What does it take to be healthy? Human health rules

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The question of how to maintain health, without exaggeration, is of interest to everyone. The relevance of this issue is especially great in our time, when incidence various types diseases, despite the futile efforts of modern medicine, continues to grow. In the article - Prevention instead of treatment, we have already talked about the factors of the internal and external environment that have a negative effect on our body, as well as about the amazing self-healing abilities that our body opposes to this aggression. From these statements, it is logical to conclude that the maintenance of health consists in observing balance between aggression and defense factors. Some inevitability of the impact on our body of negative factors that predispose us to diseases is also obvious. This suggests another conclusion, which will become the subject of discussion: in a situation where the impact on the body of negative factors is inevitable, to maintain health, it is necessary to strengthen the body's defenses. Despite the apparent simplicity of such a statement, the practical implementation of this seems to be rather complicated. The success of maintaining and strengthening the body's defenses mainly lies in the right approach. It is extremely important that positive effect on the body(in this case methods of treatment and prevention) were in a certain biological harmony with the forces of the organism itself. We consider it appropriate to introduce here the term " biological resonance”, which, similarly to the physical term “resonance”, determines the strengthening of the interaction force of two systems when the frequency of the internal oscillations of the system coincides with the frequent oscillations of the external environment. In other words, an effective tactic for the treatment and prevention of diseases must necessarily be consistent with the processes occurring inside the body. Otherwise, the treatment can be not only useless, but also harmful (dangerous) to the body.

Get to grips with the problem" biological compatibility It will help us to consider the physiological characteristics of the organism at various stages of its development.

Stages of development of the human body
From the point of view of physiology, we distinguish several main stages in the development of the human body: the stage of growth and development (the period of childhood, adolescence and youth), the stage of adulthood and the period of aging. Each of these stages is characterized by certain bio-physiological and bio-energetic characteristics. Below we will take a closer look at each of these stages (periods).

Stage of growth and development begins with the birth of a child and ends during young adulthood (20-25 years), when the somatic (bodily) part of the human body is finally established as an individual (representative of the species), and its psychological component as a personality. The period of growth and development is characterized primarily by an intensive metabolism and a high demand for plastic (construction) and energy resources. At this stage, maturation and strengthening of all body systems occurs. The most intensive growth processes are observed in the first few years of life.(up to about 3 years), and then during puberty of a teenager. It should be noted that the final maturation of the life support systems of the body lasts a very long time. The cardiovascular system of a child becomes similar to the cardiovascular system of an adult by about 15 years of age. The same applies to the respiratory, digestive and other body systems. The bio-energy needs of the body during this period are extremely high. As you know, the processes of growth and development, which are based on the biosynthesis of organic substances, consume a lot of energy. That is why, throughout the entire period of growth and development, the human body needs a stable supply of energy and building material.

Regarding the protective properties of the body, one can note the late maturation of the immune system during the first years of a child's life. The final formation of the immune system ends in adolescence. Importance timely vaccination plays a role in development. At the stage of growth and development, the human body is very sensitive to negative impact various factors of the internal and external environment. The response to this aggression may be a violation of the hormonal balance of the body, a developmental delay, the formation of developmental defects, etc. To maintain health at this stage of development, it is necessary to provide the body with all the substances it needs for growth (nutrients, minerals). In that important role plays the right (balanced) person. It is also important to support the developing immune system. Immunomodulatory agents can be very useful in case of a seasonal decrease in immunity or in case of excessive sensitivity of the child's body to any substance.

Stage of mature life is the most static stage of our life. During this period (25-40 years), the efforts of our body are aimed at maintaining the level of development achieved at the previous stage of development. The body of a mature person is fully formed and therefore the efficiency and resistance of our body, at this stage, are maximum. The body of a mature person is endowed with well-formed organ systems (including the immune system), which explains the minimum sensitivity of adults to various. In general, the body of a mature person (provided that the first stage of development went well) is a perfectly balanced and functional system. The plastic and energy processes of a mature organism are balanced and optimized.

