Astral beings. The astral world and astral entities - classification and description. How to get rid of astral entities

ATTENTION: the term “astral” here should be replaced with “subtle-plane, energy, field”

I recently discovered that our clients do not always understand the essence of the astral aliens we film during sessions, and are often afraid to discover them in themselves, which is NOT worth doing. Here is a good article that complements the overall picture of what has already been described in the blog with some comments:

Astral entities are creatures of the astral plane (another dimension, the invisible world - whatever you want), possessing consciousness (often quite primitive) and not having a physical body.

Some astral entities have the ability to penetrate the human energy body and feed on its energy. As a rule, entities do not come to a person just like that. There must be a reason for an entity to come and connect to a person’s energy - it could be some kind of life problem, action, event, negative thoughts or beliefs. Having “connected” to a person, an entity (let me remind you that it has consciousness) can then influence the person, his thoughts, actions, behavior and even physical health.

By the way, there are entities living in several dimensions at once, viruses, fungi and bacteria, for example. After all, diseases provoked by the latter are, in fact, a violation of human energy (energy metabolism), which sooner or later result in physical abnormalities, such as cancer, AIDS, flu, asthma, and so on. As you know, all our ailments come from karmic mistakes, either our own or those of our environment (more on this below). But changes manifest themselves mainly in energy (bad mood, fatigue, irritability, etc.), not always reflected on the physical level.

However, in order to finally “reach out” to a person, he is allowed to feel pain on the physical body, and in order for the body to get sick, an adapter or interface is needed between the subtle (already affected by low-frequency energy) bodies and the physical spacesuit worn soul from incarnation to incarnation. It is the role of such an adapter that bacteria perform - they translate signals from one protocol to another - from the subtle world to the material, much like computers translate binary code into text or pictures.

In fact, bacteria, like bees or ants, are controlled by a single (collective) consciousness that exists outside of human-tangible reality, one might say by a higher self or even an egregor. This egregor can resonate with one specific energy (low-frequency), and completely ignore others (high-frequency). This is precisely what explains cases of spontaneous healing from “incurable diseases”, when a person who has changed his thinking, thereby changes his fine settings, increases vibrations, and leaves the influence of this egregor.

As already written, orthodox science, following the lead of cartels and corporations, denies the facts stated above, and medicine, also tied only to treatment, but NOT healing, continues to create “medicines” that suppress physical adapters, but not the egregor itself, which is responsible for disease.

In other words, in the interests of the pharmacological business, our doctors are taught to suppress the effect, but not eliminate the cause.

In the most general form, astral entities can be divided into two groups: their own and inhabited ones.

Own astral entities are entities created by the person himself, his thoughts (thought forms), words, and actions. Such entities can be generated by cruelty, anger, desire for self-destruction, resentment, hatred, contempt ( watching horror movies) and so on... Arising on the human energy body, they subsequently influence the person, inclining him to re-manifest the quality that gave birth to them. A person can cope with this type of astral entities on his own.

Also, one’s own astral essences can come to a person from his past lives. This usually happens to people on the path of self-improvement. Thus, one’s own essences from past lives come with only one purpose - for a person to get rid of them completely ( It is precisely such karmic counters that must be destroyed in batches, because Most of them were worked out, and the entity just got too carried away and “forgot to leave.” In this case, the entity was summoned by a person of his own free will, although not even consciously)

Inhabited entities are all astral entities that were not created by man himself, but came from outside. These may include brownies, demons, angels, ghosts of dead people...

Such entities are usually attracted to people with weakened energy protection at moments when a person splashes out negative emotions. In this case, like attracts like. Through the manifestation of negativity, a person voluntarily allows astral entities to penetrate his energy and lead a well-fed life there, feeding on the person’s energy and provoking him to further negative outbursts.

However, it also happens when an entity “connects” to a person without his consent (i.e. without showing negativity). This can happen in moments of stress, shock, in a trance state, sleep, under general anesthesia, loss of consciousness, etc.

Getting rid of such an entity is much more difficult. First of all, because the inhabited entities are stronger and more intelligent. Particularly powerful entities have the ability to influence not only a person’s thoughts and behavior, but even shape the events of his life.

For example, an alcoholic decides to quit drinking alcohol. But this is not profitable for the astral entity (which feeds on his energy through alcohol addiction), so it makes every effort to ensure that the person continues to drink. The poor fellow's mood may deteriorate sharply, his health will deteriorate, and his nerves will be shaken. And if this is not enough, then the essence will begin to influence the people around him, and they will unconsciously begin to create all the conditions for the former alcoholic to drink. As a result, “the whole world is up in arms against the poor fellow,” and everything looks as if God himself is telling him to continue drinking. Not every person is able to withstand all the surrounding circumstances to implement his decision, so in most cases such attempts to “get started” are choked at the very beginning. And the astral entity continues to suck out the life energy of its victim.

As for the “acquisition” of essences, there is another way - essences can be transferred from relatives and friends. For example, from parents to children (someone may see a parallel here with generational curses), between brothers and sisters, and so on.

Ancestral karma, as you know, is a cruel thing! Even if you did not do anything yourself, you may suffer from actions committed by your ancestors, or even descendants. Yes, precisely by descendants, because entities live in timelessness, and can create effects before the cause arises, although such cases extremely rare.

What is this all for?

And if a person (who has his own will and the right to choose) begins to take destructive actions (thoughts, words, actions) towards other living beings, then, in fact, he becomes a kind of “wrong” cell that interferes with the normal existence of the entire organism. It is for this case that the Universe has methods of re-education - to weaken the protection of the cell (a person’s energy protection) and release astral entities on him, which will deprive a person of energy, strength, health and happiness until he realizes his mistake and changes his ways. behavior.

Yes, they are our educators, but shouldn't we be aware of the rules of the game by which we play? That is why the conclusion suggests itself that the “teachers” have long played too much and are now trying to eliminate their own mistakes by dumping karma on their students. However, this is a completely different topic, let’s not go too far into the weeds, and just note thatthis system has existed from time immemorial, and feeds not only the medical business itself, but also the entities that control our civilization from “the other side of the veil.”

Now let's take a closer look at the types of astral entities.

Types of astral entities(I don’t entirely agree with some of the conclusions, but I present the original as is)

2. Lunar entities - active in the dark. They prefer to influence women - illogical behavior, mental suffering, causeless tears.

3. Sloths - generate laziness, lethargy, indifference, desire for idle pastime ( Does everyone remember about laziness with a glass of whiskey on the couch?))

