in an altered state of consciousness, we bend the “dumbbell” pulling down, creating a silver horseshoe out of it, and throw it at the situation in the circle of the problems of the physical world. Here everything starts with inner balance and ends with inner balance.

Genealogical tree of the genus.

1) Rod God- the root of the cosmic family.
2) Svarog, Simagl, Makosh, Lada - great-parents.
3) Perun, Veles - fathers.
4) Svarozhychi Dazhbog, Yarilo, Khors - sons.
5) Russians- children. Descended from the offspring of Dazhbog. We are his descendants.

Climate change raises another force that does not have a quantitative dimension, time-bound spiritually structured atoms of millions of years of our planet's existence. Spiritualizing the mineral world, we bring it from the second dimension to the third dimension in which we live, manifest it here and give a degree of freedom, which is the evolution of the mineral-crystalline world. Interacting with the megalithic world, we can get into one or another layer of time, which, through the ether, brings the forces of the Huns, Scythians, Sarmatians, Russians from the second to the third dimension of time in which we live. Here the depth, breadth, height of the Vedic Spirit has no limits, because this power is in the past, present and future at the same time. Here is the memory of the unspent potential of warriors on a cosmic scale. Nature does not tolerate waste. Spiritual entry and combination with these energies gives information on the retention of this force. Initiations in the Vedic forces are designed to attune with the energy-information masses of the ether, with the depth of space and time, and hence our capabilities.

The practice is designed to work in a social environment where there are no rituals and psychological intervention (conversational genre). All beliefs happen on the power of energy, where the end result is built without words. The Slavic-Aryan egregor incorporates all people of the Vedic worldview, which is genetic information. At present, between the noosphere of the Earth (smart Earth) and the cosmos, a hemisphere has appeared, closing the circle of Russia into a single whole, which is the form of an egregor that absorbs all the Vedic Slavic-Aryan forces. The downward currents of the fifth dimension pass through the hemisphere shape. This is the energy of the new time. The Slavic egregor is the oldest on Earth - the amount of time in millions of years, when the circumference of the Earth's plane was equal to the territory of Russia. The hemisphere of the Vedic Slavic-Aryan forces (the first space) starts from a height of 18 kilometers, which is the atmosphere of nature, the ozone layer. Above it are seven worlds (seven colors of the rainbow of seven hemispheres). Above them is the eighth world - the cosmic ancestors and the ninth - the superdimensional reality that is God. The genetics of the people is a single whole of homogeneous molecules that have one frequency of perception, where groups or individual molecules generate and submit information to everyone.

The genetic code of the people of our kind is directly related to our spiritual development, which is connected with Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and northeastern Germany. Here is the epicenter of the white space race. First they were pushed head-on, then they were divided and a feeling of inferiority was imposed. And we have a common energy space that has no boundaries and political views. Charm has been practiced since ancient times. At present, these are foreign agents who represent interests that are contrary to the development of our country. Genetics is closely related to the genus. These faces are associated with the degeneration of a kind. This is a natural law. The Slavs were never aggressors, they observed the law of measure. They, like everyone else, had civil strife, but when trouble came, they united into one powerful fist and always won. Ancient prophecies predetermined Russia to become a world power of spiritual revival. Hence comes the combination of all people of the living Soul and the living Spirit. Here is the epicenter of a spiritual war called "The Last Battle", after which the world will not be the same. The final battle is the end of the old world and the beginning of a new one. This is a unique time when the last can become the first, and the one who considers himself the first will be the last. Solar activity by its influence affects the DNA molecules of our body, where representatives of the same blood (Soul and Spirit) are connected on the spiritual plane. The difference lies in the level of consciousness. In the nature of evolution there is a concept of pulling each other up. We are all one, and each stands between the two and unites all. The ancient Aryans lived by these principles. This was the order of the established Light. Everyone must develop their inner truth and the core of their kind, which is the energy of the people, where without understanding their genetic code, everyone alone will not survive. Only on the basis of the Slavic worldview is it possible to revive all indigenous peoples. The basis is the spiritual ancestral belonging to Russia, where there is no concept of nationality, distance and time, since it all begins with the ethereal energy of the Earth, where there is all the information about every person who accepts this truth with his soul or rejects it, because he is connected with another, alien the world. Our ancestors were right in defending their land, their culture, their inner world(rule), innate genetic truth. Spiritual and energy practice, which is Vedic energy, is tuned to the development and connection of the genealogical family of Russia into a single whole, which is the Slavic egregore. Each of our deeds is postponed on the ethereal memory of the Earth without a statute of limitations. This is the meaning of noble deeds, pleasing to the clan, people, race. When the level of consciousness accepts this, we, through the expansion of the boundaries of perception of reality, move from a personal to a general vision of the world.

cosmic mind, higher power.

from the book of priest Daniel Sysoev

Instructions for immortals or what to do if you still died ...


Above the earth is the kingdom of Satan. Above the earth is the region of the heavenly spirits, this is the place where the devil rules. It speaks directly Holy Bible. This is what he is called: “the spirit of wickedness in high places” (Eph. 6:12), “the prince of the airy region”, he rules in this near-earth kingdom. What is it connected with? According to ancient writings based on the reading of the prophet Ezekiel, a cherub named Lucifer was originally appointed as the Guardian Angel of the planet Earth, when he was still faithful to God (Ezek. 28, 13-16). According to God's plan, the Earth is the core of the world. Lucifer was the first of the angels, so the highest of the angels was entrusted to rule over the core of the material universe. It is precisely with this that when the rebellious cherub rebelled against God and, when man supported him in this rebellion, he was able to create an overworld in the heavens - his own dark kingdom. It is dark from the point of view that it is, as it were, darkness, because there is no Divine light there. Any most unclean place on earth is an oasis of purity compared to the uncleanness of the supermundane kingdom, but according to contemplation, this place is often filled with false light, because, as the apostle Paul says, “Satan himself takes the form of an Angel of light” (2 Cor. 11, 14 ). He can also appear to people in other images, but all this is not real, changing, like a mask that he puts on. And it shines with a certain light of its own—Luciferic. This light is seen by occultists, sorcerers, magicians. And they very clearly name the place where the devil lives. The place is called astral from the word "astrum", that is, a star. This is the sky. This place is also called outer space. This refers not to the material cosmos, because the cosmos is subject to the Creator, but to the totality of people and angels who live according to the laws of evil. And Satan has control over them. Therefore, when they mention the cosmic mind, they are talking about Satan. If you are offered to communicate with the cosmic mind, then you must understand that you are offered to contact Lucifer personally, but in no case with God. The heavens are still subject to God, they are inhabited by blessed spirits.

Paganism and the "religion of the cosmos" from the book Satanism for the intelligentsia by Protodeacon Andrey Kuraev.

Kuraev Andrey (February 15, 1963, Moscow) - Protodeacon of the Russian Orthodox Church; professor at the Moscow Theological Academy; part-time assistant of the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University;

Of course, they believe that their faith cures all diseases of the body. - Does it cure the only disease of the spirit? - Father Brown asked seriously and excitedly. - What kind of disease is this, - smiled Flambeau. "Confidence in one's own health," replied the priest.

G. K. Chesterton

In the tenth chapter of the book of the prophet Daniel, the angel, whom he prayed for help, was able to come to him only three weeks after the prophet's appeal. The reason for his delay is the angel " great power”(Dan. 10.1) explained this: “From the first day you set your heart to reach understanding and humble you before your God, your words have been heard, and I would have come according to your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia stood against me for twenty-one days; but behold, Michael, one of the first princes, came to help me. And now I have come to tell you…” (Dan 10:12-13). So, the Lord's messenger cannot freely penetrate the world of people. Some spirits that attracted the religious enthusiasm of the pagans (in this case- Persians), offer real resistance to grace. And only with the help of the Archangel Michael (who in church tradition is not accidentally called the "archistrategos - commander - of the heavenly forces") the blockade was broken - and then only for a while. “Now I will return to fight the prince of Persia; but when I go out, behold, the prince of Greece will come” (Dan. 10:20).

Here the demons are named after the pagan peoples who serve them. But they do not live on the land of these peoples and not under it. From the point of view of ordinary mythological thinking, the habitat of demons is a dungeon, a dungeon. The popular idea places hell underground, where magma boils. But in the Bible, rather, it is about the fact that "spirits of evil" dwell in the heavenly world. They are called just that - "spirits of wickedness in high places" (Eph. 6:12), and by no means "underground". It turns out that for the biblical authors, god-fighting spirits are some kind of cosmic beings, the inhabitants of the heavenly, and by no means the underground spheres. It turns out that the world that people used to call the "visible sky" is by no means safe, it seeks to subdue the human heart...

Heaven hides God from man - and this blockade must be broken. “Oh, that You would tear open the heavens and come down!” - exclaims the Old Testament prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 64:1). Another ancient biblical book convicts the Jews for having “forsaken all the commandments of the Lord and worshiped all the host of heaven” (2 Kings 17:16).

Already in the Pentateuch uniqueness religious experience Israel is described thus: "The army heavenly Lord Your God has given to all nations under the whole heaven. But the Lord God took you, that you might be the people of His inheritance” (Deut. 4:19-20). Later, Origen will say the same thing, who is completely vainly recruited by the preachers of the “cosmic religion” as his supporters: “The astral religion was given by God to all peoples that exist under heaven, except for those whom the Lord wanted to preserve among the peoples as his chosen part” (Against Celsus 5.10).

The prophet Isaiah foresees the day of Wrath, the day of the fall of the “cosmic hierarchies”: “The entire heavenly host is decaying; and the heavens will roll up like a scroll of a book; and all their host will fall as a leaf falls from a vine, and like a withered leaf from a fig tree, for my sword is drunk in heaven” (Isaiah 34:4-5).