However, despite the stability of a mature organism, at this stage of development we are exposed to the maximum negative impact from external and internal environmental factors. This is connected, of course, with the professional activity of a person. Under the influence of these factors, various chronic diseases develop.

In the period of mature life, in order to maintain health, it is necessary to take care of maintaining the protective potential our body and fight emerging chronic diseases.

aging stage it is the final stage of a person's life. We call aging the gradual physiological decline of body functions. All people, without exception, are subject to the aging process, but different people it flows differently. It should be emphasized that the aging process is physiological and genetically programmed, so all attempts to stop or reverse it are obviously meaningless. The only thing that is in our power is a more or less pronounced slowing down of the aging process. Slowing down the aging process is not a scientific fiction, but a proven fact. In fact, no artificial slowing down of aging is possible (at least for today), but only the maintenance of the body's physiological reserves at the maximum level for the maximum possible time is possible. As you know, the reserve of youth and health of the human body is significant, however, during the aging period, there is an acceleration of the extinction of body functions, again due to the negative influence of internal and external environmental factors. This can be countered only by timely measures for treatment and prevention, stimulating the recovery functions of the body.

During the aging period, it is advisable to take measures to combat various chronic diseases, as well as to slow down the degenerative processes of the body. A large number of diseases, such as, to a certain extent, are considered a manifestation of the aging of the body. However, as modern medical practice shows, these processes, and, consequently, the development of diseases can be slowed down.

Treatment and prevention with dietary supplements tyansha
As it became clear from the above material, throughout the development of our body needs support, which to a large extent can preserve its natural defenses that resist the negative effects of internal and external environmental factors.

The question arises: are there methods of treatment and prevention that can strengthen the body's defenses? We can gladly answer that, yes, such methods exist, however, we consider it important to note that Prevention is always more effective and much cheaper than cure..

One such method is the use of biological active drugs tyanshi used in alternative medicine in our country and in traditional Chinese medicine.

Alternative (or traditional medicine) is much older than traditional medicine. If the main methods of modern medicine have been developed mainly over the past few centuries, the history of alternative medicine is as old as humanity itself.

A remarkable feature of alternative medicine is use of natural remedies in the treatment and prevention of human diseases, whose composition is close to that of human body and therefore their introduction into the body does not cause such a perturbation of the body's defenses, as occurs with the introduction of modern synthetic drugs.

The drugs used in modern non-traditional medicine, in terms of their pharmacological qualities, are significantly superior to their historical counterparts. This is due to the use of new technologies and modern areas of knowledge in their production. At the present stage, alternative medicine is increasingly resorting to the help official science in order to explain and study the effects of certain drugs. Thanks to this, a kind of border science was formed on the border of the two classical fields of medicine, including knowledge of both traditional (scientific) and non-traditional (folk) medicine.

Currently, alternative medicine products are increasingly referred to as dietary supplements. This new term is intended to explain the essence of the use of these drugs, which includes, first of all, not so much the cure of a certain disease, but normalization of biological processes occurring in the body.

Years of experience dietary supplements tyanshi showed their high efficiency in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. At the same time, biologically active additives of tyansha act mainly due to normalization of the body's metabolism and at the expense replenishment of its reserves of vitamins and minerals.

The use of alternative medicine preparations is carried out according to certain schemes specially selected for each age group.

Many people, unfortunately, deny the connection between their habits and their health. They consider good health to be just luck and that a person cannot influence it. Such a view prevents them from improving their health, improving the quality of life and not shortening it. What can be done to protect and significantly improve health, both your own and your loved ones? In this article, we will look at the main secrets of health and healthy habits that improve health. It is better to prevent diseases than to cure them. What should be done to be healthy?

