Restless souls. Tricks of a parallel world. Who are the restless souls What can a restless soul do to a living person

In many nations, philosophers believe that a person is something like a receptacle filled with something intangible, the energy of a person. This internal energy determines human essence, many of his thoughts and actions.

The earthly path for the soul is a temporary refuge. During earth travel human soul goes through many tests that determine the nature of the essence. A pure and free soul becomes in cases of good deeds, thoughts and work of a person (assuming creation, development).

And the dark soul becomes due to anger. Destruction, envy and accompanying feelings and actions. Throughout life path a person grows, gains experience, takes certain steps that affect his own spirituality.

At the end of the life path, a person, dying, frees the soul, which leaves this world. But, this does not always happen, to find out why this happens, you should consider possible options.

In most world religions, suicide is a grave sin, because life is given from above and a person has no right to take it away, both from another person and his own. Thus, premature death forces human soul stuck in our world without finding a way to escape.

If the soul for some reason does not leave the world of people, they, in turn, can feel their presence.

There are many statements in history when relatives felt that they were next to a buried person and then they tried to establish a connection if they were not afraid of it.

The presence of a deceased person manifests itself in different ways: it can be a phone call from a number belonging to the deceased person, a feeling of touch, a rearrangement or loss of the deceased's things.

Besides, restless soul can visit relatives in a dream with a variety of requests. Many people will say that these are the inventions of superstitious people, but, with the development of technology and science in scientific circles, there are much more questions than answers.

Now technology and science have made extraordinary progress. Every day a person meets with cameras, voice recorders, players and tape recorders. It would seem that in such a world where everything can be measured down to an atom, there should be no questions for mysticism, but they still exist.

At the end of the 1950s in Estonia, by chance, was recorded otherworldly voice. On the magnetic tape, the voice of the dead mother of the person who discovered this type of phenomenon was clearly audible.

This phenomenon today has a lot of controversy, despite the fact that numerous scientific minds have tried to conduct experiments by recording silence in quiet rooms. In such rooms it was possible to record otherworldly voices that no one could explain.

Constantly, since the 19th century, when the first camera was invented, many people have been able to capture spirits or ghosts on film. Despite numerous fakes, among the many thousands of pictures you can find only a dozen of those that photomontage experts cannot explain.

But it’s not worth every presence of a deceased person in a dream to represent paranormal activity. Psychologists say that loss loved one this is a lot of stress that the brain is trying to recognize, thereby causing dreams involving the deceased person.

Believe in otherworldly forces and restless souls is a personal matter for each person. But, do not reject numerous, inexplicable cases.

Man is attractive with his energy for many "inhabitants" of the astral plane and other subtle worlds. An entity of any order can pick up on it, as well as an elemental, a reborn phantom, a larva, or another creature. They can connect to you on their own initiative, as you provide them with a power source. Sometimes people "infect" them, this comes from a person's long stay in a dysfunctional place. And sometimes, entities of this kind are specially settled in the human biofield.

Who are the elementals

In the encyclopedic sense, the classical elementals are the spirit of the elements, creatures created or emerging from the elements of air, fire, earth or water. In occultism, they are called a mythical creature, a spirit.

About who the elementals are is well said in esotericism. This is the whole classification. mythical creatures, which are created by the elements, as well as personifying life and death, light and darkness.

Elements can give rise to various creatures, these are familiar to us mermaids, undines, mermen, kikimoras - daughters and sons of the elements of water. Naiads, trolls, gnomes and similar creatures are the product of the elements of the earth. Salamanders are the "children" of fire. Sylphs are air elementals. There are also elementals generated not by one, but by two or more elements that are part of the human soul.

And yet, what is an elemental? In healing practice, we most often call an elemental the soul of a deceased person, who for some reason remained on Earth and did not go to another world. After the death of a person, his body breaks up into components and primary elements of the elements, and the fifth element, which is in the human body during the life of the Spirit, remains on Earth for some time. In the occult, the souls of dead people are often called elementaries. This is the same as what we call elementals. In fact, they are restless souls.

