Where did the expression "Let the earth rest in peace" come from? © Lately

I often hear: "Let the earth rest in peace." It is clear that this is "atheism". But what do they really want, what is the meaning of this phrase?
Lyudmila, Pushkino.

First of all, it must be said that the expression “let the earth rest in peace” does not have atheistic roots, but pagan ones. This expression originates from ancient rome.

In Latin, it will sound like this - “Sit tibi terra levis”. The ancient Roman poet Marcus Valerius Martial has these verses: "Sit tibi terra levis, molliquetegaris harena, Ne tua non possint eruere ossa canes." (May the earth rest in peace to you And softly cover the sand so that the dogs can dig out your bones)

Some philologists believe that this expression was a tomb curse on the deceased. However, we have no reason to say so, because this expression was used even before Martial.

On ancient Roman tombstones, you can often see such letters - S T T L - this is an epitaph from - "Sit tibi terra levis" (let the earth be down). There were options: T L S - "Terra levis sit" (Let the earth be down) or S E T L - "Sit ei terra levis" (Let the earth rest in peace). Currently, a similar epitaph can be found in English-speaking countries, where tombstones often have the inscription - R.I.P. (Rest In Peace) - rest in peace. That is, the expression “let the earth rest in peace” is much older than atheism and carries precisely religious connotations, and not atheism.

Can a Christian use this expression?

Certainly not, because Christianity is fundamentally different from pagan ideas about the afterlife of the soul.

We do not believe that the soul is in the earth along with the decaying body.

We believe that, having died, the soul of a person goes to God for a private judgment, which decides where it will expect the general resurrection on the eve of Paradise or on the eve of hell.

The pagans had a completely different idea. They wished that "the earth was fluff", meaning that it did not press on the bones of a person and did not cause discomfort to the deceased.

By the way, this is where pagan fears of “disturbing the dead” and myths about resurrected skeletons, etc. come from. That is, all this points to a pagan belief that the soul can stay next to its body or even in the body itself. Hence the wishes.

I also often hear people use the expression “let the earth be down”, but I have never seen a person who would put exactly ancient pagan content into this expression.

Mostly among people untrained in faith, the expression “let the earth be down” is used as a synonym for the words “Kingdom of Heaven”.

You can often hear these expressions in conjunction. Here you need to have reasoning and a sense of spiritual tact.

If you heard that a heartbroken person says at the wake “let the earth rest in peace”, then this probably will not be the best moment to reason with him or have discussions.

Wait for the time and when an opportunity presents itself, tell the person very carefully that Orthodox Christians do not use such an expression.

PS. The photo shows a fragment of an ancient Roman tombstone with the inscription "Sit tibi terra levis".

Anatoly Badanov

Information taken from the missionary Orthodox portal - www.dishupravoslaviem.ru

How to say "Kingdom of heaven to him" or "May the earth rest in peace"? Let the earth rest in peace for him ”- this is more a colloquial phrase, a folk one. I often hear: "Let the earth rest in peace." It is clear that this is "atheism".

Earth rest in peace - to whom. In speech etiquette: a good remembrance of the deceased, arising from a superstitious idea of afterlife. Do you remember Vasya from Taganrog? I and/, wine.; ze/ml; pl. ze/mli, zeme/l, ze/mlyam; and. 1) Earth / Third planet solar system, rotating around its own axis and around the Sun, whose orbit is between Venus and Mars.

This expression originates from ancient Rome. In Latin, it will sound like this - “Sit tibi terra levis”. The ancient Roman poet Marcus Valerius Martial has these verses: "Sit tibi terra levis, molliquetegaris harena, Ne tua non possint eruere ossa canes." Some philologists believe that this expression was a tomb curse on the deceased.

They wished that "the earth was fluff", meaning that it did not press on the bones of a person and did not cause discomfort to the deceased. That is, all this points to the pagan belief that the soul can stay next to its body or even in the body itself. Hence the wishes. I also often hear people use the expression “let the earth be down”, but I have never seen a person who would put exactly ancient pagan content into this expression.

