Feng Shui for money. Cleansing a house from negative energy according to Feng Shui Where to store a broom according to Feng Shui

We need to buy a new lush broom. When sweeping the floors, one must imagine that with every movement poverty and troubles are swept away, and luck and money are swept in. Changes for the better will soon be felt.

It is especially necessary to note such a circumstance - in no case should a broom be thrown anywhere. When stored, it must be in the correct position and in the correct place.

For practical use, the sexual broom should be stored in a certain way. You can not put brooms or mops in a corner. They should not be leaned against the wall either - it is better for them to hang so as not to touch the floor. In housing, in a house or apartment, a broom must stand or hang with the broom up. So it not only dries well after wet cleaning, that is, sweeping with a broom dipped in water, but the bristles will not be deformed. By placing it like this, you can lure money into the house. It is also believed that in this way it is possible to protect housing from evil forces, from witchcraft spells.

If there is a mop in the house instead of a broom, it is also placed with the wide part up, with the handle down.

If a broom is kept in the house with a broom down, it is not only stored worse, but also does not work in the best way with regard to evil evil spirits. With an incorrectly located broom, all the negative entities of the lower astral plane gather on it, which will not bring anything good to people. At the next sweep, the entities simply scatter around the house and will annoy the owners, but it will no longer be possible to sweep them away.

There should be only one broom in the house. You should not bargain when buying it.

Where is it customary to put a broom in housing

The broom was considered one of the main amulets. There was an opinion that under such an ordinary broom a brownie could settle and live. Center in Russia hearth considered, and the brownie was pleased to live there. Therefore, it was customary to put a broom in the kitchen - at the threshold, with the broom up.

A broom was used as a talisman to lure various good things into the house - good luck, happiness, prosperity. Sickness, troubles, negative energy with its help could be swept away from home.

Of course, you should not think that you can get rid of any problems once and for all with the help of a talisman. Any thing endowed with such properties is able to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck. But a lot will depend on the circle of contacts of the owners, on who they invite into the house.

Feng Shui is an Eastern teaching based on deep research and observation that is over 3000 years old. This practice has absorbed the vast experience of dozens of generations of Eastern sages.

The most popular direction of Feng Shui is the energy of the house. Many of us, almost the majority, spend a huge part of our lives at home. At home we sleep, relax, receive guests and often even work. Feng Shui rules and regulations cover many aspects, from cleaning and rearranging furniture to creating the right atmosphere and choosing colors for walls, floors, and so on. However, there are 10 most important prohibitions about what cannot be stored at home.

Energy of things

There are many items that spoil the energy background in your home. Absolutely every thing has its purpose. Feng Shui can tell you about every little thing that will be important for your well-being, luck, motivation, mood.

Some things can act like magnets, but they do not attract positive Chi energy, but negative. It is about them that will be discussed further. Energy vampirism is inherent in many household items with which you can connect your life every day. You can use something all the time, but in fact it can be a big mistake.

Over time, bad things only get stronger, worsening your mood and sometimes your well-being. In 99 percent of cases, people simply do not understand why they began to sleep badly, do not feel well, why they have a headache, why they are haunted by failures. Negative things can even cause discord between lovers, between parents and children, brothers and sisters.

What not to keep at home

Old shoes. This is especially true for slippers. They accumulate negative energy, which does not allow positive energy to circulate normally around the house. The space in the house should be free from everything superfluous. Don't be afraid to make room for new things by throwing out the junk. Of course, we are not talking about old wardrobe items, but about torn, dirty, unsuitable for normal wear. Many people are warehousing such things, afraid to part with them. You have to learn to throw them away. Together with them, you throw out problems, bad health and dark thoughts. If your old shoes or clothes are well-groomed, look normal, then everything will be fine.

Broken mirrors. Not only in feng shui, a broken mirror is considered a bad, negative item. Psychics and bioenergy experts say that broken mirrors attract trouble. Eastern teaching claims that a broken mirror distorts positive energy, turning it into dark. In Eastern traditions, it has long been customary to get rid of broken glass and mirrors. Many of us keep broken mirrors in our dachas, sparing money for new ones, but this is fundamentally wrong. Even worse, when even whole mirrors hang in front of the front door. This needs to be corrected immediately.

Broken dishes. The effect is similar to a broken mirror. An old Chinese proverb says: "A crack in a dish is a crack in everything." This is true, because when we use defective plates or mugs, we destroy our luck. In the philosophy of Feng Shui, a lot of attention is paid to the kitchen and everything that is in it. Dishes are one of the most important elements. Throw away broken and cracked dishes immediately. Don't put off taking out the trash. This is fraught with negative consequences that no one needs.

Dirt, dust and debris. A dirty floor is a very bad omen in Eastern cultures. As for cleanliness in the house, in the east people are very attentive to this. Dirt on the floor attracts poverty, destroys money luck. Dust is the enemy of your health, because it delays the renewal of energy. It is better to wipe the dust every two days. Garbage should not accumulate in any case. Dirty dishes, if any, should be in the sink. Garbage bags must not be accumulated and must not be placed at the front door, neither outside nor inside. This blocks all entrances and exits for Chi energy. Very often, garbage is put out the door, but this is wrong. Take it to the designated place and do not store it. Throw away on time.

Broken appliances, electronics. Many people do not throw away mobile phones with a broken screen or gadgets that do not work at all. Don't hoard it all, because electronics have their own downsides if they don't work. This is especially true of televisions, which some bioenergy experts call energy portals. Negativity circulates through the technique, but as long as it works, it remains inside. When a phone or TV, tablet, radio, and so on goes out of order, what happens is what experts call energy blockage. All the accumulated negative energy devices begin to give to the outside world.