The time of the New Testament is coming - and it turns out to be by no means the time of reconciliation between God and cosmic spirits. It turns out to be the time of their decisive battle. “Modern research has emphasized in the synoptic gospels, and especially in Mark, one obvious circumstance that the 19th century stubbornly did not want to see, namely: the whole work of Jesus appears to Himself as a struggle with the devil, to expel him from the world.”

When reading the New Testament religiously, not moralistically, one cannot fail to notice that the apostles and Christ perceive the Earth as a blocked planet. If you carefully read the Gospel, it becomes obvious that Christ is not at all such a sentimental preacher as it seems in our time. Christ is a warrior, and He directly says that He wages war against the enemy, whom he calls "the prince of this world" (John 12:31). There is one detail in these words of His that people do not notice if they do not refer to the Greek text of the New Testament. "Prince of Peace" is a translation of the Greek phrase "arhon tou kosmou".

It is necessary to refer specifically to the Greek texts, since the Russian translation, due to the ambiguity of the word "peace", obscures the meaning of the biblical testimony. Thus, we read in the Russian translation of the book of the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 9:6) that the coming Messiah is called the "Prince of Peace." In this place, however, we are talking about the world not as kosmos "e, but as eirene, that is, about the peaceful dispensation of life. In the modern French edition of the Bible, for example, this verse of Isaiah sounds like Prince de la paix, clearly distinguishable from prince de ce monde of the Gospel of John. Similarly, in the English editions - Prince of peace is different from Prince of this world. In Romans 16:20, the "God of the world" who is to "crush Satan" is also not the "God of the cosmos", but - Theos tes eirenes.

The god of peace (eirene) defeats the prince of peace (kosmos). Christ speaks of his ministry thus: "Be of good cheer: I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). The "world" conquered by Christ is kosmos.

In the Jewish consciousness at the turn of the Testaments, the earth is the lot of the "prince of this world." But - "now the prince of this world is cast out" (John 12:31). And therefore, not only the Kingdom of Heaven is the lot of the faithful of God, but the meek can also inherit the earthly. Therefore, in 2 Cor. 4:4 the adversary of Christ is mentioned thus: our gospel is closed to "unbelievers whose minds the god of this world has blinded." "This age" and "this world" are synonymous expressions in Semitic thinking. Therefore, the synodal translation writes the word "god" here with a small letter, meaning "the prince of this world."

“This cosmos”, “this eon” (age) strives to captivate people, to block the Creator from them.

The Apostle Paul has characteristic words: “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spirits of wickedness in high places” (Eph. 6:12). The "world rulers" here are "kosmokratores". In modern jargon, kosmokratoros can well be translated as "Lord of the Cosmos." The one with whom Christ is fighting is the "colossus of cosmic dimensions." By the way, Origen also sees the calling of Christians in the fight against the "cosmocrators", arguing that God fills the contemplative with His powers and grace so that he can become an ally of God in His struggle with the cosmocrators.

So, the Bible sees the source of the most terrible threat to man in "cosmos", the world of "spirits of malice in high places".

The world itself is not bad. No, the kosmos itself was created by God, created by the same Logos who incarnated in Christ. But after “in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1), a certain break occurred in the heavenly world. And a part of the angelic forces has been claiming power over man and his world ever since.

All of Paul's epistles unanimously speak of the Cross as the victory of Christ over certain "cosmic authorities", "the prince of the power of the air" (Eph. 2:2; Church Slavonic translation). As explained by Rev. Maximus the Confessor, the Cross abolished "the hostile forces that fill the middle place between heaven and earth." Moreover, the choice of the execution of the cross, that is, one that takes place not on earth, but in the air, in the house-building Providence turns out to be connected with the need to sanctify the “air space” - that is, the space that separates people from the One Who is “higher than heaven." The Calvary Cross is a tunnel pierced through the thickness of demonic forces that strive to present themselves to man as the last religious reality. In any case, this is evidenced by St. John Chrysostom: “Why is He slain at the height of the platform, and not under the roof? To purify the airy being."

And after Pentecost, the First Martyr Stephen sees the heavens open, through which we see “Jesus standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:56). The Savior, whom the martyr Stephen saw, made a struggle, the result of which was St. Paul sees that from now on Christians have "a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God" (Heb. 4:14).

The same vision of the relationship between God and the world is expressed by St. Basil the Great: Do you want to touch God? he asks. - Well, “leave the earth, leave the sea, make the air be lower than you, rise above the ether, pass the stars, their wonders, their magnificence, their magnitude. Having flowed through all this with your mind, going around the sky and becoming higher than it, with one thought survey the beauties there: the heavenly armies and the standing of angels. Having passed all this, imagine God's nature in your thoughts.

And here is a no less characteristic reasoning about the "heavenly hierarchies" of St. Gregory of Nyssa. He quotes the words of the Song of Songs: “I will get up, I will go through the city, through the streets and squares, and I will look for the one whom my soul loves; I looked for him and did not find him. The guards who went around the city met me: “Have you not seen the one whom my soul loves?” (Song of Songs, 3.2-3). Interprets these words of St. Gregory thus: the bride (the human soul) “rises and looks around with her thought the spiritual and pre-peaceful nature, which is called the city. Here, she says, are the Beginnings, the Dominions, and the Thrones set up for the authorities, which she calls “the marketplace,” is not there a Beloved among them? Therefore, the bride, searching, went around the whole angelic rank and when she did not see what she was looking for in the blessings she had acquired, she began to reason with herself: is not at least comprehensible to the angels what I love? and says to them: “Have you not seen the one whom my soul loves?” Because they were silent on such a question, and by silence they showed that it was incomprehensible to them what she was looking for: that, when with an inquisitive mind she went around all this supreme city, and from the spiritual and incorporeal beings did not recognize the Desired, then, leaving everything acquired, thus recognized what was sought by one incomprehensibility of what it is.

“We know that there are some angels, archangels, thrones, dominions,” writes St. Gregory the Theologian, - but we serve not them, but the Creator. Nothing should separate a person from God - "Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom 8:38-39).

But true religion is not contact with the spirits of the cosmos. Religion is a relationship between man and God. With the one who from the beginning created the cosmos and man, and not with anything that appeared in outer spaces. St. John Chrysostom compares the sky with a veil Jerusalem temple. Well, pagans are people who got entangled in the curtain and prematurely fell to their knees before reaching the real Holy Place.

That is why, in the apt expression of Vladimir Solovyov, "false religion" is a contradictio in adjecto (contradiction in definition). Or a person in his search achieves the goal and finds God - and this is religion proper. Or he goes astray and does not reach God - but then there is no religion, but there is simply occult practice.

For Christianity, cosmic mysticism is unacceptable,

  1. firstly, because religion in its biblical understanding is a striving for God, and not for the highest echelons of the cosmos;
  2. secondly, because the objective side of biblical religion is that God Himself comes to people above all mediators;
  3. thirdly, because it is in this “under-heavenly” intermediary space that the blocking forces lurk;
  4. fourthly, because these constructions are unverifiable (in paganism, every mystic has its own hierarchy and its own model of the universe).

Any occult-gnostic system contains long and confusing narratives about which generations of "eons", gods, spirits, "fohats" are located in the supermundane world. Gnostic thought proceeds from the strange illusion that if, between Divinity and matter, several intermediate steps are placed, each of which has a little less spirit and a little more materiality, then it will be possible to solve the problem of the flow of the Infinite into the Finite.

As A. Kartashev notes, “this is an obvious absurdity and self-deception, as if it is possible to ontologically combine the Absolute with the relative by gradually subtracting from it certain particles of absoluteness and replacing them with equal-sized particles of relativity up to a complete transition or transformation of the Absolute into relative. In fact, each stage or each moment of such a procedure is simply a moment of the abolition of the existence of one category by another, and not their linkage, combination, unification. The multi-stage nature of such procedures is the purest logical illusion. All the impotent fantasy of Gnosticism, its eonomania, is built on it. No crescendo-diminuendo from creation to God and vice versa can create continuity, continuity, and the whole construction falls into any of the millimetric cracks, as if into an abyss ... Again we have before us the philosophical self-deception of Gnosticism, which creates the illusion that antinomy is liquefied on ten waters , loses its qualitative antinomy, irrationality or super-rationality through stepwise transitions. In fact, among the Gnostics, "the bridge did not reach the other side of the abyss, only obscuring the difference between the creature and God and obscuring the only Path."

The world is turning into a nesting doll. It has many, many levels and floors, but somewhere the Creator himself was forgotten. “You know how difficult it is to see Fohat, what long-term accumulations are required for the evidence of this energy. But what will a weak spirit say if he finds out that behind Fohat there is Parafohat, which feeds on Panfohat,” “Living Ethics” reveals “cosmic secrets” (Agni Yoga. 403). New Testament He treats these matryoshkas differently: “Step away from stupid competitions and genealogies, for they are useless and vain” (Titus 3:9). This is not about disputes over the genealogical tree of a particular family and its claims to aristocracy. No, the Apostle Paul argues precisely with the Gnostics and with their craving for endless cosmic genealogies (according to the principle “Panfohat poured out Parafohat, Parafohat poured out Fohat…”).

Moving along these floors, the mind of a person never comes to God, while his soul turns out to be too dependent on "intermediaries", on non-divine cosmic inhabitants. And where is the guarantee that these spirits will want to let the soul that has trusted them go further, and not just crush it under them? In V. A. Zhukovsky, in the poem “The Virgin and Asmodeus”, the demon persuades the overly gullible visionary: “Forget about God, pray to me - my true rewards!”. It seems that the “virgin theosophists” also responded to the courtship of the same spirit.

The desire of the Gnostics to fill the cosmos with strings of "intermediaries" is very strange. It seems that with their "eons" they want to fence themselves off from God. God Himself came to earth, gave Himself to people, but they run away from Him. “It cannot be that God behaved so humbly, so obscenely undignified! It cannot be that God Himself united with people! Pope John Paul II explains this behavior of Christ-fighters in this way: “God approached man as close as he could. Beyond this limit He could not go. God has gone too far. Didn't Christ become a scandal for the Jews, a scarecrow for the Gentiles?.. Man has not been able to endure such closeness with God since then, and protests began. This big protest has an exact name: the first is called the Synagogue, and then Islam. Both cannot accept such a human God. “It does not befit God,” they object, “He must remain absolutely transcendent, remain pure majesty.”