You can often hear these expressions in conjunction. PS. The photo shows a fragment of an ancient Roman tombstone with the inscription "Sit tibi terra levis". One is for the soul that has gone to heaven, the second expression is for the body that has gone to earth. If the body decomposes correctly in the earth, then the earth, up to the very mound, becomes soft and fluffy.

Both expressions are correct. Some people, grieving for the deceased, generally wish for the Kingdom of Heaven and May the earth rest in peace. According to church canons, there are no strictly defined words that need to be spoken to the deceased. In pre-revolutionary times, each family had a list of the names of all the deceased members of this family - "Pomyannik".

In order to celebrate the liturgy, it is necessary that, in addition to the priest, there are singers, sexton, and, of course, those who pray. Therefore, in the middle of the week, not every church has a service, namely, a liturgy. In Great Lent full liturgy It cannot be performed in the middle of the week, therefore, there cannot be commemoration of the dead on these days.

Let the earth rest in peace or the kingdom of heaven ...

When are on the calendar parent Saturdays, and what else Orthodox Church installed special days to commemorate the dead? On this day, warriors are commemorated, although other deceased relatives can also be commemorated.

The expression "earth rest in peace"

First of all, prayer for them, prayer in the temple, home prayer, because there are people who, for good reason, cannot attend church on this day. Therefore, they can fervently and heartily pray at home for their deceased relatives - in a private prayer at home. In the usual Prayer Book there is a “Prayer for the Departed”. All names in the notes should be given in church spelling, for example, George, not Yuri, Fotinia, not Svetlana.

Where did the expression "Let the earth rest in peace" come from?

This is an important point, because there is such a saying "The well-fed does not understand the hungry." When we are full, we do not think that there are people who are hungry, who need to be fed. The meal itself is an almsgiving done for the deceased relatives, because those expenses that went to it, this is the sacrifice. This should not be a circle of people who interest us for profitable purposes in order to benefit from them. Therefore, we must invite poor people to the commemoration who need to be fed.

Is it right to leave sweets, cigarettes (if the deceased was a smoker) or even glasses of alcohol in the cemetery? Thus, we are returning to paganism, then there was a trizna (rite), which just did not happen there. We must understand that if a person had some kind of earthly addiction, it remains on earth, and in eternal life this is not. Of course, it is inappropriate to put cigarettes or glasses of alcohol.

There are cases when suicides are blessed to be buried in absentia. In Great Lent there are some deviations from the rules of the usual commemoration. Probably, there is nothing in our life that would be more mythologized, saturated with superstitions than the death of a person and the rite of his burial. FROM Orthodox point of view, the death of a person (a believer, a church person, of course) is “assumption”, falling asleep, hence the “deceased”, asleep.

Where did the ... burial ground come from?

Therefore, the priest puts on white robes for the funeral, showing the faith of the Church in this dogma. Outside the Church, the attitude towards death is completely different. The death of a person is a catastrophe, a natural disaster. Despite turning to the Church for a funeral service, in reality the relatives of the deceased do not believe that he is "deceased", "dead" (i.e., one who is "at rest", "at rest with God").

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And since there is no faith in eternity and on Sunday, then there is a panicky fear of death and everything connected with it. Where there is no faith in the Resurrected God, there is a desire to push death (more precisely, thoughts about it) to the periphery of consciousness. In the four years of my priesthood, I have never seen in a single apartment that this golden rule of burial was not fulfilled. True, there is a positive moment in this golden rule.

Well, there are still small tips on how to distribute cups with spoons after the deceased; bring a soup set for him to church; handing out the belongings of the deceased. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. That is: think about the frailty of your being. Everything. There is no other meaning than a symbolic reminder to the living of death.