4. Astral dogs are man-made entities programmed to fulfill one goal, usually to harm another person ( If I understand correctly, we are talking about evil eyes, love spells, and other magical actions)

5. Reptiles, or reptiles, are entities that are attracted to obscene language and curses against other people. It is also possible to infect a person intentionally with these entities, i.e. “plant the bastard.” The most common variety is the toad. Remember, for example, the expression “the toad is strangling.”

6. Elemental entities, or elementals - they were previously called salamanders (fire), gnomes (earth), fairies (air), sirens (water) and many other names.

7. Angels are entities of a high spiritual order, personifying goodness and love. They help people in their daily affairs, guide them on the path of light and goodness ( It’s not entirely clear what they have to do with it, because angels don’t move in)

8. Demons are strong astral entities of the negative plane (“fallen angels”). When added to a person, they cause severe deviations in the psyche and behavior. They can also periodically “stick” to a person for nourishment (incubi, succubi, etc.)
I came across these guys at the very beginning of my practice. Very sophisticated and intellectually advanced partisans of the dark front!They were written about here:

10. Astral entities from other worlds and dimensions - these can be any entities that do not belong to our world (our planet). Their energy is alien to people and is quite rare.

(C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C) These often conduct various experiments on us, for example, testing a person’s pain threshold, as in this post:

11. Astral bodies of deceased people:

Shells, or shells, are the astral shells of deceased people, completely devoid of human consciousness. They store only fragments of the memory of a deceased person, and can copy some of his features - movements, habits. If for some reason a person “caught” such a shell, he may develop features that are uncharacteristic for him. They say that black magicians can “revive” such shells by infusing them with evil spirits, and then these creatures bring harm and destruction to the living at the direction of their masters.

Astral bodies of recently deceased people - the physical body of a person has already died, but the astral body is still alive and retains consciousness. After a certain period of time (usually 40 days), the final separation of consciousness from the astral body occurs, and the astral body can become a “shell”.

Astral bodies of suicides - a person who commits suicide does not receive complete separation of consciousness and astral body. He is literally stuck on the astral plane and has no way to move on. At the same time, all his desires and emotions that he experienced during his life increase many times over, causing him to suffer immensely. Over time, the astral body of a suicide can transform and he can join the ranks of demons and other unpleasant entities.

Residents of this kind usually gravitate toward their “interest groups” because they can no longer experience the same feelings as before without a physical body. Disembodied souls of alcoholics, drug addicts, perverts and other lovers of a good time often move in with their thematic brethren.

They can control a person to the point of almost complete (99%) suppression of the personality, as, for example, in the case of Billy Milligan , containing 24 different entities in one body. Systemic psychiatry calls this “multiple personality", "schizophrenia "and other abstruse terms. Schizophrenia really cannot be treated, because... here we are talking about the settlement of various low-astral entities, mainly for severe karmic sins of past lives, which a person is obliged to work off. But split personality can be cured by removing the settlers.

In my practice, I have also encountered cases where relatives moved in with people out of love, and enemies out of hatred. There was also one episode where an old maid, offended by “all these lustful men,” moved in with a newborn girl and lived with her until the age of 35, provoking dual behavior: lustful and angelic at the same time, with frequent scandals, changing partners, the desire to “revenge, crush and tear into pieces.”

It should be remembered that disembodied souls of people usually do not understand that they no longer have a physical body. They are in a state roughly comparable to sleep or intoxication, where the mind is clouded to such an extent that the entity acts automatically, manifesting itself in the bodies of living people, or on the physical plane as ghosts and ghosts.
Unfortunately, such cases are quite common due to a lack of understanding of the factor of “death” and what lies behind it. Thanks to social programming, religious and atheistic dogmas, people simply do not know what exactly awaits them, and miss the open window to enter the subtle world, especially if death occurs suddenly.

13. Living people can also be present in the astral plane, interacting with astral entities while the physical body is inactive:

Highly spiritual people, as well as sorcerers and black magicians, have the opportunity to consciously travel along the astral plane in their astral body.

Sleeping - every night a person's astral body gradually separates from the physical and unconsciously travels through the astral plane (mostly not far from the physical body).

In view of personal practice, I will also note 2 more categories:

14. Grays and reptilians. I met the grays personally (consciously), you can read about it here:
We even conducted interviews with reptilians:

According to some reports, the grays were initially subservient to the reptilians and worked for them. Recent sessions have shown that this hierarchy has recently been disrupted. I'll publish it soon.

Original article

In conclusion, I will once again remind the reader that, first of all, we are protected from the negativity brought by settlers by awareness, knowledge (any), and control over our own thoughts/emotions. By controlling our fears, dark thoughts and emotional outbursts, we protect ourselves from almost all harmful influences. Don’t forget that the consequences of anger are much more painful than its causes, not only on the everyday level, but also on the energetic level!
Without succumbing to negativity, without being fooled by outside provocations, we do not allow our energy bodies to weaken and are always under the protection of our guardians, maintaining high vibrations!
If you can’t control yourself, realize your mistake when you make it, look at the result, admit to yourself (and your opponent) the mistake, apologize (in person or in absentia) and take a death oath to yourself that you will never do this again!

By admitting that we are wrong, we do not show weakness, as many believe, but on the contrary, we show strength! The power to accept, understand and change, and anyone can do this!

Difficult cleanings:

The Astral is an otherworldly Universe located outside the material world. Consists of emotions, illusions, dreams and fears. It is real, but this Universe is closed to the uninitiated. A dangerous but exciting journey awaits those who enter this space.

In this article

What does the other world look like?

Here you can find answers to questions about the meaning of life and receive energy recharge. Traveling through the Looking Glass is akin to exploring the subconscious.

Travelers give different answers to the question: what does the subtle plane look like? One will see terrible pictures of the Apocalypse, the other will find himself in a blooming, fragrant garden. The mystical Universe is changeable and takes on bizarre forms. Therefore, there is no consensus on what she looks like.

Leadbeater in the book “The Astral Plane. Mental Plan" writes:“The astral region is the second of the great planes of Nature - next above the physical world with which we are familiar. It is often called the realm of illusion. Not because it is illusory, but because of the unreliability of the impressions that an untrained observer derives from it.”

The Invisible Space is inhabited by millions of creatures. Some are tolerant of humans, others come into contact, enslave, and feed on energy.

Living inhabitants of the astral plane

In classical occultism, it is customary to divide the inhabitants of astral space into two categories: the living and the dead. The former can travel freely and return to the physical body. The latter do not have a material shell, but are endowed with reason, will, desires and needs. They can move freely in space, but their main habitat remains another dimension.

