What is anti-Semitism definition. Who are anti-Semites. Voltaire's anti-Jewish rhetoric is formally reduced mainly to criticism of the Old Testament, but over and over again takes on a pronounced racist character and has a much deeper meaning than

- (Greek). Anti-Jewish. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ANTI-SEMITE is the enemy of the Jews, the opponent of Judaism. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Jew-hater, Jew-eater, Jew-eater; condom, gum, condom Dictionary of Russian synonyms. anti-Semite anti-Semite; zhidomor (simple) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Synonym dictionary

anti-Semite- ANTISEMITE, outdated. Judeophobe ANTISEMITISM, obsolete. Judeophobia ANTISEMITE, obsolete. anti-Semite … Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

ANTISEMITE, anti-Semite, husband. A person whose public behavior is characterized by anti-Semitism; anti-Semite. see anti... and Semite. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

anti-Semite- ANTISEMITE, a, m. Condom. Shuttle. Repartition. "anti" + "seed" ... Dictionary of Russian Argo

anti-Semite- a m. antisemite m. A follower of anti-Semitism. ALS 2. And immediately, when they dispersed, almost in the presence of this student, in one group of nationalists, scoffing about the Jerusalem nobles arose, with such a hint that he listened, ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

ANTISEMITE- (SEMIT) now obsolete concepts relevant for the Soviet era. Then a Semite was called someone who managed to buy vodka before seven in the evening, and an anti-Semite was an unfortunate person who failed to acquire precious moisture after seven in the evening ... Large semi-explained dictionary of the Odessa language

anti-Semite- ANTISEMITE1, a, m A person who is a follower of anti-Semitism, one of the forms of national and religious intolerance, manifested in a hostile attitude towards Jews. However, one of the new acquaintances warned Losev: There is one anti-Semite here ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

Enemy of the Jews, opponent of Judaism, hostile to the idiosyncrasies, aspirations, and prominence of Semitism... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • Red Dozen. The collapse of the USSR: they were against, Dodolev Evgeny Yurievich. The book is based on a series of exclusive interviews with newsmakers from 1991. Colonel Victor Alksnis, ...
  • Red Dozen. The collapse of the USSR. They were against, Dodolev E. The book is based on a series of exclusive interviews with newsmakers in 1991. Colonel Victor Alksnis, ...

a form of national and religious prejudice and intolerance, a hostile attitude towards Jews (the term "anti-Semitism" appeared in the 1870s and 80s). In the course of history, anti-Semitism has taken various forms - from deliberately false accusations and all kinds of discrimination to mass deportations, bloody pogroms and genocide. extreme form acquired in the policy of German fascism.

Great Definition

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from lat. anti - against the name of the biblical forefather Sim, from whom, according to legend, a number of peoples of the Middle East, including Jews, descended) - one of the forms of national and religious intolerance, a hostile attitude towards Jews.

The term "anti-Semitism" appeared in the 1870s and 80s, but the phenomenon itself is as old as it is. Jewish people. At different times and in different societies, anti-Semitism took various forms - from blaming Jews for all troubles and domestic discrimination to mass deportations, bloody pogroms and genocide. It acquired an extreme form in the policy of German National Socialism, which was expressed in the so-called. Holocaust (total extermination and expulsion of Jews).

Anti-Semitism is an ancient phenomenon that goes beyond the usual intolerance that often occurs between peoples, and it is impossible to try to understand its causes apart from understanding the history of the Jews, rich in dramatic events, numbering more than one thousand years. The fact is really exceptional: a people that has long lost its statehood and expelled from its habitats, scattered all over the world, repeatedly subjected to genocide, nevertheless managed for many centuries to maintain its religion, customs, psychology, sharply distinguishing it from other peoples, and enter the 21st century. a multi-million united community that continues to have a major impact on humanity in all spheres of life.

Representatives of this ancient people occupy leading positions in the global economy, largely control not only financial, but also information flows, determine to a large extent the foreign and domestic policies of the developed countries of the world, form world public opinion through the means mass media, which are under their control. Many tried to explain this phenomenon - both the Jews themselves, and those who sympathized with them, and those who hated them.

“From the fact,” notes the Jewish writer B. Lazar in his book Anti-Semitism, “that the enemies of the Jews belonged to the most diverse tribes, that they lived in countries very distant from each other, that they obeyed different laws and were governed by opposite principles, that they had neither the same morals nor the same customs, that they were driven by different psychologies from each other, which did not allow them to judge everything in the same way - the conclusion follows that the common causes of anti-Semitism have always been rooted in Israel itself, and not in those who fought him."

Indeed, in world philosophical, historical, sociological thought, the "Jewish question" has never been removed from the agenda. One of the earliest and simplest explanations for the nature of anti-Semitism is to point to specific religious grounds. According to the Torah, the holy book of the ancient Jewish religion, the only God, Yahweh, the creator of the whole world (and, consequently, of all other gods worshiped by other peoples), directly concluded an agreement with the forefather of all Jews, Abraham (by the way, the Jews are only one of the 12 tribes that survived and most numerous). Thus, the Jews were declared the only one in the world God's chosen people with a monotheistic religion, as this people was repeatedly reminded by its prophets.

After the so-called. "Babylonian captivity", when special conditions forced the Jews to maintain their identity, the Roman conquest, destruction Jerusalem Temple awareness of their own exclusivity has become even more acute. All other peoples, as the Talmud (the book of interpretations of the Torah) later explained, are lower, and therefore, in relation to them, what is forbidden in relation to the Jews (deceit, money on interest, etc.) is allowed.

In contrast to this, ancient thinkers give negative assessments of the Jews. These estimates can be found in Diodorus, Seneca, Tacitus. In principle, even then, long before the emergence of Christianity and before the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus in 70 AD, a negative attitude towards the Jews was universal. “Contempt for the Jews,” writes the Jewish historian S. Lurie, “has become so commonplace that the name Jew has finally acquired a nominal meaning in the sense of everything dirty, ugly. So, Cleomedes, scolding Epicurus for his nasty style, says: “His tongue is taken from the very thick of the synanogi and the beggars crowding around it: there is something flat in it ... crawling along the ground like a reptile ...” Another similar evidence we find in Marcellinus . He says: “When the emperor Marcus Aurelius passed through Palestine, he was often disgusted by the stinking and fussy Jews he met.” ("Antisemitism in the Ancient World", 1922).

