How can I turn to a shaman for help. The dark side of shamanism. - It is accompanied by mental disorders

Nature and man are always interconnected: one cannot exist without the other. There is a Higher Spirit, he lives in the shaman and heals, prompts and protects both the shaman and his client.

There is a whole universe in each of us: emotions, ancestral roots, acquired knowledge, experiences, relationships in society, attitude towards ourselves, our health, our body - all this is interconnected with our Ego and reflects our spiritual beginning.

Spirituality is a special philosophy in a person. It is associated with God or the Highest Spirit, which is for the shaman - his essence, his life, his self-realization.

Shamanic predictions are very fond of telling about how a person and his soul, his spirit were created. They accumulate wisdom, such as the shamanic epic - these are stories and chants about peace inner world, his thoughts, actions should always be disinterested and impartial, in his heart there should be forgiveness and great love. All these powers are given to a shaman, as well as to a person, by nature and the Universe, our Universe.

Is a shaman clairvoyant, clairaudient, and can he predict the events of another person? What is the accuracy of predictions?

The energy in the shaman's thought has a conductor: the Spirit. When a shaman enters a trance (kamla), he sees and feels especially the soul of another person through the third dimension - special spirit, which draws, as on the screen, or with separate episodic pictures, the future of a person with great accuracy.

What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is not the worship of all Gods. This is the worship of the Supreme Spirit, which lives in the Absolute. This is culture, philosophy, ethnography, tantric singing, visualization, and most importantly, the connection of a person into one whole and filling it with healing natural energy and love.

The word "shaman" is translated as - knowing, effective. The shaman knows what you need at a given time and accumulates his knowledge into energy and applies it unconsciously to the action, changing it. He, the shaman, is an information box of what you do not know today and now, and the shaman, looking at you, says a word for you - significant, useful, true. It leads to sacred knowledge, to rethinking the situation that is not beneficial for you.

Can shamans help energetically?

The shaman is always calm and wise, smiling. He is, as it were, in nirvana, his Spirit and Soul are divided into Beginnings and united in one: the Soul produces peace - it is a soft bed for the shaman (spirituality and knowledge is the cradle), and the Spirit is his wolf, watchman, his guard.

The shaman lives, as it were, in two dimensions: his self, conscious and seeing what many do not see ... And the second, his Spirit (clairvoyant), which has a connection through the Subtle World with its relatives - ancestors (ancestral Spirits), as well as "acquired" from nature and society.

A shaman who has lost his Soul is a dead shaman.

The spirit of the shaman will not allow another Spirit to take the soul of his master. If such a thing comes from outside, the Shaman's Spirit starts to spark, attack and disturb its Owner with thought and will do everything (pull the situation from the ether) to keep its owner calm and protect him from troubles.

The shaman heals with the power of his Spirit, the Spirit of nature. His energy is creative.

How accurate can a shaman make a prediction?

Accurate Prediction- this is the meaning of the shaman's work. His Spirit, reincarnating into the energy of wind, water, fire, air, forest, wood, Earth (what methods the shaman knows), sweeps over the events of the past, present, future client and reveals, speaks, writes - something that can radically change fate.

Shamans - good search engines, fortune tellers love relationships, caretakers of wealth and failure, human health, his family, tribal Spirit, dangers and much more.

For example, when working with a client, I open a card for a person. I write down my predictions, its energetic action and counteraction (the personal Forces of a person's soul and the Forces acting from outside on him) and then, after the expiration of time, I check. Prediction accuracy - 80%. 20% are those people with whom my Spirit does not want to talk and speaks in a streamlined, general phrases.

What is interesting about the shaman in our time?

When answering - The spirit of the shaman makes a person think broader and more voluminous. He, telling a person about his situation, the future - draws bright colors, he makes you wake up from illusions, from bad inner thoughts, from not Truth. The spirit of a shaman - covers a person with a special word, warmth and sincerity. A shaman is never offended... Because no one can be offended by nature and its phenomena.

LOVE, FAMILY, MONEY, CHILDREN, PARENTS, HOME - is this the main range of interests of the Spirit of a shaman when he sings to a person?

Yes, the Spirit of a shaman - is transferred through the subtle Worlds instantly. He is interested in knowing everything and he looks through a person - spectrally, like a rainbow. If you go for a consultation with a shaman - ask once and then only listen, and imagine yourself next to this Spirit of nature - renewed and happy. and it is true. The shaman gives a very detailed question and sometimes 10 minutes is not enough ... I want to listen and listen to what is dear and understandable - your new destiny.