Current adherents

Translated from Latin, adeptus means “initiated into the secret.” They are keepers of secrets, selfless servants of the occult sciences. Professionals feel great at all levels of the other world. Explorers become Teachers and Guides. They willingly share their knowledge with others and write books. An example is the famous Gerard Encausse (Papus). His “Practical Magic” is an example of classic esoteric literature.

White magicians

They receive energy to perform rituals and help those suffering. Unlike adepts, mages are driven not only by a thirst for exploration. For them, parallel reality is an inexhaustible source of Power. White sorcerers use the resulting energy for good.

Gifted individuals

Some were born with abilities. Others found them as compensation. Example: the famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga. The woman received the ability in exchange for lost physical vision.

Living inhabitants of the astral plane

Everyday people

Everyone has the opportunity to travel, but not everyone takes advantage of it. Borderline states between sleep and wakefulness, bright fantastic pictures are manifestations of the background of Nature.

Most people don't think about it and don't know they have powers. Exits to another reality are unsystematic and spontaneous. When people wake up, they may not even remember their movements.

Dark magicians

Like their bright colleagues, they use the astral plane for energy replenishment. The difference is in the goals. The dark ones are only interested in Evil. They can accompany beginners on astral travel. The life force of the ward is taken as payment for training.

For an unprepared person. Without knowing the peculiarities of the subtle world and the character of the inhabitants, it is easy to get lost and become a victim of predators living in the lower strata.

Before you go on a journey, enlist the help of an experienced Teacher.

Non-living entities

These entities are as alive as people. The only difference is that they do not have a physical body. But its absence is easily compensated for by sucking on the donor. Entities living beyond the border are divided into low and highly developed.

About the lowest inhabitants immediately in this video:



A simple example is the larva of alcoholism. As soon as a person gives up, an otherworldly creature attaches itself to his field, pushes him to abuse alcohol, dulls his sense of responsibility and self-control.


Viruses of consciousness. They enslave the will, force them to abandon the true Self, and launch a program of self-destruction.

Energy clots or orbs

You can record their presence using a camera. They appear in places of power, in cemeteries. Present next to those whose frequency balance is disturbed.

Thought forms

Non-standard interview with Sergei Mader:

Fake news, sensations, revelations and hoaxes become independent and go beyond the control of their creators. Every virtual like adds power to them.


The souls of the dead are locked in someone else's aura. Such a neighborhood is dangerous. The settler feeds on the energy of the owner and depletes the reserves of vitality. Someone else's presence in the biofield affects not only the body, but also the mind of the individual. In the Christian tradition, this phenomenon is usually called obsession.


Incubi and succubi

The demonology of Christianity classifies them as demons. They penetrate reality under the guise of boys and girls. They feed on dissatisfaction, lust and dirty fantasies. They are intelligent, cunning and insatiable. They can enter into contact with people in exchange for services and assistance in earthly affairs.

History attributes Pope Sylvester II to having a forbidden affair with a succubus. He received the coveted position thanks to the patronage of his magical mistress.

Demons and Demons

Highly developed and dangerous inhabitants of the dream world. Endowed with intelligence, will, and camouflage abilities. They easily cross boundaries between spheres. Wars, civil strife, suffering - that’s what attracts them. The devils create infernal vortexes into which they try to draw as many unfortunates as possible.

The Lives of the Saints describe encounters with evil spirits. Evil entities overcome monks and hermits and provoke them into sinful thoughts and actions. The Gospel tells of the temptation of Jesus Christ by the devil in the desert. The evil one three times suggested that the prophet make a deal and test the strength of Divine Protection.

It is impossible to study the astral completely: He is constantly transforming. Each visitor leaves an imprint on it. In the Looking Glass, hidden from view, the spirits of Fire, Water, Air and Earth meet.

The souls of dead animals also go into the space of subtle matters and wait for an hour to return in a new quality.

What attracts otherworldly inhabitants to our world

The occult and earthly spheres are closely intertwined. According to the law of conservation of energy, everything we do and think remains forever in the memory of the Collective Mind. A person broadcasts thoughts, emotions, fears, passions into the Universe.

Primitive creatures feed on negative information. They need food constantly, so they encourage conflicts, quarrels, dirty deeds and crimes.

Entities and people

Bad odors, alcohol, and drugs help creatures penetrate our world.

Despite disagreements, esotericists and priests are unanimous in the opinion that neighbors in the energy field should be gotten rid of. The Holy Fathers recommend fighting evil with fasting, prayer, and abstinence. Occultists share this opinion: foreign entities will not take root.

A wonderful practice that will give lightness, joy and health:

Cleansing is a complex process. An energy leech will not voluntarily leave personal space. Here are tips to help you get started:

  1. Carefully control thoughts and words. Prohibited: obscene language, insults, anger.
  2. Monitor your emotions. Don’t give in to despondency, smile more often.
  3. Read cleansing prayers.
  4. Change your lifestyle: give up bad habits and taste preferences.

A person is not always able to cope with an annoying entity on his own. In severe, advanced cases, such as obsession with a squatter, you will have to seek help from specialists.

People involved in occult sciences know first-hand about the entities of the astral world. Such knowledge came from the distant past, from pagan times. In this material we will tell you about astral entities in humans. To begin with, we suggest you understand the types of astral entities.

Types of astral entities

  1. Angels. Astral entities that are not negative - on the contrary, they bring light, goodness and love. Help people.
  2. Demons. Considered to be fallen devils, if they inhabit a person, they can completely destroy him. They cause very strong deviations in behavior and mental state.
  3. Astral bodies of dead people. They exist in three forms.
  4. Demons- elementary pests. They are often called larvae. For their vital functions they need rough energy. They feed on passion for games, greed, lust, adultery, low self-esteem of a person, conflicts and fights, and unbridled jealousy.
  5. Entities active at night - lunar. As a rule, they inhabit representatives of the fair sex. This is precisely what can explain a woman’s hysterics and absurd, inappropriate behavior.
  6. Reptiles. These astral entities like curses, as well as profanity. Reptiles, as this type of otherworldly force is also called, can easily be deliberately infected by another person.
  7. Elemental entities: fairies, sirens, nymphs, gnomes, salamanders and others. They are responsible for different elements.
  8. Sloths. The name speaks for itself. Parasitism, an idle lifestyle, laziness, and abstraction from the world around them attract them.
  9. Astral dogs. They are created specifically for a specific purpose. Usually they are used to harm a specific person.
  10. Astral bodies of living creatures. If a person has a desire, then he can specifically infuse himself with the spirit of an animal. Shamans often infuse themselves with the spirits of powerful animals, such as a wolf or a bear.
  11. Egregors. They are born thanks to the collective activity of people. Their creation is aimed at the flow of energy from the people in whom they inhabit. Egregors can be sports, economic, political or religious. They arise when people unite under common ideas. The strength and power of egregors grows with the number of people involved.
  12. Living people. Sleeping people can unconsciously separate their astral body from their physical body and move around. Dark magicians, sorcerers, as well as people with high spirituality are able to consciously move in the astral dimension.