The emergence of Christianity and the events described in the New Testament only exacerbated the problem. As you know, the Jewish elite rejected Christ, not recognizing him as the Savior, intrigued against him and achieved crucifixion on the cross. Furthermore, popular assembly removed the responsibility for the execution from the Roman governor and declared that the blood of Christ "is on us and on our children." This led to the fact that over the course of 2000 years of European history, from time to time, the Jews were subjected to oppression and persecution.

Many large European thinkers in their writings spoke from the standpoint of anti-Semitism. M. Luther was, in particular, convinced that “the sun has never yet illuminated a more bloodthirsty and vengeful people, who imagine themselves to be the people of God because they must kill and strangle the Gentiles” (“On the Jews and Their Lies”, 1542). According to D. Bruno, Jews are “a people always base, servile, dishonorable, isolated, closed, avoiding relations with other peoples, whom it persecutes with brutal contempt, thus incurring completely deserved contempt on their part” (Quoted by: Schwartz N "In every generation rise up against us to destroy us", 2007).

Among those who did not like the Jews for their greed, promiscuity in enrichment, arrogant attitude towards other nations, through which the Jews made their fortunes, from the height of their “chosenness”, were Voltaire and I. Kant, I. Goethe and F Schiller, L. Feuerbach and A. Schopenhauer, T. Carlyle and R. Wagner, V. Hugo and E. Zola.

Hostility towards Jews resulted in pogroms, and often determined the national policy of a number of countries. So, Jews were repeatedly evicted from France, Spain, Germany. Meanwhile, in the USA, Great Britain, the Netherlands, in Eastern Europe (above all, in Poland), Jews met with a completely tolerant attitude. True, being managers of the Lithuanian and Polish feudal lords, they aroused class hatred among the Belarusian and Ukrainian peasants, thanks to which there until the 20th century. riots also broke out.

When, as a result of the partition of Poland in 1772, 1793 and 1795. Right-Bank Ukraine, where a large number of Jews lived compactly (by the middle of the 19th century, there were at least 3 million of them), turned out to be part of the Russian Empire, for a country where until the 18th century. Jews were not allowed to live, the question of attitude towards Jewry ceased to be purely theoretical.

F. Dostoevsky devoted many pages to this problem in his famous “Diary of a Writer”, stating: “The reason for the preservation of Jewish identity is “status in statu” (a state within a state), whose spirit breathes precisely this ruthlessness towards everything that is not a Jew, this disrespect for every people and tribe and for every human being who is not a Jew." A. Nilus, V. Rozanov, I. Kronstadtsky spoke in much sharper terms.

The very fact that the greatest thinkers different countries, who lived in different eras, were so unanimous in their assessment of Jewry, does not allow us to dismiss anti-Semitism as views inherent only to the Black Hundreds, Nazis, skinheads. However, theological disagreements are one thing, and practical everyday anti-Semitism is another, and not on the part of the “Dostoevsky”, but on the part of representatives of the mob, as a rule, much less educated than the Jews.

The issue escalated with the release of the so-called. "Protocols Elders of Zion”, a fake that tells about the plans of world domination allegedly implemented by the Jews. In a short time, the protocols flew around Europe. They were followed by rumors about kidnapped Christian babies, whose blood Jews use in sacrifices. The "Beilis case" added fuel to the fire.

Right-wing conservative newspapers drew analogies: “Look, all financial power belongs to the Jew Rothschild, the entire intellectual elite bowed to the Jewish anarchist Marx, who destroys the age-old foundations of society and the state, others bowed to the Jew Freud, who destroys morality and sows debauchery, science is destroyed by the Jew Einstein with his strange theories relativity, and all this is propagated by the Jewish-owned press.”

When first the bourgeois and then the socialist revolution won in Russia, supported by the Jews (the top of the Bolshevik party did include a large number of Jews), whom the autocracy forced to live in the Pale of Settlement, for the whole of Europe it began to look like the destruction of the whole country by the Jews, the rest of Europe are next in line. countries.

Anti-Semitism, Judeophobia became the basis for the emerging fascism and National Socialism in Germany, Italy and Spain. Violent anti-Jewish propaganda led to the genocide of Jews during World War II (see Holocaust).

A little earlier, in the 19th century, Zionism arose in Jewish circles, a doctrine requiring the creation of a state for the Jews, following the example of other peoples, precisely in Palestine. Zionists claimed that anti-Semitism throughout centuries of history Jewry served the latter well: in the conditions of indifference of those around to this people, such a powerful mobilization resource as the psychology of fighters, surrounded on all sides by ruthless enemies, would disappear.

It is not surprising that the Jews themselves cultivated anti-Semitism to consolidate the nation, and the Zionists led by T. Herzl took advantage of the surge of anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe to organize the mass resettlement of Jews in Palestine.

After the Second World War, in recognition of the great sacrifices of the Jewish people and the prevention of anti-Semitism in the future, with the support of the USSR, Great Britain and the United States, the Jewish state of Israel was created. This did not please the Arab countries. Israel, in turn, began to pursue an aggressive foreign policy. For half a century, there have been several Arab-Israeli wars and conflicts. The Middle East remains today the hottest spot on the planet, and anti-Semitism is mainly the lot of the Arabs.

In Europe and the United States, anti-Semitism was considered a phenomenon characteristic of nations with a heightened sense of inferiority. The elite of these countries formulated their attitude towards the Jews through the words of W. Churchill: “Anti-Semitism in England is impossible, since not a single true Briton will ever agree to consider himself lower than a Jew and will never believe that the Jews “rule” him.

The "Jewish question" has long gone beyond the plane of the struggle of religions. Since many states, primarily the United States, are systematically engaged in "pumping brains", they encourage the presence of Jews in their countries.

The merits of this people to world culture are generally recognized. The Jews enriched not so much themselves as the whole world, the national cultures of different countries with a huge number of scientists, engineers, writers, musicians, and public figures.

Great Definition

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On December 13, 1742, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna issued a decree on the expulsion of the Jews. It was one of the first anti-Semitic campaigns in Russia, but by no means the first and not the last in world history. Our article is devoted to the reasons for this phenomenon.

