Translation of letters into numbers numerology. Numerology of letters: numerical values ​​of the Russian and Latin alphabet. Surname number in numerology

The name has a huge impact on the life and character of a person from birth. Calculate various meanings the name can easily be done independently at home.

Numerical correspondences of letters of the Latin alphabet

How to analyze the name in numerology

The meaning of the name number in numerology is considered as information about the character, abilities and temperament of a person. The numerological analysis of the name provides answers to such questions: what abilities do you have, what is your internal motivation and how are you perceived by society.

Calculating the number of a name is easy. You need to add the numeric values ​​of all the letters of the full name and bring them to a single digit. Decryption of information is available to everyone, it remains to use it competently. Ways to determine the number in three values ​​will be considered further.

How to calculate soul number by name

The sum of all the numbers of vowels in the full name, surname and patronymic is the number of the soul. The number of the soul is an indicator of a person’s aspirations, true and deep desires: what he wants from life, what he needs for realization in life.

  1. One - speaks of leadership qualities, ambition, determination and selfishness. A person with the number 1 will do everything to achieve his goals. He will overcome all obstacles, but will reach the planned heights.
  2. Two - calm, balanced, soft, passive and tactful people. They know how to control emotions and keep themselves in hand. Easily find compromises and carry out orders. They do not like to be performers, the role of an adviser is suitable for them.
  3. The three symbolizes people who seek power and control over people, and also desire universal recognition. They are used to living one day at a time, without long-term goals and plans. Differ in frivolity in life.
  4. Four is a symbol of the four elements and seasons. Such people are distinguished by balance, prudence, common sense, diligence. They try to control emotions and rarely give them free rein, but they like to argue and express their opinion. Do not recognize the rules and regulations, born reformers. Achieve their own goals on their own.
  5. Five - eternal students. People who always strive for new knowledge and skills, improve themselves and gain new experience. They love adventure, do not sit still, are prone to adventures. They do not think for a long time, they prefer to act immediately. The decision is made quickly. They are cheerful, resourceful and witty.
  6. Six - creative individuals. They love art and romance. Very sociable, kind, honest, loyal and reliable. They do not like noisy companies, preferring to spend time at home. Persistently go to their goals.
  7. Seven is considered a sacred number. It symbolizes a creative person who has very developed intuition and imagination. Such people are excellent - artists.
  8. Eight is a symbol of material wealth. Eight people are usually distrustful, cautious and secretive. But in the professional field, they reach the top in any business area. They have excellent management skills.
  9. Nine is a symbol of perfection. Capable, successful and highly intelligent individuals. They often underestimate themselves, so it is difficult to find a life path. They have creative and artistic abilities, as well as great physical strength.

Numeric correspondences of Cyrillic letters

How to find out the number of appearance

The appearance number is also called the personality number. It indicates what impression a person makes in society.

  • 1 - with;
  • 2 - b, t;
  • 3 - in, to;
  • 4 - d, l, f;
  • 5 - d, m, x;
  • 6 - n, c;
  • 7 - h;
  • 8 - f, p, w;
  • 9 - h, r, w.

1 - you need to stand out from the rest. Introducing more bright colors into your wardrobe, gracefully emphasize the image with cheerful colors, endearing people to you.

2 - you need to show your accuracy and neatness. Remove unnecessary details from your image, finding a calm and comfortable style. The softness of character can be emphasized by the appropriate elements of the wardrobe.

3 - you need to focus on elegance and attractiveness. Pay special attention to the quality of wardrobe items, as well as emphasize the image with precious jewelry.

4 - a simple style suits you, expressed in minimalism and practicality. When choosing clothes for a holiday, you do not need to wear too elegant things. At a party, you can stand out with a strict and elegant trouser suit.

5 - it is important to follow fashion trends. The appearance should be stylish and modern, but you should not go to extremes.

6 - value holders underestimate their appearance. They need to pay attention to the image and purchase clothes from quality materials.

7 - you need to focus on elegance, choose your style and stick to it. Perfect for a straight fit.