How to get rid of astral entities?

As a rule, when talking about astral projections, people mean negative phenomena and human obsession with creatures from the other world. The astral dimension is “populated” by astral entities of various strengths and energies. It is better for people not to encounter such manifestations, but there are those who see these spirits and even try to control them. Witches, sorcerers and people with psychic abilities must be as careful as possible when working with otherworldly forces in order to protect themselves from astral entities.

Getting rid of astral entities is a very complex and time-consuming process. To begin with, we suggest you figure out how astral entities can penetrate a person and how you can identify that it is they.

Many people do not even suspect that there is an otherworldly entity inside them. Astral entities are very susceptible to human sins. When they manage to penetrate the subtle human body, they have a destructive effect on the personality. Various addictions, seizures and epilepsy, addictions - and this is not a complete list of what a person can expect under the influence of these creatures.

If otherworldly forces managed to penetrate a person’s subtle body, then he ceases to control himself and begins to behave inappropriately. Lies, rudeness, aggressive emotions, rudeness become the “calling card” of the possessed. There are situations when astral entities are “inherited” from parents. There is also an opinion that schizophrenia is nothing more than a person’s obsession with astral entities.

Astral entities are capable of moving in different dimensions; they have astral, etheric and subtle bodies. This is why they can cause so many problems for people. In addition, any astral entity has a present and its own unique past. Astral entities can develop and evolve. When they inhabit a person, his own subtle bodies are deformed. At the same time, they are fueled by human energy. Also, a person becomes an energy vampire and sucks energy from those around him, because his powers are taken away by astral negative entities. Based on all this, it becomes clear that driving them out of an possessed person is very difficult and only a very strong person with special knowledge and skills can do this.

The astral plane is a mysterious world of the otherworldly and subconscious. Find out what the astral world looks like and who lives there - consider the classification of astral entities.

In the article:

Astral entities - classification of living and nonliving beings

Visitors to the other world are divided into two large groups. Astral entities - classification:


  1. Active adepts and magicians. Most often they travel in pairs - a teacher and a student. It is difficult for a beginner to move around the Astral: the help of a knowledgeable person is very helpful. Seekers of truth, curious. with the help of mysterious forces that were harnessed during long training.
  2. Gifted people. Individuals who, from birth, are endowed with the power to travel freely along the astral plane. Often abilities are not realized; the appearance of people is explained by titanic labors from a past incarnation. Whether they are good or evil - no one but them knows.
  3. Common people. An ordinary person has the opportunity to get to one of the astral planes. People visit the astral plane in dreams and do not understand the reality of what is happening. These are ships drifting wherever the wind blows. They don’t learn anything, don’t discover anything - they go with the flow. Endowed with abilities, but do not use them.
  4. Adepts of black magic. Similar to the first category: the abilities are similar, but their point of application is evil. They are overwhelmed by rage, passion and attraction to the dark. Black magicians try to use secrets from the Astral for harm.


The title reflects only part of the truth. Most of the creatures that are in the group are alive, simply not attached to the physical body:

  1. Nirmanakayas. A name from Indian culture, denoting those who have achieved complete enlightenment and nirvana, and then abandoned it for the benefit of humanity. They are rare. Few entities achieve such great spiritual power to achieve nirvana, and even fewer entities renounce it. Nirmanakayas rarely descend to the lower planes of the astral plane, where most travelers roam. They prefer to camouflage themselves by creating astral bodies.
  2. Disciples who have not yet undergone incarnation. Some reliable sources say that some students can go to the Astral after death and wait for their Teacher to find a body for reincarnation. The process is difficult and requires self-sacrifice. A person with a clear conscience will be transported to heaven after death, but if he decides to follow the path of renunciation, putting his life on the altar of the prosperity of humanity, after death he will end up in the Astral. This will deprive the righteous of centuries of bliss, but will give a lot in return: a life full of work and curiosity. You can meet them, but rarely. When you see them, try to ask them - their experience is priceless and spans centuries.
  3. Ordinary people who have stepped beyond the threshold of death. They end up in the Astral, but for a certain period of time. People who led a clean life do not stay long and almost never regain consciousness. The average person can spend years overwhelmed by desires. Low, subject to dark passions - for centuries.
  4. Shadows. What a person leaves behind when he moves to the mental plane after death. These are the remnants of decaying desires and passions. Shadows are part of a low mind that has separated from its owner. Shadows are called creatures only nominally, because there is no personality. They look human and even have some memory, but the basis is already in heaven. Shadows simply wander around the Astral, harmless and either completely immersed in themselves, muttering snippets of phrases under their breath, or trying to talk to oncoming travelers. Most often this is incoherent nonsense, consisting of words that a person spoke during his lifetime.
  5. Shells. What remains of the shadow when the strength is almost exhausted. Passive, no personality or consciousness, do not make contact. They just float around the astral plane. All that remains for them is to wait until the last of their strength is exhausted in order to dissolve in the Astral and disappear forever.
  6. Suicides and those who died unexpectedly. If a person dies of old age or illness, he manages to reconcile: he lets go of earthly desires and endures death painlessly, often arriving in complete ignorance. People who die in the prime of life find themselves in completely different conditions. Life's anxieties are strong, desires take over the mind. If a person led a clean life, after wandering a little, he will end up on the mental plane. If the suicide was a low person, different laws apply. The astral body can be dangerous, trying to prolong its existence by available means. Entities hunt travelers, trying to suck out part of their life: absorb fears, desires, a piece of their soul. They live near places of vice. Sometimes dark entities gather there in whole groups and can cause irreparable harm to the unwary. Avoid them, try to get around them, don’t come close.
  7. Vampires, werewolves. Some of the most dangerous entities on the astral plane. These creatures are a reflection of the human world. If a person led a disgusting life, not only not resisting base desires, but also indulging them, allowing the mind to merge with the astral body, ending up in the other world, it will be bad. The only good thing is that individuals are very rare. Even the most notorious villain has glimmers of goodness in his soul. To become a dark entity, a person suppresses any manifestations of conscience and altruism, devoting his soul to evil. There are few of them, just like those who achieve nirvana. These are two sides of the same coin, two extremes: either boundless love for humanity or eternal hatred.