Photos of printed type with defects. Many people keep old photos at home, which are dear to them as a memory of the old days, of people. This is normal, but photos should not be worn. Now there are many services for the restoration and digitization of photographs. Throw away old photos that don't convey the picture well. Replace them with an electronic version if you don't want old samples to take energy from you. The effect is similar to broken mirrors, but less noticeable. Don't risk the present for the past.

Gifts from people you don't like. If you were presented with a gift, but this person causes only negativity, then such a thing will definitely be a vampire thing. It will suck the energy out of you and your loved ones until you get rid of it. Sell ​​it, throw it away, do anything but take it outside your apartment. It is very dangerous because you are putting yourself at risk. Such things deprive people of good luck, good mood and even health. It is possible that this thing will act as a curse or evil eye. If this is something small and can burn, then you can even burn such a gift to be more sure that it will not have power over you.

Things of dead people. This is absolutely obvious, but this point applies to absolutely everything. It can be photographs, equipment, clothes. Everything that belonged to a person who is no longer in this world is better to throw away or sell. For other people in other houses, this will not have any negative beginning. In Eastern philosophy, it is customary to treat dead people with great respect. Their things should not belong to the place where they once lived.

Old broom. What we sweep the trash with should look neat. Old brooms bring only trouble. From them, we can often get sick, lose good luck in all areas of life. Get rid of old brooms, broken mops, overly dirty rags. Don't skimp on new home cleaning products. They themselves can be powerful magnets for negative energy.

Empty bottles and waste paper. Paper and glass are the best conductors for the negative. He sticks to them like that. There are less safe trash, but paper and glass are the pinnacle of danger. Old magazines and newspapers are very bad companions of your life. They accumulate dust, litter the space. They cannot be kept even in a barn, not to mention the place where you sleep, eat, rest.

Plants with needles. Cacti, roses, rose hips and so on are living blockers of positive energy from windows. If you want to start a cactus, then put it next to a computer or TV, but only one, no more. Such plants in Feng Shui are not recommended to be used to create a pleasant atmosphere at home. In general, this applies to any sharp objects, including trim and decor elements.

Climbing plants. Another type of plant that Feng Shui experts classify as dangerous. Climbing plants prevent a person from thinking normally, distort his attitude. Such plants become sources of doubt. It is more difficult for people to engage in intellectual work in such a room. If cacti or roses can be placed away from windows and the place where you sleep, then these plants are generally better not to start.

To bring well-being into the house, it will not be enough just to get rid of dangerous things, although this is already more than half of all the work. Starting everything from cleaning the house, you are moving on the right path, because there is no positive where there is simply no place for it. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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  1. The atmosphere at home should be filled with the energy of relaxation, comfort and coziness, then your well-being will be good. Let's try to learn how to change the atmosphere of the apartment, adjust it in the right way.
    Every second the house, the apartment absorbs the mood of all family members. The atmosphere at home should be filled with the energy of relaxation, comfort and coziness, then your well-being will be good. Remember, when you come to one apartment, a feeling of harmonious space envelops you from the threshold, you don’t want to leave such a house. In rooms with poor energy, there is a feeling of discomfort, cold, hostility. Let's try to learn how to change the atmosphere of the apartment, adjust it in the right way.
    One of the basic rules of Feng Shui says - before making changes to the space, it must be cleared. Energy cleaning of the apartment can be divided into several stages:
    Throw away old things, broken utensils, broken dishes, in general, everything that you do not use or that has become unusable. They spoil the interior and bring bad energy.
    Do a general cleaning, be sure to wash windows, doors, thresholds, floors.
    Light the room with smoky incense or a candle.
    So, in order for the positive Qi energy to move freely around the apartment, it is necessary to clean the room first from physical, and only then from energy dirt.
    Room cleaning
    If you want the work to be well argued, and the cleanliness and order in the house to be maintained for a long time, do the general cleaning on the waning moon. I do not recommend cleaning the room during the full moon or the first few days of the new moon. In the same period, it is favorable to do drying or airing bed linen, pillows and blankets. Probably, now you remember your grandmothers, who every summer took out pillows for airing outside. This procedure will save not only from dust mites, but also help to clean the energy. By the way, the ancient Slavs had a special ritual, when in certain days years, linen and bedding were taken out for cleaning and drying in the open air on a high hill. It was believed that the patron deities of thunder, rain and sun would cleanse it of energetic dirt, drive away evil spirits and fill it with the energy of love and health. I remind you that all this should be done on a waning moon.
    With regard to cleaning, it is also necessary to adhere to several rules. You can’t sweep garbage to the threshold - this threatens to lose money, and for young girls - loss of attractiveness. It is best to do this in the direction of the kitchen. Cleaning is not allowed on major religious holidays. It is believed that during the holidays the heavenly gates are opened, through which divine energy enters us, and by waving a dirty broom, we destroy it. Therefore, according to Slavic customs, before the big holidays it is necessary to do the cleaning in advance so that the cleaned room is filled with pure divine energy. There should be only one broom in the apartment. And he should stand upside down. If it stands with a whisk down, then you can not count on an influx of money, and, in addition, you will constantly clean the apartment. By the way, our ancestors considered the broom a strong protective symbol. Charms in the form of brooms are still very popular.
    It can be carried out in several ways: using a candle, incense sticks or dry herbs, which method is better is up to you. When fumigating, it is necessary to move around the apartment from the threshold clockwise, stopping at each corner. Sandalwood and frankincense are considered the most effective incense for cleansing a space, but if you like other smells, you can use them with success. In Slavic traditions, fumigation was carried out with the help of dry twigs of plants. The most popular among them were wormwood and juniper. You can use oak leaves, St. John's wort, lavender, pepper, peony seeds, pine and sage, such aromatherapy is also very favorable. It is good to spray the apartment with holy or just clean water. A great alternative method is aerosol cleaning of the room (it is suitable for those who cannot stand the smell of incense). To do this, you need to prepare a solution: 9 drops of aromatic oil per 100 ml of pure water (if you want to use a cocktail of oils, then the number of drops should be a multiple of nine). After preparing the solution, we pass around the room, clockwise from the threshold and spray the solution in each corner at least 3 times.