8 - expensive and high-quality clothes must be in the wardrobe of these people so that they look prosperous.

9 - special attention should be paid to posture, and in clothes it is important to observe a restrained style and abandon black things.

How to calculate the number of an expression

The number of expression is otherwise called the number of fate or talents. This number indicates the innate abilities of a person. You can recognize it by adding the numbers of all the letters in the last name, first name and patronymic.

  1. Indicates leadership qualities that need to be developed. Such people are born leaders, curators, etc.
  2. You need to develop intellectual abilities. Suitable areas related to mental work.
  3. You are naturally endowed with creative abilities. You can implement them in music, cinema, literature, drawing, dancing, etc.
  4. They are reliable and responsible people. They are excellent performers, but do not underestimate their leadership abilities. The main thing for them is to see the result of their work.
  5. These people love freedom and independence. They may work under a boss, but they don't enjoy it. They can be travelers, bloggers, entrepreneurs or freelancers.
  6. You are made for family and charity. These are wonderful housewives who love to help other people.
  7. You have been endowed with universal abilities. You can develop in any field of activity.
  8. These people have managerial abilities and the gift of persuasion. Good politicians and leaders.
  9. They are innovators who can change the world for the better. They are generators of ideas in various fields of activity.

Numbers directly affect the fate of their owner

Numerological analysis of personality is carried out not only by date of birth. The name also gives answers to questions about what is the purpose of a person, what individual abilities he is endowed with and in what direction he needs to move. Without this, it is impossible to harmoniously develop and fulfill oneself in life.

In numerology, there are general principles and concepts for any calculations. One such concept is the base number. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are considered basic in numerology. They have eigenvalues, and, in different calculations - different. If during the calculation a number is obtained that follows the nine, then this number is not a base number, and it is necessary to add the numbers further (10 = 1 + 0 = 1). The exceptions to this rule are the numbers 11 and 22. In numerology, they have a special meaning and are called master numbers. They are taken into account when calculating the Number life path person (Number of Essence) and the calculation of the Golden Number.

A master number is a higher order number. But, as a rule, a person who has received 11 or 22 in the calculations rarely fully corresponds to this concept. The numbers 11 and 22 usually begin to influence the fate of already adults, and only in exceptional cases this influence manifests itself in childhood. Only a very small number of people live under the influence of master numbers. For the majority of those who received 11 or 22 in the calculations, it is important to live not in accordance with the energy of the numbers 11 and 22, but in accordance with the code 2 (11 = 1 + 1 = 2) or 4 (22 = 2 + 2 = 4).

To carry out any calculations in numerology, numerological addition or folding is used. To do this, you need to add up all the digits of a given number. Roman numerals are replaced by Arabic ones, for example: VI = 6. If one of the base numbers is obtained as a result, the addition stops, if not, it is performed again.

For example, consider 1987.

Add up: 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 25
The number 25 is not a base number, so we continue the addition: 2 + 5 = 7.
Thus, the result of the numerological addition of the number 1987 is the number 7.

If several numbers are involved in the calculation - for example, the day, month and year, then each of the numbers is first rolled up separately, and then the resulting numbers are added. After that, if necessary, the result is rolled up.

For example, consider the date 04/17/1967

Add up the day: 1 + 7 = 8
Then month: 04 = 4 (zero is not used in numerology)
Then year: 1 + 9 + 6 + 7 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5
Now all the numbers obtained together: 8 + 4 + 5 = 17 = 1 + 7 = 8.
The result of numerological addition is the number 8.

In calculations using letters (for example, when calculating the number of a name), the correspondence of letters of the alphabet to numbers is used. The calculation is made according to the table of numerical values.

For example, let's calculate the number of the name Svetlana. Numerical correspondence of the letters of the name: C - 1, B - 3, E - 6, T - 2, L - 4, A - 1, H - 6, A - 1
Add up: 1 + 3 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 6 + 1 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6
The result of numerological addition for the name Svetlana is the number 6.