After the death of the body, the soul can stay on Earth only for a while, then it rises and departs to another world. If for some reason this does not happen, then the soul remains on Earth, but it can no longer feed on our energy. Therefore, the Elemental, the soul of the deceased, is forced to look for a source of energy, it often becomes a person close to the deceased, this is most often the most “favorite” relative. Also, in its place there may be a completely stranger, with energy close to the deceased or who settles in the house where the elemental wanders. In the latter case, an infection occurs.

Who becomes an elemental

The souls of people who got into stressful situations at death become elementary. As practice shows, this category of entities is made up of the souls of suicides, drowned people, hanged people, people who died as a result of an accident, an accident, that is, suddenly. In the latter version, the souls lose contact with the astral and physical body of a person and begin to wander the Earth. Particularly large concentrations of such elementals are observed along suburban roads, in places of frequent road and rail accidents, in places of terrorist attacks, as well as major misfortunes that caused mass deaths of people.

Sometimes it happens that a person during his lifetime creates an elemental on his own. How is this possible? If in past life a man died tragically, his soul remembers this. A person has a phobia: he is haunted by bad thoughts, fears, he begins to be afraid of water, heights, and other factors. As a result, his thoughts and imposed images become so dense that they form a negative essence, which turns into an elemental.

Such entities, restless souls, can capture not only their "creator", but also children living next to them, weakened people, and weakness can be both physical and mental. As a result, healthy person there is a phobia, an obsessive state, fears, people suffer from insomnia, exhaustion. The person in whose field the elemental has settled needs healing of the biofield. Otherwise, he will really attract trouble into his life, up to a psychiatric clinic and sudden death.

If an elemental was created by suicide or a tragic accident and did not rise after death, then it will seek a source of food. Often such a source becomes a relative, friend or person known during his lifetime. As a result of the soul of a suicide, a living person has obsessive thoughts. He seeks to end his life in the same way that the master of the elemental left.

How a Restless Soul Caused an “Epidemic” of Suicides: A Case Study

In our practice, we had to deal with entire "epidemics" of suicides, when one person who committed suicide, in a short time, took away a number of relatives and acquaintances with him. From a specific case, one young man hanged himself, let's call him “H”, after him, his neighbor hanged himself through the wall for a week. Then, after another 9 days, we found out that the partner in the work of the neighbor “N” had committed suicide, and then after a while the young brother of the partner hanged himself. As a result, this wave would continue like this. I had to help the soul "N" to rise and go to the world where he was supposed to be. The terrible wave of deaths after this ritual of purification and uplifting ceased.

Elementals can remain in a dwelling after the former owners, pass from one person to another, be transmitted "by inheritance". Often there is such a picture when there were suicides in the family, analyzing their family, you often come across several similar cases when people commit suicide on their own.

There is one more thing, how an elemental can connect to a person: deliberate infection. An ill-wisher who owns special techniques can switch a negative elementary to another person.

The impact of the elemental on a person

After a while, the person is completely under the influence of the elemental. There are certain symptoms of elemental infection. A person has:

  • a different way of thinking, he begins to talk and think about death, cultivates various negative situations in his mind;
  • mood changes, he is often depressed, tearful, neurotic, there are bouts of tantrums;
  • is depressed, reacts little to reality, he is completely indifferent to everything;
  • suffers from insomnia, headaches, general malaise;
  • mood swing;
  • commits acts unusual for him;
  • makes suicide attempts.

If you find yourself with a number of the above symptoms, then you need to be diagnosed by a specialist in order to connect elementals. What to do if a restless soul has connected to you? What to do if the restless soul is in the house, in the apartment, how to get rid of it?

How to get rid of an elemental

If you have already been infected by an elemental, you will not be able to get rid of it yourself. In this case, you need the help of a healer who works with the souls of the dead and has access to these levels. He will help the restless soul of a dead person who has hooked on you to rise, and after that he will clean your biofield, restore its integrity and help you return to a normal lifestyle. And, most importantly, from the influence of elementers.