    And remember that after cleansing the space, a lot of "energy dirt" remains on the person. How to cleanse your own energy, see below
    My WebPage

    Purification of personal energy

    It is important to remember that after the ritual of cleaning the apartment, the energy dirt of the space will settle on you in large quantities (hair and skin are especially sensitive in this regard). Therefore, it is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures for the physical body.
    Very good, energetic dirt is washed off by jets of cold water, filling the body with strength. It is no coincidence that doctors and traditional healers recommend regular dousing with cold water to their patients. After them, a person becomes more cheerful and healthier. If the method of cold dousing does not suit you, it can be replaced with an ordinary shower, but at the same time you must mentally remove all energy debris from your body.
    Special baths give a wonderful effect. They have not only a cleansing ability, but also allow you to restore energy potential. You will feel refreshed and healthy.
    Method of "Orange bath":
    water temperature - 37 - 38 degrees; add the juice of one orange and 4 whole circles of orange to the water. The duration of the bath is 10-15 minutes. Then take a shower. Without drying yourself, wrap yourself in a large terry towel, take a comfortable position, relax, light an aroma lamp with lemon or orange oil and sit for several minutes with your eyes closed.
    Method "Clear Day":
    water temperature - 37 - 38 degrees; add a decoction of wormwood or juniper to the water. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. Take a shower, mentally washing off the energy dirt.
    So, with the purification of energy, we figured it out. And what needs to be done so that the energy of the house and your personal energy are as little as possible subjected to "infection"?
    House protection rules:
    After the visit of the guests, never leave unwashed dishes. Immediately after the guests leave, thoroughly wash the dishes with running water, wipe the floor with a damp cloth to remove any, even accidental, negative information.
    A new purchased or donated item or clothing should not be worn without prior cleaning or fumigation. You risk getting unnecessary energy waste.
    When you get home, be sure to wipe your shoes, take a shower and change into home clothes.
    Home plants and animals, especially cats, serve as assistants in cleansing the space.
    Charms and amulets
    Since ancient times, amulets or special protective amulets have been used to protect against negative external energy. I will talk about some of them. First of all, the front door and windows need protection. In China, for these purposes, images of the gods-protectors of the house are used, which are hung on both sides of the front door. For reflection negative energy aimed at front door, statues of lions, elephants, Fu dogs, Winged Dragons (Pi Yao) are used. You can make door decorations in the form of a metal ring or staples. In especially severe cases, when a dangerous “poisonous arrow” is directed at the door, it is recommended to use the Ba-gua mirror.
    The Slavs traditionally placed above the front door protective symbol, carved from wood (it is best to use acacia and oak wood). According to Slavic traditions, it is best to have three amulets in the house. They can be the same or completely different. One is placed near the door, the second near the home altar, the third near the fireplace or stove. Whitewashing at home also has a protective effect. But it works as long as it is not contaminated. It is good if the windows have shutters. In this case, make S-shaped handles on them.
    Bundles of onion, garlic and red pepper have an excellent protective effect. Among the Feng Shui amulets, there are special decorative bundles of red pepper that “scare away” negative energy.
    Herbs have excellent protective properties. A mixture of valerian, oregano, basil and elder must be mixed and scattered in the corners of the apartment. This will bring peace to the house and protect it from robberies and unwanted visits.
    A powerful protective symbol - floats for fishing. If you hang them in a conspicuous place at the front door, then no evil energy will penetrate your home.
    Among the minerals, agate and jade are endowed with special protective properties, they can be used both for home protection and for personal protection. Agate jewelry (it should be large enough and noticeable) will protect you from envious eyes and bad energy.
  2. Tips for beginners:
    1. No need to change everything at once. To begin with, you need to decide which area of ​​life at this stage you would like to change, for example, career, wealth, or vice versa, family, children. You need to properly prioritize and take on the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife that really needs change. Do not chase all the hares at once, everything needs to be done gradually. As a last resort, you can combine similar feng shui sectors, for example, wealth, fame, career or love, family, children.
    2. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. It happens that a person, inspired by the fabulous prospects for the future, begins to make changes where it is not necessary, i.e. everything was wonderful with him there, he just wanted to "improve" it, so to speak. And the result can be the opposite, because harmony is broken. Therefore, in order to avoid such misunderstandings, there is no need to radically change something if everything suits you in principle, and if you want to refresh relations, for example, in the love zone, the best recommendation would be to sort out the blockages that have accumulated there, just put things in order, throw them away all unnecessary and all. This way you will free up energy to stimulate this sector without any extreme interference.
    3. Trust your intuition. We have already talked about this here. Do not rush into the pool with your head, listen to yourself and your body, whether you are comfortable or not. After all, Feng Shui is not only the arrangement of rooms, mirrors and other paraphernalia, but above all, the house should be cozy and comfortable for its inhabitants. If suddenly you can’t change something (for example, you have a toilet or a bathroom in the zone of fame), there is no need for sacrifices, no need to demolish walls and act categorically, you need to go from the other side and just mitigate negative energies. Let it not be as it is written, a little wrong, but it is convenient and comfortable, and this is the most important thing, because in principle there is no "perfect Feng Shui". Do what you think you need with some adjustments and that's it.
    4. Remember that Feng Shui really WORKS and works for you.. But since all people are different, it works for everyone in its own way. He brings something unique to everyone. Everyone has his own path. But most importantly, Feng Shui gives a person confidence in himself and his abilities, that he can really create his own destiny, and not just go with the flow of life. Just don’t expect instant results, although this happens, don’t bother yourself, for example, you can simply disassemble the cabinets and mezzanines and forget about it for a while, just let go of the situation, and then the result will not be long in coming.
    5. Never use Feng Shui with bad intentions. Remember, our life is a boomerang, what you give is what you get, only multiply multiplied. Therefore, I urge you not to use feng shui with bad intentions or just to annoy someone. Believe me, everything comes back with a vengeance!!!
    6. Tune in to the good, positive, bright!!! You yourself know that without a positive attitude to life everything turns out much worse and longer. You need to do everything easily and fun, then everything will work out for sure, I guarantee you!!! Tune in to the wave of good luck, be patient and never lose heart, I advise you, on the contrary, to bring as much joy, fun and smiles into your life as possible, and then you will really get what you deserve by birthright!!! Be happy!!!
    Get rid of the old - make room for the new!