Eternal Outcasts

Anti-Semitism found supporters in different societies and at different times, starting from ancient egypt. The first known non-Jewish source to mention the people of Israel is a stele of Pharaoh Merneptah dating from 1220 BC. e. It says: "Israel is destroyed." The Assyrians, the Persians, and the ancient Romans were Judeophobes.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, Jews were sooner or later expelled from almost every country where they lived: from England in 1290, from France in 1306 and 1394, from Hungary between 1349 and 1360, from Austria in 1421, from the German principalities throughout the 15th and 16th centuries, from Spain in 1497, from Bohemia and Moravia in 1745. From the 15th century to 1772, Jews were not allowed into Russia, and when they were nevertheless accepted, they were allowed to live only beyond the Pale of Settlement. There have even been attempts to eradicate Jewish population in one or another territory (for example, in Nazi Germany or in Ukraine during the time of Bogdan Khmelnitsky). From 1948 to 1967, almost all the Jews of Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Yemen, although they were not officially expelled, left these countries, fearing for their lives. What is the reason for such an ancient and exclusive rejection of the Jewish ethnos?

Judaism as a worldview

According to the American historian Denis Prager, “Anti-Semites oppose the Jews not so much because the Jews are rich, but at all times the poor Jews were hated no less; not because they are strong - weak Jews have always been the prey of anti-Semitic bandits; not because they are characterized by repulsive behavior - anti-Semites never spared the amiable Jews either; and not because the ruling classes under capitalism directed the grievances of the working people against the Jews - pre-capitalist and modern non-capitalist societies were significantly more anti-Semitic than capitalist ones.

The fundamental cause of anti-Semitism is what made Jews Jews, namely Judaism.” Judaism is not just a religion, it is a holistic picture of the world, often alien to the picture of the world of those peoples among which existed and still exist. Jewish communities. Judaism does not lend itself to assimilation and openly separates itself from the traditions of the surrounding ethnic groups, turning the Jews into perpetual outsiders who, at best, should be treated with suspicion.

Not honoring the emperor

In the ancient world, the Jews were the only people professing monotheism. But it's still half the trouble. While the pagan peoples (Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, etc.) were distinguished by religious tolerance and even “exchanged” deities, the Jews considered their God to be the only one in the universe, and the gods of their neighbors were held as dead idols. Such an attitude irritated especially those peoples who had a tradition of deifying their rulers. First of all, this concerns ancient rome. It was no longer a religious, but a state problem: the Jews were turning into a "fifth column", a potentially unreliable element, inspiring doubts about political loyalty. And if we consider that the Jews several times raised bloody uprisings against the Romans, then we can understand why they were not favored in the empire.

Crucified Christ

Because of their adherence to monotheism, the Jews spoiled relations with the followers of Christ, refusing to recognize God in Jesus, which was perceived by the latter as a betrayal. In the wake of this confrontation, the sons of Israel entered the era of the Middle Ages, turning into outcasts Christendom(There was talk that the Jews crucified the Lord, that they drink the blood of Christian babies on Easter, spread the plague and poison wells).

But even in these conditions, the Jews continued to emphasize their self. The fact is that the Torah forbids Jews to hide their faith, on the contrary, according to its instructions, the faithful son of Israel must publicly emphasize that he is a Jew. Therefore, the Jews had to openly behave differently from their non-ethnic environment: observe Shabbat, eat differently and dress differently. In addition, unlike the New Testament, Jewish law did not prohibit usury, a low and despicable trade in the eyes of Christians. All this could not but bring on the Jews hostile feelings from the neighbors (it is significant that if a Jew accepted Christianity, hostility towards him faded).

Wishing for world domination

An additional irritating factor was the belief of the Jews in their God-chosenness. And although the Jews interpret their chosenness solely as a sermon in the world of the Old Testament faith and morality, anti-Semites at all times have tried to present the matter as if the Jews claim innate national superiority and, on this basis, strive to occupy a dominant position in society. These ideas were especially widespread in modern times. They do not lose popularity in modern society. Indeed, among successful entrepreneurs and politicians, Jews make up a significant percentage (about 30%). And in general, the level of well-being of Jewish families is often higher than that of their non-Jewish neighbors.

The reason here again lies in Jewish traditions. Judaism has always considered learning a religious duty for all its followers. “It is the duty of every Jew,” wrote the medieval lawyer Moses Maimonides, “to study the Torah, whether he is poor or rich, in good or weak health, full of youthful strength, or old and weak.” Literacy should have been understood not only by men, but also by women. This tradition, dating back to ancient times, has made itself felt in modern society, where knowledge has become the main value. “The Jewish passion for learning,” writes Denis Prager, “helps explain why the Jews have the highest median income of all ethnic groups, which is 72% higher than the national (American) average and 40% more than the Japanese, who are in second place. ". Of course, anti-Semites interpret this as confirmation of their fears about the Jewish claims to world domination.

Payment for uniqueness

As sociological surveys show, even in such a tolerant country as the United States, 60% of respondents attributed their adherence to the idea of ​​God's chosen people to the “latently negative” qualities of Jews. “This is 5 times more,” writes Denis Prager, “than those who believe that “the Jews have seized too much power”, 3 times more than those who believe that “Jews are trying to get through where they do not want to see” , and 2 times more than those who are convinced that "Jews do not care about anyone but themselves."

In Russia, these figures are many times higher, as well as in Central Europe in general. In many ways, these are echoes of the totalitarian regimes that the 20th century was rich in. Such regimes inevitably turn out to be anti-Semitic. The goal of the dictator is to have complete control over the lives of his citizens, and therefore the regime cannot tolerate uncontrolled manifestations of religiosity or national identity, characteristic of Judaism. Jews are accused of cunning, deceit, love of money and lack of principle - all this supposedly helps them to make their own capital. “Probably a Jew,” is often said behind the backs of those who have achieved great success in life, whether they are actually Jews or not.

Nevertheless, in our time, anti-Semitism is gradually on the decline: the progress of globalization with its ethnic tolerance is affecting. But this decline is unlikely to be rapid. Anti-Semitism in one form or another will be alive as long as Jewish culture exists. This is the retribution of the Jews for their uniqueness: after all, the Jews are the only ethnic group that still remembers the Egyptian pharaohs, who survived to our time, retaining all their traditions and the usual picture of the world (the Chinese, however, also trace their history from ancient times, but there is a special conversation about them ). In this sense, the Jews are, indeed, a chosen people, patiently suffering for their loyalty to their culture, which often challenges the cultures of neighboring ethnic groups, giving rise to the latter in relation to the Jews a sense of misunderstanding and a hidden threat.