Mostly among people untrained in faith, the expression “let the earth be down” is used as a synonym for the words “Kingdom of Heaven”. That is, the expression “let the earth rest in peace” is much older than atheism and carries precisely religious connotations, and not atheism. The earth / moves around the sun. First of all, it must be said that the expression “let the earth rest in peace” does not have atheistic roots, but pagan ones. There are other days of commemoration of the dead, in church calendar they are not, but with the blessing His Holiness Patriarch they are done.

Hello! Tell me, please, how to start the commemoration correctly, should someone say a prayer? Who and what? usually someone is the first to give a speech, ending with the words "Kingdom of heaven to him" or "May the earth rest in peace." Then everyone drinks, always having a pancake. Then 2-3 more speeches, then for the health of relatives, I drink compote (which everyone had with a pancake, already eaten) and leave. Almost everyone has the same procedure. But still, how is it right, in a Christian way, to hold this event.
Thanks in advance for your reply!

Asks: Moscow region


Dear reader!

This whole "procedure", as you argue, has nothing to do with how the commemoration of the deceased Orthodox Christian is carried out.Since early Christian times, relatives and friends of the deceased have gathered together on special days of commemoration in order to ask the Lord for the repose of the deceased and grant him the Kingdom of Heaven in joint prayer. After visiting the church and the cemetery, the relatives of the deceased arranged a memorial meal, to which not only relatives were invited, but mainly the needy: the poor and the needy, that is, the commemoration is a kind of Christian alms for those gathered. Ancient Christian memorial meals gradually transformed into modern commemorations, which are held on the 3rd day after death (the day of the funeral), the 9th, 40th days and other days that are memorable for the deceased (six months and a year after death, birthday and day Deceased Angel).

Unfortunately, modern commemorations bear little resemblance to Orthodox funeral meals and are more like pagan feasts that the ancient Slavs held before they were enlightened by the light of the Christian faith. In those primeval times, it was believed that the richer and more pompously the deceased is seen, the merrier he will live in the other world. In order to actually help a soul that has departed to the Lord, it is necessary in a dignified manner, in Orthodoxy, organize a memorial meal:
1. Before a meal, one of the relatives reads the 17th kathisma from the Psalter. Kathisma is read in front of a lighted lamp or candle.
2. Immediately before eating, they read "Our Father ...".
3. The first course is kolivo or kutya - boiled wheat grains with honey or boiled rice with raisins, which are consecrated at a memorial service in the temple. Seeds serve as a symbol of resurrection: in order to bear fruit, they must be in the ground and decay. So the body of the deceased is given to the earth in order to decay and during the general resurrection to rise incorruptible for future life. Honey (or raisins) marks the spiritual sweetness of the blessings of eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Thus, kutia is a visible expression of the confidence of the living in the immortality of the dead, in their resurrection and blessed, through the Lord Jesus Christ, eternal life.
4. There should be no alcohol on the memorial table. The custom of drinking alcohol is an echo of pagan feasts. Firstly, Orthodox commemoration is not only (and not the main thing) food, but also prayer, and prayer and a drunken mind are incompatible things. Secondly, on the days of commemoration, we intercede before the Lord for the improvement of the afterlife of the deceased, for the forgiveness of his earthly sins. But will the Chief Justice listen to the words of drunk intercessors? Thirdly, “drinking is the joy of the soul” and after drinking a glass our mind dissipates, switches to other topics, grief for the deceased leaves our hearts and quite often it happens that by the end of the commemoration, many people forget why they have gathered - the commemoration ends the usual feast with a discussion of everyday problems and political news, and sometimes even worldly songs. Meanwhile, the languishing soul of the deceased waits in vain for prayer support from their loved ones. Eliminate alcohol from the memorial dinner. And instead of the common atheistic phrase: "May the earth rest in peace to him," pray briefly: "God rest the soul of your newly-departed servant (the name of the rivers), and forgive him all his sins, free and involuntary, and grant him the Kingdom of Heaven." This prayer must be performed before proceeding to the next dish.
5. No need to remove the forks from the table - this makes no sense. There is no need to put a cutlery in honor of the deceased, or even worse - to put vodka in a glass with a piece of bread in front of the portrait. All this is the sin of paganism.
6. If the commemoration takes place in fast days, then the food should be lean.
7. If the commemoration fell on the time of Great Lent, then on weekdays the commemoration is not performed, but is transferred to the next (forward) Saturday or Sunday, the so-called counter commemoration. This is done because only on these days (Saturday and Sunday) Divine Liturgies John Chrysostom and Basil the Great, and behind the proskomedia, particles are taken out for the dead and requiems are performed. If the memorial days fell on the 1st, 4th and 7th weeks of Great Lent (the strictest weeks), then only the closest relatives are invited to the commemoration.
8. memorial days that fell on Bright Week (the first week after Easter) and on Monday the second Easter week, are transferred to Radonitsa - Tuesday of the second week after Easter, on the days of commemoration it is useful to read the Easter canon.
9. Ends memorial meal universal thanksgiving prayer"We thank Thee, Christ our God..." and "It is worthy to eat...".
10. Wake on the 3rd, 9th and 40th days are arranged for relatives, relatives, friends and acquaintances of the deceased. At such a commemoration, in order to honor the deceased, you can come without an invitation. On other days of commemoration, only the closest relatives gather.