Health secret 1. PROPER NUTRITION:

* EAT ONLY FRESH FOOD. Natural fresh foods that people have been eating for centuries are useful, and not the processed food that is popular today. Sugar, salt and fat are commonly added to various processed foods and fast foods, which cause serious diseases, including cancer, heart disease and stroke. Try not to fry food, but rather bake in the oven, boil or steam. Use as many herbs and spices as possible and as little salt as possible. Meat should be well cooked and spoiled foods should not be eaten.

*DO NOT OVEREAT. According to the World Health Organization, the number of overweight and obese people around the world is rapidly increasing. A common reason for this is overeating. Even in parts of Africa, there are more children who are overweight than those who are malnourished. Obese children are at risk of acquiring many diseases, including diabetes. Therefore, parents need to set a good example for their children by limiting their portions of food and do not overfeed children.

*EAT MORE PLANT FOOD. A proper balanced diet should consist of plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and less meat and starchy foods. Try to replace meat with fish 1-2 times a week. Eat less white bread, white rice, pasta, and other refined foods that are devoid of many nutrients. But do not use potentially dangerous fad diets. Teach your children to eat wholesome food. For a snack, it is better to give them nuts and well-washed fruits instead of chips and sweets.

*DRINK MORE FLUID. Every day, children and adults need to drink plenty of clean water and other non-sweet drinks. The liquid stimulates digestion, removes poisons from the body, promotes weight loss and healthy skin. You need to drink more in hot weather, during physical work and training. Drinking plenty of fluids will help you look and feel better. Do not abuse sweetened drinks and alcohol. One glass of sugary drink a day will add almost 7 kg to your weight in a year.
Drink only pure water, even if it is expensive - it is simply necessary for life. Contaminated water must be filtered or boiled. According to statistics, more people die from dirty water than from earthquakes and wars, for example, 4,000 children die every day. Therefore, WHO recommends only breastfeeding for the first 6 months of an infant's life. And over the next 1.5 years, in addition to breast milk, gradually include other products in the child's diet.


You can improve your health by taking into account the needs of the body.

*ENOUGH SLEEP. When a person falls asleep, all his worries and distractions go away. Sufficient sleep is essential for good health. Studies have shown that during sleep, the brain regenerates itself, and this has a positive effect on mood and memory.

Getting enough sleep strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of infections and diseases such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, cancer, obesity, depression, and even Alzheimer's disease. No need to fight sleep with caffeine, sweets and other stimulants that disrupt the defense mechanism. Better listen to your body and let it sleep.

Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep to stay alert and feel good, to work hard and look good. Young people need more sleep, as they can often fall asleep while driving. And if teenagers do not get enough sleep, then they often experience psychological difficulties.

Adequate sleep is especially important during illness. For example, the body will cope with a cold faster if a person gets enough sleep and drinks more fluids.

*TEETH CARE. After eating and especially before going to bed, it is imperative to brush and floss your teeth. This will keep your teeth from decay and your gums from disease. Due to the loss of teeth, food cannot be chewed well, and this threatens with indigestion and other diseases, so timely prosthetics are recommended. Children need to be taught to brush their teeth after meals so that they are healthier now and in the future.

*CONTACT A DOCTOR. For the treatment of some diseases, qualified medical assistance is required. Therefore, if you feel unwell, you should definitely consult a doctor to determine and eliminate the cause of the disease. After all, early diagnosis does not allow the disease to cause serious harm to health and reduces the cost of its treatment.

Regularly undergo medical examinations from specialists, this will help prevent many serious problems. Pregnant women should be observed by a doctor.

Health secret 3. MOVE MORE:

If exercise could be taken in pill form, then it would be the most commonly prescribed drug, because there is little that compares to its benefits. With physical activity, mood rises, clarity of thinking, energy and efficiency improve, weight normalizes. Regular and moderate exercise several times a week will noticeably add to your strength.

By brisk walking, jogging, cycling and other active sports, you make your heart work harder, develop endurance, and this is the prevention of stroke and heart attack.