Once on the Astral Plane, a dead creature is doomed to the unenviable fate of experiencing the experience that he brought to other people. If the entity got there as a result of violence, knowing something about magic, the body is capable of rebirth. To a terrible, disgusting rebirth: a person becomes a vampire in order to maintain his own life at the expense of someone else.

They exist simultaneously in both the astral and material planes, being in a trance. To continue a disgusting existence, you need blood - the essence of life. The material body wanders around the world in search of sacrifice and nourishment for the astral essence.

Werewolves are creatures of a slightly different breed. When a low person dies, his astral body can be captured by other entities, transforming him into an animal, most often a predator: a wolf, a fox, a lynx. Werewolves will scour the earth in search of human flesh, driven forward by hellish hunger - not only their own, but also those of the demons who have settled in the body. It is very difficult to meet entities.

Astral - description of the other world

The astral plane is not as terrible as the entities inhabiting it. It is better to study their names and types right away, because knowledge will help in difficult times. What does the astral world look like?

Let's start from the beginning - with definitions of the astral. This is the other world of the subconscious, where the emotions that a person experiences go. Fears, nightmares, imprints of the souls of the living, the dead, the unborn - everything ends up in the Astral, which acts as a reflection of the real world. This is understandable even in a dream: you can see individual objects, feel the distance - there is space there. Events happen for a reason - there is cause and effect. There is time in the astral plane.

The answer to the question whether the astral world exists is positive. That world is described by many esoteric authors who enjoy authority among modern practitioners: Robert Monroe, O. Phillips, Stephen Laberge and others. Their books tell us what the astral plane is - fact or fiction.

Entering the Astral - what after

Appearance takes many forms, because the astral is collection of human fears, thoughts. Since feelings vary from person to person, so does the astral plane. There is a huge potential for change from the start.

If you fall into a surreal nightmare, the dream seems real. Do not neglect the danger: entities can harm the astral body.

The appearance of the astral plane is like everything and nothing at the same time. There is definitely space and laws, but everyone who visits the Astral sees it with their own eyes. U Each person has an interpretation of the mystical world.


The world and human physiology are a completely different education. For her, invisibility in our world or the physical world is the norm of life. The worlds adjacent to the human world live at the expense of human thoughts, or rather, emissions of human energy or psychic energy in moments of indignation. These can be swear words addressed to someone and various kinds of curses expressed in an angry form. But if a person scolds another person, then this action performed by him punishes the life of another person, which contradicts the law of “Diversity of People”. The complexity of the world of entities consists of a huge variety of their forms and effects on the human body, or rather its energy supply or feeding a person with positive energy. Entities are diverse in their types and produce a certain effect on a person. They can move in or move in at moments of intense irritation or anger of a person. Their actions are not determined by the order of human life. But being in the plural on the human body, they invisibly preempt a person’s actions, causing his body to suffer from the entities carried and affecting him. Why and for what purpose does this happen? And in order for a person to realize that life on Earth is a complex mechanism that does not regulate incorrect life, but perceives correct life and punishes people’s organisms for incorrect behavior and thoughts once created by him or his parents. How to help such a person? This can only be done by a highly qualified Master, for whom Space has expanded the range of vision. He can and should see essences and their diverse world of influences on the human body. The disbelief of the human mind creates a denial that a huge number of entities are swaggering over it and causes its skeletal part of the body to suffer. The invisibility of the entities that dominate the entire complex of the body creates a sluggish lifestyle for a person. The essence is invisible in the physical world, but it is manifested. Its functions are to belittle human activity and existence on the planet. The influence of entities is not clear to everyone, but by creating a heaviness over a person, they penetrate under the shell of the aura and remain there, fettering a person not only in actions, but also in thoughts, showing indifference to himself. Not all-beings are under the auric shell. The most active and malicious ones, having manifested themselves after another person’s statements in indignation, pass inside the body and remain there, increasing the heaviness in the soul and fettering the person’s actions. Entities play the role of fixed relaxations in a person’s actions, and linger in him for a certain amount of time. A person alone cannot get rid of them, since he does not know and does not see the forms of different entities.

Astral entities are inhabitants of the astral worlds, creatures consisting of energy, consciousness and, sometimes, a certain mental program (for example, allies, phantoms, larvae, etc.). astral entities are perceived by people as a felt presence, an inexplicable feeling of looking at the back in an empty apartment, like dark formations, visible more in darkness or twilight. when in contact with a person, astral entities can act positively, neutrally or negatively. The type of contact depends primarily on the essence itself, its nature, and the goals of its communication with a person. Each energy level of the astral plane has its own astral entities. They differ from each other in the complexity of their organization, level of consciousness, strength, qualities and properties. At the lowest level of the astral plane live astral entities, which are conventionally called “demons.” Their organization is similar to an animal: they have survival instincts, are concerned with obtaining food, and protection. They can perform simple tasks (like trained animals). They have no intelligence. astral entities of the lower astral can inhabit a person and suck energy out of him - feed on it. Most often they are located at the solar plexus chakra, sometimes at the head. They evoke negative emotions, fears, and nightmares in a person - this is how astral entities “demons” provoke a surge of the lower energies that they feed on. When scanning a person with clairvoyance, demons are observed as clots of energy attached to the aura.