And the most important thing. On this day, you should visit the temple, if possible, and file a commemoration. Prayer is the most valuable thing we can give to the soul of our loved one after death.

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The Russian language is rich. There are many different words and expressions in it, and we, as a rule, do not think about where this or that phrase came from. Some - try, for example, with a humorous approach - M. Zadornov.

Meanwhile, it is the study of the origins of the origin of languages ​​that is very interesting, and even often only this allows you to unearth many historical layers hidden from the 17th century by Western worshipers who rule Russia.
For example, even seemingly biblical words - Paradise, Adam, Torah - originate from us. Unfortunately, all this is under a big ban, and, with very few exceptions, people believe that civilization (with writing, culture, high technologies) came to us either from Arabia, or from Byzantium. And what was exactly the opposite - talking about it is allowed only in the kitchen.

Here, together with you, I want to explore one expression that, sooner or later, concerns all of us, and why it is logical to conduct an investigation on the pages of the gardening community, we will come to this later.
I propose to consider the expression "let the earth rest in peace." Alas, it has to be heard only at the most unpleasant hours. But still, where did this expression come from, does it have any meaning?

Being sure of failure in advance, I nevertheless tried to find the answer on the Internet, and here are the explanations there.
1. “The phrase is meaningless as in religious sense, and in purely atheistic. For a religious person, there is no particular difference in what to lie on the body: in “fluff”, in stones, in concrete or in a swamp. And for an atheist - even more so (buried in accordance with hygiene standards - and at the table, celebrate the event).
2. “There is nothing “good” in wishing “the earth rest in peace” - no. This is a politically correct curse on the deceased.”
3. "The earth rest in peace is a pagan expression."
4. “Protodeacon Sergiy Shalberov (St. Petersburg) reports on his page on the Internet that in fact these words are an ancient Roman curse on the deceased - the pagans considered it the highest dishonor when the body does not rest in the ground.”

Here's what we've agreed on! According to the protodeacon, all people, when they bury their loved ones, curse them!

Nevertheless, from a heap of negativity, the idea is extracted that this phrase comes from ancient, “pagan” roots. Then there is a need to clarify what the word "pagan" means. From Inet:

1. Paganism - (from the ancient Slavic languages ​​\u200b\u200b- peoples, foreigners, the modern concept is “nations”), designation national religions i.e. all non-Christians. The pagans themselves did not call themselves that. The gods of Paganism personified the elements of nature.
2. The term “paganism” comes from the Church Slavonic word “language”, meaning “people”. In the Old Testament era, the Jews called pagans all other peoples, investing in this word a negative assessment of both the peoples themselves and their religious beliefs customs, morality, culture, etc. From the Jews, the term "paganism" passed into Christian vocabulary.
3. The Slavic term comes from church-glory. "yazyk", that is, "people", "tribe", which in the Slavic translation of the Bible translated the Hebrew terms "goy" and "nokhri".