    Each of us always has things that we have not used for a long time due to the fact that they are outdated or we simply no longer like them. Many people keep all these things for years in their closets and pantries, leaving them for a "rainy day" or regretting parting with them. Such "storage" is very unfavorable from the point of view of Feng Shui, because. in places where old things accumulate, energy cannot circulate freely and stagnates.And this leads to stagnation in life and the emergence of various difficulties, including financial ones.

    To let something new into your life, you must first make room for it. Therefore, every time you get rid of old and unnecessary things, you thereby make room for new and better ones!

    Don't hold on to old things thinking you might need them someday.If you haven't used them for quite some time, you probably won't need them in the future. It is better to give them to those to whom they can really be useful. After all, there are many needy around us who will accept this gift with joy and gratitude. In this way, you will help not only yourself, but also other people.Just be sure to wash your clothes before donating. It will be doubly pleasant for a person to accept clean things from you.

    I try to sort out my closets as often as possible and give clothes and other things to those who need them.It brings a feeling of liberation, lightness, hope for a bright future and the joy that my things have found new life and a new loving owner!

    If you have no one to give clothes to, then tryfind out in the nearest churches whether old things are accepted there.

    Children's clothes in good condition can be donated to children from orphanages.

    There is also a great siteDaruDar where the people from different countries and cities just give each other completely different things. Here, too, you can find a new owner for your things.

    Freeing yourself from the old, trust the Universe, and it will be very generous to you!

  3. Clearing space with nine oranges.
    For the Purification procedure you will need:
    1. Nine oranges. For a large house, you can use more oranges. For example, 18 or 27.
    2. Large bowl. The material doesn't matter.
    3. 100 grams of cognac, whiskey, vodka or gin. (If you wish, you can do without alcohol).
    4. A fresh bouquet of flowers prepared especially for the Purification of the space. In total, three bouquets will be required to consistently replace the faded one.

    If you strictly follow the tradition, then before starting the procedure, you need to fold your hands in mudra and read the universal protective mantra: GATE GATE PORO GATE PORO SOM GATE BODHI SVAHA.
    You can also use any prayer that suits your beliefs. Only purity of intention and sincerity are important for the Universe.
    Pour water into a bowl so that there is room for the peel of nine oranges, add alcohol to the water.
    Peel all oranges and toss the skins into a bowl of water. The oranges themselves can be safely eaten.

    Setting and visualization.
    Now let's get down to the procedure itself.
    First of all, put fresh flowers in a vase and place the vase in the part of the apartment or house that you intuitively consider to be the central place.
    Take a bowl filled with water with alcohol and orange peels in your hands and go to the door to the apartment. Ask for blessings Higher powers for a good cause. Focus your attention on what you want to get as a result of your actions. It could be increasing revenue, attracting customers, or expanding your business. The main thing is that you have a good mood during the procedure!

    Walk around the premises.
    So, focus on the good, and start walking around the room. If you feel that too much negative energy has accumulated in the room, then move counterclockwise. If you are looking to improve what you already have, then moving clockwise will symbolize a new beginning.
    While driving, vigorously spray water with orange peels throughout the house. In this process, the most important thing is your sincere desire to improve your life, discover new business opportunities and attract money.
    Constantly visualize old, negative energies disappearing, dissolving, melting away. At this very time, with each of your gestures, you fill the room with light, freshness and joy.
    It will greatly enhance the process if you sing any mantra, for example: OM MANI PADME HUM, or a prayer.
    Try to keep vivid visions of a new, abundant and joyful life in your mind.
    Carefully and carefully go through your entire house without missing any items. Sprinkle orange water in all corners, cabinets, walls, stove, window sills, work table, and so on. If you have a two-story apartment, then go up to the second floor and continue to spray water there as well.
    After walking around the perimeter of the entire apartment, you again returned to the front door. It is very helpful to end the procedure by describing with your hand the symbol for infinity, or the horizontal figure eight, saying something like, "May there be good for all!" or "Let there be Abundance!"
    It will be great if you stand at the front door, facing the apartment and imagine that your body is filled with light that grows and spreads throughout your apartment. Then the light of your aura will protect your home during your absence.

    After that, you can pour the rest of the orange water from the bowl. With gratitude, of course! Orange peels remaining on the floor should be removed only after a day.
    We open windows.
    After the procedure, open the windows and imagine that you are letting a fresh wind of change into your life.

    We change flowers.
    The bouquet that you put on the table at the very beginning should definitely be replaced at the first sign of wilting. You will have to buy two more fresh bouquets and replace the existing one every time the flowers fade. Thus, it turns out that you used only three bouquets for your procedure.