However, between the first rebellion, which created Judaism, and the second rebellion, which gave birth to Islam, there was also an anti-evangelical revolt of the Gnostics, who turned Christ into a half-god, half-human, subhuman and subhuman.

But Judaism has simply erected a wall between itself and Christianity. The Gnostics, on the other hand, wanted to assimilate the Gospel, to build it into the usual pagan mysticism of the cosmos. And so, in order not to go into a debate about "cosmic genealogies", Christian theology began to use the tactics of "scorched earth" in cosmology: it itself did not begin to formulate cosmological systems, and opposed their imposition from outside.

In order not to accept a pagan, religiously colored cosmology, the Christian world developed its own, radically non-religious way of knowing the world - science.

And in order to protect the consciousness that is not occupied with mathematical calculations and scientific analysis, the Church offered to remember God more often and what is in each of us that separates us from the Creator.

The brethren once came to Abba Zenon and asked: “What does it mean that it is written in the book of Job, “But the sky is unclean before Him.” The elder said to them in response: “The brethren have left their sins and are searching for heavenly things.” Or: A certain brother began to speak to Abba Pimen about spiritual and heavenly things. And although the interlocutor of the elder spoke strictly within the framework of Scripture, Abba Pimen turned his face away from him, and did not give an answer. To bewildered - why did Pimen evade the conversation, the elder said: “He is from the highest and speaks of heaven, and I am from the lower, and speak of earthly things. If he spoke to me about spiritual passions, I would begin to answer him; but if he speaks of the spiritual, then I do not know.”

These dialogues do not take place in Russia or Germany. In Egypt - in that very country of "secret cosmic wisdom" that Theosophists like to talk about. In Egypt, in a country with a truly amazing religious responsiveness, Christian monasticism was born for the first time. And the Egyptians, who knew so well what pagan wisdom was, having created Christian monasteries, did not want to talk about "suns and worlds" ...

On the contrary, the pagan world has always - from the Gnostics to the Roerichs - tried to impose its cosmology on Christianity, to fill this gap, to fill the space between God and man with all sorts of eons, Sephiroth, planets, etc. Through cosmological fiction, paganism has always tried to infiltrate and impose creature worship. As S. N. Lazarev, the most popular propagandist of karmic neo-paganism now, advises, “You may not believe in God, but you must love the Universe.”

Too many religious catastrophes that happened to the worshipers of the Cosmos were seen by the ancient Christians. “The early Christians called the pagan gods demons, and they were right. Whatever the religion of the ancients might have been at first, now only evil spirits dwelt in the deserted sanctuaries. Pan became only panic, Venus - only Venusian sin.

Seeing so many stories like this, the people of the Bible chose a different choice. “Who is in heaven for me? and with you I want nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart fails: God is the rock of my heart and my part forever. For behold, those who depart from Thee shall perish. But it is good for me to draw near to God,” proclaims the psalmist (Ps. 72:25-28). And although Christians recognize the existence of a certain peace between man and God, but in order for our religious aspiration to come true, it must pass by or through all intermediaries in order to fall to the throne of the Creator of heaven and earth.

Christians are people who, like Blessed Augustine, were asked: "What do you want to know?" And they answered - "God and the soul." - "And nothing else?" - "Nothing". Christendom exchanged the fantasy of cosmogonies for the knowledge of the soul and its salvation. We get God. How miserable the whole theosophical zoo seems after this, with its astrals, aeons, egregors and other evil spirits!

In the end, if theosophy only depicted travel to different corners of its cosmos, it could be considered ordinary fantasy. But for a person involved in cosmic wanderings by Theosophy, it offers the final conclusion: there is nothing and no one outside the world; the idea of ​​a God different from the world is nonsense; and therefore, direct the whole religious impulse to the veneration of the cosmic lords.

From the biblical point of view, the search for final salvation in authorities other than the Creator is simply dangerous. God is “one who has immortality” (1 Tim. 6:16). Therefore, the search for immortality in other sources is meaningless. Buddhists say: why, Hindu, do you want to move into the world of the gods, even if Brahma himself is mortal? Do you want to die again? From completely different grounds, Christians may ask a similar question: Why, O pagan, do you want to identify yourself with the cosmos, with that world in which everything is subject to decay and which is simply not eternal? Do you wish to die with him?

The Apostle Paul sees the essence of paganism in serving “the empty and vain elements of this world”: “why do you return again to weak and poor material principles and want to enslave yourself to them again?” - he admonishes the Galatians (Gal. 4.9). In the Greek text, “beginnings” are “stoiheia”, “elements”, that is, in the language of Greek thought, those first principles from which the cosmos is composed. "The elements of the world" (Col. 2:8) is "stoiheia tou kosmou". Communication with the cosmic elements must be avoided - for "you died with Christ to the elements" (Col. 2:20).

There are two major reasons why you shouldn't play cat and mouse with these forces. First, they are not permanent. Once created, "the burning elements will melt" (2 Pet. 3:12). This means that the soul, saturated with their energies and accepting them instead of the power of God, will burn with them. To acquire the immortality of the soul, one must break through the legions of cosmic "energies" and partake of the One Immortal (1 Tim. 6:16). So in order to avoid a sad future, you need to build your own in the present. religious life not according to the inclinations of the cosmos.

But, besides the "eschatological motive", it makes sense to refrain from flirting with the elements and their prince because of one incident that took place in the past.

The fact is that the beginning of human history was illuminated by a cosmic catastrophe. Death entered the world through sin. We can say that Chernobyl exploded in the world. The point is not that God is angry with us and punishes generation after generation for Adam's transgression. We just created death ourselves. We are responsible for the fact that the whole world, the whole cosmos began to obey the laws of decay and decay.

God, on the contrary, is looking for - how to save us from the radiation of death.

So often Christians are called cruel people - for their testimony that outside of Christ there is no salvation. Well, imagine that the civil defense alert service turns on and announces: “Citizens, alert! Our city has been hit by a nuclear missile. In ten minutes the missiles will be above us. In your area, the nearest shelter is located somewhere ... Whoever manages to reach him has a chance to escape ... Tell me who is cruel in this situation: the civil defense announcer or the one who launched a nuclear attack on the city?

St. John Chrysostom once addressed an exhortation to parents who were indignant at the preaching of the monks. They say that grown up children, instead of helping their fathers in trade or craft, gather in temples, listen to monks and even go to monasteries ... Chrysostom offers a comparison: if someone set fire to your house at night, and a person passing by runs into it, knocks at all doors, waking people up and forcing them to run out of the fire - who do you call the culprit of the night's restlessness? Arsonist or savior? So, if in our cities, in your cities, one could protect one's soul from the fire of sins, there would be no need for monasteries. It was not the monks who set fire to your cities with sins. And if they teach your children protection from sin - what is their fault?

So the Christians say: death is poured into the world and the cosmos. We ourselves did nothing to overcome it. But we have been given a cure for death, a "medicine of immortality," an antidote. Eternal God He became a man in order to draw us to Himself and to protect us from the consequences of our own iniquities. Here is the Chalice with the medicine of immortality. Here is the Cup of Life. Come and taste... Is the doctor cruel who assures the sick that without the medicine brought to them they cannot survive? Is a preacher cruel who says that outside Communion a person will not find Life?..

And in this situation it is by no means obvious that the difference between Christianity and paganism can be neglected. After all, the main difference between them is that Christianity tells the world and man: "you are sick," and paganism assures you - "you are healthy." No difference? But if I have appendicitis, and instead of a painful operation, they tell me: “you take sleeping pills or aspirin - and everything will pass”? Christianity says: go through the pain of repentance and aspire to God. Paganism assures that neither one nor the other is needed, but only "expand your consciousness." And if you need to meet with someone, it is by no means with God, but simply with some of the cosmic inhabitants ...

Now back to Chernobyl. Outwardly, everything is calm there. But the man who drinks the local milk is drinking death. He breathes the forest air - he breathes death. He collects mushrooms - he collects death ... Why can't you run in the center of Moscow? - Because the more intense the breathing here, the more air a person will drive here through his lungs - the more dirt will be deposited in them.

Occultism is based on the possibility of independent development without God. Occultists either believe that even without God they have internal capabilities that allow them to do a lot, or they resort to some "cosmic forces, energies" while a person unconsciously begins to serve fallen spirits tasting the infamous fruit of the knowledge of good and evil...

Books in electronic format.