Perhaps enough. It is clear that "pagan" is - "folk". Semitic Arabs, for the purpose of ruling the world, imposed their idea of folk faith other nations, making a scarecrow out of it.
We will notice the campaign that hence the swear word "outcast". That is, if you are not an Arab-Semite, then you are already automatically an “outcast”, because you are from the “goyim”. Remember, S. Yesenin: “Goy you, my dear Russia ...”

So, the roots of the expression "earth rest in peace" has an ancient, folk, non-Christian origin. There is no religious background here.
We dig further, where this phrase comes from among the people. Can the earth really be like fluff? After all, it is usually heavy, much heavier than water, what kind of fluff is there. Well, were the ancients wrong?

And here it is not. Who knows well the properties of certain phenomena, objects (and the ancients were just such), probably already answered that the earth is downy, much lighter than water. The name of this land is an ancient and familiar word - silt. Westerners presented it to us as a discovery, under the fashionable word - sapropel.

The miraculous properties of silt were well known in antiquity. If you dry the sludge, you get a very light mass, which to the touch is just like fluff, soft to the touch, very light. It is much lighter than water, it contains a lot of useful substances.

Here is what silt is used for:
“In medicine: sapropel is used in medical (physiotherapeutic) practice for applications, adjustable baths for mud therapy.
In agriculture, sapropel is used as a fertilizer. Especially effective is the application on acidic and light sandy and sandy loamy soils, as well as to increase the humus content in soils, for the preparation of composts. The use of sapropel as a fertilizer improves the mechanical structure of soils, moisture-absorbing and water-holding capacity, aeration, gives an increase in humus in the soil, and activates soil processes.

Sapropel fertilizer contributes to the mobilization of the soil composition, leads to self-purification from pathogenic plants, fungi and harmful microorganisms. The mineral part of sapropels contains a large number of trace elements such as Co, Mn, Cu, B, Br, Mo, V, Cr, Be, Ni, Ag, Sn, Pb, As, Ba, Sr, Ti, rich in B vitamins ( B1, B12, B3, B6), E, ​​C, D, P, carotenoids, many enzymes, such as catalases, peroxidases, reductases, proteases.

Sapropel fertilizers are a unique product, the only organic fertilizer used for radical improvement (reclamation) and sanitation of the soil.

In animal husbandry: sapropel, rich in salts of calcium, iron, phosphorus, without admixture of sand and poor in clay, is added to the diets of farm animals as a mineral supplement (pigs up to 1.5 kg, cows up to 1.5 kg, chickens 10-15 g per day)."

What do you think of the above? Due to its excellent properties, silt in ancient times was considered very useful and highly valued by our ancestors - Aryan farmers. That is why the phrase "let the earth rest in peace" arose.
Firstly, this means a wish that a person rests in good land, and secondly, that it be dry and light, and water does not fall into rest.

And that Westerners and churchmen do not know the correct meaning of this expression - so, firstly, in ancient times Western states did not exist either, they were quite recently by historical standards (no more than 5 thousand years BC) created by settlers from the Middle Asia. Secondly, they have always distorted our history and turned everything upside down

Many of us have heard, and we ourselves have said such words. What do they really mean, many do not know? All because they don't read the Bible. They say so that "everyone" says so.

Man is given reason to think. Think about it! How can the earth be down for someone who was buried under a layer of earth that was not at all down? And for the one who was buried, it does not matter.

As it says in the bible Holy Scripture): “In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground from which you were taken, for dust you are and to dust you shall return.” (Gen. 3:19)

God created man from the dust of the earth: “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.” (Gen. 2:7)

This is how the human soul was born. This part of our being, invisible to our eyes.
She laughs and is sad.
It is she who yearns and languishes.
She is suffering and sick.
It is her soul that is more important than our body, to which many devote so much time.