It is impossible to cleanse oneself from the connection of an elemental, but such an impact can be prevented. A person is recommended to monitor the cleanliness of his home in terms of energy, practice breathing exercises, prana yoga, and engage in other energy practices. You also need to take care of your health. Bring yourself to a calm state, drink sedative herbs, visit nature more often, monitor the health of the hormonal system, liver, gallbladder. To strengthen the biofield and create protection against negative impact you can put incense, use essential oils of grapefruit, orange, sage, lavender, jasmine, bergamot.

Exists whole line inexplicable phenomena associated with the appearance of ghosts and restless souls. For example, in the UK, on ​​the M6 ​​road through northwest and central England, drivers often see inexplicable things - either a squad of Roman legionnaires that looked like a group of shadows, or the ghost of a truck that is rapidly rushing into the oncoming lane.

No less striking are the deadly stretches of highway passing near mass graves. All these phenomena are associated with the action of restless souls. So what is this phenomenon?

Why do people's souls become restless?

These are the souls of people who, for whatever reason, cannot leave this world. This happens to people who died suddenly, very young, who left this world tragically. Often their death is violent, associated with wars, epidemics, etc. The souls of suicides or the so-called tax collectors, who have done a lot of evil in our world, cannot find peace. Often the souls of victims of murders or the dead who could not come to terms with their death cannot leave this world. And it happens that close people mourn the departed relative so much that for this reason he becomes attached to the world of the living. Regardless of whether they were buried or not, many esotericists believe that the souls of these people cannot go to purgatory, nor to heaven, nor to hell, nor can they be reborn for a new life. So they remain between the worlds, tied to the world of the living. It can also be caused by negative savings. past life, some unfulfilled business or debt. However, we, the living, cannot know all the circumstances and reasons.

What are the dangers of restless souls

Many strange illnesses, inexplicable troubles, failures or sudden death of a person are explained by healers as outflow vital energy, life forces of living people into the posthumous negative space between the worlds, into that subtle world where the dead live. It is believed that they cause such phenomena.

Let's get back to the stories about the dangerous sections of the highway. In the capital of Belarus, Minsk, there is a highway with a deadly section, the length of which is only about three hundred meters. But every year from 5 to 10 people die in this area. The reason for the appearance of such an anomalous zone is that the soil for asphalt for this section of the road was taken from the territory of the former cemetery.

AT Slavic tradition there is such a thing as "mortgaged" dead. By folk beliefs, it was they who were considered especially dangerous and harmful. If the souls of ancestors who died a natural death were revered as patrons in the world of living people, then those who died a violent death became Navy spirits, close to evil spirits. They can appear in the homes of their loved ones, torment them with nightmares, harm the household, scare people. In the old days, they believed that they could even control the forces of nature: cause hail or drought, thunder or storm.

How to understand that there is a restless soul in the house

It is especially dangerous if the restless soul lives in the house. There are certain signs by which you can determine its presence.

These include:
- a suddenly appeared heavy and gloomy atmosphere in a house or apartment, even if it has recently been renovated and it is beautifully illuminated by sunlight;

The feeling of someone's presence. It seems that someone is walking, watching the owners of the apartment;

Even if the apartment is perfectly quiet, strange sounds will still be heard. For example, it seems that water is dripping from a faucet or the floorboard will creak, etc.;

lit wax candles in such an apartment they always smoke and crackle when burned;

Residents of the apartment experience inexplicable weakness, drowsiness. They have nightmares, the plots of which are connected with the dead, demons or cemeteries;

Family members begin to show a negative desire for drunkenness, drugs, there is a threat of suicide.