When calculating the number of the full name, first the addition is done for the first name, then for the patronymic, then for the surname. After that, the resulting numbers are summed up and reduced to the base number.

Table of numerical values ​​of letters of the Russian and English alphabet


Numerology - interesting science, which will slightly open the doors to the mysterious world of the mystery of the name. We all know that the name of a person has an influence on the fate and character of its bearer. The numerology of a name can show its true meaning, show hidden talents and inclinations, aspirations of a person.

Table of correspondence between letters of the name and numbers

Number Letters
1 A I C b
2 B Y T Y
3 V K U L
4 G L F E
5 D M X Yu
6 E N C I
7 Yo O Ch
8 W P W
9 W R W

For example, let's calculate the name "Tatiana":

T - 2
A - 1
T - 2
b - 3
I am 6
H - 6
A - 1

As a result, we get 2+1+2+3+6+6+1= 21, we will reduce this figure to a simple number 2+1=3
It turns out the number of the name "Tatiana" - 3
Have you already learned your name number? Let's find out what this figure carries.

Calculation results

  • Leadership is embedded in the numerology of the name of this person. A person with such a name number is ambitious, ambitious, energetic, courageous, self-confident. Such people need to occupy leadership positions, or run their own business.
  • The person is active, but he needs the help of a partner. Number 2 people are peace-loving, they are family-oriented, such people get along well in teams. They need to find themselves in working with people, their professions are teachers, doctors, psychologists.
  • Threes are talented, versatile developed people who love to be the center of attention. They are great optimists, often the soul of the company. Their forte is the world of arts, so they will make excellent writers, singers, musicians, speakers.
  • Stability, reliability, honesty are the main features of fours. Such people are workaholics, prone to painstaking, responsible work, they are very punctual. Fours are excellent accountants, architects, and engineers.
  • Extraordinary, independent people with their own outlook on life. Numerology speaks of such people that they are not afraid to rush into the abyss of novelty, they easily abandon outdated stereotypes. Fives constantly strive for intellectual development. Such people will be comfortable working in tourism, in jurisprudence, journalism.
  • Sixes have a heightened sense of justice, honesty, and responsibility. They are very demanding of themselves, for which they are respected by others. They can be entrusted with any business that requires trust and responsibility. The profession of the owners of names with the calculated number "1" is social workers, educators, doctors.
  • Such a person is constantly striving for knowledge, he will collect Interesting Facts, to check whether the theory corresponds to practice, while he likes to share knowledge with others. Since sevens do not really like physical labor, their professions are philosophers, scientists, inventors.
  • Eights require attention and recognition. They are in constant pursuit of new victories and achievements. Such people are practical and seek profit always and everywhere, while waiting for recognition in their deeds. The ideal habitat for Eights is finance, commerce, administration, construction.
  • Man-harmony. He is kind, patient, seeks peace. Such people usually protect the rights of the disadvantaged, they are for world peace. The nine man will always come to your aid in a difficult moment. Professions of nines are teachers, nurses, social workers, writers.

We hope that we have lifted the veil of secrecy related to the calculation of the numerology of the name. Check your name and maybe you will learn something new about yourself. Read also about

Our book presents calculations and interpretations of a group of the most important numbers adopted in various numerical systems, including Pythagorean, Vedic, Kabalistic and modern. You will get acquainted with the dream book of Pythagoras and will be able to look into your future with the help of fortune-telling. Numerology will tell you how to correct your destiny, what abilities you have and how to best realize yourself in life.

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The following excerpt from the book The Big Book of Numerology (Natalia Olshevskaya, 2009) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

Numeric codes of alphabets

The most complex writing systems arose in ancient times. Egyptian hieroglyphs, Babylonian cuneiform were pictographic. In other words, each sign was a picture that reflected the whole concept: a person, a cat, a snake ... To describe the world around us in detail, we had to use a lot of such pictures, and it was not easy to master such writing.

Much has changed with the advent of the alphabet, when each sound of the language was assigned its own letter. As a result, symbolic pictograms could be abandoned. The appearance of the alphabet dramatically accelerated the development and spread of numerology, since the sounds and vibrations of the language are the shortest path to the numerical code. In addition, the letters of the alphabet turned out to be the most convenient means of writing numbers.