Photo: Webscribe (CC-BY-SA),Aleksandar Todorovic/Shutterstock.com, Gubin Yury/Shutterstock.com, Shutterstock (x5)

Anatoly Glazunov

Russians who
use words
"anti-Semitism" and "anti-Semites" are Russians spoiled by Jews

“We are not anti-Semites. Many of
we are well treated
Palestinians and other Semites.
We are the enemies of Jewish fascism!”

For a hundred years of their domination (in the bodies of zombies!) over the Russian people, the Jews have programmed millions of Russian people to use the words: "anti-Semitism" and "anti-Semites." And they programmed to use these words only in the Jewish interpretation. Previously, these words were not in the Russian language. What do these words mean in the interpretation of the Jews? unanimous opinion not even among the Jews themselves. The Jews agree only that "anti-Semitism" is a "negative attitude towards the Jews." The Concise Jewish Encyclopedia, highly respected among the Jews, explains that "anti-Semitism" is "dislike for Jews." But most Jewish dictionaries indicate that "anti-Semitism" is "a hostile attitude towards Jews." And millions of Russian people, zombified since childhood by the Jews, confidently believed and continue to believe that “anti-Semitism is a mental and spiritual disease, a great vice. And these anti-Semites are inferior, flawed people, obscurantists, Black Hundreds, fascists, whom a cultured person should shun in every possible way.
One stupid zombie asked me: “Are you an anti-Semite?” I say: “What kind of anti-Semite am I when I have a “calm” attitude towards the Arabs, and even with sympathy for the Palestinians who are fighting the Jews. After all, the Arabs, and the Palestinians in particular, are also Semites. After all, the Jews make up a very small number of percent of the Semitic population of the planet. And are the Palestinian Semites who are fighting against the Jewish occupation in Palestine also anti-Semites?” The stupid zombie (by the way, a candidate of philological sciences) did not even think, she was just annoyed.

Let's take a closer look at the terms "anti-Semitism" and "anti-Semites". "Anti" means "against". Anti-Semites are those who are against the Semites.
And who are the Semites? Where does the word "Semites" come from? The very name "Semites" is formed from the name of one of the sons biblical Noah- Sima. According to the Bible, many Semitic (Simitic) peoples were formed on Earth from this Shem. The sons of Israel (they are then the sons of Judah, they are also Jews, they are also Jews) are just one of the Semitic peoples. Moreover, it is small in number.
In philology, there has long been a concept - "a family of Semitic languages." This is a special family of related languages. The peoples who spoke and still speak Semitic languages ​​and were called Semitic peoples. These peoples lived and live in that part of Eurasia where Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Palestine and Saudi Arabia are now. These peoples also lived and live in North and East Africa. The ancient Jews used to make up only five percent of the Semitic peoples.
To the Semitic family of languages, scientists linguists include Akkadian and later - the Assyro-Babylonian language, also the Aramaic language, also the Phoenician and Hebrew languages, as well as the languages ​​of many other peoples of ancient Palestine. Linguists also refer to the Semitic languages ​​the language of the inhabitants of Carthage, the Ethiopian language and the Arabic language. Many Semitic languages ​​have become "dead languages", but many have survived. The Arabic and Amharic (“post-Ethiopian”) languages ​​have survived as living, and the remains of the Aramaic language have survived in Syria. The Hebrew language (Hebrew) has almost disappeared, most of the Jews began to speak Yiddish. This language belongs to the Germanic family of languages, although it had many words from Hebrew. Since 1948, after the restoration of the state of "Israel", the Jews began to restore and improve Hebrew, and Hebrew was adopted as the state language of this "temporary" state.
So, many Semitic peoples (Akkadians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, ancient Palestinians, etc.) disappeared forever. But some Semitic peoples survived. These are Arabs, “Arabized” Syrians and Berbers, most of the Ethiopians and Aisors, as well as Jews (who now call themselves Jews and Israelis).

What else should a Russian person know? The word "anti-Semites" was first put into use by the German publicist W. Marr. In 1880, he began publishing a "Free Anti-Semitic Journal" in Germany. It was a difficult time for the Germans. In Germany, the Jews were extremely strong at that time. And after the defeat in the war, we can say that the Jewish yoke was established in Germany. The Jews set themselves the task of turning "this country" into Jewish Germany. In response to this assertive Jewish expansion, hatred of the Jews intensified among the German people. Those Germans who were disgusted and humiliated to live "under a Jew" joined the struggle for the liberation of Germany from the Jews. German fascism led by Adolf Hitler went against Jewish fascism.
The words "anti-Semitism" and "anti-Semites" Marr, of course, attached a positive meaning. This word also had a positive meaning in the minds of all participants in the Anti-Jewish Resistance. “Every progressive German must be an anti-Semite. Anti-Semites are those Germans who undertook to put an end to the Jewish dominance in the authorities. Anti-Semites are those Germans who have entered the struggle for the liberation of Germany from the Jewish yoke.
At its core, Marr's magazine was an anti-Jewish magazine, not an anti-Semitic one. The introduction of the term "anti-Semites" instead of the terms "Jewophobes" and "anti-Jews" was not a wise thing to do. The term was quite bad. The impression was created that the magazine was against all Semitic peoples, against the entire Semitic race. But in reality the magazine was only anti-Jewish. Why did Marr need to introduce a new term? There is no clear answer. Was it not because of fear of the Jews that he did not dare to clearly name his publication - "Anti-Jewish Journal"? Or did he want to attract readers' attention with a new term?
Since that time, Jews in Germany have often been scolded with a new word - “Semites!”
Damned Semites! Get out of Germany!"