In addition to demons, in the lowest level of the astral plane there are also such astral entities as elementals - these are the spirits of the elements. You can also collaborate with them, as well as be obsessed with them. In order not to fall under the power of any entities, you need to have a sufficient level of protection.
The middle level of the astral plane is inhabited by so-called “demons”.
Demons are astral entities that have intelligence, they are more powerful than demons and can perform more complex tasks. The souls of dead people can become demons if during their lifetime they were, say, energy vampires. Such astral entities are not attached externally, but enter entirely into the human body. Possession by demons is more dangerous than possession by demons. Demons can cause uncontrollable outbursts of rage, after which a person has absolutely no memory of what he did. These astral entities aim to take a person completely under their control, so that after death the person’s soul belongs to them. One who is possessed by a demon can be recognized by his gaze - impudent, burning, intent, as if looking straight into the soul. Demons are very cunning astral entities, and when expelled they can calm down for a while, creating the appearance of their departure. To completely expel demons, you need to perform an exorcism ritual. In order for the astral entities “demons” to calm down for a while and not drive a person crazy, you can read Psalm 90 in the photo 12 times, baptizing the photo with a candle or a special witch’s cross. This will calm the demon, and the person can calmly wait for the exorcism ritual.
At the middle level of the astral plane, in addition to demons, there are also such astral entities as the spirits of plants, animals, stones and minerals, metals, and ordinary human souls.
The highest astral - or mental - is the level at which such astral entities as angels, saints, gods, archangels, geniuses of planets, etc. live. If the astral essences of the first two levels of the astral could be subordinate to a sorcerer, then the essences of the higher astral are not subordinate to a person. They choose who to help, who to assign certain missions or tasks to. You can ask them for help, but not order them.
Brownies, goblins, mermaids, kikimoras, gnomes are also astral entities. Previously, people were more sensitive and could perceive them visually. Now this is only available to psychics and clairvoyants. Although brownies are quite dense astral entities, and can manifest themselves by sounds, trampling, and moving objects.
astral entities have been cooperating with people for a very long time. There are a great many rituals for summoning spirits, seals of spirits, methods of subjugating spirits, elementals, rituals for summoning the souls of dead people, etc. Summoning astral entities, which are the souls of the dead, must be done with great caution, because... there is a high probability that the person you are calling has already incarnated in a new body. In this case, it will be very unpleasant for him to feel the challenge, and a demon or a wordless phantom may appear in response to your challenge.
In order for astral entities to obey a magician, he must undergo special rites of initiation into the lower, middle and upper worlds. After this, the magician gains astral allies and has the legal right to interact with spirits.
In addition to ordinary entities, each level of the astral has its own guardians. If a person enters the astral plane without proper preparation and protection, the guardian can attack him and cause very serious damage. A person who has passed initiations enters the astral safely, and the guardians become his assistants.

Role and actions of entities

Entities burden a person’s life and create complex relationships, since the entities feed on the energy entering the body, thereby selecting part of it for their own nutrition.

A person, without seeing the entities, does not know what they are essentially, but sometimes out of the corner of his eye he sees what is on his body, and perhaps feels that there is some foreignness in the body.

Essence is energy, the life of which must be in another form of formation.

They are fueled by the outburst of meaningful speech, emotions, causing the nature of the earth to be humiliated through the modified energy formulated by the mind and thrown out by human speech. Entities, feeding on this energy, form a closed cycle of life, and are in the place where the verbal form or thought form of incorrect energy potentials created by the will of the mind is thrown out, with an evil meaning of expression.

Entities, like animals, feeding on the garbage of human existence in a landfill, find the source, invisibly forming a circle of communication between the world of physical quantity of the visible range and the world of physical quantity of the invisible range.

The entity feeds on the energy of the human body, penetrating under the shell of the aura, thereby creating a force that oppresses the person.

There is one feature that the human mind regards with misunderstanding:

If one of the participants in a conversation in a group of people begins to throw out anger and hatred towards a person or people who are not nearby, the words released by the voice come back in the form of negative energy, creating a rupture in his auric shell.

Entities create invisible life, and feeding on a person’s energy, they annoy him, causing him to be dejected, constrained and gloomy.

Entities, invading the internal world of the body, create pockets of pain in it. Remaining in the human body, the essence grows in with all its root dependence and begins to reproduce changes in the structure of the human skeleton:

putting him down


and changing the structure of the protein formation of his skeletal system.

A person does not see this connection and will argue that this is not so. Since for many people the law has taken root: “Everything that is visible to me is understandable, but everything that is invisible is denied!” This is a huge mistake in understanding human physiology, believing only in the thought of your understanding.

The structure of the skeletal part of the body will change with the life state of the entities in the human body.

Entities, taking root, take part of the energy for their growth and vital construction of the protein organism of their structure. Their energy is not wasted, but accumulated, since there are no movements of their physical body. Feeding on additional energy intended for humans, they demographically change the composition of the energy passing through the stem connections of the fibers of the human bone and immune system. With this action, they reshape and flow the correct force flows, and after being saturated with energy, they release into the body the energy of the distorted nature of the actions. The energy released by the entities must continue to move, mixing with the energy of the person. This process creates pressure on the skeletal system of the entire skeleton, which perceives deformation as a certain punishment for the body.

Entities introduce complexes of unconventional vital superstructure of the skeleton, distorting a person in the place where the bulk of energies flow with incorrect energy flows.

Not every person feels the pressure of a foreign life. Getting used to everyday processes, he does not want to think about why degraded processes occur in him, changing his inner world, and without going into details, he lives peacefully with these entities.

Working on yourself, on your self-awareness, is the main sign for which there will be no life of another formation on the human body.

A person should not have on his body entities and other formed physiologies of life that degrade the general condition.

Man and essence are different worldviews, each separated by its own law. But, reuniting in the same world, they influence each other's life path.

Competing in the process of life, the mind and the physiology of the body do not always recognize the correct fabrication of thought:

“We are one! And they were created for good, governed by good, and without good they are denied, since the order of life without good creates mockery in the body!”

The processes of invisible formation cannot be realized by the human mind, since they are the formation of the power of another designation.

Chapter 1. Getting rid of the “allies”

1. Diagnostics

Negative entities, penetrating into a person’s aura, distort his feelings, emotions, thoughts and behavior, destroy his personality and destiny, and create negative karma. Some of them are deeply embedded and pass with the Soul from life to life, some are superficial. This determines how quickly you can get rid of a particular entity.
We offer a complete program of work to get rid of dark astral entities. In some cases, you will need to go through all the points of this program, in some cases its first stages will be enough - this depends on the degree of penetration of the essence into the shells of subtle bodies.

At the first stage of work, you need to see the negative entity, identify it and recognize its presence in your own aura. Entities are rooted in the unconscious, so it is not easy to see them in oneself. Most often they are disguised as a person’s character, as his usual reactions.

It is easier to see the presence of entities from the outside. They manifest themselves as reactions that are inappropriate to situations: too much anger for an empty reason, violent hysteria “out of the blue” when “they make an elephant out of a molehill.” This is also uncontrollable suspicion, pathological greed, a desire to take someone else’s property that is difficult to resist (cliptomania), unreasonable arrogance, arrogance and swagger, an exaggerated sense of guilt and self-abasement, a feeling of being unworthy. There are other types of deviations associated with the desire for power and self-affirmation, with the sexual sphere, cruelty, resentment, and self-doubt. We described some of them in the chapters on lesions of the mental body.

At this stage, we “call a spade a spade”, determine the name, the exact vibration of the astral entities that have penetrated into the subtle plane. They have the same name as a negative character quality.