The first alphabet was invented by the ancient Phoenicians, who lived in ancient times on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, approximately where modern Lebanon is located. The earliest examples of the use of the alphabet date back to 1400 BC. e. All the civilizations surrounding Phoenicia, including the Greeks, used only pictographic systems in those days. The Phoenician alphabet had 32 letters. The Phoenicians wrote from right to left. They spread their alphabet around the world. Many ancient and modern alphabets, including Russian, Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, Greek and others, owe their appearance to this ancient people.

The Phoenicians gave a name to each letter of their alphabet. Some of the names were heritage pictographic origins, others served as mnemonics to make it easier to remember. For example, the name of the first letter of the alphabet "aleph" in Phoenician means "bull". The second letter is called "bet" and translates as "house", the third - "gimel" means "camel". Over time, these letters were slightly distorted and became the names of the Greek letters - alpha, beta, gamma.

The Phoenician alphabet contained only consonants. Vowel sounds were added while reading, based on various auxiliary signs. The Greeks, on the other hand, radically improved the alphabet (at least in our Western perception). They took the letters of the Phoenician alphabet, which corresponded to sounds that were absent in Greek, and put them in correspondence with the vowel sounds of their language. Interestingly, the Greeks, like the Phoenicians, first wrote from right to left. Then there was a period when they wrote one line from right to left, the second - from left to right, the next - again from right to left, etc. Only after some time the Greeks began to write from left to right.

The Greeks also created a system in which letters were used as symbols for numbers, which was a very important step in the development of numerology. Prior to this, numbers were often written in words (“ten times ten tens”, “one hundred dozen”) or special signs were used that were repeated the required number of times.

For example, if you denote the number 1 with the sign K, then 3 will be written as KKK, 7 - as KKKKKKK. Upon reaching a certain number of characters, most often ten, another icon was introduced.

Let's say if we denote the ten as L, then the number 86 will be written as LLLL LLLL KKK KKK. So uncomfortable! And if you try to write 88888?!

That is why the emergence of the Greek system, in which letters were not symbols counted on the fingers, but symbols of numbers, was almost revolutionary.

According to some reports, the alphabetic notation of numbers was invented in the Greek city of Miletus, located on the territory of modern Turkey, in the 8th century. BC e. In the Milesian system, each digit corresponded to its own letter of the alphabet. For example, alpha corresponded to one, beta corresponded to two, etc. This system was widely used in ancient world, especially during the conquests of Alexander the Great.

Many nations have adopted this particular system. In terms of efficiency, it is close to the modern, so-called Arabic, system of writing numbers.

Isopsephy and gematria

The use of the Greek alphabetic system for notating numbers endowed each written word with some numerical content. By adding the numerical values ​​of all the letters of the word together, you can get a specific number. The Greeks called this process of addition isopsephy (from the Greek words "iso", that is, equal, and "psephos" - a pebble). Isopsephy Isopsephy was widely used in the Hellenistic period in magical works and in the interpretation of dreams.

The ancients believed that if the numerical sum of a word or phrase has the same numerical value, then there is some invisible connection between them.

For example, the name Jesus has an isopsephic sum of 888, and exactly the same sum has the phrase "I am Life." And for a Christian, such a coincidence is filled with deep meaning.

Among the personified meanings of the number 666, which stands for the "Beast" in the Book of Revelation, were Nero, Caesar, Martin Luther, Pope Leo X and Napoleon.

AT Ancient Greece there was another popular method of studying the relationship between the letters of the alphabet and numbers - arithmology. In this system, each number - letter corresponded to the widest range of different qualities, epithets, magical attributes. In modern numerology, arithmology is almost never used.

In the XIII century. German cabalists used isopsephy for mystical numerical interpretation scriptures and called this method gematria (presumably from the Greek word for geometry), or cryptography.