Who are these restless souls? In the Slavic tradition, the term is adopted - Publicans -, in the Indo-Vedic - preta (hungry spirits) These are the souls of people who, for one reason or another, cannot leave. Very often this happens during periods of wars, terrorist attacks, massacres, epidemics, suicide souls. It may also be a consequence of the fact that a person did not even understand that he had died - with alcoholism, drug addiction, he can be in this state even after death. Sometimes someone from the living did not fulfill a request or a promise, and it, in turn, also does not allow a person to leave. Heartbroken people mourned the deceased for a long time and he remained, and cannot leave until he is released. Food for such souls is human energy, the total mass allocated with negative emotions (astral, mental). These souls hang out in the gap after death and cannot independently go to that Light in the world of Navi. An ordinary person, not bound by the body of desires (karana-sharira among the Hindus, tevish among the Zoroastrians), according to the Vedic, Tibetan schools, passes the interval between lives (Bardo in the Tibetan Book of the Dead) in 49 days, in the Slavic tradition - this period lasts 40 days. After that, the soul of the deceased goes to the world of the dead .. The restless cannot pass through Kalinov Most and the Smorodina River. , becoming attached to places of death, cemeteries, people, places of life. The souls of sorcerers, witches who harmed people, laid ... suicides, who suddenly died when the mind does not have time to understand that the body is dead and the soul must leave, those who have things to do here, etc. - these are restless souls. In different traditions, they help such souls to leave in different ways, but not everyone wants to leave. So if you had suicidal people in your family, I strongly advise you to seek help from specialists in order to help send the soul of the publican to where it should be. I will appeal to Christians and those who still go to church. It is forbidden! Categorically even put a candle in the church for the repose, you know about the fact that you can’t perform a funeral service. Don't do stupid things! I understand you want the best - but it will turn out as always - and harm the deceased - it will be worse for him there, although it’s not easy for those who ended their lives by suicide, and bring trouble on yourself and your family - pray there are special prayers for those who died from suicide. Let's give alms for the deceased - buy him back. It is advisable to give food, not money. . For those who are in the Slavic tradition, you cannot do anything on your own, without the sensitive guidance of the Knowledgeable person. There are not just prayers or conspiracies .. There is work with the Koshny pantheon of the Gods. With the Gods and rulers of the World of Navi. This is dangerous! Do not look on the Internet for rituals, appeals to the Dark Gods. Ditch yourself. Look for those who work on the Shuynom Way or a good Magus and a sorcerer. He will do everything himself, and they will tell you what to do.

So, if you constantly remember and mourn a departed person, then his soul cannot rise to his home, to his divine source, but will go through ordeals, wander the restless in the lower astral plane of the Earth. These are, if one can qualify it that way, unfortunate souls who cannot find peace either on Earth or in the space between lives, which we, reincarnist specialists, call the world of Souls. They are stuck in the interworld and can no longer be born in physical bodies and continue to experience worldly life.

The ordealing, forcibly attracted or held soul must take energy from somewhere for its miserable existence, and since it is in the field of that person who cannot reconcile and let it go, she is forced to feed on his own energy. And then such a sympathetic well-wisher-relative gets sick, suffers, and with all this does not even suspect, or does not want to believe where his vitality is flowing or where the disease came from.

Favorite granddaughter

One of my acquaintances for many years, more than fifteen, grieved and constantly talked about her granddaughter, who died of cancer at the age of four. Galina kept her photograph in a conspicuous place and admired her, talked to her.

When a little over a year ago she turned to me for help, saying that the doctors did not find anything in her (a little later they discovered cancer), and she had acute pain in her stomach and she could not eat anything, then this told me first of all that she can't handle some emotion. I must say that Galina's stomach has been hurting for many years, and knowing this, I once again recommended her to let go of the soul of her granddaughter, who has been feeding on her energy for so many years (!)

With all her trust in me, Galina began to resist and prove that her granddaughter was a very pretty and pretty girl, and how could one not love her. At the same time, she poked a photograph at my Skype screen, which she accompanied with hoots and hoots at the child imprinted on it and did not want to agree that she was taking energy from her, and her stomach turned out to be a weak point. Galina did not want to accept such information at all and was surprised that I did not understand her, because her position is so obvious.

Subsequently, the woman no longer contacted me to continue the sessions, and after five months her account in Odnoklassniki, so to speak, fell silent.

Be careful in impulses to remember or commemorate the dead, no matter how traumatic their departure is for you. And the fact that you often remember a particular person, you miss him, or you often dream about him, etc., may indicate that his soul is not at rest and you are in a donor relationship with him.

Overseas guest

Now, and by the way, as always, it was fashionable to bring some overseas souvenirs, amulets, photographs, even all sorts of mystical things from travel, the purpose of which the person himself does not know anything, but is tempted by their unusualness or attractiveness.