From Germany, the words "anti-Semitism" and "anti-Semites" flew to the Russian Empire. Who was the first to put these words into circulation in Russia? No answer. Probably one of those developed Russians who gave these words a positive meaning. After all, in Russia at that time there was also an offensive of the Jews against the Russian people. The Jews stubbornly moved towards seizing power in "this country". The tsars, the government, the church leadership and a considerable part of the intelligentsia actually betrayed the Russian people. They refused to raise the people to fight the Jews. Many even began to openly cooperate with the Jews and defend the Jews.
"Anti-Semites" in Russia, as well as in Germany, began to call themselves those who were humiliating and disgusted to live "under a Jew." Those who tried to resist the advance of the Jews. AT " encyclopedic dictionary”I. Pavlenko (4th revised edition, St. Petersburg, 1910, p. 122) explains: “Antisemitism is a socio-political movement directed against the Jews as an element, due to its racial, religious and everyday traditions, introducing decay into the national culture." This definition is good (after 1917, the Jews will already prohibit publishing even such dictionaries), but not enough. It should be more complete: "Antisemitism is a national movement against Jewish expansion, against the dominance of Jews in the press and government, a movement for liberation from the Jewish yoke." "Anti-Semitism is a movement against Jewish fascism!"
But the term was still unsuccessful, ridiculous, very inaccurate. There was no need for him. There were already words in the Russian language: Judeophobia and Judeophobia, anti-Jewishness and anti-Jewishists, Zhidobors, Zhidobortsy and Zhidofighters, Zhidona-haters, Zhidotreateli, etc. But I must say that all these words, especially “Judophobia” and “Judophobia”, “anti-Semitism” and “ anti-Semites" are generally not very usable. Let us imagine that during the war with the Germans, propagandists appeared who began to use the words "Germanophobia", "Germanophobes", "anti-Germanism", "anti-Germans" in the press. "Germanophobes stopped the advance of the Germans near Moscow!". "The anti-Germans defeated the Germans near Stalingrad!" Such propagandists had to be immediately thrown out of the newspapers and sent to penal companies "for idiocy."

Further, the fate of the terms "anti-Semitism" and "anti-Semites" was as follows. In Germany, where the Germans attacked the Jews successfully and quickly, these terms had a positive meaning. And so it would have continued, but the Arabs protested. “We, too, are Semites. Does Germany see Arabs as its enemies? Aren't many Arabs allies of Germany?" The German Foreign Ministry realized that it was wrong to proclaim “anti-Semitism” as the state policy of Germany. We realized that the terms "anti-Semitism" and "anti-Semites" are not very good terms, and they should be abandoned.
But now the fate of these terms began to be determined by the Jews and the Jews in all countries of the planet. The Jews clung to these terms and did not let them disappear. Moreover, these terms have become the favorite terms of Jewish propaganda. These terms, of course, were many times more pleasing to the Jewish ear, to the Jewish soul, than the old terms "Judophobia" and "Judophobia", "anti-Jewish", "anti-Jewish" and "Jude fighters". They did not have these unpleasant - "Yudo" and "Jew". And the Jews began to use all available forces to introduce these terms into the consciousness of all the peoples of the Earth. But, of course, these terms were given a “Jewish meaning”. The zombification of peoples was most successful in those countries where the influence of the Jews was strong, that is, in England, France, the USA and Canada. But the most successful was the zombification of the Russian people in Russia, where the Jews in 1917 won power. The entire press, literature, cinema and theater, as well as the entire education system in Russia, came under the control of Jewish fascists in Marxist-Leninist camouflage. As a result of the Jewish zombification, millions of Russian people began to believe that “anti-Semitism is a hostile attitude towards poor and good Jews. Inciting hatred towards the poor and good Jews. Anti-Semitism is a terrible mental and spiritual disease. And all cultured, normal people should always condemn and stigmatize anti-Semitism and defend the Jewish people.” Millions of Russian zombies began to consider it true that “anti-Semites are the enemies of the Jews and, consequently, the enemies of all progressive mankind. Anti-Semites are reactionaries, obscurantists, Black Hundreds, racists and fascists. Anti-Semites are dark and evil pathological creatures, from which every state, the whole Earth must be cleansed.
Even Stalin, although he did not like the Jews, was forced to obey the Jews. In one of the interviews with foreign Jews, to which he was forced, he said that "anti-Semitism is worse than cannibalism" (although here one can still see the irony of the Jews). In the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by Professor D. Ushakov, published in 1935 (and republished in 1947), it is clearly written on page 43: oppressors." And Russian zombies believed in this idiocy!
In the pre-war "Small Soviet Encyclopedia" (V. 1. P. 359), in an article by P. Fridland it is clearly written that "anti-Semitism is a common term for a hostile attitude towards Jews (but not towards Semites in general)". Anti-Semitism is a very bad thing. And it is stated that “the only political organization leading a consistent fight against anti-Semitism was the party of the working class. In subsequent years, the communist parties and the Comintern took a number of decisive measures to combat chauvinism and anti-Semitism.” And further: “The USSR is the only country in the world where the fight against anti-Semitism, as well as against any chauvinism (except for Jewish chauvinism, of course, I will add here) has become a task of government policy. The government of the USSR, however, not only persecutes anti-Semitic activity, it creates the conditions for its actual destruction. And further: anti-Semitism is "the historical legacy of a class society."

After 1991, when the Jews once again became monstrously stronger in power, they naturally intensified their fight against "anti-Semitism." They even tried to get the Duma to pass a law, and the president a decree on combating anti-Semitism. This did not work out, but the persecution of Russian people who oppose the Jewish expansion and against the privileged position of the Jews in Russia continues. The Zhidofascists, of course, continue tenaciously to keep under their control the production of Russian language dictionaries. In all dictionaries, the terms "anti-Semitism" and "anti-Semites" are given only a Jewish meaning. And the Jews still manage to maintain full control over dictionaries in Russia:
“An anti-Semite is a follower of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is one of the forms of national and religious hatred, expressed in a hostile attitude towards Jews ”(“ Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language ”S. A. Kuznetsova, St. Petersburg, 1998, p. 42).
“Antisemitism is a hostile attitude towards Jews” (Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language of the Late 20th Century. Compiled by G. N. Sklyarovskaya. St. Petersburg, 1998. P. 54).
“An anti-Semite is a follower, supporter of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is a hostile attitude towards Jews." (“The Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language. Language Changes at the End of the 20th Century.” Compiled by the same G. N. Sklyarovskaya. M., 2001. P. 28 - 29).
These and other modern dictionaries, although they do not say that "hostility towards the Jews" is bad, but it is implied. It is understood that any Russian action against the Jewish expansion and against the privileged position of the Jews in Russia is very bad. All dictionaries are guarding the interests of Jews and Jewish fascists. And in no explanatory dictionary, of course, there is a word about the reasons for the hostile attitude towards the Jews. And in no modern explanatory dictionary, of course, there is the word "Jewish fascism." This is the level of linguistics in Russia.