It is believed that for the first time gematria was used during the reign of the Babylonian king Sargon II, in the VIII century. BC e., during the construction of the Khorsabad wall, the length of which was 16283 cubits, which corresponded to the numerical value of the king's name.

In Hebrew, consonants are used as numerical values, but by adding vowels to them, you can read them as words, and vice versa - you can read words as numbers.

Modern numerologists also add up the numerical values ​​of letters to characterize names and any words in general. However, the algorithm for adding and meaning letters differs significantly from those used in ancient Greek isopsephy.

Numeric codes of Russian words

Each of us has his own unique word (usually the number of the full name), which corresponds to certain number. And it has an impact on our lives.

It is known that all letters of the Russian alphabet occupy a strictly defined place and correspond to their serial number, that is:

A - 1, A - 1, B - 2, C - 3, D - 4, D - 5, E - 6, E - 7, F -8, H - 9, I - 10, J - 11, K - 12, L - 13, M -14, N - 15, O - 16, P - 17, R - 18, S - 19, T - 20, U - 21, F - 22, X - 23, C - 24, H - 25, W - 26, W - 27, L - 28, Y - 29, B - 30, E - 31, Yu - 32, Z - 33.

For example, let's define the code for the word "language" (in this case language is a means of communication), summing up all the serial numbers of letters, you get the number 83.

The word "number" itself is associated with the same mathematical meaning.

Language: 33 + 9 + 29 + 12 = 83.

N and with l about: 25 + 10 + 19 + 13 + 16 = 83.

The word "numerology" and the phrase "Count all the words" also have the same code in total - 116.

N o merolog ogy: 15 + 21 + 14 + 6 + 18 + 16 + 13 + 16 + 4 + 10 + 33 = 116.

With the number of words: 19 + 25 + 10 + 20 + 1 + 11 + 3 + 19 + 6 + 19 + 13 + 16 + 3 + 1 \u003d 116.

If each letter of the Russian alphabet is assigned a numerical value from 1 to 9, then any phrase - be it a first name, surname or just a phrase - is decomposed into prime numbers, adding which, we get a certain resulting number that determines the nature of the uttered.

To characterize a person in the modern Russian alphabet, the correspondence of letters to numbers (from 1 to 9) is distributed as follows:

1 - A, I, C, b.

2 - B, Y, T, Y.

3 - B, K, U, b.

4 - G, L, F, E.

5 - D, M, X, Y.

6 - E, N, C, I.

7 - E, O, C.

8 - J, P, Sh.

9 - Z, R, Shch.

Currently, there are generally accepted characteristics for numbers from 1 to 9:

1 - unity, creativity, independence;

2 - duality, appearance;

3 - power, power, producing force;

4 - solidity, hardness, dullness;

5 - sensuality, pleasure;

6 - perfection, harmony, balance;

7 - mysticism, mediumship, magic;

8 - materialism, success, justice;

9 - spirituality, mental achievements.

It is believed that people whose names correspond to the numbers 11 and 22 are very developed spiritually. These numbers are not reduced to a single digit.

For example, in the name Ivan, the letters correspond to the following numbers: I=1, B=3, A=1, H=6. The sum of the numbers: 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 11. In accordance with the rule, the number 11 is not summed up, and its value determines a highly developed and spiritual person.

The words we don't need

Let's calculate some words and phrases that we are used to using in ordinary speech, try to determine whether they are compatible with the number of your name and your birth. For convenience, we repeat the table with which you can perform the calculation:

1 - A, I, C, b.

2 - B, Y, T, Y.

3 - B, K, U, b.

4 - G, L, F, E.

5 - D, M, X, Y.

6 - E, N, C, I.

7 - E, O, C.

8 - J, P, Sh.

9 - Z, R, Shch.

Now let's try to find the code for the word "estimate": 8 + 9 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 3 = 3 + 1 = 4.

Number 4 - on the one hand, is ruled by Mercury, which is responsible for sociability and communication. On the other hand, it is the number of commitments made. Thus, by telling someone to “count”, we are actually forcing the interlocutor to take part in the conversation and forcing him to commit to some action. That is, "pretending." Think for yourself, how pleasant is such a duty for a partner?

