Is there magic in our world? Are there magic and witchcraft, the basics of magic for beginners. Magic and religion

Questions that have long been of concern to everyone: does magic exist? What is it, magic or trick? What are the types of magic? Everyone believes in what is convenient for him. Some vehemently prove that it exists, and is able to influence the fate of people. Others resist and do not believe in its existence. For several centuries, mankind has been trying to understand this matter in order to finally find the right answer to all these questions.

Does magic really exist, or is it a figment of the imagination of certain people? And is there really a science of magic? Even if we assume that this is all fiction and an accident.

But, do not forget that a large number of accidents develops into a pattern. It would be clearer to everyone if there was one defining name, but until today no one can say with certainty that it is talent, magic, miracle or science.

Everyone who believes in witchcraft has decided for themselves that this is a combination of certain actions aimed at changing reality and the world around them.

The history of the emergence of magical influences

It is impossible to establish the exact date of occurrence of this phenomenon. The history of magic goes far into the past, it developed in parallel with the development of mankind.

Ancient people believed in the afterlife and the rebirth of the soul. The history of magic testifies that in ancient times in Rus' there were people, witches, healers who performed magical rites. They helped to get rid of serious illnesses, called for good luck, created amulets for those who came to them for help.

By certain magical rituals, they could control the weather.

Many argue that the main types of magic are black and white. Initially, it is worth noting that real magic has no color. It all depends on the sorcerer who uses it, and the goals set for him.

The history of magic allows us to conclude that it really exists, is passed down from generation to generation and is constantly evolving.

Science or art?

The science of magic reveals the incredible ability of a person to influence the course of events, feelings and destinies of people. Also, the science of magic makes it possible to learn how to influence the human biofield. And the stronger your energy, and the sooner you will be able to unravel the magic. To become a magician, it is not enough to read one article or perform several rites. The science of magic requires a responsible approach. As in other sciences, there are laws and foundations of magic that a novice magician should know.

To learn how to control magical powers, you need to know its basic laws:

  1. Law of knowledge. Knowledge is a unique weapon, the more you know about a certain object, the easier it is to control it.
  2. Self-knowledge. A sorcerer who has no knowledge of himself cannot have knowledge of what he is doing. Before establishing control over someone, you need to know yourself.
  3. action and result. When performing a magical effect, each magician must clearly understand what he is doing and understand what result he is counting on.
  4. The power of a word. Each word has great power, it helps to change both inner and outer reality.

Types of magical influences

There are different types of magic. It combines many completely unrelated subspecies. Each of them has its own rules for conducting rituals and consequences.

Among the large number of classifications, the main ones can be distinguished:

  • White - implies communication with good spirits. Helps to cope with various diseases, get rid of spoilage.
  • Black. It is the complete opposite of white. Magicians resort to the help of evil spirits. All rituals have a destructive effect, bring trouble and grief.
  • Green. It is carried out with the help of a variety of magical or healing infusions, fats. At the heart of cooking, which are special herbs.
  • Mental. It is carried out only through the ability to concentrate. No additional attributes are used.
  • Christian, consists of a number of church rites that help overcome difficulties.

Is it possible to learn witchcraft?

Would you like to be trained in magic, but recently let magic into your life and do not know how to deal with it? If you want to practice white magic, you should follow some of the guidelines that white magic requires for beginners.

It is impossible to learn magic in one day. Learning magic requires responsibility and judgment. Magic practice requires attentiveness and concentration.

Real magic is based on 4 elements: Water, Fire, Air, Earth. To learn how to control the energy of these elements, you need faith in yourself, willpower and imagination. Therefore, to begin with, go through the lessons that will help you strengthen these three aspects, and only then you can take on learning magic.

  • try to learn to control your own feelings and emotions;
  • before each ritual, it is necessary to take a course of meditation in order to concentrate your energy in the right direction;
  • carefully study all existing methods of witchcraft, the procedure for conducting and possible consequences;
  • to become a real sorcerer, you need to regularly perform rituals.


Some sorcerers and magicians practice private lessons. You can contact them for help and get detailed information. But before you connect your life with this mysterious and almost inexplicable phenomenon, you need to understand if you need it. After all, the opinion that all magical actions leave an imprint on the fate of the magician himself has a place to be. In fact, sorcery often has a destructive effect. Therefore, you must be completely sure of the correct choice.