Aerobic exercises, moderate strength training combined with rhythmic gymnastics strengthen bones and deep muscles, improve metabolism and control body weight.

Movement benefits people of all ages, including children and the elderly. To do this, it is not even necessary to visit a fitness club, spend money and time. You can simply start walking more, without using the elevator, car, bus. Active games are useful for children, it is better in the fresh air than sitting at the computer. With such activity, the body is strengthened and overall coordination of movements develops.

It is never too late to start moderate exercise, no matter how old you are. If you have health problems, consult your doctor and get started! In the elderly, physical activity should be increased gradually and moderately, this will help maintain bone mass and muscle strength, reduce the likelihood of falls and fractures.

Where can you start? Find like-minded people and start doing small runs in the morning, 5 days a week or every other day. It is noticed that at first a person is looking for different reasons not to run, but if there are two or three of you, then the other will pick him up. Over time, it will become a habit and you will like and enjoy it.


Simple preventive measures will help protect yourself from many diseases, save money and time.

*OBSERVE HYGIENE. Handwashing is the single most important measure for protecting health and preventing infections. As you know, 80% of all infections are transmitted through dirty hands. Therefore, during the day you need to wash your hands more often. Be sure to wash your hands before eating, before preparing food, if you are going to dress or touch a wound, after going to the toilet, after interacting with animals, after changing a baby's diaper.

Soap and water are the best hand sanitizers, better than alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Teach your children to wash their hands often, not to touch dirty hands eyes and mouth. It is necessary to wash daily, put on clean clothes, change bed linen regularly.

*PROTECT YOURSELF FROM INFECTIONS. Avoid close contact with a person who has the flu or a cold, do not share utensils with him, as you can get infected through saliva or nasal discharge.

Diseases: hepatitisB andC, HIV/AIDS is transmitted through blood transfusions, through intravenous drug use and through sexual contact, because the virus is in the blood.

Vaccinations prevent the development of some infections, but precautions are still necessary when contacting infectious patients.

Protect yourself and children from insects: Do not sit or sleep outdoors without protection against mosquitoes and other disease-carrying insects. Use insect repellent and a mosquito net.

*AVOID INJURY. When riding a car, motorcycle or bicycle, as well as in the workplace, follow safety precautions. Keep your vehicle in good condition. Use the necessary protective equipment: seat belts, helmets, goggles, special shoes and clothing.

Remember that prolonged exposure to the sun causes premature skin aging and cancer.

Get rid of the habit of smoking, and you will significantly reduce the risk of lung cancer, heart disease and stroke.


* TO REPLENISH YOUR KNOWLEDGE. Many public and private organizations in different countries offer literature and educational programs on the topic of health. Expand your knowledge of how simple ways improve health and do not put it at risk. As you learn something new, don't be afraid to make the necessary changes in your life.

By acquiring healthy habits, you will serve your children and grandchildren in good stead. Keeping clean, sleeping and resting, eating right, exercising and preventing diseases, you have a beneficial effect on the lives of your children.

It is clear that making even small changes, and even more so getting rid of bad habits, is not easy, it will take determination and effort. And some, although they see a threat to their health, are in no hurry to change, because they do not see the point in it. What is the incentive? Love for your neighbors and concern for their welfare. For spouses - to maintain their health and strength in order to help and take care of each other. For parents to teach and help their children. For adult children - to take care of aging parents. For each person - to be a support, not a burden for loved ones.

But the most powerful driving force that encourages you to take care of your health is gratitude to God for the precious gift of life!

*DO NOT LOWER YOUR HANDS. To be more successful when making changes in your life, set achievable goals. For example, instead of completely abandoning less healthy foods, reduce their consumption; do a little more exercise; go to bed early. It's better to do a little than nothing at all. It takes time for a good habit to take root, maybe weeks or months. And while there is no result, do not despair, but persistently move towards your goal and gradually your health will improve.