Let's break down the word "tin": 8 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 2 + 0 = 2.

In numerology, the main drawback of the deuce is that it expresses self-doubt and eternal fluctuations. Having said the word "tin", we thus express our feelings. But at the same time they are rather negative.

Slavic numerals were used for counting and recording. In this counting system, characters were used in sequential order of the alphabet. In many ways, it is similar to the Greek system for writing digital characters. Slavic numbers are the designation of numbers using the letters of ancient alphabets -

Titlo - special designation

Many ancient peoples used letters from their alphabets to write numbers. The Slavs were no exception. They denoted Slavic numbers with letters from the Cyrillic alphabet.

In order to distinguish a letter from a number, a special icon was used - a title. All Slavic numerals had it above the letter. The symbol is written on top and is a wavy line. As an example, the image of the first three numbers in the Old Slavonic designation is given.

This sign is also used in other ancient counting systems. It only slightly changes its shape. Initially, this type of designation came from Cyril and Methodius, since they developed our alphabet based on the Greek one. The title was written with both more rounded edges and sharp ones. Both options were considered correct and were used everywhere.

Features of the designation of numbers

The designation of numbers on the letter occurred from left to right. The exception was the numbers from "11" to "19". They were written from right to left. Historically, this has been preserved in the names of modern numerals ( eleven twelve etc., that is, the first is the letter denoting units, the second - tens). Each letter of the alphabet denoted the numbers from 1 to 9, from 10 to 100 to 900.

Not all letters of the Slavic alphabet were used to designate numbers. So, "Zh" and "B" were not used for numbering. They simply did not exist in the Greek alphabet, which was adopted as a model). Also, the countdown began from one, and not from the usual zero for us.

Sometimes a mixed system of designating numbers was used on coins - from Cyrillic and. Most often, only lowercase letters were used.

When Slavic symbols from the alphabet denote numbers, some of them change their configuration. For example, the letter "i" in this case is written without a dot with the sign "titlo" and means 10. The number 400 could be written in two ways, depending on the geographical location of the monastery. So, in the old Russian printed chronicles, the use of the letter "ika" is typical for this figure, and in the old Ukrainian - "izhitsa".

What are Slavic numerals?

Our ancestors, using special symbols, wrote dates and necessary numbers in chronicles, documents, coins, and letters. Complex numbers up to 999 were denoted by several letters in a row under common sign"title". For example, 743 in writing was indicated by the following letters:

  • Z (ground) - "7";
  • D (good) - "4";
  • G (verb) - "3".

All these letters were united under a common icon.

Slavic numerals, which denoted 1000, were written with a special sign ҂. It was placed in front of the desired letter with a title. If it was necessary to write a number greater than 10,000, special signs were used:

  • "Az" in a circle - 10,000 (darkness);
  • "Az" in a circle of dots - 100,000 (legion);
  • "Az" in a circle consisting of commas - 1,000,000 (leodre).

A letter with the required digital value is placed in these circles.

Examples of using Slavic numerals

Such a designation could be found in documentation and on ancient coins. The first such figures can be seen on Peter's silver coins in 1699. With this designation, they were minted for 23 years. These coins are now considered rarities and are highly valued among collectors.

On gold coins, symbols were stuffed for 6 years, from 1701. Copper coins with Slavic numerals were in use from 1700 to 1721.

In ancient times, the church had a huge influence on politics and the life of society as a whole. Church Slavonic figures were also used to record orders and annals. They were designated on the letter according to the same principle.

The education of children also took place in churches. Therefore, the children learned spelling and counting from publications and annals using Church Slavonic letters and numbers. This training was not easy enough, since the designation big numbers a few letters just had to be learned by heart.

All sovereign decrees were also written using Slavic numerals. The scribes of that time were required not only to know by heart the entire alphabet of the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets, but also the designation of absolutely all the numbers and the rules for writing them. Ordinary residents of the state were often unlearned about this, because literacy was the privilege of very few.