Many of us are interested in the following question - does magic exist Really or is it just a fantasy of people with a good imagination? Is there something mysterious and mysterious, hidden and inaccessible in our life? Magicians and insiders say that all the answers lie in the vast accumulations of knowledge that our ancestors left us. They are not available to everyone, and they are not easy to unravel.

But there are confidants to whom all the secrets and mysteries of the Universe are revealed. Some of them decided to devote their lives to white magic, some chose to practice witchcraft. They have a special flair and see the world from a completely different perspective.

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It is precisely such unique ones that one should ask: is there really magic and how to master it?

For several centuries, humanity has been trying to find answers to these questions. A lot of experiments, contacts with subtle matters, communication with otherworldly spirits - these are just a small part of these attempts.

Manifestations of magic in human life

You can meet something mystical in everyday life every day - we just do not notice it. Someone is lucky to see prophetic dreams, someone gets what they want, you just have to think about it, and someone has a strong inner instinct.

Or here is another common example - energy vampirism. Sometimes one person dominates a group of others without much physical strength. It turns out that the whole secret is in the unique energy.

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Clairvoyance is a vivid manifestation of magic. Agree, each of us has such an acquaintance (and, perhaps, this is you yourself), who knows in advance what will happen in the near future. He himself cannot explain where this knowledge came from, but, nevertheless, everything is so. Later it turns out that all his assumptions are prophetic.

Some people have healing abilities. For example, you have a headache. You took one pill, then the second - but the pain does not subside. And then a work colleague touched the back of your head a little - and the suffering stopped. What is this if not magic?

People involved in magic always have a special atmosphere in the house. It is felt from the very beginning.

And even if such life phenomena do not lend themselves to generally accepted logic, they exist. Be more observant, and you will independently answer the question: is there magic?

And for dessert, watch this short video - I don't know how they do it, but it's impressive!

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,site author

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For many centuries, our civilization has been looking for answers to the question of whether magic exists? However, there is still no consensus on this matter.

Some notorious materialists argue that everything in this world is material, and there can be no other way to influence the natural course of things. Many people firmly believe that with the help of simple manipulations with photography they can cure a person.

So to believe in whether magic exists or not is a personal matter for everyone. And what will the adherents of Feng Shui say to this, who, with the help of the correct placement of symbols in certain areas of the apartment, are trying to influence the development of a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200blife? What is this? Many questions remain.

In ancient times, the existence of witches and dark forces was believed unconditionally, even objectionable people were burned at the stake, who were considered representatives of otherworldly forces.

Currently, there are even programs on television where people turn to psychics with a request to help sort out their problems. Someone's child died under mysterious circumstances. Someone's floors and doors creak in the house, and at night it seems like someone is walking. All this is nothing but magic and paranormal phenomena, so there is no need to wonder if magic exists.

Conventionally, it is customary to divide magic into white and black, into, so to speak, good, light magic and dark - evil. In the same way, it is believed that there are black witches and sorcerers who are engaged in dangerous love spells and spells that can subdue the will of a person.

There is an age-old dispute about who is considered a stronger magician - white or black. At the same time, it is implied that black magicians are helped by dark forces that terrify the ordinary person, while white magicians talk about their connection with God and the forces of light.

Often magicians use similar auxiliary tools. They use tarot cards, stones, feathers, bones. Each of them can have their own talismans that help him tune in to the desired "wave" and hear the prompts of the spirits from

The most famous magicians also had their own characteristics, inherent only to them. So, for example, in the Middle Ages there lived a druid girl Kliodna, who knew how to put the sick into a deep sleep with the help of her magical birds and heal them.

There was also the famous dark sorceress Morgana le Fay, who was considered the strongest magician, opposing Merlin, who, in turn, was also a powerful wizard. Both magicians possessed great power, knew how to turn into animals and understood their speech.

There were also quite unusual sorcerers. For example, Urik the Strange was an eccentric magician who wore a jellyfish on his head instead of a hat.

Just as before, people continue to seek help from various kinds of magicians. Especially when it comes to events in life that they cannot influence. So, women whose husbands have gone to their mistresses are able to seek help from a kind of magicians and ask them to return their beloved to the family.