But is it possible to give a more objective definition of the terms "anti-Semitism" and "anti-Semites" in the explanatory dictionary? Of course.
“Anti-Semitism is a hostile attitude towards the Jews, caused by the desire of the Jews in many states to dominate the indigenous peoples. Anti-Semitism is a hostile attitude towards the Jews, caused by the desire of the Jews to become the commander, the ruler of the people on Earth. Anti-Semitism is the desire of many peoples of the planet to put an end to the Jewish expansion, to put an end to the dominance of the Jews in government and in the media. The desire to end the privileged position of the Jews and discrimination against indigenous peoples. Anti-Semitism is a hostile attitude towards Jewish fascism and the fight against it.”

"Anti-Semites" are the enemies of the Jewish fascists. Anti-Semites are those people who find it humiliating and disgusting to live under the rule of Jews, juvenile and obedient zombies. Anti-Semites are people who fight against Jewish expansion, against the dominance of Jews in government and in the media. Anti-Semites are people who fight against the privileged position of the Jews, against discrimination against indigenous peoples, for the equality of peoples, for the triumph of the principle of national proportional representation in government. Anti-Semites are those People who are fighting for the liberation of their country and their people from the Jewish yoke.
From the point of view of the interests of indigenous peoples (for example, the Russian people), anti-Semitism is a positive phenomenon, and anti-Semites are the best, heroic part of the people. From the point of view of the interests of the Jewish people, from the point of view of the Jewish fascists and zombies, anti-Semitism is a negative phenomenon. For the actions of anti-Semites, if successful, can deprive the Jews of a privileged position in many countries.

But the terms "anti-Semitism" and "anti-Semites" still cannot be considered successful. These terms (in the Jewish interpretation) are not accepted by most of the Arabs and other Semitic peoples. And these terms are kept in the minds of hundreds of millions of zombies only by the efforts of Jewish propaganda. But since these terms still exist in the minds and lexicon of hundreds of millions of people who became victims of the Jewish zombie, they should be included in modern explanatory dictionaries.

But the dictionaries should also contain an objective definition of these terms, and not just a one-sided Jewish interpretation. Dictionaries should take into account that the words "anti-Semitism" and "anti-Semites" are polysemantic words. Dictionaries should also include Russian interpretation» of these terms. The trend should also be defined in dictionaries: instead of the terms “anti-Semitism” and “anti-Semites”, the words “anti-Jewish” and anti-Jewish”, “anti-fascism” and “anti-fascists” are used more and more often in Russia, that is, fighters against Jewish fascism.
And if someone calls this book "anti-Semitic", then it will be either a deliberate slander of the Jews and Podzhidkov, or the usual stupidity of zombies.

We are not anti-Semites, we are enemies of Jewish fascism.

But, of course, we don't need to try to convince Jews, podzhidkov and zombies of this. This is idiocy. We must abandon the slavish habit of making excuses. And from the bad Russian habit of trying to convince our opponents with a word, After all, the Jews, waiters and zombies do not need the truth. Disgusting, false cries about "anti-Semitism" is their "eternal" propaganda weapon. They will scream about "anti-Semitism" until they disappear from the face of the earth.


Note. On December 9, 1999, an idiotic resolution was adopted at the UN (if we evaluate it from scientific point viewpoint: "anti-Semitism is a form of racism." This was another victory for the Jewish fascists, podzhidkov and zombies. True, "discrimination against Arabs, Muslims, negrophobia and xenophobia" was also condemned. But discrimination against Russians and other white peoples was not condemned. In the term "anti-Semitism" the Jewish interpretation of this term was now more firmly fixed. All that the Jews do not like is anti-Semitism! All who do not like the Jews, who do not act in the interests of the Jews, are anti-Semites! The Jews rejoiced.

Hostility towards Jews (anti-Semitism) has deep and ancient roots. Hatred of the Jews existed in a variety of societies: pagan, Christian, enlightened European, etc. It was caused by two key reasons: national and religious. The difference in nation and confession made the Jews outcasts in many countries and for many centuries. Anti-Semitism has become one of the driving forces behind the most terrible tragedy in human history - the Second World War.


The phenomenon of anti-Semitism arose in the era of Antiquity among the pagans of the Middle East. The Jews were especially disliked in Egypt. The rulers of the thoughts of this country (wise men, rulers, priests) accused their neighbors of various intrigues. The origins of anti-Semitism must be sought in religious, political and economic causes.

One of the first ideologists of anti-Semitism, whose name has been preserved in history, was the Egyptian priest Manetho. He lived in the 3rd century BC. e., under King Ptolemy II. Popular with the crowd, Manetho called the Jews unclean and accused them of plundering temples. His followers spread the legend that the Palestinian people worshiped a donkey's head made of gold.

It was then, in ancient times, that the first prejudices about the Jews appeared. People needed an enemy who could be blamed for all their troubles. It turned out to be even more convenient to blaspheme the whole people. Since it is impossible to get rid of the whole nation, then the image of the invisible enemy will not go anywhere. At its early stage, the history of anti-Semitism already knew the first Jewish pogroms. They took place in large Egyptian cities (for example, in Alexandria).


When Palestine was annexed to the Roman Empire, the Jews had to get used to the new conditions of life. An important event for the evolution of anti-Semitism was the emergence of Christianity. In the first centuries of our era, the Romans generally had difficulty distinguishing the Jews from the followers of Jesus of Nazareth. For the empire, the religious views of both these groups were equated with equally heretical.

Gradually, Christianity gained more and more popularity, and the followers of this doctrine appeared in all the provinces of the Roman state. Against this background, the imperial policy of anti-Semitism began to weaken. The main threat of the former Roman order was transformed into Christianity. The Jews were left alone.