Do shamans have magic spells?

The shaman owns the influence of the invisible energy of two Origins:

mental (subconscious) - where he with his Spirit - first cleanses you and you feel warm and relaxed. This bioenergy works like a heat gun.
speech, tantric power - the timbre of the voice. This force enters the subconscious and instantly fills those voids in it, those shells, where it cleans them from the "hooks of the dogmas of your consciousness" and brings peace and quiet...
The body and spirit of a person - relaxes and is pulled into a slumber, after which he wakes up as a different person.

In contact with

Reading time 3:44

While most shamans use their abilities in the name of good, to follow this path the shaman must sometimes oppose negative forces or spirits - such as those that cause sickness and misfortune. Such meetings may not be safe; and there is always a risk that the shaman will be taken over by negative energy, moreover, in the most bizarre form.

The shaman gains the ability to use the power he has received for negative destructive purposes; for example, it is capable of dealing damage to a detected enemy. This process is similar to what happens when good doctor, a priest, politician, mentor or other influential person takes the side of evil. Similar to similar mechanisms operating in society, as soon as it becomes known that the shaman is abusing his authority and power, the community tries to reject him or punish him.

Evil shamans are often called sorcerers; they work with negative destructive forces and use them to harm others, forcing their victims to suffer from illness, loss of a job, loss of a loved one; Sometimes it can even lead to murder.

Shamans are not only different from sorcerers; they should not be confused with many of those who communicate with otherworldly forces. Here short list those who shamans are not and how they differ from them.

  • Sorcerers. They usually use spiritual energy and power to cause destruction and harm. Shamans, on the other hand, use their power for good, although some may be drawn into the practice of sorcery; and if these studies continue for a long time, they eventually become sorcerers. Some sorcerers will agree to use their powers for healing and divination, but only if they are paid, not because they see it as a service to the community.
  • Witches and Witchers. Traditionally, the term "witch" has been used for someone who does evil, though not infrequently for a wise woman or man in the village who can use their talents to know or heal in the name of both good and evil. AT recent times, however, followers of pre-Christian pagan traditions or old religion called themselves witches, as well as Wiccans and neo-pagans, and held religious services, guided by the slogan: "Do what you want, but do not harm anyone."
  • Mediums. They combine various spiritual states, eventually losing control of their body and voice, becoming entities that speak and act through them. When the spirits inhabit the shamans, the latter still control what is happening during the entire time they communicate with the spirits. Shamans and mediums are consulted for advice, but the medium usually works for one person, not for the entire community.
  • Conductors. Some prefer to be called conduits rather than mediums, arguing that mediums primarily communicate with deceased relatives of their clients while conduits make contact with sources. higher wisdom and, often, ancient spirits or beings that never lived on Earth. During contact, the body and voice of the guide become (kinship of communication for spiritual beings who speak through bliss. Unlike guides, the shaman can analyze the information received from these spiritual forces to a certain extent, but his behavior is more like the actions of a messenger who speaks for them, the Shaman also controls what is happening and therefore talks only about what he considers necessary.

because of powerful forces evil and the people in their service, such as sorcerers, shamanic rituals often turn into a spiritual battle. For example, a shaman-healer might fight against spirits believed to have been sent by the sorcerer to harm his patient or false shaman. If this happens, then the shamanic ritual turns into a general battle for the soul and health of the patient; in cases where the shaman is trying to heal an entire community, he may fight on behalf of all his patients.

If the shaman wins the battle, then the disease disappears. But sometimes the shaman does not win; in a certain specific situation, he cannot win, because he is not powerful enough to fight the forces of evil. Often this can cause the shaman to turn to another shaman who is better able to handle the problem; the ordinary doctor does the same when he has to overcome a dangerous disease. In other cases, the shaman may repeat attempts - and if he fails again, he loses his reputation and the trust of others, just like any professional in a similar situation.

Shamans can lose their supernatural abilities on different reasons, for example, due to old age, when there is no energy and strength left to engage in shamanism. Or their hobbies may take a different direction. Some of the old shamans became successful artists or musicians and started their own businesses. The shaman can also lose his power due to unexpected fame and the temptation to enjoy attention, money and sexual pleasures that become too much available. This is a relatively new problem that has emerged as a result of the growing interest in shamanism these days.

Is there anyone there?

The spirits with which the shaman communicates and summons act as intermediaries between space forces, the force of the universe or cosmos - and man; if they respond, they become allies of the shaman or his personal assistants.