Unfortunately, few people think about what methods witches use. Therefore, sometimes such “cooperation” can have very negative consequences. The fact is that any witchcraft should not subjugate someone else's will, and people believe that they have the right to decide for themselves - for whom and what will be better.

Whether magic exists or not is up to you. To this day, there are many questions that no science can answer.

Only one thing is known for sure: each person has his own energy and biofield. And intervention against the will of a person can have very negative consequences both for himself and for the one who decided to intervene.

Miracles - you can call all this whatever you like, but as long as it is not known exactly what it can be, everyone has the right to believe in what they want.

You can be skeptics and not believe in the existence of black and white magic, but this does not mean that it is not present in our earthly life. More, of course, they believe in the otherworldly powers of women, because it is they who are more sensitive by nature to changes in energy in the world around them.

I will not tell you how to remove the damage, and I will not describe the rituals and conspiracies of black magic - you will find this in excess in print publications and on the Internet, - but I will describe a couple of stories from life, which for me personally became a confirmation that witchcraft, alas, has a place to be even in a modern developed society.

Magic stories from my life

More than once I came across cries for help on women's forums, where they begged for advice on how to remove damage or a love spell from a husband, how to protect a child from the evil eye, etc. I always joined the forum members who mocked them. But that was until an interesting incident happened in my family.

strange neighbors

Strange neighbors lived next to their parents, who liked to shake rugs right under the feet of passers-by or to curse children playing under the windows. One day, these people asked me to hand over the keys to a rented apartment - at that time they moved out of our entrance, and we met by chance at the store. I tried to fulfill the request for a week, but there were no tenants in the rented housing. Then sad events happened in my family, in connection with which I forgot about the request of the former neighbors for a month! But no one came for the keys...

I felt that all this was strange and unusual., but it began to reach me, what was the matter, only when, at my 18 years old, I was diagnosed with a bunch of incomprehensible sores, my dad started having problems at work, and my brother simply fell into depression. A friend advised me to go to a woman who does just such strange things. When the sorceress took the keys in her hands, she felt sick. She did not tell anything in detail, the only thing she asked was to constantly drink the water that she would give, and not give anything from the house to those who would come in three days. Until the very last moment, I thought that the woman was playing a role, that she simply instilled fear in me, a young fool, but when exactly three days later the former neighbors came and began to insistently ask for water (mind you, they didn’t say a word about the keys!), explaining this by the lack of it in their apartment, I was horrified.

After that, we didn’t get sick for long - in one day all the household members woke up in a good mood and good health. But I never saw my neighbors again, but I heard that their dacha burned down, and my husband collapsed with a stroke. How then not to believe in black magic and damage?

Is my second mother a witch?

The second unique case happened to me when I was already married. For some reason, my mother-in-law immediately disliked me. I was too lively and confident for her: I didn’t want to live with her, I took my son away and “tightened the screws” (her words), I listened to valuable recommendations, but did not follow them, I persuaded my husband to buy an apartment not next to her, but in another area. I became the enemy she always tried to verbally pinch and slander behind her back, even in front of my own children. I tried not to get involved for seven whole years, but at some point my patience snapped, and I dared to speak out. By this time, her son (my husband) was also tired of her interference in our family and began to rebuff her. Our mother was deeply offended and disappeared from the horizon, pouring out a ton of negativity before that on me, my son and even on my relatives.

Literally a week later I collapsed with an inexplicable temperature. Analyzes showed nothing - everything was normal. At first I reduced it to fatigue from night work, worries about children and a lack of vitamins, but I got worse. As a result, I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, which was difficult to treat. After I was discharged, I developed a sore throat, my heart ached, and my weight began to fall catastrophically. I felt my strength go out of me. A case made me suspect witchcraft at night - I woke up from the fact that someone was crawling along my legs and, reaching my chest, squeezed my body so much that I began to suffocate. I went over in my head all the prayers that I knew, and "something" receded. I turned on the light and saw my cat hissing in the other corner of the room.