Entities can be located in the area of ​​chakras, energy channels, on parts of the body and specifically in organs. Once you tune in to searching for a specific entity, you can even see its ethereal form. Thus, the essences of power nest on the head and have the shape of royal headdresses. The essence of vice settles in a small cosmic orbit - a circular energy meridian that vertically covers the entire body from front and back. This meridian controls conception, the essence provokes sexual interest and sexual arousal, and the etheric form of the essence resembles the body of a snake. The essence of greed (“the toad strangles”) is located on the surface of the sternum, interferes with breathing and squeezes the heart.

A whole bunch of entities can sit on one energy center, strung like pieces of meat on a skewer, at a certain vibration. They will differ in halftones. For example, the essence of cynicism can be surrounded by the essences of mockery, sarcasm, mockery, ridicule, mockery, rudeness, hard-heartedness, neglect, swagger, mockery, contempt, etc.

Suspicion is accompanied by wariness, mistrust, hostility, anxiety, excessive prudence, fear of the future, rigidity, and concern.

Self-criticism “comes complete” with guilt, regret about decisions made and missed opportunities, with disrespect for oneself, with self-punishment.
We recommend making a list of the negative vibrations you detect. Watch this list shrink as you cleanse.

2. Final decision

At first, the entities act as allies and helpers, offering protection to humans. For example, timidity and lack of self-confidence are often attracted and hidden behind cynicism, swagger, and rudeness. So teenagers, in a panicky fear of being sexually incompetent, pretend that they are knowledgeable, skillful, behave cheekily, and make cynical jokes.

The essence of power really helps its bearer to break into power structures; it makes one fear its owner, since it deals invisible astral blows to the dissatisfied. These blows are very destructive, they affect the subtle bodies and health of people, and can even lead to death. The subconscious of those around them, punished in this way for disobedience, begins to reflexively fear the bearer of the essence, shun him and yield to him.

However, a person, “saddled” with the essence, subtly changes. His openness, kindness and warmth disappear, he becomes unbearable for those around him, he loses the ability to love and be loved, and this is the essence of human happiness.

Entities are by no means harmless to their host for other reasons. Their hidden goal is to strengthen the slightest negative character traits in order to destroy a person’s personality and his life, to cause as much suffering as possible around the person and in himself. The energy of suffering - "gawwah" - is the substance on which they feed.

If the entities do not meet resistance, they gradually take possession of their host, and turn from an ally into its master. A person loses himself, his personality and Soul, independence of thinking, turning into a “shell” for the essence.

When working with astral “allies,” the moment of decision making is very important. You need to make sure that you really decide and are completely ready to let go of this ally, that his help brings you harm, and his benefit is ephemeral. If the essence bearer still doubts whether he can live without his “ally,” then the healing process will not be effective.

3. Clues

Now it is necessary to determine why the negative entity came, what internal vibration it is in tune with. This vibration, a negative character trait, a complex or resentment is the “hook”, the “hook” on which the essence is attached to the subtle plane of a person. If these clinging problems are resolved, figuratively speaking, the hooks are unbent, then the entity will no longer have anything to hold on to.

However, the essences of the lower astral are not attracted to everyone. There are people who are practically free from such “neighborhood” - these are loving, open, honest people, those who can be called kind people. These people have one thing in common - they have absolutely no vibration of hatred towards anyone.

The central, original reason that attracts negative entities is the vibration of hatred, if it is present in a person’s character even to the slightest extent.
Hatred is noticeable when it manifests itself clearly, as rejection, anger, rage and anger, hysteria. However, there are also blurred, hidden forms of it: irritation, coldness, indifference, heartlessness.

Barely noticeable but constant irritation is the most dangerous form of manifestation of hatred, because... she is practically unrecognizable. But at the same time, a person actively attracts the essences of the lower astral.

Hatred creates the very hooks on which entities cling. For example, self-hatred for some long-standing failures creates a feeling of self-doubt, which attracts the essence of self-criticism, guilt, and self-punishment.

Hatred of people gives rise to distrust of them, and this is a hook for suspicion and jealousy.
The original hatred of God, hidden in karma, gives rise to distrust of the Universe, uncertainty in one’s security, in the future. It attracts the desire to protect oneself, to insure oneself, to assert oneself, to seize as many benefits as possible. This is the breeding ground for the entities of greed, lust for power, arrogance, etc.

Hatred of God, when a person hates Love, causes a desire to humiliate it, trample it into the dirt, prove that it does not exist. This is fertile ground for all kinds of sexual permissiveness, recklessness, debauchery, deviations and perversions.

Hatred of Life as such gives rise to distrust of life and unwillingness to live, and this is the basis for the essence of suicide. For others, hatred of life attracts the essence of cruelty, sadism, and the spirit of murder.

4. Resentment is the root of hatred

Hatred itself always arises in response to some initial offense. This may be a resentment towards a specific person who did not behave as expected. This may be resentment that the situation is not turning out the way we would like. Essentially, this is an offense against fate, against life, against God. Sometimes a person is offended by himself for making the wrong decision or failing to cope with the situation.

If you try to understand more deeply what really happened, to understand the situation, then you can forgive your offenders by understanding the true motives of their actions. Indeed, in most cases, people offend each other not intentionally, but out of awkwardness or thoughtlessness. Understanding and forgiveness heal grievances against people.

Resentment can serve as a lesson in which a person learns from his mistakes and becomes wiser. Perceiving himself as a student of Life, a person learns to respect himself without humiliating himself with guilt and self-criticism.

If a person always does the best he can at every moment of his life, he will not make any more mistakes. Self-resentment can be healed by study and self-improvement.

Resentment against God arises from the fact that a person cannot know the underlying causes of events and their long-term, delayed consequences. From a human perspective, some events may appear cruel and unfair. However, nothing happens by chance; everything has underlying karmic reasons.

When we lose loved ones or find ourselves in a tragic situation, we always at the level of Souls, even before our birth, agreed on this in advance. It was an agreement with God - the most loving and wise Beginning, therefore all decisions were correct. They included concern for the good of the Soul, other people and all humanity. This means that even the most difficult and sad events, the greatest difficulties, are needed by people in order to learn and become more perfect.

The time will come when people will become so developed that they will be able to understand the reasons for all the situations that have occurred in every life they have lived and understand their wisdom and necessity. Already now many tools have come to people that help heal their past grievances and untie karmic knots. We recommend using the meditations from the book “Living Without Fear” to return to those first situations when the feeling of resentment arose. There are texts of meditations that will allow you to dive into the past to find the origins of today's problems, including in past lives.