Useful articles:

Health is the greatest gift of God and the main human wealth. You can be rich, you can be beautiful, but if you don’t have health at the same time, then life cannot be called full. Health is the main wealth of a person, wealth that is often paid attention to when trouble happens.

As the Holy Fathers of the Church taught: "Health is a valuable gift of God, illness is priceless."

It should be understood that a disease is not always something evil and harmful to a person. Sometimes, getting sick, a person protects himself from big troubles and troubles. For example, a person falls ill, lies at home and does not go anywhere, but if he were healthy and walked down the street at that time, he would meet hooligans who would beat and cripple him. And he was cured - the danger had long since passed. So God, it happens, in his own providence saves people with a small misfortune from big misfortunes. Therefore, it can not always be seen as something evil.

However, a serious illness that a person suffers for a long time usually harms a person; for example, because of an illness, a person cannot start a family or work normally.

Therefore, of course, we should all strive not to get sick and beware of diseases. But if the disease still happened - pray for healing from this disease.

When sick, each person loses a whole sense of health. The health of the patient is always a part of the whole. It is no coincidence that getting rid of the disease is called “healing”. Healing is a communion with whole health, health that contains all that is good for a person. Only such health can be considered a standard and a model to which a person who wants to be healed should strive.

What does it take to be healthy?

First, so that health is genetically transmitted to you from your parents. A simple yet fundamental truth. We all must understand that if good health is not passed on to us from our parents, then we will have to spend a lot of time and effort to restore this health later. If at all you can restore it. Therefore, turning to future parents, I want to advise them to lead the healthiest possible lifestyle and treat their illnesses so that your children do not suffer and suffer later from illnesses that could have been avoided. It's easier to prevent than to cure.

If you have diseases that you inherited from your parents, do not be offended and do not blame your parents for this. What to do, not all people can cope with their diseases, not everyone can and knows the measures to prevent diseases, and not all parents have the gift to treat diseases. Nothing can be done about it, but your parents gave you life and you should always be grateful to them for this great gift. Do not be offended by your parents if their illnesses are transmitted to you, by doing this you will act wisely and nobly.

If you have diseases, then try to be healed of them. Health is always better than any, even the mildest, illness.

But what health rules advises M.Shatunov (book "Russian Health"):

“In order to be healthy you need:

1 (water). Drink cleanly (that is, do not drink cloudy).
2 (ground). Eat cleanly (that is, do not eat stale foods).
3 (air). Breathe cleanly (the most difficult condition to fulfill today).
4 (fire). Properly use the heat of your body.

These four requirements must be observed all at once, it is not necessary to spend time thinking about what is “more important”, thereby trying to determine the “primary element”.

As you can see, these rules tell you what you need to do to be healthy. Absolutely simple and reasonable rules, talking tom that you need to consume everything clean in life, as well as reasonably use the heat of your body (do not overcool and avoid excessive dependence on heat). In addition to these rules, there are also rules that say what not to do so that there is no harm to health.

These rules were also taken by me from the book “Russian Health” by M. Shatunov.

These ideas are based on knowledge of Navi and Yavi. Nav and Yav in Russian cosmogonic philosophy are analogues of Yin-Yang in Chinese. Nav corresponds to negative, cold phenomena, and Yav corresponds to positive, hot phenomena.

“Nav follows a person, so she must be consciously rejected. The following are the rules to be followed. You can not endure seven nave:

1. You can not endure the pain.
2. You can not endure hunger.
3. You can not endure the cold.
4. You can not tolerate lack of sleep.
5. You can not endure thirst.
6. Natural need cannot be tolerated.
7. You can not tolerate resentment.

In the same way, one cannot succumb to the seven manifestations, which are opposites to the navy:

1. You can not give in to pleasure.
2. You can not eat a lot.
3. Don't be too dependent on heat.
4. You can not sleep a lot.
5. You can not drink a lot of liquid.
6. Don't give in to natural urges too much.
7. You can not succumb to flattery.