The healer's diagnosis was disappointing: my mother-in-law decided to get me out of her way in any way. She sincerely believed that without me the life of her son and my children would be better. I don’t know what this kind woman did, I just went to church and ordered magpies for the health of myself and my mother-in-law, and also drank holy water and read prayers. I was shivering, shaking, constantly drawn to sleep, my head hurt, and then everything went away abruptly. The second "mother" showed up on the doorstep on the very first day, as it became easier for me, with a package of tangerines. The grandmother who helped me warned me about this. The purpose of her arrival was not clear, as she left very soon after grumbling a little. I threw away the tangerines. Now the mother-in-law is not up to me ...

After such life situations, I believed that magic exists., and modern people successfully use it. The neighbors didn’t like it, the girlfriend seemed prettier, the husband is lucky and loving - all these reasons may seem quite weighty to an evil person to order your life or success from some black craftsman.

Cases from the life of acquaintances

Please note that in the church you can see possessed people who scream in a voice that is not their own, rush at others, and do unthinkable things. The priests themselves say that they were possessed by an unclean spirit. I've seen them - it's a terrible sight. Personally, I left the service because I was scared. But after certain rituals, the demoniac becomes again an ordinary person. I have always been interested, because it’s not just that a certain force is instilled into people, forcing them to behave inappropriately - most likely someone “helps” them in this.

I had friends whose child was diagnosed with mental retardation. Active parents did not put up with him and took their son to the luminaries of alternative medicine. I don’t know where and from whom (they don’t say), but the baby was cured. After some whispering grandmother, the boy arrived with different eyes and completely normotypical behavior. Now he already goes to a regular school.

Personally, I witnessed two neighbors arguing in our yard. One other wanted to break all the bones, and two days later she unsuccessfully fell out of the blue. The result is a hip fracture. It turns out that magic was also involved here, because any negative message violates the energy of a person and spoils it. In anger, one word spoken from the heart is enough to harm another.

I had a girlfriend, Julia, who fell in love with a guy 5 years older. He played with her and left her, and she went crazy from her unrequited feelings. I know from our mutual friend that she mixed something into the guy's wine, inviting him to her last drink in the name of a dead relationship. A month later, he followed her on her heels, then they got married, a baby was born. Only the guy started drinking alcohol three years later, and Yulia left him.

How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye?

Believe it or not, magic and sorcery exist. You may never encounter any corruption or curse, but be careful.

Try not to go into conflict with people - a bad peace is better than a good quarrel, as the people say. Do not take gifts and any things from suspicious people, do not brag to your friends about a good man or excessive success, do not tell anyone about your income and purchases - less envy, and, therefore, fewer enemies in life. Go to church more often and order a prayer service to Saints Cyprian and Justina - they are the ones who fight witchcraft and sorcery in Orthodoxy. Magpie helps well for health for 40 or more days.

I wish you never to face the dark forces and their servants in our world!

About the existence of magic disputes do not subside in society. Does magic exist? Adherents of materialism say that it does not exist, that it is fiction, nonsense and fairy tales of a sick imagination. According to them, everything in the world is material, what we see, what is tangible, then exists. In this world, everything strictly obeys the laws of physics and chemistry. The question arises why there cannot be other laws that have not yet been discovered, those laws according to which the algorithm of magic itself works. You can refer to history. Even at the dawn of the development of mankind, somewhere in the period of the Upper Paleolithic, mankind already had a different idea regarding the material world. This was manifested in the belief of man in the afterlife. If a person died, the community took care of the dead in every way, according to their idea, he continued to live, but in a different form. Therefore, gifts were brought to him, he was protected from wild animals, and special funeral rituals were performed. Also, the forms of human belief in the existence of something supernatural and invisible were named: totemism, animism, fetishism.

Totemism acted as a special system of myth and human beliefs in a supernatural community of groups and animals or plants, which were called totems.

Animism is society's belief in the existence of spirits.

Fetishism is the endowment of objects with special properties, most often all supernatural. Also, as mankind developed, there appeared: shamanism, necromancy, various cults of a certain community, which were determined by the territory of the location.

So to the question of does magic exist From the point of view of history, the answer is definitely yes. It just obeys different laws. And these laws are universal, irreversible, inevitable.