In fact, a person died, the ashes (body) were sent either to a cemetery or a crematorium, where it will rot or be burned. This is the fate of our body. It is needed as a case for our soul and nothing more.

It is her soul that controls this body. Not even a hand will be raised without her command.
It is her soul that has the will - than we choose.
She is the soul that has a mind - by what we think.
It is the soul that has feelings - the way we feel.
It is she who leaves our body when it dies.
It is her soul that does not fly somewhere into the sky and does not move into someone's body after death (reincarnation).

It is her soul that goes either to hell or to God, depending on who she chose while living in the body: either God or Satan.

Death is not the end of existence. Death is the separation of the soul from the body and the soul from God. The soul is immortal, although some religions have built entire teachings on individual passages of Scripture to numb their fear of death and hell.

Written: “And do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul; but rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Mat. 10:28) The souls of those who cannot kill - this is about her immortality.

Many of you also drank "for the rest of the soul." I also participated in this without thinking. What kind of peace can drunk vodka bring to someone who fits in hell? They will bury everyone, they say. The body is buried, but the soul cannot be buried.

Good wishes for the "kingdom of heaven" to all those who have died. But a desire will remain a desire if a person is not reconciled to God. What is it, you need to know before the body goes to the cemetery or just dies?
Everyone thinks they are better than they really are. Through the fact that you did not kill anyone, you did not become less sinful in the eyes of God: "because all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Rom. 3:23)

And further: “... there is not a single righteous one; there is no one who understands; no one is looking for God; all have turned aside from the path, they are useless to one; there is no one who does good, there is none. Their larynx is an open coffin; they deceive with their tongue; the poison of asps is on their lips. Their mouths are full of slander and bitterness. Their feet are quick to shed blood; destruction and ruin are in their way; they do not know the way of the world. There is no fear of God before their eyes. But we know that the law, if it says anything, speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth is stopped, and the whole world becomes guilty before God. (Rom.3:10-19)

The whole world is guilty before God. A sinful mother gives birth to sinful children. How to justify yourself before God? Some advise to pray and to pray for sins, but this does not work. It is impossible to erase the wrong actions done with your own words.

What is the way out? It is described in this passage of Scripture: “We have all gone astray like sheep; we have turned each one to his own way: and the Lord laid on him the sins of us all.” (Isaiah 53:6)

Who is this He who took your sins and mine on Himself? His name is Jesus Christ the Son of God.
It was He who paid the penalty for our sins.
It was He who was punished instead of us.
It was He who died, was buried, rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures.
It is He who can wash away our sins with His Blood if we come to Him with repentance.

Repentance is not only the words: "Lord, have mercy and save us sinners." Repentance is the willingness to change your life. Followed Satan, followed God. What is the use of your "Lord have mercy" if you remain in sins? What is the use of you celebrating religious holidays, consecrating foodstuffs, although you need the consecration of the soul, without ever drawing near to God?

Sinners don't go to heaven. Going to the temple does not make you sinless. Religion is religion everywhere. She talks about God, but does not know God himself.

You need to repent to God. It doesn't have to be somewhere else, God hears everywhere. It is important that repentance is not just words. God can forgive your sins and save your soul. Is this really not enough?

Written: “For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved, because with your heart you believe to righteousness, but with your mouth you confess to salvation. For Scripture says, whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame. There is no difference here between Jew and Greek, because the Lord is one for all, rich for all who call on Him. For whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. But how to call upon [He] in whom they did not believe? how to believe [in] [That], about Whom they have not heard? how to hear without a preacher? And how can they preach if they are not sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the gospel of peace, those who proclaim good things!” (Rom.10:9-15)

You see how much you learned by reading this little note. That's why you're taught not to listen to people like me. They know that the truth will free you from the bondage of fear and sin. Then you will not need to wish others "let the earth rest in peace."

Nikolai Nikolaevich

P.S. “Man's days are like grass; like the flower of the field, so it blooms. The wind passes over him, and he is gone, and his place will no longer recognize him. (Ps. 103:15-16)