Haircut calendar

Message about Martin Luther 1483 1546

Message about Martin Luther 1483 1546

Luther, Martin (1483 - 1546) - founder of the Lutheran Church, leader of the religious reformation of the 16th century. The Reformation was a social movement that embraced small...
Simple fortune telling for girls about love on paper

Simple fortune telling for girls about love on paper

Imagine a situation where you urgently need to find out about the feelings of some interesting person, but, as luck would have it, you don’t have your favorite Tarot deck, runes, or even...
What are the description of the witch's eyes?

What are the description of the witch's eyes?

I finally understood the plan of this lecture in mid-August 1999, when I was sitting by the fountain in front of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg and idly catching the body vibes of those walking...
Interesting facts and signs about leap year

Interesting facts and signs about leap year

2016 will be a leap year. It is believed that leap years are the most unlucky. Is this really so and what to expect from the coming year? A leap year is a year in the calendar...
Folk dream book: features and examples of interpretations Folk interpreter of dreams

Folk dream book: features and examples of interpretations Folk interpreter of dreams

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive service Dream Book of Juno online - out of more than 75 dream books - is currently the largest dream book on the Runet. WITH...
Are magic tricks science, magic or wizardry?

Are magic tricks science, magic or wizardry?

Tricks are an entertaining and witty puzzle that the viewer has to solve in a split second. Because the law of the genre requires speed, immediacy. The public doesn't...
Why do you dream of indoor flowers in pots?

Why do you dream of indoor flowers in pots?

Dream interpretation of the earth, why do you dream of the earth in a dream? There are a great many interpretations of what the earth is meant for in your dreams. A number of dream books explain such a dream solely as a symbol of wealth,...
A detailed list of Vanga's predictions about Russia by year Read Vanga's prediction by year

A detailed list of Vanga's predictions about Russia by year Read Vanga's prediction by year

Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova is known to us as the clairvoyant Vanga, whose predictions live on in a fantastic way even after her death. The prophecies of this amazing woman...