    Congratulations! You have done a very important job of removing old negativity and attracting fresh, sparkling energies into your life! The results will please you!
    It happens that after the Cleansing procedure, light bulbs burn out, or even electrical appliances deteriorate. Don't let that scare you. This is a signal that a shift in energy has occurred, and therefore, you have reached your goal. Feel free to change the light bulbs and thank the Universe for listening to you.
    After the Cleansing, you must be tired, so it's time to take a sea salt bath to cleanse your physical body. When you lie in salty water, imagine how all the problems and hardships leave your body and dissolve in the water.
    The next day you will be fresh and alert. Also, you will not leave the feeling that you have done something significant!
    Clearing the space, done with a pure heart and a clear intention to change your life, does the trick.
    So get ready for change!
  4. Feng Shui against blockages in the house.

    To achieve success in your life (in personal relationships, at work, in relationships with finances), it is very important to create a clean and bright flow of energy in your home and workplace, which has amazing power.
    One of the most effective ways to increase the flow of positive energy is to cleanse the space.

    There are three main reasons for the stagnation of positive energy:
    1. Physical dirt.
    2. Previous energy.
    3. Blockage.
    Physical dirt includes dust, small and large debris, mold, cobwebs, etc. Low level energy always builds up around this kind of dirt. Therefore, regular or general cleaning is an integral part of the space cleansing process.

    The previous energy is inherited from the residents of the house or apartment who lived before you. The fact is that all the events that take place in the house are "remembered" at the energy level by walls, floors, furniture and other items in your house. This energy accumulates in the same way as ordinary dirt, and has a detrimental effect on the people living in the house. If you bought an apartment from the secondary market, the former tenants of which often got sick or quarreled with each other, then the negative energy created by them does not disappear anywhere. Left in the house, it becomes the cause of a repetition of events, that is, diseases, quarrels and strife. Such events can be avoided with the help of a well-thought-out thorough cleansing.

    Any obstruction (that is, disorder) in the house prevents an even flow of energy, which in turn causes stagnation in the life of the inhabitants of the house. All types of blockages interfere with the harmonious course of your life.

    Blockage is stagnant energy , moreover, the energy is negative. The more clutter you have, the more it attracts unpleasant events into your life or simply slows down the movement of your life. That is why thorough cleaning and quality cleaning in any way is one of the most important aspects Feng Shui. Any effect from all the transformations in the house will be minimal until the rubble is cleared and the apartment is cleaned in any way possible. You can arrange magical amulets, conduct rituals for many days, or look for hours in your favorable direction, but the event you need is unlikely to happen if you have not parted with the blockages. What's more, mirrors and crystals placed before the rubble is cleared can double the problems.

    First of all, try to put things in order in your apartment by good cleaning, which will certainly help restore an effective energy flow. In my opinion, good cleaning is not only washing the floor and windows, dusting and removing cobwebs, but also looking into those places in your house where, as a rule, your hands do not reach, for example, to see what is happening under the bathroom, under the bed , what is in the pantry or on the mezzanine, disassemble all the shelves in the dressing room, put things in order in chests of drawers and bedside tables. If you have cleanliness and order in such places, I congratulate you: good changes in your life are not far off.

    Galina Parusova

  5. spring-cleaning

    Remember the old saying "Cleanliness is the key to health"? This book is about how our environment works on an energy level, and an example of this is the simple fact that if your house is dark as a dungeon, then the energy field of your body (aura) will also be dark.
    And if, while cleaning the house, you constantly ignore hard-to-reach places - under beds, on wardrobes, behind wardrobes, on the shelves of bathroom cabinets, and so on - areas of sluggish, stagnant energy will always be present in your energy field.
    Also beware of rotten food in the refrigerator and greasy stains on the stove.
    Sometime, as an exercise, decide to really thoroughly clean out what you usually just brush off the dust. A good object for this is a TV, computer or tape recorder. All this equipment has "unpleasant" places where fluff and dust accumulate.
    Arm yourself with an old toothbrush, a dusting cloth, and some suitable cleaning agent (you can buy it at a computer hardware store) and get to work.
    Do it like meditation. Do it with love. Do it not out of obligation, but because this item is part of your life and you want to honor yourself. You will be surprised how pleasant it is.
    Before the birth of a child, many women feel a great need to clean their homes, prepare and clear the space for the unborn child. This is a natural, instinctive reaction.
    Traditionally, people in the West energize themselves by doing a spring cleaning of their homes once a year. Imagine what your life force would be like if you kept your house like this all the time!
    If you don't have the time or inclination to do it, you don't have to do it yourself. There are people in this world who love to clean! Arrange a mutual favor with a friend, or pay someone to come and do it for you.
    You will get amazing results if you do a general cleaning in your house before the Space Cleansing and then keep it in such a state.

    What to do with unwanted gifts

    Get rid of them. The very thought of it seems dreadful to some people. “What if Aunt Jane comes and that expensive figurine she gave us is not on the mantelpiece?”
    So whose is this fireplace? And whose life is this? If you like this figurine, fine, but if you keep it in the house out of fear or duty, then you yourself deprive yourself of power.
    Every time you enter a room and see this object, some of your energy disappears. Surround yourself with things that you enjoy, that inspire you and make you feel better. And do not think that "out of sight - out of mind."
    You will not be able to keep this item in the closet and take it out into the light of day before the arrival of Aunt Jane. After all, your subconscious mind knows about his presence in the house. If you are surrounded by a lot of "extra" gifts, your energy network is like a sieve with life force flowing through holes.
    Try adopting a different philosophy regarding gifts. When you give something to someone, give it with love and joy. And don't forget to "let go" of the situation. Give the recipient free rein with regard to this gift.
    If he finds it so useful that he sends it straight to the bin, well, fine.
    If it's given to someone else, that's fine too (you don't want people to fill up their space with extra gifts, do you?). Give freedom to others, and then you will begin to experience a sense of greater freedom in your own life as well.