If a person does not yet understand the meaning of all negative events, but believes in the rationality of the world, this will help him not to be offended by fate and people even in the most difficult situations.
So, each person has a choice - to try to heal their offense through forgiveness or trust, or to continue to be offended. Resentment is pain, internal tension. If this pain is not healed, hatred arises towards the one who caused this pain. And hatred attracts astral entities who are always ready to “help” - to punish the offender, to take revenge on him. Revenge and punishment do not heal either mental or physical pain. But they balance it out, compensating for it with satisfaction and sometimes even gloating.

We see that “allies” are attracted from the lower astral when a person does not heal his offense, but only tries to protect himself from offense and pain.

5. Alternative

If an “ally” has been providing protection for many years, then the subconscious will not part with him unless he is offered other, alternative options that would help relieve tension. For example, emotional vulnerability is often covered up by callousness. If a person wants to let go of his callousness in order to become soft, open, and sympathetic again, then his spiritual body will remain naked, defenseless next to tactless, insensitive people.

The ally will not leave because the subconscious will not let him go. It will not want to expose itself again to blows and injuries from people. The situation seems hopeless, but in fact there are always ways out. The first thing you need to do is understand the nature of your vulnerability. Often this is the inability to say “no” to a person, to express the truth about how we feel next to him.

The young man P. cannot refuse anything to his mother, who has already begun to shamelessly use his time and services. He is truly a good son and respects his mother, but, for fear of offending her, he could never tell her that with her trifling requests she was disrupting his plans and distracting him from important matters.
Trying to prevent the same “user” attitude towards himself on the part of his beloved girlfriend, he sometimes treats her inappropriately harshly, which hurts her painfully. Thus, with callousness, he tries to protect himself from being used by women, but this blow hits an innocent person.

The prospects for living together for these young people are doubtful. If a girl tolerates P.’s callousness, then, most likely, she will grow him into a tyrant. If she can’t stand it, then their union will go wrong.

The inadequacy of P.'s reaction is a sign of an astral entity that has already settled in the aura of this young man. If it is not removed, then, most likely, his family life will be destroyed, and possible happiness will not take place.

The situation is alarming and threatens suffering and great losses for all involved. And its reason is the presence of an already uncontrollable entity and the underlying unconscious complex that P. has developed in relation to his mother. Apparently, it arose in early childhood, and now it prevents P. from speaking frankly with his mother. An open conversation would help break down her stereotypes and instill in her the respect for her son, since he truly deserves it.

Work with the unconscious can be effectively done using depth psychology, and it will not take much time. Having gotten rid of the complex, P. will remove the reason, the “hook”, which creates the need to be callous. The entity will leave, and then P. will no longer have to defend herself from all other women with the help of the astral “ally” and its wounding demonic power.

At the same time, P. will learn another way to protect himself from people who behave disrespectfully. This is sincerity, openness, this is the ability to tell the truth. The truth and the word “no,” spoken with love for oneself and the interlocutor, with God in the Soul, have a completely different effect than the same truth spoken in a state of anger and callousness. This truth never hurts, it does not cause pain or resentment, but it teaches, enlightens, opens your eyes. It makes relationships respectful and removes tension between people.

This will save P. from losses and deep disappointment, which could distort both his future life and the life of his chosen one.

In essence, “allies” point us to those problems, blocks and complexes that burden the personality. Having solved these problems, a person will cope with two tasks at once: get rid of the astral “ally”, and at the same time become psychologically healthier.

6. Asking for help

Astral entities often leave when their roots are cut, and sometimes it is enough to do only the first stages of work to get rid of the aggravating quality. But some of the entities are very deeply rooted and do not go away easily.
Higher Light Beings can cope with them. When we worked with Lyubina's envy, I introduced her to Jesus Christ.

I tried to convey to Lyuba the respect and love that I myself feel for Jesus - this great man and Spirit. I saw how vividly she listened to me, and how interest and a sincere warm feeling appeared in her eyes. A thread of love and trust formed between them.

Now Lyuba could turn to Christ for help, because messages from the Spirit reach only in the flow of love. I think that prayers help people so little because they turn to God not out of love, but out of fear or out of obligation.

I taught Lyuba to ask Christ to remove nasty feelings and thoughts from her Soul, and since the child asks sincerely and artlessly, healing happened very quickly. The experience of this work is described in the chapter “Getting rid of allies.”

Astral entities attach themselves to painful character traits regardless of what religion a person belongs to. Naturally, it is better to turn to the Higher Light Beings for help within the framework of your faith.

However, there are other Light Beings who can be called non-denominational. The World of Light is limitless and full of life, and there are Beings in it who are close to concerns about the future of all humanity, our entire planet. They work with human karma, with the fate of the Earth, with the probabilities of its development. Kryon, which we talked about earlier, deals with the physics of the Earth, harmonizing its magnetic field. And he brings us new knowledge about how the Universe works, about man’s place in it.

We are writing this book in channeled contact with the Supreme Light Being named Adele, and he is also outside of religious denominations, but he is a Divine Being. He helps me and my students a lot if they turn to him.

Another name is known, this is the founder of the art of Reiki, Mikao Usui. During his life, he was a man, and now his Spirit connects people with the source of healing power, Reiki energy.

There are other beings who can help a person in his purification and spiritual growth.
Is it possible to be cleansed of entities just by asking the Higher Powers? Yes, this is how prayers work if they are said sincerely. However, if a person does not consider it necessary to change his character and habitual ways of behavior, then the entities are attracted again. Imagine that you are cleaning your apartment from cockroaches. You can wash the house and kill all the insects, and this will help. However, if you do not seal all the cracks and holes leading to public risers, the cockroach invasion will continue.

7. Overcoming pathological habits

This is the consolidating stage of getting rid of negative astral beings. The “ally” who left due to the previous stages may return again if the person does not get rid of the already developed habitual behavioral reactions. This is especially true for older people whose thinking is difficult to restructure or those who are embarrassed to restructure for fear of falling out of the company they are accustomed to.

Habits such as condemnation, slander and gossip (discussion in the absence of a person), gloating, disrespectful or arrogant tone, interference in other people's affairs, lecturing, the habit of lying - not telling, embellishing - this is fertile ground for all sorts of negative entities to which they flock again and again.

You need to recognize this habit and stop yourself the next time it comes back. Sometimes stopping a few times is enough for the bad habit to go away forever. Now the negative astral entity will no longer have the opportunity to return.

8. Change your environment

The people we interact with every day are also carriers of entities; they are not perfect either. If we join them, support their point of view, we open a door between us through which we exchange energies and information.

Your social circle may change as a result. Do not regret about it. Like attracts like, dirty attracts dirt, clean attracts cleanliness. Together with those who, just like you, strive for perfection, you will become twice as strong and you will feel protected.