In some cases, the shaman communicates with these spirits while in a contemplative state in which he or she seeks advice from a teacher. In other cases, the shaman enters a trance-like state and goes on a journey to meet spirit guides.

And sometimes shamans enter a trance in which they become so close to the spirits that they experience a merger with them, so that the spirits take possession of the body of the shaman and speak through it. The shaman can sing, dance, beat drums, work with magical items, use herbs or medicinal substances such as tobacco juice or smoke, and ayahuasca, which is extracted from plants native to the tropical rainforests of South America.

Shamans say:

Shamanic healers, often called curanderos or paye in Latin America, are a special kind of shaman who can perform rituals on a patient or group of patients.

Ayahuasca is the name of a hallucinogen that is brewed from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, which grows in the upper reaches of the Amazon. It is often mixed with other plants such as chacruna, which is known to science as Psychotria viridis. Ayahuasca causes visions during a shamanic ritual so that the shaman can see the supernatural worlds. The active chemical element whose ingredient causes these changes in consciousness is called harmala. Ayahuasca is commonly used by South American shamans in a healing ceremony that includes the use of a staff, bundles of leaves, gourd clappers, and sacred objects such as stones and carved wood statues. Other substances used to alter the state of consciousness are juanto, known as Datura spp., which also grows in the upper Amazon, and a powder called parica, made from the seeds of Yopo, or Anadenanthera peregrina, which grows in the lower Amazon.

If problems bother you, but you keep running around with them and don't try to solve them, it's your choice!!!

But if you still decide to change your life, there is such an opportunity.

Before asking for help, take the following steps:

  • Look inside yourself: maybe you will hear - don't go anywhere, it's dangerous, don't do it, leave everything as it is...
  • Then the next question that you ask inside yourself is I or those energies that have settled in me, and my destruction and the negativity that has been created around me are very beneficial for them? Pray to those higher powers that you believe in for the answer to be correct!!! Most likely you will hear that it is not you, because your Self does not accept fear and laziness, your Self needs creation and prosperity!!!
  • The next question is inside yourself - is the road to those who will help me closed or open? If closed, pray again that the road to those who can help you will be open.
  • If the road is open, like a sponge, absorb any information where they can help you, and go to these people, overcoming internal resistance, because it is not You who do not want to go there, but those Who are sitting in you!!!
  • Ask the blessing of the Higher Powers to get help in getting rid of karmic suffering!

Who can help?

For example, shamans. People with supernatural power, accumulated in more than one incarnation. Getting to the shamans is a great blessing, which is not given to everyone. But if luck accompanies you, and you get to the Master, then listen to what shamans can do:

  • Purification ritual - you can get rid of any negativity, negative energy of any origin, up to karmic working off and generic curses.
  • Healing rituals - you can get rid of physical suffering of any kind.
  • Money rituals - the cash flow is the first to react to any negative, and you, once rich and successful, suddenly find yourself in financial problems. We'll fix it!!! These rituals are 1000 years old and they work!!!
  • Love rituals - love in harmony, family without betrayal, family well-being, birth of children. And it's possible!!! This ritual is over 1000 years old! And it works! Get married and be happy, regardless of age, appearance and status!!! Any woman deserves to be happy, and if your soul responds to this call, then it's time for you to forget what loneliness and boring evenings within 4 walls are, the time has come and you have the opportunity to receive the blessing of higher powers for long-awaited happiness !!! Now you have a chance to change your life and realize your dreams of a happy marriage!!! A unique ancient ritual that does not deprive a man of his will, but draws his attention to a woman, removes all obstacles on the way to your meeting. Under the influence of higher forces, a strong spiritual and physical connection is established.
  • Repayment of debts - do not repay debts, transfer the care of this to the forces of the shaman. You will be surprised at the result.
  • Cleaning of premises, offices, houses and shops - I won’t even explain for a long time what it is about and who needs it.
  • The most powerful ritual- opening white road, and if you are lucky enough to take part in this ritual, then... Of course, your life will not change for the ritual, but the energies that will change your life will change.

And most importantly: be respectful and grateful to the shamans. Believe me, to help you, these people choose a very difficult life!!!

The shaman's world is mysterious, enigmatic and hidden from prying eyes. A true shaman has nothing to do with a psychic, magician or sorcerer. A shaman is a completely different level, different views, goals and a different philosophy.

Who and how becomes a shaman in real life?