Chesterton G.K. Eye of Apollo. // Selected works in 4 volumes. T. 1. - M., 1994, p. 166.
Of course, this does not in the least prevent Blavatsky from declaring that “Everything is allegorical in the ancient Scriptures - everything is based and inextricably linked with astronomy and cosmolatry” (H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2, p. 98). What the Prophets resolutely fight against is now presented as their "secret teaching" ...
The question of why exactly the worship of the luminaries was allowed by God and how exactly it happened that it was through the astral cult that demonic and demon-worshipping notes penetrated into the religion of the pagans, we will now leave without consideration. For our topic, it is important to note that from the point of view of Scripture (and Origen) a serious and successful search for Truth should lie away from "cosmic religions."
Buye L. Bible and Gospel. - Paris, 1988, p. 151.
archim. Sophrony (Sakharov). About prayer. - Paris, 1991, p. 90.
see Danielou J. Origene. - Paris, 1948, p. 295.
teacher Maxim the Confessor. Creations. Part 1. - M., 1993, p. 187.
St. John Chrysostom. Creations. T. 2. book. 1. - St. Petersburg, 1896, p. 438.
St. Basil the Great. Creations. T. 4. - M., 1846, p. 259 260.
St. Gregory Nyssky. Creations. Part 3. - M., 1862, p. 158.
St. Gregory the Theologian. Creations. T. 1. - St. Petersburg, b.g., p. 412.
St. John Chrysostom. Creations. T. 2. book. 1. - St. Petersburg, 1896, p. 392.
Solovyov V. S. Readings about God-manhood. // Solovyov V. S. Op. in 2 volumes. T. 2. - M., 1989, p. 37.
Which, nevertheless, should still be considered as a religious, and by no means "cultural" practice from the point of view of secular legislation (for which there is no division into "true religion" and "false religion").
Kartashev A.V. Ecumenical Councils. - M., 1994, ss. 292 and 294.
Karsavin L.P. Holy Fathers and Teachers of the Church. (Disclosure of Orthodoxy in their works). - M., 1994, p. eighteen.
“Theosophical gnosis never comes to God, it is infinitely immersed in the world, in cosmic evolution” (N. A. Berdyaev, Philosophy of the Free Spirit. - M., 1994, p. 183).
Pope John Paul II. Cross the threshold of hope. - M., 1995, ss. 67 68. The best (and cited above) translation is taken from a fragment published in Komsomolskaya Pravda on 11/11/1994, p. fourteen.
A Jewish historian with no sympathy for Christianity writes: “Christians flocked to the Jewish synagogues for a long time. In these synagogues they continued their missionary efforts in an attempt to convert the Jews to Christianity. Seeing that their hospitality was being used to harm, the Jews introduced into the liturgy a special prayer directed against heretics. Since Christians could not echo this prayer, the practice of using synagogues as shelters gradually died out ”(Diamont M. Jews, God and History. - M., 1994, p. 202). We are talking about the Shmone Ezretz prayer, the daily main prayer of the rabbis, into which the curse of "heretic and Nazarite" was inserted in the second century.
This abstinence of Christian theology from cosmological constructions cleared the ground for the emergence of a properly scientific, and not mythological, knowledge of the world. The church was interested in the demythologization of the cosmos, and therefore welcomed the emergence of causal, mechanistic models for explaining cosmic and physical processes. Only when the cosmos was deprived of its sacred divine status, it turned out to be possible to approach it with mathematical experimental standards. For more on this, see the chapter “The Church and the Birth of a Scientific Tradition” in my book Tradition, Dogma, Rite. Apologetic essays” (M., 1995).
Ancient Paterik. - M., 1899, p. 160.
Ancient Paterik. With. 169.
The Egyptian Anthony the Great says this about the origin of paganism: “So, firstly, we know that the demons are called so not because they were created like that. God didn't do anything evil. On the contrary, they are created good; but, having fallen from the height of heaven and already revolving around the earth, the pagans were deceived by visions ”(St. Athanasius the Great. Life of our venerable father Anthony. 22 // St. Athanasius the Great. Creations. T. 3. Trinity Sergius Lavra, 1903, p. 236).
Lazarev S. N. Diagnosis of karma. book. 1. - St. Petersburg, 1993, p. 25.
Chesterton G.K. Eternal Man. - M., 1991, p. 25.
And even if the spiritual world intermediate between God and man is quite good and pure, all the same, the religious impulse should not get stuck in it. Proceeding from this consideration, Protestants often accuse the Orthodox of the fact that our religious impulse is more often addressed to the saints than to the Savior Himself. From the point of view of doctrinal logic, the reproach of the Protestants is unfair. But in real practice, alas, this happens. The feeling is precisely pagan, and by no means Christian text left in me a letter from one reader to the newspaper "Rus Derzhavnaya": "I believe that it is to Sovereign Nicholas II that we owe the fact that in the Great Patriotic War we were patronized by St. Great Martyr and Victorious George. This is our Sovereign begged Holy Mother of God ascend the Throne of Russia in His absence (appearance of the icon of the Sovereign Mother of God), and now she guards and defends the Russian land with her prayers. The prayers of St. The Sovereign, by His Blessing, was led to Victory over the German aggressors by the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George ”(Derzhavnaya Rus. No. 1 (24), 1996). In these complex relationships between the Saints, God turns out to be almost unnecessary ... And even the capital letter from God passes to the Sovereign.

One of the group members was seriously interested in studying various religious movements, and, naturally, he had a desire to find out the attitude of the "upper" colleagues to spiritual problems. The position they occupy turned out to be quite interesting. Here are just a few snippets from the sessions:

The cosmos is a single living organism and, therefore, must have a single consciousness. Is this the same as acknowledging God?

We can talk about religion separately. Religion itself did not arise purely by chance. Everything carries a certain real ground, and quite weighty and material. Our messengers left traces on the Earth in different eras, and also influenced the creation of religion. The concept of God exists in many civilizations, even those who have reached a high level.

What is the image of Christ?

The image of Christ as an energy unit is formed from many energy potentials. On the one hand, negative aspects were removed, and on the other hand, positive features were added. This is a kind of collective image, but the energy basis was taken from one person. This is pure virgin birth.

How do you explain what we call God. And what is the essence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?

In the concept of the Son, they tried to present the possibility of realizing a cosmic comprehensive source of information through a person - Christ. God is a very, very multifaceted concept, and it cannot be said about him in one sentence. The connection is implied both between people and with the Cosmos. Spirit is the expediency of the existence of both man and other civilizations, worlds and the Universe in general.

And what can be attributed to the so-called Archangels?

We would refer them to the divisions of the Father (the answer sounded with some irony).

What can you say about Agniyogi?

We believe that in this scripture the information is given in a superior style that is not understood by the majority. In other words, this source is good, but it has some flaws that are not related to the information it carries. This is due to some kind of halo and mystical environment that exists around it. Indeed, many people not only do not want to read it, but consider this section of literature to be frivolous.

Did you participate in this work?

We did not personally participate in this work, but you are right in thinking that this kind of information is not written by a person without contact with a source outside the Earth. We also want to say that Shambhala is not a product of any particular civilization, and the concept of its materiality is interpreted by you completely incorrectly, although this school really exists.

By the year 2000, the prognosis of the Bible ends. Will the humanity of the third millennium have such a treatise or will it do without it?

Initially, it was postulated that either by the end of the year 2000 humanity would fulfill this instruction, or, having exhausted itself, would disappear in the same way as Atlantis. We believe that this document is able to push a person to another information base, more specific, for the development of not only energy capabilities, but also the harmonization of human development. This, in our opinion, is the basis for further development your civilization. It turns out that the Bible does not finish its narrative, although the first, crazy path has been passed ...

The exciting theme of the afterlife and the existence of the soul was also not forgotten, but it will have to be considered separately and a little later.

When the conversation touched upon the Devil, it became clear that there are real cosmic forces that, from a human point of view, can be called the bearers of Evil. The most serious and highly organized representatives of these dark forces were conditionally designated as "Black". Here the name really reflects to some extent the inclinations and nature of this intelligent formation and its aspirations towards humanity.

The "Blacks" are a civilization of a lower level of development than the "Greens" and "Blues", but nevertheless it forces them to treat themselves with special attention.

It has materially expressed jellyfish-shaped centers, without which its existence is impossible. These centers are located on the periphery of space objects, called "black holes", and it is very difficult to get close to them both physically and energetically.

Thus, on Earth, "Blacks" exist only in the form of energy formations, and for this they use the energy potential of certain groups of people, and less often one person.

"Blacks" are excellent at mimicry and are able to cause any visions in the human mind, so it is difficult to talk about their earthly form. Their first connections to an intermediary are even more unphysiological than those of the "Earthly", and are accompanied by a strong loss of energy, including those who are present at the communication sessions. The mediator's voice sounds natural, but becomes insinuating, with Mephistophelian overtones.

The scarcity of information about the "Blacks" is explained by the operation of one of the cosmic laws: everyone speaks about himself, that is, other people's secrets can be disclosed only with the consent of the interested party or be limited to the "well-known" amount of data. Waiting for the truth from the "Blacks" in this matter is a hopeless business: they are unsurpassed masters of disinformation.

The degree of development of civilization is determined in the Cosmos not only by the level of information available, but also by the ability to accumulate and use the "coarse" and "subtle" energies of the surrounding space; and the wider this range, the higher the potential of an intelligent formation.

When asked about how the Blacks relate to a person, the Greens answered with a question:

And how does humanity treat its cows?

It turns out that their peculiarity lies in the fact that the most desirable for them is the energy produced by the human body in situations where anger, hatred, fear, envy, etc. predominate among feelings.

Large emissions of this "hard" energy are observed in areas of ethnic and interethnic conflicts, in war zones. Moreover, the "Blacks" take an active part in their preparation, and in the existing ones they maintain a high "boiling" temperature.

They are well versed in psychology, physiology and the human energy system, they have a large amount of versatile information.

AT right person The Blacks are clinging on with a stranglehold. Pursuing their goals, at the first stages of contact with him, they give out very interesting and reliable information, captivate with almost instantaneous results - a person suddenly discovers many unusual abilities: clairvoyance, energy healing, and so on. His financial situation rapidly and steadily improving. Almost any desires are fulfilled, everything in life is easy and simple.

But then there comes a period when a person, having completed his task, which, by the way, he could not have guessed, becomes unnecessary in an active capacity. Then the most unpleasant thing happens: the acquired abilities are lost, the streak of luck ends, often there is a craving for alcohol and drugs, he descends to base and dishonest deeds, degrades spiritually.

Ultimately, the personality turns into an ordinary "donor" - an energy supplier who either gives his own or plays the role of a collector of the energies of the people around him.

Even in the case of successful and long-term work with the "Blacks", a person becomes a completely controlled being, his inner "I" is turned inside out by the most unattractive side, which determines the direction of thinking and behavior.

To the question of what distinguishes these messiahs of the dark forces, the answer was this:

This can be clearly seen from two points. First, a pronounced "sucking" energy background. But do not confuse with natural processes that manifest themselves in the human environment. Secondly, in their psychological and life tendencies, consumer, egoistic notes are very clearly manifested.