    Blockage zones in your home

    Where do blockages tend to form in your home? A cluttered basement corresponds to the subconscious, clogged with unconscious problems. Blockage in the attic can limit your higher aspirations. There is no such place in the house, the blockage in which would not have an impact on you.
    Even if you drag all the junk to the garden shed or somewhere else, know that it is still with you and continues to influence the course of your life. The only thing that can be done with the rubble is to take responsibility for them and clear them.

    cluttered rooms

    Later in this book there will be a chapter on Bagua Feng Shui. It provides a "grid" that shows how the areas of your home correspond to certain aspects of your life.
    So, for example, one zone is responsible for relationships, another for career, a third for well-being, and so on. If your house has a cluttered room, it means that some aspect of your life is under the influence.
    One of my clients has a greenhouse in the Gift of Fortune area of ​​her house. Previously, she took down all unnecessary things there.
    This lady was an excellent doctor, but she could not earn enough money to support herself. By cleaning the greenhouse and planting flowers in it, she made sure that her income increased significantly.
    Another woman has accumulated a lot of rubbish in the area of ​​​​Relationships. All the men she attracted in her life were saddled with problems. After clearing this area of ​​debris, she finally found a man with whom she could establish a strong relationship.
    If there are weaknesses in your life, check if the corresponding area in your house is littered with any rubbish!

    Your front door

    Keep this place completely clean. The front entrance to your home symbolizes your approach to the world as you look outward and your approach to your own life as you look inward.
    When the first thing you see when you enter your house is a pile of rubbish, your energy level drops before you have time to cross the threshold. Some people like to hang all their outerwear and shoes in a tiny space outside the front door. Definitely not a good idea.
    Others like to put things near the entrance so as not to forget to take it out of the house, and this ends with the fact that they are forced to step over the resulting blockage all the time. This is how you create tension for yourself.
    An astonishing number of environmentally conscious people use the front area of ​​their home as a place to store old newspapers, magazines, cans and plastic bottles, which are then recycled.
    By keeping all of this in plain sight, you are thereby making a statement (however unconscious it may be) that your approach to life is to constantly repeat situations of the past.
    It can refer to ideas, problems, illnesses, relationships with people, and so on. This means that you never learn a lesson the first time. Repetition itself is a good thing. However, why admire this rubbish before you cross the threshold of your house?

    Behind the doors

    Doors that don't open fully restrict the flow of energy in your life. I have been in houses where there was so much rubbish behind the doors that people had to squeeze through narrow cracks. Remove everything that prevents the doors from opening completely, this also applies to clothes hanging behind them.


    These are the arteries of your home. Rubbish in the hallway and corridors interferes with the current vital energy and puts obstacles in your way. As a result, you are more likely to trudge through life like an old horse than to walk with pleasure. Keep all passageways clear.


    If you can't get rid of debris, at least clear the floor of debris. Many people who suffer from depression keep stuff on the floor that constantly "grounds" their energy.

    Under the beds

    Piles of trash under your bed affect the quality of your sleep. If you sleep on a bed with drawers, it's best to keep only clean linens in them. To sleep well, remove everything from your bedroom except the bed itself!

    On cabinets
    The blockages hidden from view on cabinets are like problems hanging over you, waiting for a solution. They reduce your ability to think clearly and distinctly. If you stack things on your bedroom wardrobe, it will affect your sleep.
    It will be difficult for you to wake up if the first thing that catches your eye in the morning is the warehouse on the closet. When your house has a lot of rubble hidden somewhere upstairs, they will have an overall overwhelming effect on you. In addition, you will suffer from headaches.

    Get rid of unwanted clothes

    Do you have clothes that you no longer wear, but keep "just in case"?
    One woman said in my seminar that when her husband got paid, they decided to boo and buy her two really nice suits "in case" they never had enough money to buy something like that again.
    Two years have passed since then, and she has never worn any of these costumes. She believes that the money was thrown away.
    Some people keep things they haven't worn in 20 years. They say that if you keep them long enough, they will come back into fashion again. My advice to you: if you have never worn a thing for Last year not to mention, if you haven't worn it for two or three years in a row, part with it, sell it, trade it, burn it, or just throw it away.
    All seasons change throughout the year. If during all this time you have never felt the impulse to put it on, then the time for this thing has passed. If two or three seasonal cycles have passed, and it has remained unclaimed, then it is time to finally part with it.
    You may find it helpful to know why you no longer want to wear certain clothes. Just as you choose the colors for the walls of your house, you unconsciously look for clothes of a certain color and cut, so that they match the characteristics of your energy vibrations.
    For example, people go through different color phases. A few years ago, my entire wardrobe was purple with rare splashes of green, blue and turquoise hues.
    Someone I knew came to Bali and recognized my house by the amount of purple linen hanging out to dry! At that time, I was accumulating a lot of violet energy in my aura, which should have restored my strength and success. Now I have already absorbed this color, so I almost never wear it.
    Many people have items in their wardrobes that they bought, wore once, and haven't worn since.
    It just so happened that you weren't in the mood to shop that day, but your eyes caught on something, let's say an orange dress with purple polka dots. You tried on this thing and looked "just fantastic" (in your opinion). You bought it.
    In a word, on that very day you were slightly emotionally unbalanced, and the colors of your aura changed to orange with purple spots ... So the new clothes looked great on you.
    But the next day, this special emotional state has passed, your aura has acquired its usual colors, and the clothes have lost their appeal to you. You wait for the return of that state, but it (fortunately) repeats very rarely or not at all.
    The trick is to never shop when you're even a little "out of your mind." The feeling of comfort that comes with shopping is a guarantee that you will stop buying things that you will never wear.
    Some people become attached to clothes that are too small for them because they plan to lose weight. But this rarely happens. If you are one of those people, do yourself a favor and heed Denise Lynn's advice, which in many cases produces amazing results.
    Throw all those things away, and then go out and buy yourself something that makes you look and feel good while being who you are. And guess what usually happens in this case?
    You are losing weight. Believe it or not, but this law works, and the reason for this is that you have stopped resisting the fact that you are fat.
    You chose to love yourself for who you are instead of waiting until you lose weight. What you resist persists, and when you stop resisting, it gives in!