A few months ago, I purchased a travel package. Since it was a very early booking, it later turned out that I had contraindications for the entire tour program, which consisted mainly of spa procedures: boiling in vats, bathing in thermal springs and other entertainment that was contraindicated for me. In this regard, I again visited the travel agency ... but now it’s not about how our interaction went on to develop on the occasion of a refund, although this can also become interesting topic for the subsequent conversation, but about my physical sensations from being in this room.

I must say that despite the temptation of the price of early booking, leaving the travel agency, I did not quite understand the need for such a delayed vacation, since the purpose of my trip there was to organize my leisure time in the near future.

So, I noticed that for the umpteenth time I leave the aforementioned room sluggish and exhausted, as if I had been sucked out. Analyzing my such state, of course, I thought about the female director with whom I spoke, but human vampirism seemed to me too weak compared to the felt effect of a powerful energy drain, especially since the hostess clearly did not shine with energy and vitality.

It turned out that a strong publican lives in the room, who needs clean energy to maintain his viability. Having learned about this, I remembered that on one of the walls of the travel agency various exotic, overseas attractions for tourists were hung, including an Indian mask. It turned out that along with the mask, the spirit of the leader of the tribe settled in the room.

And here there are two options for how he could get there: either he “arrived” along with the mask, or he was attracted to desire hostesses, so that tourists would be tempted by him, as a bait. AT this case the second option worked.

Handmaid's Ghost

It also happens, and quite often, when an untimely, suddenly interrupted earth path the soul, not yet ready for its return home, remains attached to a particular place. But the essence of this does not change, it is still fed by the energy of its inhabitants. Such a phenomenon is often found in old houses, and for such an entity it does not even matter that its owners have changed. She can settle in new house, if it is built on the site of its former habitation.

In this case, residents may feel an extraneous presence, or hear strange sounds or steps, up to breaking dishes and brooms flying around the house. There are examples of this both in life and in literature, but due to the fact that we already live in a completely different, much higher vibrational space, such things are no longer perceived by our consciousness as mysticism or horror films. People are starting to understand this phenomenon. parallel world and accept its fact, and some even want to learn how to interact with it.

A friend of mine bought an apartment for her student daughter in an old merchant's house in the very center of Saratov. The girl lived in it mostly alone, if her girlfriend did not invite her to visit her. And so, being in this city, I ran to Vera for a short visit, as I was in a hurry. Over a cup of tea, as happens when there is little time, we talked about everything at once. When I praised the apartment and the freshly made modern renovation, the girl said that she did not live here alone and pointed to the corner near the window, where the image of a young woman often appears. “She also happens in the room, creating a sense of presence, which sometimes worries me,” but Verochka added optimistically sadly: “I’m already used to it.”

With the permission of Vera, I began to carry out an energy cleansing of the apartment, during which I managed to communicate with the spirit of a young girl who plaintively called for help. She told me that many years ago there was a room for servants in this place, and she, a young maid, liked her master, became pregnant from him ... . I no longer remember the details of that old story, except that it was a suicide, and the point is always not to know the legend, but to eliminate the cause. I cleared the room and helped the troubled soul find peace.

Symptoms and methods for their elimination

Signs that you are feeding someone with your energy are symptoms of increased fatigue, emptiness, frequent headaches, especially if this condition grows or worsens and no treatment helps; as well as hallucinations or mental disorder- this should be the reason for contacting specialists who work with the phenomena of exorcism. No matter how many pills you take in this case, and do not go to the doctors, they will not help you, since this is not in their area of ​​​​competence.

There are few specialists in this matter, in addition, and the effect of such work can also be different, depending on the arsenal of techniques and energies that they possess. There are such entities that, having sensed the intention that they want to get rid of them, leave their “master” for a while, and then, when nothing threatens them, they return back. For this kind of "guests" you need energies of a very high frequency. Today, I know only about the energies of the Wise and Atlantean civilizations, which effectively cope with them.