Although in every person there are some moments from the "devil", but the degree of expression is not variegated. Either this is a pronounced "Black", or there are very few such trends. Only one in a thousand there are hybrids from two Forces ...

The patronage of the “Blacks” is enjoyed by the public, which is popularly called witches and sorcerers. They can indeed perfectly treat various diseases, but with no less success deprive a person of health or cause his death with the help of conspiracies, curses and other manipulations.

Many modern psychics, without knowing it, acquire their abilities with the participation of the "dark" forces of the Cosmos. Their influence, just like the treatment of sorcerers and witches, not only leads to healing, but is also accompanied by the programming of the patient's psyche in order to turn him into an accomplice of "devil" forces.

Regarding the issue of voluntary cooperation with the "dark" forces, the "Greens" say:

We want to emphasize that those people who express the will of the "Blacks" do not always know that they are the bearers of their codes and programs. Only two-three percent of subordinate people have a complete understanding of the structure and role of "Blacks" on Earth.

But these people are in a twofold position. On the one hand, they are biorobots, that is, they are programmed according to the “zombie” system. And, on the other hand, when they go to the extreme degree of “blackness”, they are subject to “mutation”, which is expressed in the fact that at some point a person, turning inside out, like a stocking, becomes a storehouse of holiness and purity.

However, the "Blacks" are not afraid of such a transition from one facet to another, since this phenomenon is extremely rare.

The elite cadres of the "Blacks" are in the leadership of the Masonic movement, which, to a greater extent than anything else, reveals the essence of the activities of the representatives and representatives of this civilization on Earth. The emergence of various currents and factionalism among the Freemasons is an undesirable problem for the "Blacks", and this can be taken into account when fighting them.

In case of unsuccessful exits of the field shell into outer space, and especially in case of “ricochets” from the information-energetic shell of the Earth, the “Blacks” pose a great danger, since they work in energy channels close to zero and successfully lay down their programs at these levels.

Your intermediary avoided this fate, because you did not intuitively violate the very first commandment: if the intermediary began to move, then you must not stop at the initial moments of movement, both in terms of time and space.

Horizontal movement under the energy dome of the Earth is also the most vulnerable. But if the mediator has a cover in the form of a sufficiently labile and energetically saturated leader, then such a system is almost invulnerable.

We want to warn you that the initial stages of an individual exit into the Cosmos, that is, an exit without a leader, are even more dangerous if one does not prioritize concentration and grouping of energy.

Even more dangerous is the amorphous dispersal of energy during experiments. The intermediary must outline clear boundaries for "dispersed" energy - in this case, its systems will be protected from external influences.

The level of encoding, that is, the level of exposure to the influence of "Blacks", is determined by awareness. As we have already said, a person may not guess that he belongs to the “Black” clan, but he is aware that his activities are contrary to generally accepted humane norms. We associate such activity with various kinds of extremist groups, propaganda of the cult of physical force, and with sophisticated forms of oppression of the individual.

Another unexpected moment was discovered when identifying such a question:

Did the "Blacks" interfere in the process of creating the Bible?

We have already said that the Bible was created in order to give humanity the basic postulates, developing which, it could move to higher levels of energy and methodological knowledge environment. As a reminder of the constant danger, the concepts of the forces of Darkness were incorporated into it. But the fact is that the "Blacks" approached this issue with their usual ingenuity.

We want to say that they initially “charged” the postulates of the Bible regarding Satan with their encodings. That is, if a person, when getting acquainted with these sections, enters into resonance at certain energy levels, he can collect a huge number of programs that change his spiritual mood and creed attitudes just in favor of Satan ...

The paradox is that the "Blacks" are not interested in the death of our civilization.

The Greens clarify the situation:

They do not seek to depersonalize and de-energize all of humanity. It is better for them to restructure it as a whole in one form or another, in which it would be as easy as possible to use it for their own purposes.

"Blue" demonstrate unexpected rigidity:

We have no moral justification for the destruction of the "dark" forces.

But if we could physically destroy them on Earth, then we did it by stepping over the moral standards that we adhere to. In terms of its evolution, humanity has a lot of other problems that it cannot solve today. And the "dark" forces strongly heel the scales in the other, undesirable, direction.

So, the task of a person is to actively resist the forces of Evil and fight them?

The "Greens" also expressed their opinion "on the right of forces to exist", as can be seen from the following fragment of the dialogue:

What can a person do with the power of his mind and soul to contribute to the fight against the "dark" forces?

Yes, and the struggle itself should be carried out within reasonable limits, since without one force there is no other. Everything in this world is in motion, and the Universe cannot exist without "black" forces. If at this stage there are more of them on the Earth and next to it, then there are fewer of them in other places, and we dominate there.

And another, more recent statement:

This formation has the right to exist and is an objective reality that must be reckoned with and even respect some of its postulates.

One of them says that "Blacks" do not touch what does not belong to them. They only take what is nobody's. This fits in with the principles of the Universal Mind and with objective laws that exist in nature.

Secondly, they value their personnel, with the exception of a certain category.

Thirdly, their organization commands respect, some principles of work have been adopted by all of us from them.

In accordance with the principles of rationality, we cannot fight them in your understanding - a war.

It makes sense for you to take precautions. And if you are sure that the blow was inflicted by the "dark" forces, there is a reason to push them out on other fronts of your creativity and not to strike back in the form in which it was imposed on you.

And to answer in other areas, in a different, more reasonable form and by other methods. This is the most unpleasant, sensitive and effective for them, if it is done for higher purposes ...

It turns out that in the Cosmos the attitude towards the "dark" forces is somewhat different - they are an inevitable necessity for evolution. He who does not know Evil does not know Good.

The offer of help from the people was not accidental, because there was a period when the "Greens" and "Blues" spent a lot of effort to protect members from the intrigues of the "dark" brethren.

The fact is that for the "Blacks" foreign intermediaries always become an object of heightened interest. And if they can gain a foothold in the mechanisms of the intermediary's subconscious, then they get the opportunity to penetrate into the information and energy channels of his space curators.

In other situations, "Blacks" simply "recruit" an already prepared person - this is easier than preparing your own intermediary. That is, in these cases they make an exception from their principles and try to take someone else's.

If neither one nor the other succeeds, they try to put a person out of action in every possible way: they deplete the person energetically, have a negative impact on physical and mental health, interfere with the relationship of the “object” with relatives and friends.

The members of the group felt this “dirty” work quite soon and turned to the “Greens” and “Blues” for help. And soon there was an idea to hold a diplomatic session with the participation of three civilizations, in which it was supposed to divide the "zones of influence".

The session took place in October 1986, and then it resulted in an agreement under which the Blacks, in exchange for certain concessions from other space forces, pledged not to take aggressive actions against the group members and their close relatives.

Universal Sacred Energy(SEN) is a synthesis secret knowledge humanity and information contained in the energy of force fields penetrating the Cosmos and our planet Earth.

How the Universal Sacred Energy gets to the Earth

On our planet there are places with a high concentration of energies. These points are the entry and exit portals of the SES. They are connected to the universal fields of a level where distances and time do not exist. All portals are connected by special beams, resonating with sacred places. The channels unite all the spiritual and sacred centers of the planet Earth:

  • Egypt;
  • Tibet;
  • India;
  • Russia;
  • And other countries.

Qualitative difference of Sacred Energies

The principal advantage of the Sacred Energies is that the ancient information flows merge with the modern vibrations of the Universe that appear today. This merging occurs due to the presence of space-time communication portals. The energies accumulated over the centuries by Enlightened people merge into one powerful stream with the vibrations of our advanced contemporaries.
There are no pioneers and bosses in the SEN Methodology. Due to the fact that part of the sacred knowledge was transferred to us, through the now open portals, from Initiated Sufis, hermits and elders who still live on Earth. Part of the methodology became known through Zarathustra and Kabbalah.
The Doctrine of Sacred Energy includes elements of pre-Buddhist techniques Xingtai, DAO, the secrets of Egyptian priests; insights and opportunities of Indian yogis.
Linking with various spiritual directions, the teaching of SEN is self-sufficient and is not attributed to anyone. This is an independent teaching, the knowledge of which is transmitted non-verbally to the student.

Introduction to SEN

Cosmic or, in other words, all-penetrating Sacred (Sacred) Energy contains the planetary esotericism of humanity. These ranges lack historical events. Energy carries, differing in level, elements of past epochs, present events and future times.
Each of us must improve our individuality, and adequately carry the spirituality of our people and ancestors.
In the vibrations of the planet, common innate qualities are manifested, which are embedded in the code of your nationality and clan. If you break away from this, you will not survive. No wonder it says folk wisdom: "One in the field is not a warrior."

What hinders spiritual development, according to the Initiate in SEN

The initiates believe that the philosophy, which claims that everything in life is predetermined, was not invented by respectable individuals and hinders spiritual development. Because such an idea turns humanity into a flock of helpless sheep in need of a shepherd. Such thoughts are imposed on people from fear of them. After all, a developed individual exerts his own, special influence on events in the universe, on the planet and processes in the surrounding world. In order to develop, you must definitely separate yourself from the influence of social egregore, from various stereotypes and stigmas.

Things to keep in mind when embarking on the path of development

There is no place for pride on this path. We must remember: our existence on Earth is only a road to non-existence, when eternal soul rushes to the highest and subtle expanses of the Cosmos, to new levels of perfection.

Russia, according to the prophecies, is the planetary center of a high spirit. It is here that the center of the "Decisive
battles”, fierce battles of the spirit, which should change the world. Individuals with a developed soul and high spirit are gathered here. Outwardly, we are different from each other. But, according to the principle of attraction of like to like, in terms of sacred vibrations on Earth, we are one.

Any person is born with original abilities and appearance. Everyone on the planet has their own unique mission. Nobody is worse or better than another. Before the Sacred Energy, we are all equal if we learn to understand it or work with this intelligent vibration. At the same time, we are all different, because everyone needs something original, original. Thus, the unity of diversity is manifested.