If you manage to successfully balance between extreme manifestations, then your health is little threatened. Reality and Nav do not contradict and do not conflict with each other, they just show where the rule can appear, making them dependent.

No matter how difficult it is to guess, these rules say that you need to adhere to reasonable physical and spiritual stress. Only by straining can you force yourself not to endure the constant phenomenon of navi, and even more so you need to strain so as not to get bogged down in the good that the rule gives. The extremes of navi and revival are harmful to health, that's what the above rules teach.

Nevertheless, Nav and Rule can be of great benefit to a person if the action is strictly dosed and short-term. Again, it all depends on what phenomenon we have in mind. If this is cold hardening or resentment, then such effects must be limited and dosed so that they do not bring harm. If this is a bathhouse, walking on coals, then these things cannot be done without dosing in time. It is the same with sports - excessive exercise every day will only undermine your health.

Every person in life, if possible, needs to avoid the extremes of navi and revival. Thus, radiation not only destroys human DNA, but also disrupts the circulation of vital force in the body, due to which severe radiation sickness develops during irradiation. To cure such a disease, you need to spend a lot of time and effort, because it is not easy to restore the normal circulation of energy. Having had chickenpox, a person gets characteristic marks on the face that spoil beauty ... That is why you need to beware of any adverse effects of navi.

In a different way, but too much attachment to the right hurts. So the constant love for bliss, peace, sleep for 12 hours a day unnecessarily relaxes the human body and wean it from stress, which is fraught with diseases in the future.

We should also not forget about spiritual tension. Which cleanses and nourishes the soul and body of a person. Majority modern people completely devoid of such a thing as spiritual tension. But before, our ancestors just adhered to a reasonable spiritual tension, which allowed them to get sick less and be healthier. Going to church, reading prayers, confession and communion, fasting - all these are ways of spiritual tension, purification and renewal of the spirit. Even the choice of this or that act in life is also a spiritual tension. For example, smoking or not smoking. Only by spiritually straining and realizing all the harm and perniciousness of this habit can one stop smoking. And if a person lives without straining spiritually, by gravity, “like everyone else” and because of this smokes, then why be surprised that he will develop lung cancer in a few years ...

It is not by chance that the following is sung in "The Follow-up to Holy Communion": "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb."

Consequently, without the spiritual renewal of the spirit, which a person received in the temple, a full and harmonious existence is impossible. And the price for lack of spirituality and any denial of the Faith is failures and pathologies in the circulation of human life force.

In the 20th century in the Soviet Union they engaged in theomachism, destroying churches and forbidding people to go to them. Because of this, many people simply stopped going to church and performing religious rites.

All this in the end could not affect the physical and moral health of the people - now it is degrading more than ever. See for yourself how many sick, unhealthy children are being born now, even to outwardly healthy parents. All this speaks of a gradual breakdown in the functioning of a person's life force due to the fact that a person has ceased to be a believer, has ceased to purify and renew his spirit in the Church.

After all, all reasonable and cultured people regularly bathe, brush their teeth, and even conduct hydrocolotherapy sessions. But it's all about the body. And many do not care about their spiritual sphere. How she is there, what happens to her - most modern people are not interested in this. So disease and ugliness multiply from year to year, and terrible maniacs are born.

Have you ever heard of the royal Orthodox Russia were maniacs? But in the soulless Soviet time there were more than enough maniacs. Chikatilo, Slivko, Dzhumagaliev - these are the consequences of complete lack of spirituality, moral and physical degeneration. And now they appear, not so often, but they do happen. As you can see, the price for lack of spirituality is very high - these are illnesses and the physical and spiritual degeneration of a person. And vice versa, reasonable spiritual tension - visiting the Church and participating in its sacraments and rituals revive a person spiritually and physically, give him a lot of strength and renew his spirit and vitality. I personally know many cases when, after several (even one!) Communion, children with cerebral palsy were healed. Children who have been permanently labeled by official medicine are disabled.