The ancient Chinese Feng Shui technique claims that the correct arrangement of objects in the house can influence our lives, attracting only positive events into it. If you are striving to improve your financial situation, to fill family relationships with harmony, then it is important to adhere to the basic rules of this teaching.

By following the advice of Feng Shui, you will be able to create a favorable atmosphere in the house, feel a constant surge of strength and vitality.

Getting rid of unnecessary things

According to Feng Shui, before filling the house with positive energy, you need to get rid of the negative. To do this, it is enough to review household items that you have not used in everyday life for a long time. By getting rid of unnecessary rubbish, you clear the way for new energy that will bring good luck and prosperity.

feng shui living room

Cleanliness in the house

Your relationships and mutual understanding between family members depend on the cleanliness and atmosphere in the house. Regularly arrange general cleaning, clearing the most hard-to-reach places in the house from saws and dirt. It is believed that this is where all negative energy accumulates.

Protection from negativity

To protect your home from negativity, you need to hang a mirror in front of the front door. It is desirable that this object be round or octagonal in shape. According to Feng Shui, mirror reflection can prevent the spread of negative energy from the guest who has entered.

Octagonal feng shui mirror

Expanding the space of rooms

Bulky furniture not only visually reduces the apartment, but according to the rules of Feng Shui, it has a bad effect on family well-being and the success of all family members. When furnishing rooms, make sure that one or two walls remain uncluttered with wardrobes, cabinets and other pieces of furniture.

Vintage and Antiques

Feng Shui warns fans of vintage furniture and other antiques that these things can bring negative energy from previous owners. Therefore, before filling the apartment with such items, ask the antique shop about their history.

Front door rule

There is a belief in Feng Shui that financial success enters the house through the front door. In order not to feel a lack of money, it is necessary that this door be made of wood. But if a metal one is already installed, then any wooden accessories must be hung in the middle.

Feng Shui Importance of Front Doors

Lighting in the house

An important aspect to bring good luck to the house is lighting. If you have large windows, then you do not need to cover them with curtains or blinds during the day. Let the rays of light penetrate your home and fill the room with positive energy. AT evening time you need to take care of artificial lighting. Lamps should hang not only in living rooms, but on the outside of the front door.

Sunny rest room


Feng Shui pays great attention to the room where you sleep. In the bedroom, the bed should be headboard against the wall. Avoid the option of locating a bed near a window, as the space that opens up in front of you deprives you of confidence in difficult situations. In addition, feng shui rules strictly prohibit buying a bed that is not new. A sleeping place should have an exclusively single owner.

The perfect feng shui bedroom

Window arrangement

It is believed that if the window is located immediately opposite the door, then positive energy does not linger in your home. To remedy this situation, Feng Shui advises to put on the windowsill houseplants. It is advisable to give preference to large-leaved flowers, for example, ficus or fat woman. Such a simple way will allow you to keep good energy in the house.

Feng Shui home flora

Dinner Zone

In the kitchen or in the living room, where you often set the table when you receive guests, a mirror should hang. According to Feng Shui, a mirror can double positive energy. Mirroring will double not only the wealth on your table, but also finances.

Dining area with mirror


So that there are no omissions and disagreements in the family, it is forbidden to store broken dishes in the house. If it so happened that your cup fell and broke, then you need to get rid of it. No matter how dear this item is to you, but cracks in the dishes are projected onto family relationships.

household items

Feng Shui says that there should be no non-working and broken items in the house. So that incidents do not occur in your life, and success and good luck become constant companions, you need to monitor the serviceability of all the items that the apartment is filled with. If the light bulb burns out, replace it with a new one, and urgently repair the faulty clock.

Distribution of rooms among family members

Feng Shui rules say that the largest room in the house should belong to the main breadwinner in the family. Thanks to this distribution, a balance is created in mutual understanding between all family members.


Feng Shui regulations pay great attention to the plants that are in your home. If the plant is healthy and with large leaves, then it will help strengthen your well-being. Noticing that the flowers began to fade for no particular reason, you need to urgently pay attention to your health. In this way, plants indicate the internal ailments of the owner of the apartment. It is also important to refrain from flowers of the cactus family. Thorns and sharp leaves will prevent your career and spiritual growth from stopping.


Feng Shui rules state that only photos of the people who live there should be placed in the rooms. It is not recommended to post photos of distant relatives. To create a favorable environment for family relationships, it is necessary to place romantic and memorable photos of a couple in love in the bedroom.

Smells in the apartment

According to Feng Shui, the apartment should smell of freshness and essential oils. This aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on the entire body, energizes and positive for the whole day. Diffusing lavender, lemongrass, mint, or rosemary scents is also helpful.

feng shui aroma lamp

Relationships in the family

Feng Shui pays attention not only to additional paraphernalia that can normalize family relationships. With the help of simple rules that prohibit scandals, quarrels, raising your voice, you can achieve harmony and peace.

Changes in the house

It is believed that by deciding to radically change the situation in the house, you can bring new events into your destiny. This is exactly what feng shui adherents are worried about, since innovations can be both good and bad. Therefore, you need to refrain from sudden changes. Everything should be smooth and measured so that positive energy can adapt.

Attracting money

The northern part of the apartment is the section responsible for luck in career and finances. Therefore, it is in this zone that it is necessary to place an aquarium with small goldfish. In addition, a turtle will also become a favorable inhabitant of the aquarium. In Feng Shui, this is the most powerful sign, symbolizing good luck and luck.