As for the early Christians themselves, their relations with the Jews also took on a hostile character. Followers new religion considered the Jews to be guilty of the executions of some of the first martyrs, the imprisonment of the apostles John and Peter, etc. Both groups did not disdain denunciations to the Romans against each other. At the same time, Christians have always considered the Jewish Old Testament a sacred book for themselves and included it in their own Bible. Some of Jesus' disciples believed that it was the Jews who were to blame for the execution of the central figure of their religion.

The gulf between the two faiths became even wider after the Jewish War in 66-70, during which the Romans destroyed Jerusalem. On the eve of the siege, the Christians left the holy city. The Jews considered this demarche a betrayal. AT ancient world anti-Semitism was rooted in religious prejudice. For example, the Christians considered that the sack of Jerusalem by the Romans was a symbol of the fact that it was their teaching that was true, while the Jews brought the holy city to outright destruction. The anti-Semitic agenda was also supported by the then leaders of the church. Criticism of the Jews is contained in almost all early theological writings (the Epistle of Barnabas, the Sermon on Easter, the works of Ambrose of Milan and John Chrysostom).

Jews and Christians

In the 4th century, under Emperor Constantine the Great, the Roman Empire officially recognized Christianity as its official religion. In a state that completely surrounded the Mediterranean Sea with its possessions, the destruction of pagan idols and temples began. Other monotheistic religions, including Judaism, also got it. Jewish anti-Semitism was emphasized by Constantine himself. In 325, during the most important for his contemporaries First Council of Nicaea, the emperor directly called the Jewish people "hated". In his speech, Constantine formulated the principle that Christians later used for many centuries. It consisted in the fact that the faithful accepted the true path from Christ, while the Jews were faithful to false and erroneous traditions.

This is how anti-Semitism developed. What is religion for a person of Antiquity and the Middle Ages: this is the most important part of life, and any dispute in this sensitive topic could easily turn into a centuries-old enmity. The Jews were accused of rejecting Christ as a teacher. More worldly claims followed. Jews began to be considered poisoners of wells, ritual murderers of children, etc.

Christians treated badly any other religion, especially if it was pagan. However, it was Judaism that survived the test of time and has survived from ancient times to the present day unchanged. All this time, visitors to synagogues coexisted with parishioners of churches. Any conflict between them was superimposed on previous claims. A whole ball of hatred grew, which with each generation was considered an increasingly normal order of things.

Middle Ages

Since the 4th century, anti-Semitism in the Christian world has become commonplace. The church itself contributes to this. Religious figures discriminated against Jews and sometimes even blessed their pogroms. For example, John Chrysostom even wrote special sermons against the Jews, in which he scourged them for cruelty and bloodthirstiness and compared them with predatory animals.

In the Middle Ages, the holy city of Christians and Jews, Jerusalem, was captured by adherents of a new religion - Islam. In 1096, the Pope organized the First Crusade, the purpose of which was the liberation of Palestine from the infidels. It is traditionally believed that for European knights the war began in the Middle East. However, in fact, the Crusaders drew their swords even before that. While in Europe, they staged several large Jewish pogroms, the cause of which was the same old anti-Semitism. What is "infidel" for a medieval inhabitant of France or Germany? These are not only Muslims or pagans, but all the same Jews.

In the XIII century, according to the decision of the IV Lateran Council, Catholic Church demanded that the Jews wear clothes with special identification marks so that everyone around them knows that there are Jews next to them. A similar practice then existed in the Islamic world. In the Middle Ages, some countries resorted to the complete expulsion of all Jews. Such actions were held in England, France, Spain.


In the 16th century, ghettos appeared in many European states - areas where Jews were forced to settle. Such city blocks were isolated from the rest and became a zone of exclusion. The High Middle Ages was the period when anti-Semitism in Europe reached its limit. It was mostly religious in nature. Catholic priests promoted genuine hatred of Jews. Particularly active in these appeals were members monastic orders(Franciscans, Dominicans, etc.).

At the same time, a layer of forcibly converted Jews (Marranos) appeared. Of course, there were people among the flock of the church who understood how vicious anti-Semitism is. What was it that made these daredevils speak out against the hatred of the Jews? Critics of anti-Semitism in the church appealed to the Bible and the commandments of Christ. Such, for example, was the founder of the Jesuit order, Ignatius Loyola. However, the protection of the Jews was too weak. She could not resist the alliance that secular and religious authorities formed in anti-Semitic politics. Therefore, the Jews were infringed not only in terms of religion, but also in Everyday life. They were forbidden to join merchant guilds. The Jews were subjected to high fees and taxes.

Medieval anti-Semitism in Russia existed in exactly the same way as in the rest of Europe. Frequent Jewish pogroms took place in the 12th century. To suppress one of them, the famous Vladimir Monomakh came to power. And his distant descendant Ivan the Terrible, on the contrary, expelled the Jews from his possessions and in his correspondence called them Jews.

new time

Even when religion stopped playing such important role in the life of society, as she played in the Middle Ages, Christians did not get rid of anti-Semitic stereotypes. The same thing happened in Muslim countries. Even the progressive thinkers of the Enlightenment, such as Voltaire or Diderot, were distinguished by their dislike for Jews.

In the 19th century, the movement of nationalism began to enjoy great popularity in Europe. These changes were associated with the construction of new states, such as integral Germany and Italy. Nationalism, like religion before, has adopted anti-Semitism. The Jews at this time were hated for their belonging to the proper Jewish people, and not for their faith.

It was then that the first shoots of racism appeared in the Old World. Nationalist theories began to be explained even by means of scientific hypotheses. The forerunner of this phenomenon was social Darwinism. And although in most advanced countries there were no anti-Semitic laws, at an unspoken level, discrimination against Jews continued to exist. It was extremely difficult to get rid of this vice, since it already had deep historical roots. As a result, in the 1870s the first European anti-Semitic parties appeared, which sought to harm the Jews at the legislative and state levels. They used populist and propaganda techniques.

By the way, it was in the 19th century that the very concept of “anti-Semitism” appeared. According to one version, it was introduced into use by the German publicist Wilhelm Marr. In German society at the time, many public figures were known for their dislike of Jews. One of them was the outstanding composer Richard Wagner. In France, anti-Semitism led to the famous Dreyfus Affair, when a military Jewish nationality accused of spying for Germany.