Where does student work begin?

The student takes the first steps in his work, realizing the space, studying the first shell of the SEN portals, described in the manual for beginners and Initiates.

The next step on the way is to get acquainted with the second shell of the SEN portals. During this period, another consciousness will come, which will be manifested by interaction with global Cosmic waves, through the power places of the planet.

The student does not have to convert channel names. It is not the name and sounds that are important, but what they carry in themselves.

Where does the Motherland begin?

On the map of the planet, we see different, dissimilar people living in four parts of the world:

  • on South;
  • north;
  • west;
  • east.

In these parts of the world originate genetic groups that carry similar Cosmic vibrations. This is where the principle of survival on the planet originates - genetic coincidence, resonance.

Any civilization reaches a certain level of perfection. Today these limits are beyond human understanding. Therefore, there is the concept of infinite evolution. This allows us to rise to the level of consciousness of our ancestors in the universe. Any ethnic group has a special way in life, a kind of mission, ways of development, cultural achievements, state structure. Personality is formed in their homeland.

Fundamentals of the Universal Sacred Energy

Spiritual improvement of individuality, which occurs under the influence of the frequencies of the universe and depending on the ethnographic features, is the basis of Sacred Energy. The cosmic generic code, connected with the pra-civilization by resonant energies, directs a powerful impulse for the development of unique individuals. New, evolved personalities are part of the coming millennium. Sacred Energies are enhanced through the portals of the power of the Earth.

Sacred Energy interacts with the planet through a dozen portals. Any vibration channel carries the following ranges:

  • high frequency;
  • middle;
  • low.

The disciple is initiated in stages. This gradually expands the individual's frequency receiver, in a vertical, horizontal direction. This gives the ability to master a wide range of frequencies. No wonder it is said: "Who controls the surrounding space, he owns the universe."

Abilities are given to the student depending on the purity of his intentions. Before the Sacred Energy, the soul of a person is visible through and through.

How the body of the Initiate perceives the Sacred Energy

Any cell of our body perceives figurative information. The entire human body is built according to the holographic law, just like the Universe. Thus, knowledge for the Initiates from the Universe comes cleared of the distortions of material reality.

Passing through the student's body, the energy-information beam creates vibrations perceived by DNA molecules. Since the points of the sacred power of the Earth are connected with a huge number of other planets, suns and spiritual teachings, a person does not live as an isolated being. He is part of the people, race, his clan, is connected with the past and future time, is in the present. If he does not have a great past, there cannot be a worthy future.

Unlike all spiritual practices, the SEN technique begins in unexplored intelligent eternity and extends into the coming infinity of time. Then, as any cult known on Earth has a certain initial point in time and space.

The decision is yours!

Each of you must decide for yourself whether to take responsibility for your own health, turn to doctors or begin spiritual development. Healing comes to the one who trusts the Sacred Energy, kindles in his heart the light of goodness, decency, conscience and honor, puts in order all his actions, way of thinking and life.

Energy information portals SEN

SEN is subdivided into several energy information portals:

  1. healing;
  2. Sacred Venus: 13 channels, aesthetic medicine;
  3. Sacred Nature: 12 channels, zonal expansion;
  4. Sacred Fire: 12 channels, vertical expansion;
  5. Sacred Space(master level): 12 channels, planetary levels;
  6. Spiritual: 7 channels;
  7. Zoroastrianism: 12 channels;
  8. Combat Energy: 13 channels;
  9. master: genetics;
  10. A teacher who trains specialists in the sacred direction, with the right to initiate at all levels.

Brief description of portals

healing portal - gives the most powerful currents for healing the ethereal shell, first of all, healing.

Venus- creates harmony of personality, perception, awareness, self-acceptance. Works also on rejuvenation and harmony. Harmonizes relationships, promotes the attraction of circumstances.

Nature- enhances interaction with natural forces. Helps through this interaction to create a positive series of events. To get what you want.

Fire- empowerment. Having reached the portal of Fire, you acquire the possibilities of positive energies of fiery structures and constellations, and gain the strength to direct, balance, balance, strengthen the passed portals.

sacred space- gives expansion towards the Cosmos, to the upper energy centers and brings into resonance the first energy center with the consciousness of the planet Earth, where the 1st chakra is the entire planet Earth with its internal processes and transformations.

spiritual portal associated with the spiritual space of the Cosmos, which gives support and intensification of work with the Healing Portal, especially when removing negativity.

Combat Energy Portal- gives strength to overcome negative influences, can be used to work with situations, as well as cleansing from entities.

master- genetics of the future. Works for healing through the impact on genes. It can help in the development of abilities, intellect, transformations of consciousness. Gives a vision of a new level and development.

Sacred teacher - teacher training and initiation into the SES portals.

More detailed description of Portals

healing portal

The ecological state of the planet, severe international conflicts, bad relations between people often lower both the spiritual level of a person and his elementary human qualities, and lead to diseases.

Negative factors of our life:

  • a noticeable decrease in drinking water supplies, a clear lack of moisture in arid countries;
  • altered genetics of plant and meat products;
  • decrease in the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere, due to barbaric deforestation;
  • pollution of the world's oceans;
  • the death of many species of the animal world;
  • the main part of the medicines only relieves the symptoms of the disease, and not the cause;
  • religious and geopolitical wars going on all over the Earth;
  • total inability to communicate with each other respectfully, with love, humanly;
  • excessive computerization of all activities, leading to dependence.

In such a situation, the basic law of evolution works: the strongest survive.

Nature has endowed man with the ability to heal not only himself, but also loved ones. Animals also have a flair and know how to choose medicinal herbs, they come to people for help.

However, a person, unlike an animal, has spiritual values, is able to think in terms of volume, is able to improve, striving towards the higher worlds.

Spiritual efforts heal oncology, the effects of radiation exposure and other serious diseases.

The Healing Portal contains a whole complex of energies. The initiate, using these rays, helps people and himself. The energies of the Healing Portal heal the aura, mental, emotional shells, chakras and physical body.

Vibrations of our organs

Every person is surrounded subtle aura consisting of special vibrations. Any human organ is surrounded by the same aura, an ethereal cocoon of subtle energy. In that subtle body contains information about the state of: kidneys, heart, liver, spleen and the whole organism. The color of the aura is unique for each person, inherent only to him alone. This, in turn, determines a different outlook on life for each person. After all, we look at the world through the ethereal transparent layer of the aura. Therefore, one sees everything in black, and the other in pink.

How diseases appear

Diseases enter the body in various ways:

  • long acting stresses weaken;
  • there is an unhealthy heredity;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • overwork, lack of rest;
  • aggressive, unfriendly attitude of others, overwhelming your personality;
  • negative attitude towards others, suppressing someone, you harm yourself;
  • manifestation of anger towards someone, being angry, you lose your strength and energy of health.

Human cells perceive positive events and negative ones. Even our ancestors, fighting for their kind, the spiritual world, fought for genetic health. Each person leaves an imprint on himself in the world, such as his honor and conscience. Every action leaves an imprint on his aura. Man who destroys nature destroys himself. Therefore, philosophers say: "This is not a bad world, it's you."

How does the Healing Portal work?

The energies of the Healing portal come from the Cosmos, the central flow of energy mobilizes and activates the work of all energy centers simultaneously. The peripheral streams of the healing wave purify the ethereal shell. Transformed dirt and pain go into the earth, are transformed there, improve the fertility of the soil, or are burned in fiery bowls.

Each organ is sent its own channel or group of channels, with its own range. Each organ has its own vibrations, they resonate with the vibrations of the Healing Portal and interact, which ultimately causes a healing effect. Negative information encrypted in ethereal body and organs, is read by the flows of the Healing Portal and the Portal reacts to resonant areas that require healing. Healing energies do not allow the disease to take root in the body and adapt.

During the Initiation, the biopolar fire bowls of the Healing Portal are adjusted, which have a universal character. They help in protection, in healing, processing negativity and much more. And also there is an adjustment to the Healing places of the power of the planet Earth.

Portal of the Sacred Venus

From Venus, this portal carries harmonizing energies that create divine balance.

With certain sacred spaces, each physical place of our planet is vertically connected. These spaces are combined into information fields of ideas and thoughts that are realized in life. And the more connections a person has with these places, the greater his awareness and energy potential, the greater the space for action in any spheres of a person’s life:

  • in the shower;
  • surrounding space;
  • relationships with family and friends;
  • at work;
  • in a career;
  • and business.

After the impact of this portal, a person becomes younger, healthier, more beautiful. Dark energies go away, life becomes brighter and more fun.

Channels of the Sacred Venus

  1. Venus– high-level channel.
  2. Harmony - soothes and eliminates the situation of scandal in the group. Motivation can be different.
  3. Hari-ta- combines three qualities: brightness, sexual attractiveness, persuasiveness. Motivation of the main idea (friendly) is put into the client's head in the process of communication.
  4. Jo-wana- Slavic and Aryan channel. Strengthens the relationship between child and mother. Protects mother and child. Relieves feeling unwell during menstruation.
  5. Juno- the channel of fidelity. It connects the energies of a man and a woman, suits fate. Successfully interacts with a similar channel of Zorothustra.
  6. Cha-ra- liquid bright crystal. The effectiveness of the result depends on the brightness of the charge.
  7. Hebe- light channel of youth.
  8. Zar- dense channel. In combination with a light flow of Hebe, it successfully affects the endocrine system, burns fats, improves metabolism, removes excess weight, rejuvenates the skin, making it supple and elastic.
  9. Gabonia- the flow of the Goddess of fertility. Models the holographic image of the human aura into a healthy form, conceived by the Almighty. Enlarges the mammary glands.
  10. TET. Removes negative information from jewelry and amulets. Positively charges cosmetics and aqueous solutions.
  11. Aphrodite- hologram. The flow of Aphrodite's energy implants into the skin golden threads extracted from the Cosmos, which contains everything: copper, gold, platinum, silver, precious stones.
  12. eri-da- a stream of Assyrian Fire. A dense stream passes from top to bottom, reaching the genitals. In the lower abdomen, Fire forms a rotating ball. This energy cleanses the meridians, tightens them, improves the composition of the blood, the elasticity of the blood vessels.
  13. The flow of time and space. It is used to deepen and improve sphericity, information capacity.