Therefore, in order to save and maintain health, each person needs spiritual tension. This includes visiting the Church, and prayer, and confession, and fasting. This is the only way to maintain health, and in case of illness, get complete healing. So, for example, observing only one post already contributes to an additional set of vital torsion force by the body. By eating moderately simple foods, a person not only cleanses himself physically, but also makes his body gain additional vitality to compensate for the lack of animal products. Due to this, the power potential of a person, having decreased during fasting, after fasting quickly gains a greater value than it was before fasting.

So, reasonable spiritual and physical stress, avoidance of extremes - all this contributes to the preservation and maintenance of human health throughout life.

The most valuable thing a person owns is health. A person, however, often neglects the fact that it is in his power and responsibility to take care of his own health. Without thinking about the consequences, he loses sight of bad habits, exposing health to risk and the influence of negative factors.

And only when health problems begin, he begins to think about his own vulnerability and begins to look for ways to improve his well-being.

Every person interested in the issue of maintaining health will understand that maintaining it in good condition is not such a difficult task.

What to do to stay healthy

Sometimes you can resort to traditional medicine and use folk remedies to maintain health.

However, it is the simple recommendations that are most difficult to implement: they are not taken very seriously, they are neglected as insignificant.

And so it continues until a person becomes ill and he begins to seriously think about his health. And until then, he just brushes it aside: “I don’t feel any pain, nothing hurts, so everything is fine with me”, “I’m still young, full of strength, I still have health - a wagon.”

Good lifestyle includes:

  • proper nutrition;
  • compliance with the daily routine;
  • prevention bad habits;
  • physical and mental activity.

The main factor influencing the state of health is the correct lifestyle, therefore, it is necessary to focus on it in the first place.

However, one should not get down to business with excessive fanaticism, go to extremes and "go too far." Remember that each person is individual and it is very important to correctly adapt the recommendations to your body.

act wisely

For example, proper nutrition does not involve strictness, rigid diets, or eating only a certain type of food. And do not mix with the care of health the desire to correct nature.

If you are naturally thin, overeating or heavy consumption of high-calorie foods (out of a desire to get better) will not add to your health, but will only worsen the condition. Conversely, if you are overweight by nature, debilitating diets, limiting the use of certain types of foods will not make you slimmer, but they will make you feel worse.

Nutrition is recharging the whole body with the energy it needs. Underload or overload will certainly affect your well-being. Eating should be done in a way that gives pleasure and is comfortable: do not eat more and do not eat less. Eat what is well absorbed by your stomach, but without overeating - this is enough to eat right.

How to choose the right daily routine

The mode of your day is the schedule by which your body lives. When the body knows what to prepare for, it accumulates strength in advance when it needs to be active and relaxes well when it needs to rest.

The daily routine covers all moments of our Everyday life: from the moment of awakening to falling asleep. You need to try to adjust the daily routine so that every moment of the day brings pleasure: wake up in a good mood and full of energy, have breakfast with appetite, do work with enthusiasm, feel comfortable in the evening and in your sleep.

Naturally, the modern rhythm of life leaves its mark and sometimes it is not possible to satisfy the requirements of the body: early rise, late sleep, skipping meals, short exposure to air, sedentary lifestyle.

Unfortunately, such existing reality and you need to find a solution, try to compensate for the negative that has affected your health during an intense time of day.

With any regimen of the day, there is an opportunity to reduce the destructive impact of an incorrect lifestyle. Few people think about adjusting the daily routine, but it's not difficult.

Give up bad habits (not even a refusal, but a dose reduction), plan the weekend correctly, relax after work. By adding active hours, you will significantly improve your health.

In addition, when the state of health deteriorates to the point of illness, the harm to the body will be greater than if the disease was detected early.