In the United States, one of the most famous anti-Jewish haters of modern times was the founder of the automobile company, Henry Ford. He published anti-Semitic books and published exactly the same articles. The anti-Semitism of a successful industrialist could not but cause heated debate in society. Dozens opposed Ford's position famous people. He was accused of anti-Semitism by many cultural figures and leading politicians of the country. It got to the point that the American public began to boycott Ford cars, which at that time were the best in the world. In the end, for the sake of his business interests, the entrepreneur stopped anti-Semitic speeches in the public field.

Anti-Semitism and Russia

AT tsarist Russia anti-Semitism had another stable name - Judeophobia. The problem of relations with the Jews escalated at the end of the 18th century, when three partitions of Poland took place under Catherine II. Many Jews traditionally lived in this country. A significant part of them turned out to be subjects of the Russian Empire. To regulate this flow, Catherine established the Pale of Settlement in 1791. Jews were allowed to settle only in the Kingdom of Poland, Belarus, Bessarabia, Lithuania, and partly on the territory of Ukraine. This order was preserved until the revolution of 1917.

Anti-Semitism in Russia also manifested itself in additional taxes imposed on Jews. This was especially true for those of them who went into the merchant class. With all this, there was a certain procedure for obtaining permission to settle not only in the western provinces, but also in the largest Russian cities. For example, merchants had to get into a certain guild, etc. The then Russian anti-Semitism had one peculiar feature. It was exclusively religious, not national. Thus, Jews who were baptized were freed from restrictions and could live wherever they pleased.

The humiliating Pale of Settlement encouraged Jewish youth to join the revolutionary movement that grew throughout the second half of the 19th century. For example, many Jews held key positions in the Bolshevik Party. As a result, after Russia experienced three revolutions, the monarchists became even more entrenched in their anti-Semitism. The Jews were accused of the collapse of Russia. There were many haters of the Jews in the White movement, which in many ways discredited the whole idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fight against Soviet power.

However, anti-Semitism also existed in the USSR. At the state level, it was not permanent, but arose according to political necessity. A particular surge of anti-Semitism occurred in last years Stalin's reign, when the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee was crushed.

German experience

The history of anti-Semitism took its most terrible form in the 20th century, when the Nazis came to power in Germany. During World War II, they began mass extermination of Jews. The murder of millions of Jews was called the Holocaust, which translates as "catastrophe."

What circumstances led to the emergence of the misanthropic Nazi ideology? It has already been noted above that anti-Semitism existed in Germany both in the Middle Ages and in modern times. In the 19th century, it was divided into three main currents: racist, national-state and social-Christian. All of them were somewhat different from each other, but had the same roots.

For example, conservative politicians supported national-state anti-Semitism. What is the Jewish problem in their understanding? For example, the historian Heinrich von Treitschke wanted to achieve the construction of a national German state, which meant the "conversion" of Jews into Germans. Outsiders had to adopt a Germanic identity, renounce their religion and other customs, or leave the country. Such views at the end of the 19th century were not the lot of the marginalized. Such an agenda was welcomed even by the educated sections of German society.

Supporters of the social Christian theory called for the displacement of Jews from business, journalism, education (primarily from schools) and other areas of work in which Jews traditionally influenced society. The third force was the racists. First, they were opponents of socialists and liberals. Secondly, their program was based on the idea of ​​a centuries-old struggle between the Germanic and Jewish races. So anti-Semitism for the first time tried to defend in terms of biology.

In part, the racists referred to Darwin's theses. Since all species are not equal in nature, the same principle applies to human nations, they believed. Today, racism, fascism and anti-Semitism are criticized in all developed countries. However, at the end of the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries, before the horrors of World War II, such ideas could be covered with a screen of fashionable modern theories.


German anti-Semites were for the most part pan-Germanists (they dreamed of creating one German state that would unite all their compatriots). This did not happen in the 19th century. The German nation was divided into the Second Reich (Germany proper) and Habsburg Austria. Anti-Jewish sentiments were naturally strong in both countries.

The real anti-Semitic hysteria began after the First World War. Germany was defeated. Its economy was destroyed. Those who managed to survive the deadly battles were left without work in the robbed country. People began to look for those responsible for their troubles. Against this background, radicals gained popularity. Hitler was one of them, though far from the only one. But it was he who developed the theory of "stabbing in the back." The idea of ​​the betrayal of the Jews and their guilt in the defeat of Germany became very popular. The poor strata of the population, workers and, in general, all those who, in peacetime, were left out of life, were especially susceptible to it.

Hitler was even stopped by the fact that he was accused of anti-Semitism by all ideological opponents: from liberals to communists. When the Nazis came to power, blaming the Jews for all the troubles became a sign of good taste. Pogroms began (for example, Kristallnacht). Many of them were sanctioned by the authorities themselves.

However, the real extermination of the Jews followed during the Second World War. The Jewish population again put on special identification stripes with the Star of David. Jews were forcibly sent to labor camps, which were quickly converted into concentration rooms. Hundreds of thousands of Jews perished in the death factories. They were burned in furnaces, poisoned with gas, deprived of their lives in unbearable work. The Nazis paid much attention to education and propaganda. Young and even small Germans from early childhood were taught to hate the Jews and see them as their natural enemies.


After the Second World War, anti-Semitism was opposed by all developed Western countries. The experience of the Third Reich showed that even populist and theoretical rhetoric can lead to a huge number of victims. The fight against anti-Semitism was led by the authorities of the newly formed Israel - a state in the Middle East, which appeared in 1948 on the territory of the British mandate in this region. After centuries of exile, the Jews finally found their historical homeland. Soon millions of Jews moved to Palestine.

Although the Second World War demonstrated what anti-Semitism is, the definition that this is evil did not triumph everywhere. Modern anti-Jewish rhetoric has moved from the West to the same Middle East, where Israel is surrounded by several Arab states. Today, the conflict between Jews and Muslims is the sore nerve of the planet. The Middle East is rightly considered the place of greatest tension in the world. Anti-Semitic sentiments are especially strong among the Palestinian Arab population.

In the collective West, dislike for the Jews took on new forms. Right-wing radicals have popular theories about a world conspiracy behind which the Jews stand, their shadow government, which controls the leading powers of the world. Many modern anti-Semites refuse to acknowledge the fact of the Holocaust in the 20th century, calling it a hoax and a lie.