You cannot become a shaman just like that, "at your own will." And few people show a special desire to be a real shaman. The responsibility for the people who need help is too great. In addition, the shaman practically does not obey himself, his desires. His whole life is service to others through the world of spirits.

Only one who sees a symbolic dream can become a shaman. In this dream, some event must necessarily occur, which marks the shaman about the discovery of his gift. This dream comes suddenly, and not at any particular age. It's impossible to predict.

It is believed that sleep is a sign of the spirits that they have chosen a person. No one can become a shaman without the "approval" of the spirits. The content of sleep may be different, however, each clan knows what exactly should be dreamed of as a sign.

Sometimes one becomes a shaman not only after having a dream. Cases when a person suddenly hears a voice that sings and speaks to him are not uncommon among the Eskimos. It is there that shamanism and everything connected with it is especially developed. The voice means that the spirit is calling the future shaman. Behind him, a person often goes into the forest and passes there the first step of the path of a real shaman.

A shaman most often becomes one in whose family there have already been similar cases. Ability is inherited. There are stories when a person became a shaman, in whose family no one in the family had such a gift before. However, such a shaman is considered rather weak.

Thus, who becomes a shaman and who does not, only the spirits decide. Their decision cannot be resisted. The chosen one can only come to terms with the choice of higher powers and go towards a new mission.

The shaman acts as the chosen one, the representative of the spirits on earth. Through it, they convey information to people, help and warn them. A shaman is a person who is called to help and heal people. He cannot refuse or refuse to accept anyone who asks for help. That is why it is considered very difficult to be a shaman.

Although the shaman is respected and revered in the family, he does not have privileges. Often he lives in poverty, as he has practically no time to do his household chores. He accepts those in need of help and does not have time to help himself and his family.

The shaman lives an ordinary life, starts a family, children. Until the moment of election, the shaman is practically unaware of his future fate. And after he becomes a shaman, he lives like everyone else. With the exception of the moment of commission.

Often shamans are classified as mentally ill. This is not true. Such an erroneous opinion arose due to the fact that the rites of shamans are similar to attacks of insanity. In fact, this requires entry into special condition, which allows the shaman .

Shamans live all over the world. Since ancient times, many peoples have been adherents of faith in the power of shamans. Settlements, tribes, peoples, who from ancient times believed in the ability of a shaman to save them from illness, drought or painful death, cannot do without them. The largest number of shamans live in such countries as:

  • Australia;
  • Russia;
  • Austria;
  • African countries;
  • New Zealand;
  • Countries of Southeast Asia.

Shamans in each country, region and nationality differ in a number of criteria. Some people participate in sacrifices, some don't. Some functions, subtleties of performing rites and nuances of initiation differ. One thing unites them for sure, they are healers and defenders of the human soul.

The training of a shaman in practice and rites takes a lifetime. Initially, when he still does not suspect his destiny, he gradually involuntarily recognizes it. This manifests itself:

  • in unity with nature, the area in which the shaman lives;
  • in the appearance of visions, dreams, the gradual emergence of the skill to cope with them, to interpret them.

In some nations, the chosen one from birth is taught shamanic practices. This does not guarantee that a shaman will grow out of him. Everything will depend on the predisposition and choice of spirits.

Most of the time there is no training. A person first realizes that the choice fell on him. Then, having gone through all the torment, he learns from a more experienced shaman. However, he does not teach the beginner all the subtleties of performing rituals. Education does not take place, as in school at the desk. Everything is comprehended in communication with spirits and practice.

Old shamans teach the young to beat the tambourine so that the spirits hear this call. Beat so as to attract the right spirits. Sometimes training lasts for hours, days without a break. This skill is considered fundamental for a shaman. Without the ability to handle a tambourine, the spirits will not understand the calls and requests of the shaman.

There is also no direct training in the performance of rites. The true shaman comprehends this task himself.

There is still some help. Among shamans who are just beginning their journey, the practice of the “invisible canoe” is common. An old and a young shaman create an imaginary canoe, get into it and travel. Such trips last for several days in a row. During them, shamans are in an intermediate state. They sometimes dream, and sometimes return to reality.

At the time when dreams visit the shaman, they meet with the spirits. The shaman is looking for a protective spirit and finds it. At the moment of returning to reality, the shaman gets out of the canoe and leaves it in some place for a while. On the return transition to the dream state, the shaman pushes the canoe from that place and floats on.

After the journey, shamans share their visions and feelings. In this exchange, the young shaman is trained in the practice.