Pendants "Wind Music Feng Shui"

“Only a very rich Chinese can afford to live richly”

Chinese folk wisdom

feng shui for money

We have already touched on such an extensive topic as feng shui for money more than once. In this article, we will summarize all the feng shui recommendations for attracting money into our lives, handling it properly, preserving and multiplying it. How to increase wealth, how to create wealth in the house, or, say, how to earn your initial capital for the formation and development of your business? And at the same time be in happy harmony with yourself, people and the world?

How often do you hear complaints from your friends and acquaintances that their business or trade is not going well despite their best efforts? Are you familiar with this? We are not talking about those who sit and wait for mythical money “just like that”, but about those who really do a lot for this. Those who are really looking for any opportunities to earn money and use all the chances for this. Such enterprising people are able to create favorable financial opportunities and realize them. But what if, despite all your efforts, nothing comes out?

In this case, Feng Shui masters advise you to start with your house, apartment and make sure that money is comfortable "living" with you.

Attracting money luck

In order to attract monetary luck and prosperity to the house, you first need to throw out all the old things that you do not use and sort out the accumulated blockages. By doing so, you will allow the Chi energy to move freely and allow something new to enter your home.

This is especially true of the corridor and the room or side that you have in the southeast (this side is responsible for material well-being and cash flows.). The corridor should be bright, without heavy bulky furniture, faulty light bulbs, shoes and clothes piled in a heap. Neither a person, nor money, nor new opportunities will want to enter such a hallway.

For the same purpose, pay attention to your front door. If it is dirty, old or unkempt, then you can not expect money, no matter what you do. Health and harmonious family life, by the way, too. Be sure to keep your front door clean.

Feng Shui Money Zone: Activation

Southeast is a sector financial well-being in the house, office and so on, so it is he who needs to be activated to attract wealth. Locate this sector in your home using the compass and the Bagua grid. Then proceed to the proper arrangement of this sector:

By the way, in Slavic tradition pure water, poured into a jar and standing on the windowsill on the east side during the new moon, is also a guarantee of health and good luck.

feng shui charms to attract money

Deities of prosperity

Hotei is one of the most revered and beloved monetary symbols of China. After all, this cheerful fat man, by his very appearance, symbolizes well-being, pleasure from life and prosperity. A figurine of Hotei with a bag of money in his hand, with peaches or just coins, placed in the Money zone or in the Patrons zone, is the key to your successful career and good income.

Another god of wealth, Daikoku, especially in combination with the god Ebisu and fish Tai, will make you not only rich, but also happy. And this, you see, is not the same thing. It is this combination of them that will bring into your life a sense of harmony and joy from what you already have, and hope for the best. Daikoku in itself is so positive that he alone, with a mouse over his shoulders and a mallet, will bring quite tangible prosperity into your life.

Chinese coins

Three coins to attract wealth

To attract wealth and prosperity, you can use talismans such as Chinese round coins with a hole in the middle. Three of these coins, tied with a red ribbon, are hidden in a wallet or under a doormat. Six coins tied with a gold or red ribbon destroy the influence of Sha energy, which causes illness and quarrels. It is good to put such coins in a home fountain, aquarium, under a flower pot with a tree.

It is also believed that coins scattered around the corners of the house attract monetary luck.

feng shui money tree

Another favorite of the Chinese is the money tree. It can be either alive (a tree-like fat woman with round green leaves) or made by hand. You can make an artificial money tree yourself or buy it ready-made. It is important that it has as many “leaves”, coins and twigs as possible. If you buy a tree, choose the one with, not stones: it is more effective. If you have a tree with stones, decorate its branches with red ribbons with tied coins.

Symbols of holding wealth in the house

three-legged toad feng shui with a coin in your mouth is your personal money keeper, if properly placed in the house. The frog should, as it were, jump into the house, bringing money into it. If the toad is directed towards the door, then the money will “jump away” from you. Often a three-legged frog is planted in an aquarium or in a fountain, which is already in the southeast sector of the house.

Owl figurine located next to money tree, - a wise bird, which also protects people from spending with its wisdom.

The rat is a “money” animal

Fish and Rat- two more . Located in the southeastern zone of the apartment, they will help you get rich.

Oranges and tangerines- symbols of not only wealth and prosperity, but also health. By placing them in the house, you will never overwork and undermine your health in the pursuit of money.

In general, when human energy is harmoniously combined with the energy of the objects and space surrounding it, it very quickly turns into a magnet for all kinds of benefits, including material ones.

When choosing symbols, listen to yourself: for sure, you will like some of the above, and some less. It is those symbols that you like the most that will be the best talismans of wealth for you. Therefore, do not rush to buy half the symbol store, because in this case, more does not mean better.

Also use traditional signs to attract and preserve wealth:

  • the house must have a beautiful piggy bank that you will use;
  • keep the broom turned upside down with the handle down, and the toilet lid closed;
  • keep money in a beautiful box - this is how you show your good attitude towards them;
  • banknotes in a piggy bank or wallet should be stacked like this: the smallest at the bottom, and the largest at the top;
  • use, preferably from natural materials (leather, fabric); brown or black wallets are also suitable;
  • place a small mirror in the money storage area - then they will multiply;
  • keep money away from windows, doors and mirrors in which they are not reflected;
  • if the money is stored in a box, it is advisable to use a red box.

feng shui money master

Money must be respected and loved so that they come to you. Know how to take care of them, count them often and store them carefully - only in this case the money will begin to multiply.

Of course, feng shui is a real "home" magic that can make you rich, happy and healthy. But do not forget also that without effort on your part, this magic will be useless. Whether you use this help or not, whether you see all the opportunities that will be presented to you after activating the Wealth Zone, depends primarily on your willingness to be rich. You will be surprised, but often we do not allow ourselves to have money!

Therefore, do not expect miracles if you have identified all the sectors, placed symbols on them, and then lay down on the sofa. Feng Shui is that tangible help with which it will be much easier for you to do everything you have planned, but the key word here is to do.