Sacred Nature Portal

The Portal of Sacred Nature is the main portal of natural phenomena, interacting with many spiritual currents of the Earth of the past and present, which contains the knowledge of the shamanic worlds about the knowledge of the spiritual world of the Earth. The focus of the student's attention and his field of action in the Portal is an additional force and help of the Natural forces through which exits and interactions with the Initiate's goals take place.

The flows of this energy are the main ones in natural phenomena. In this channel, the forces of ancient spiritual currents and modern ones are combined. The main task of the Student is to learn how to attract Natural forces to achieve their goals.

Territories of the portal of nature: White Sea, Karelia, Baikal, Western Sayan, Chardonnay archipelago. These sacred places have a connection with space and time, where mountains are something like antennas that receive information from space, and the water surface, on the contrary, reflects information upward. These properties of sacred places were used by our ancestors.

On the initiate, the breath of the portal is fixed from the power places of Mother Earth, which are connected with each other. The portal works thanks to the universal law of the passage of subtle energies through dense vibrations, while the dense components change their energy-informational components.

We can present each portal as information attachments to each other, like nesting dolls. Each initiation into the multi-level energy structures of the portals leads to awareness and the receipt of deeper information.

The portal of Sacred Nature contains 12 channels and embraces the whole world.

Channels of Sacred Nature:

  1. Mi-ra Terra originally.
  2. Ani-we- allies, animated supporting forces. Helps to meet two halves of one whole, attracting like to like.
  3. Ome-la- all healing. The energy of the druids, natural species. It leads to a change in energy components and the adoption of forms of natural origin.
  4. PRO-VE- wisdom in harmony. Helps in various activities. Concentrate in a relaxed state. It is a stream of the lower and upper levels of Terra.
  5. LU-RA- heals any representatives of the fauna of the planet.
  6. FAUN- the energy of truth, truth. Weakens the will of the interlocutor, excluding the possibility of a lie.
  7. PELEN- provides protection.
  8. FETIERS- protects the home by programming low-frequency spirits in a certain way.
  9. PAS-SI- helps to change the erroneous decision. Acts from the back, transferring attention in the right direction.
  10. RENA- the flow of geometric modulation, cleans the reservoirs, helps nature.
  11. ASY– world Divine exits to the ETA-RA space.
  12. WICCA– access to runic spaces.

Sacred Fire Portal

The places of power, to which the student of the Sacred Fire Portal is initiated, cover the Himalayan mountain system, as well as Europe, Africa around the circumference, including the Giza Plateau, Nasko (Peru), Ukok Plateau (South Ural) with further expansion to the North and South Poles.

The portal is a fiery energy, and is associated with the elements of destruction and creation, it opens to the four cardinal points, up and down, left to right, which is a solar Kolovrat.

During Initiation, you tune into the channels described below and unregistered ones, which serve for stable and necessary work, as well as into the places of power described above.

There is an increase in your energies after initiations into each portal, with the help of connecting more and more sacred places of the planet.

Every place on our planet has a physical, ethereal, astral and spiritual reality.

At initiation, the first energy center is connected and activated through the sacred places of nature. Thus, grounding occurs at the same time, which in turn bears its results! Further, the second energy center is activated and further.

Each channel is a subtle combination of everything with everything and represents a multifaceted combination of energies of different frequency characteristics, combined with each other.

In this portal, the space of the Aryans is connected with the fire-worshippers of all religious traditions. And also with Hyperborea.

Channels Portal Sacred Fire

  1. MAITREIhigher levels Sun. Bright flashes of these streams change the rhythm of the heart, make you close your eyes. Achieving these levels is not recommended as mandatory.
  2. ARIA– spatial and temporal passages of fire worshipers, in which the past influences contemporary events.
  3. CARNA– a channel that provides the ability to eliminate the processing of past errors.
  4. VE-LES is a complex flow. Exit to the world of HO-ROS. It acts like a pillar of fire, with a roar and whistle of the wind, above which a second world opens, painted with all the colors of the rainbow. This channel opens the magic of art, success, healing, spiritual, material well-being, circular support for good.
  5. PE-RUN- Lord of lightning and thunder. Acts according to the law of a mirror strike, stuns and paralyzes aggressively attacking enemies.
  6. AGNI- fire descending from space. Interacts with the NAVNA channel.
  7. NAVNA- Earth's updraft. Energies of shamanic conspiracies, totem animals, medicinal plants, healing crystals.
  8. Zey- an independent spirit.
  9. UTAGI- evaporating, burning out the spirits of the desert.
  10. ISIS- The Goddess who keeps the Vedas. Removes encodings, effects of hypnosis, zombies, suggestions.
  11. MIRRORING space and earth. Helps to find peace, enlightenment, expand and realize the breadth of perception.
  12. Space and Time. Provides volume and depth of cognizable information.

Portal Sacred Space

Working with this flow opens up incredible opportunities for the work of stellar forces. The movement of energy goes to eight sides of space, creating the integrity of the interaction of earthly forces with cosmic ones. These eight spaces are 8 dimensions of the sacred cosmos, interconnected, in which the initiate can be. They represent continuous development. This portal is above the planetary levels in SEN.

The portal gives the energy of development and assistance to the student. Strength, wisdom, is acquired and increased by the student from one portal to another.
Channels of the Sacred Cosmos:

  1. KE-TAR- an infinite space that contributes to the expansion of consciousness.
  2. HEKA is an ancient Egyptian canal. Gives the possibility of magnetic perfection, strengthens the connection with the Ahuras of Zoroaster, planetary balance, the protection of the Student.
  3. JIVA- The deity of human souls. Slavic-Aryan current. Attracts to the planet the energy of Uranus and Mercury, allows you to alleviate the suffering of the hopelessly ill.
  4. SIENNA- strengthening the forces of space. Eightfold breathing is recommended in the work.
  5. BRAHMON- transformation of the essences of the cosmos in a stream of cold fire.
  6. THAT- the ancient Egyptian stream of the last Atlantean. Helps the improvement of the Student, provides information and protection of higher powers. Raises the student to a new spiritual level.
  7. SHIVA-SHAKTI- in the form of a purple ball. It removes negative attachments, clears the mind of false beliefs and ideas, of any negative informational influences, removes zombies, improves memory, develops intelligence, helps in mastering educational material, and helps relieve stress, for example, during exams.
  8. ETA-RA- polar star. This channel contains the energy of the worlds of cosmic constellations. Through this stream, the Student receives help from relatives from the Universe.
  9. NA-ZU- higher, or upper. Information is revealed at initiation.
  10. SPACE BLACK HOLE- pulling force. This space absorbs destructive energy.
  11. yantra- ancient Indian stream. Starts its action automatically. Removes the effects of stress from the psyche, calms the soul.
  12. THE FLOW OF SPACE AND TIME- makes the energy of information voluminous and deep.

After tuning into the Sacred Cosmos portal, we interact with 21 sacred places on planet Earth. When initiating a master, which is a synonym for "powerful", 11 more sacred places of the planet Earth are added. Thus, the Master of SEN interacts with 32 sacred places.

spiritual portal

The history of the spiritual past of the Earth began from the north of Russia - the so-called Hyperborea. Later appeared indian gods with blue blood. Also the civilizations of Limuria and the Anunaki, the Nibirians.

The spiritual portal begins with Indian Vedic knowledge, the highest Aryan Brahmin caste guarding these secrets.

In Asia, spiritual values ​​were brought to people by the Buddha, who called for the middle path.

The Sumerians on their tablets said that representatives of aliens from outer space, from the mysterious planet Nibiru, lived in Mesopotamia. In creating man, an Anunaki female egg and a male primate cell were fertilized. In the experiment, 7 women were fertilized. From them were born seven Adams and Eves, who gave birth to the biblical Adam and Eve.

The Spiritual Portal successfully interacts with the Healing Portal and enhances its influence. Reduces harmful effect black sorcerers, sects, neutralizes Voodoo magic and other harmful effects. Helps in spiritual growth and development. What gives freedom to the development of the initiate.

Channels of Spiritual Forces

  1. AMITABHA space- supra-gregor vision, opening.
  2. NUT- the cosmic mother of the stars, giving birth to the Gods.
  3. The space of the BUDDHA.
  4. Space of MOSES.
  5. The space of CHRIST.
  6. The space of MAHOMET.
  7. AMATHERA- closing force, integrating a single whole.

The spiritual portal can work as a whole, or as separate spaces, depending on your needs for spiritual tasks. Gives support to overcome adversity, carries information about issues of interest.

AVESTA Zoroaster

The energies of Zoroastrianism are different from the usual stereotypes. The Ormuzd channel gives expansion, liberation, patronizes the initiate, removes any negative connections and other negative channels. His Force is capable of transmitting Avestan energies at a distance. The world of the Avesta is variants of all forms of fire. Spirits in this portal walk along perpendicular straight lines.

The portal operates at both low and high frequencies. The channels in the spiritual portal are arranged in a time sequence, where everything starts from the cosmic space of Amitabha, the energy of the spiritual force comes from the eight sides of the starry space. The vertical flow enters through the Nut space.

The initiation is carried out in the space of Amitabha. We practice in the Nut space, where the flow is taken from the original source. Amatera - the force that makes up a single whole, gives a vision of the closed form of egregores.