In almost any city you can now find a lot of schools and courses for teaching shamanic practices. They offer to learn everything that shamans can do. It is definitely impossible to become a true shaman thanks to such schools. The shaman is the chosen one of the spirits. One can only get a thousandth closer to the mysterious and enigmatic world of shamans.

Initiation into the mysteries of the Magi

Initiation into shamans is preceded by a long and difficult period of "shamanic illness". This disease is more manifested as insanity, schizophrenia. The future shaman sometimes behaves inappropriately, sees hallucinations, dreams, hears voices. In addition to the psyche, his body suffers. He falls ill, loses consciousness, falls into epileptic seizures. This can be explained simply - the spirits insist that the chosen one become a shaman.

It is almost impossible to resist them. To get rid of this suffering the only way out- accept the offer of spirits and undergo the rite of passage.

The beginning of the ceremony is the recognition of the chosen one before the old shamans that he hears the call of the spirits. After that, he goes to the forest, taiga and passes the test of hunger there. It can last 5, and 7, and 9 days. At this moment, the future shaman is especially weak. During dreams and visions, spirits come to him and literally make another person out of him.

It feels like it's being torn apart and put back together. The shaman experiences real death at the level of emotions. After everything he has experienced, he is “reborn”, but already a different person. Then the shaman has 2 options:

  • to comprehend the intricacies of shamanism yourself;
  • learn from an old shaman.

Most often, the second method is chosen. The initiation into shamans does not end there. This is a long process that takes months, and sometimes even years. Training in practices, ways of communicating with spirits, rituals is yet to come.

There is no formal initiation of a shaman. There is no specific action, ceremony, after which it can be said that the initiation took place. It is believed that this is meaningless, since the shaman is initiated by spirits long before he himself realized this.

Responsibilities, tasks and role of the witch

A shaman in the human world performs many functions and plays important role in the lives of entire peoples.

The main tasks of the shaman are:

  • treatment of people;
  • searching for the soul that left the body and returning it, if possible;
  • accompanying the soul to another world;
  • protection of the soul from demons, evil spirits.

It becomes clear that the shaman has little to do with the daily life of a person. Its specificity is the soul. Shamans are not present at marriages, for example. However, they are called when there is a difficult birth. The role of the shaman in helping people.

- the main profile of the shaman. It is believed that the disease does not occur in the body, but in the soul. The shaman is called upon to make a diagnosis, find ways to get rid of the disease and return a person to a healthy body and spirit.

In addition to treating specific people, the shaman plays a role in the normal life of the whole family:

  • foresees droughts, rains, etc.;
  • when the number of animals decreases, people ask the shaman to help;
  • helps and participates in the process of sacrifice.

Contrary to the opinion of the inhabitants, the shaman is not a person who performs sacrifices. Most often, if he takes part in this, only to guide the soul of the murdered victim along the right path. He knows this way.

Thus, a shaman is a person chosen by the spirits for this role. Consent or refusal is not required. Shamans serve as protectors, helpers of their people. They protect from pestilence, drought, famine, disease. Strong shaman- great joy and help. Learning to be a shaman "just for yourself" is impossible. A shaman is a person who is constantly on the verge between the world of people and the world of spirits.


How can shamanic healing help your health?

People usually come to a shaman with a long list of issues they want to work on, including major health issues, emotional and physical trauma. Some medics refer patients to the shaman to help them better recover or release .

What is so effective in healing a shaman?

The shaman works at a level that we usually stray from in our modern business life. It helps to reunite the human energy. The shaman creates a state of relaxation and radical presence in which healing energies can be brought to your entire being, bypassing the most common resistances, facilitating things you may not have believed in.

What benefits can you expect from a healing session?

At the end of the session, you will receive invaluable information about the various remedies for your situation. You will feel peace and hope in your mind and body. In most cases, you will also experience immediate spiritual, mental and physical shifts. The healing effects will last for 1-2 months.

Is any follow-up treatment suggested?

Any person needs 3 weeks of healing sessions. This is more than enough to push out of any ravine. The healing effect will continue for a long time and the body will gain its strength.

How often should I attend shamanic healing?

Most people find it useful to return to once a year.

Is shamanism related to some kind of religious practice?

Shamanism is not a religion and it does not contradict any religions. The beliefs of the people are always fully respected. Although shamanic healing works on a spiritual level, no faith is required for people, no need to understand everything, just be open to healing.

The shaman ethic always respects your free will. Shamanic healing can often be life-changing, but that right is entirely yours. Nothing can happen without your knowledge. Many people come for a lifestyle change and always leave with what they came for.