On my own, I recommend, to everyone, to do the practice of "Disconnecting from the dead." Everyone, without exception, in order to find out if there are souls that you hold and do not let go. Those for whom such a “sin” is listed, they will immediately understand, since it can somehow “painfully” respond to you, or intuitively you will feel, understand that you are holding this soul. And for those who have not felt anything like this, it will still not be superfluous if you thank and repent to those whom you remember.

Practice "Disconnection from the dead"

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, breathing calm and even.

Now think about those who are no longer alive. Who did you remember first? How often do you think about this person? How do you remember him? Do you dream about him, or do you often mention him in your conversations? Or do you always try to do the way he did, or do you want to be like him (them)?

If you often remember him, or are in dialogue with him, or you are drawn to his grave, then you have not let go of his Soul - keep it near you and do not let go.

Now imagine that this person is standing in front of you - look into his eyes and thank him for being in your life, for all the good or bad that happened between you, for those lessons and the experience that he gave you. Thank, thank him for everything. Thank him sincerely.

Now ask him for forgiveness for the thoughts and emotions you had about him. For your actions, or inactions that you did for him, or against him. Sincerely ask for forgiveness and observe the sensations in your body. Tell him that you forgive him for everything that happened between you and let him go:

“I forgive you and let you go, you have your own world, and I have mine. From now on, each of us will live our own lives and fulfill our lessons and tasks. I respect your divine essence and release you with Love and Gratitude. Each of us has our own path and tasks ahead of us.”

Watch how he reacts to your words and the sensations in his body. Then imagine that he moves away from you, and you wave your hand after him and cut off those energy threads that were between you with scissors.

Feel that you have really disconnected from it and that nothing binds you anymore. Scan your body with your mind's eye for attachments or regrets. If something is left, then breathe this place and say: "I forgive you and let go, you have your world, and I have mine" and imagine that these attachments / threads dissolve and completely disappear. Watch what happens and breathe until you get the result.

Then take a deep breath and slowly exhale into the ground, through the feet. One more breath in, and as you exhale, ground yourself.

Open your eyes, you are here and now.

Learning to let go

In the case of holding the souls of the dead, the question arises of how to perceive the departure of people? Not everyone can correctly survive the loss of loved ones, acquaintances, or people in general, which gives rise to suffering, grief and other low vibrations. We need to learn to accept such a fact and let it go with gratitude, than to give their soul the right to choose, and the right to its further development along the steps of the spiritual hierarchy.

Now is the time when many people are dying, whose souls made such a choice on their own - those who have nothing to “catch” in this life. For some, the decision is made Higher power, since everything that the soul could in this incarnation, it has already passed. Or in the case when a person is very categorical and does not want to change his attitude to life in any way - everything boils in resentment, anger and the like, then it is decided for him that it is better for him to try first.

In my practice, there were such patients whose souls consciously decided to leave. Their minds said that they seemed to want to live, but in the person himself, in his behavior, in his attitude to life and to himself, the mood for leaving was clearly visible. Over time, after a few months, and it happened, the disease took over.

Therefore, we all need to learn to let go of people and respect this conscious choice of their soul. Another thing is that the mechanism of care is different for everyone, depending on the experience that the soul receives. And this, too, should be accepted with respect by others and relatives. We all walk under God, and only he can decide who, when and how will leave.

I am often asked why life is so unfair: some leave immediately, while others go through torment and suffering. I have one answer to this: who deserved what, and more specifically, who coped with their tasks for the current life.


I am very grateful to God that during the sleeping human consciousness in my life there were no meetings, and even no mention of any otherworldly phenomena, in connection with which I did not accumulate fears and all kinds of horror films in myself; and when my active spiritual growth began, I gradually, gently got acquainted with all this kind of information, and maybe even remembered it, and at first I received techniques and energies for working with such phenomena, and then only I plunged deeper into the essence of the studied natural phenomenon.

Spirits and elves from fairy tales also did not excite my imagination, because in some miraculous way, knowledge about them in childhood passed me by, but I do not exclude the fact that they simply were not taken into my attention. Apparently in the past it was so natural for me that my teachers and guides did not have the task of focusing my attention on this information, so as not to distract from something more useful and necessary at that time.