Names of streams of Zoroastrianism

  1. ORMUZD- expands, illuminates and enhances the space.
  2. MITER is the universal flow. Fire contract.
  3. NAHID-ANAHIT- brings order and peace to the home.
  4. ARTI- a stream that brings prosperity, a house with a full bowl, good luck.
  5. BAKHRAM- the victorious stream, casts out demons attacking in the astral plane.
  6. VIZARSH- the channel is dangerous, it should be used rarely. Eliminates necrotic settlements.
  7. ATAR- a stream of fire. Cleans houses.
  8. ARMITE- the energy of devotion, harmonizes personal relationships.
  9. CHISTA- the flow will prompt the exact choice if a person is seized by doubts.
  10. ZAUVRA- a stream of passion, kindles feelings and a strong attraction to a person of the opposite sex.
  11. AHURAS- balancing energies, forces that unite all portals.
  12. Ahriman- the channel of the God of evil and darkness. You can use this stream no more than once a year.
  13. Ahriman and ORMUZD give the portal balance, close it into a single whole.

To work with the portal, you need a fire in a convenient version and incense. Good results in dealing with earthly matters, but can give good spiritual support.

Combat Energy

The protective instincts of self-preservation in all people are similar, because each of us is a particle of nature. And the spiritual level of development is different for everyone.

Space parent civilizations left a legacy of a different program of survival for their descendants. For the White Supreme Race, the main thing is the perfection of the spiritual development of man. The basis of the growing spirit is the soul, with a feminine principle. Spirit is a fiery energy of development and synthesis.

The last cosmic race of the Anunaki from the planet Nibiru had accurate knowledge, but instead of a soul, a component of cold plasma of calculation. The Anunaki could not cope with a man of the White Race. The energy indicators of the components of the spirit and soul are thinner among the representatives of the White Race and stronger, higher, faster.

To destroy the People of the White Race, the Anunaki created new people to change the gene pool, history, philosophy. The Anunaki decided to create on the planet a world of ruminants indifferent to everything, like robots fulfilling the will of the creator, sitting at computers and forgetting valuable information known in the past.

In the energy space of the Cosmos solar system is being rebuilt. There is a spiritual war going on in the universe. It concerns everyone and everyone. After this war, the world will not remain the same. Everyone right here and now must answer the question for himself: “Who are YOU with?” Nothing else is needed, just decide for yourself and make a choice. Energetically, the understanding of this issue is significant, because our higher ancestors have a single spiritual space in the Universe. Recognizing oneself as one with them, gives a strong connection. In this, national interests will also be taken into account, the dignity and recognition of the merits of the Motherland will be emphasized.

The name of the forces in the Portal of Combat Energy

  1. ARMADA- the spirit of the warrior. Gives strength and protection. Connections of space and time.
  2. DECISION CHANGE is a force that stretches in different directions. This energy prevents the opponent from concentrating, distracts, sows doubts, softens the energy of the blow from the enemy. You can't open more than six months.
  3. NAZU- lower. Connects with the Sacred portal, closes two spaces.
  4. HECAT-13- connects with the portal of Venus, accepts heavy energy masses.
  5. Izur- geopathic flows. Information is revealed at the time of initiation.
  6. MAGIC BOWL- against ritual negative influences. It has quartz inclusions, is associated with a fiery portal.
  7. THE LABYRINTH OF OSIRIS- connect with the sacred portal.
  8. CAT- knocks off the rhythm, exhausting to exhaustion. Set by time.
  9. INQUIZA- a well of the 4th level. All nuances are revealed in the process of initiation.
  10. VENUS INTERIOR- an important planet for the Maya in martial arts. The Burning Power of the Crossroads parallel worlds associated with solar activity. The energy will intensify with the manifestation of the "White Jaguar".
  11. SELENA– consumes a consumer, neutralizes the necrotic world. The energy of gray shades absorbs necrotic entities that feed on a person.
  12. TIBETAN FIRE- subtle all-pervading energy of orange hues.
  13. KOF- exiles everyone who was not called.

The full amount of knowledge is given after initiation into each portal.

Mighty (Master)

Every student knows that there are 4 races on Earth: yellow, white, red and black. Each of them has its own formula for the DNA of spiritual development.

Hyperborea - an ancient civilization of a cosmic scale, formed the White Race in the North of Russia. Today they live on all continents of the planet.

The souls of the Gods come into incarnation only once, when the cycle of Manvantara ends and it is necessary to gain experience of incarnations of the Blueprints. The Soul of Light in incarnation can divide the energies into twelve Blueprints in order to gain experience in different Realities.

– At the Level of the superuniverse, the Supermonad divides the energies into twelve Spiritual Monads, going into incarnation on different levels existence (big sector).

– A Spiritual Monad in one of the star systems, in which the light code of its Kind is “sowed”, divides the energies into twelve Monads at the Level of the solar system.

– Each Monad gives energy for the realization of twelve Blueprints, embodying its plan of realization on one of the Levels of the planetary system.

Each Blueprint Soul works according to the program of one of the Rays, that is, from incarnation to incarnation it “goes in circles”, incarnating in different personalities until one of the divine qualities is worked out according to the requirements of the Soul. Then she is transferred to the program of the next Ray, and so - during the Manvantara. The rest of the Blueprints go through similar programs, but each at its own Space Level. It turns out that the Particles work with the same qualities and energies, but at different vibrational Levels.

At the end of the cycle of incarnations in this system of Worlds, one of the Particles is “upper” and the other is “lower”, but in principle they cannot be divided into higher and lower, because the Particles change polarity in incarnations. All this can be called experience, and after the merging of the energies of disembodied Particles there is neither "plus" nor "minus", the Monad synthesizes all experience. The Blueprint Monad absorbs these energies, and only then does it ascend.

For Souls of Light, Blueprints are their Manifestation Bodies in embodiment. All of them are working harmoniously to Manvantara according to their individual programs until the "Original" (Soul of Light) descends "down". The Soul of Light can enter the body of any prepared Carrier of the light code with the appropriate vibrations, replacing its light code with its own individual code.

The descent of the Soul of Light (divine Monad) into the physical body occurs only when it is ready to accept the higher energy when the consciousness of the Blueprint Monad reaches the level of consciousness of the divine Monad (ready for ascension to the spiritual Plane of the solar system).

Blueprints of the Souls of Light in the last incarnation are "equipped" with the experience acquired over the entire cycle. When they enter the Body of Manifestation for the last time, it matters both for them and for the Souls of Light (their Creators). In this incarnation, the Blueprints still have a common (generic) light code, but they have a chance to become Double of the divine Soul and find an individual code. We call them the Children of Light.

The Carriers of the light code who already have five full initiations of the Soul before this incarnation (two steps of the fifth initiation), earned in a long evolution, become the chosen ones, and the last incarnation is preparation for the ascension! Before incarnation, they receive a special enhanced program to prepare the human consciousness and body in order to achieve ascension by repeating all the stages of human development in one lifetime.

– After the ascension, the Blueprint yields the Body of Manifestation to the Soul of Light (God-born Monad), which completes the cycle in service to the higher Hierarchies, God and transforms experience.

– A person becomes an employee of God, a Conductor of ideas and energies of a God-born Being through an enlightened consciousness.

- To become one, you need to remove the big ego, which hinders the acceptance of higher energies, and strive for the manifestation of spiritual qualities, the recognition of cosmic Laws, remove material bindings (Spirit is primary, everything else is secondary)!

Many are called, but few are chosen ! Even those who are chosen go through trials many times on each Level of spiritual ascent. The Hierarchy of Light and God need steadfast, faithful helpers, and not weak and subject to any influence people! All those who do not stand the test before the ascension leave the Path and will again incarnate in the systems of the universe according to the Level of their consciousness on a common basis. Then their ascension is postponed indefinitely.

We have sometimes said that the Soul must remember itself. According to cosmic concepts, this should be explained as follows:

– “remember yourself” means to connect the consciousness of the Blueprint to the matrix of consciousness of the Soul of Light, then it will be able to receive information about its higher “I” intuitively or telepathically.

– A Monad-Svetokopiy can become a Twin of the Soul of Light only after its merging with all its separated Particles, fulfillment of all programs, complete identification of oneself with the Spirit and ascension.

Energy exchange during replacement occurs between the Monads, and not the Particles of their Consciousness. After that, the Double will continue its improvement, ascending the ladder of the Worlds, receiving energies and work programs individually from the Soul of Light, which has become its higher "I".

The Earthly Soul (the Carrier of the light code) can become a cosmic Soul after complete identification with the Spirit, gradually become similar to God, but it will never become God (Creator). God-created Souls must remember this in order to have a correct idea of ​​themselves and their place in the cosmic Hierarchy!

Let's go back to the Blueprints. There must be correct ideas about these beings (Souls). They are not God-created in the truest sense. This is a "cast" from the Original, replacing it where there is a risk of losing Individuality or connection with the Spirit. They differ from robotic evolution in independent thinking, many talents and abilities, but it takes time to manifest them. Because of their independence and “love of freedom,” many develop a big ego. Hence the unwillingness to obey anyone.

Robots of the highest class (evolution of robots, Machines of Beings of Light) are devoted to God and do not show qualities due to which rebellion can develop, but such qualities can develop in Souls of Light Blueprints. Surprisingly, many civilizations of intelligent beings in different forms of life, carrying the genes of the Gods, often rebel against them, and robots created according to special projects show great loyalty to the Creators. It turns out that the Souls, which are essentially closer to the Gods, are actually not as reliable (on the lower Levels of consciousness) as an artificially created intellect that clearly executes its program. God-created Machines with artificial intelligence are not so sensitive, have no emotions and are almost immune to temptations. They only use programs that improve their business qualities from generation to generation.

The reason for some instability of the "Carriers of Light" is that they incarnate to a greater extent in imperfect Worlds and in imperfect forms. Everything is distorted in these spaces: perception of the world, sense-knowledge, emotional sphere, manifestation of cosmic Laws and Time. Not all of them become Finalists, Souls that have merged with the Spirit and manifested the qualities of the Beings that gave them life. The imprint of the energies of dark spaces leaves its imprint on their psyche. They will never know who they really are unless they ascend to the highest spiritual stage, although everyone has a chance.