Scientists have long discovered such properties of the human body as energy, biofield. A person can control the environment, control circumstances, the case does not really exist. And the stronger the person himself, the stronger his energy, his willpower, the more chance he has to control circumstances.

The Middle Ages condemned magic, for it it was something terrible. Witches and sorcerers were burned only one denunciation each. But even then, large organizations arose, entire communities that numbered hundreds of people who, in one way or another, were engaged in magic.

Researchers of magic and religion say: yes, witchcraft exists among all peoples of the world. From time immemorial, it was also common in Rus', sorcerers and healers lived in every village. They differed in that the sorcerer could cause damage, and the healer could take away. Love magic was practiced by natural and involuntary sorcerers. People were considered involuntary, to whom, before death, sorcerers transfer their power, otherwise the mother-cheese earth will not accept them.

To expose sorcerers in Russian villages, three means were used: a lit palm candle, aspen firewood, which must be heated on Maundy Thursday before Easter, and a rowan rod - all this must be held in hands in the church during bright matins. It is believed that the sorcerer will come to the house either to ask for ashes from aspen logs, or simply from anxiety, and then he will expose himself.

Sorcerers come in different strengths: it is enough for one to look and send his unkind thought with a sidelong glance to make him wither. The one who is weaker needs either the powder of the curse, which he sends into the wind, or the witch's potion, or the trace taken out, that is, a handful of earth from under the feet of the doomed. Or you need a thing that they slander - conspiracies are common among both sorcerers and healers.

Against all the intrigues of sorcerers, there have always been many amulets: onions, garlic, amber, incense, a cross sewn on a bare scarf, a slandered coin put in stockings, needles without ears sewn into a dress, etc.

Modern man is accustomed to the fact that there are two opposite views on reality, two types of consciousness - scientific and magical. Sometimes it seems that in the modern world it is ridiculous to think that miracles happen. Scientific methods of influencing reality seem solid and logical, and belief in magic remains in childhood, when it was so easy to believe in fairy tales and wizards.

Inexplicable - doesn't mean it doesn't exist

But maybe it's just easier for people to think that everything in the world is predictable and explainable? In fact, this is far from the case. Even in the familiar reality surrounding everyone, there are many things that people cannot feel with the help of their senses: electromagnetic waves, the running of electrons along wires, the speed of light. But they can observe and record these and other phenomena with the help of special instruments.

But more recently, such concepts as the human biofield, for example, were not recognized by official science, unconditionally belonged to the field of esotericism. Perhaps the methods of explaining and fixing the phenomena that today are usually attributed to the field of magic, in the near future will become familiar, completely scientific?

What is magic?

But before deciding whether magic exists or not, it's a good idea to understand what it is. We can say that magical rituals are actions that carry a certain energy impulse, are performed in a certain sequence and bring the desired result. Thus, the magical action is not too different from the usual in its essence, except for one component - energy.

But this component turns out to be the most important in the magical action. The mood that a person receives as a result of performing the ritual helps him change his behavior, see the situation from a new angle, discover new resources in himself, and believe in himself. And faith in yourself and your success is a powerful force. The stronger the energy of a person performing magical actions, the more obvious the result will be. This is recognized by modern psychologists, and even theologians have been talking about it since ancient times.

As for the ritual itself, successive manipulations, the words of the conspiracy, uttered in a strictly prescribed order, create the right mood, help mobilize internal resources. Rituals can be created independently. One of the areas of psychology - Simoron - is built on the creation of fun rituals that help change reality. The only problem with this is to believe in their effectiveness. That is why most prefer traditional, proven magical methods.

To expose sorcerers in Russian villages, three means were used: a lit palm candle, aspen firewood, which must be heated on Maundy Thursday before Easter, and a rowan rod - all this must be held in hands in the church during bright matins.

It is believed that the sorcerer will come to the house either to ask for ashes from aspen logs, or simply from anxiety, and then he will expose himself. Sorcerers come in different strengths: it is enough for one to look and send his unkind thought with a sidelong glance to make him wither.

The one who is weaker needs either the powder of the curse, which he sends into the wind, or the witch's potion, or the trace taken out, that is, a handful of earth from under the feet of the doomed. Or you need a thing that they slander - conspiracies are common among both sorcerers and healers.

Against all the intrigues of sorcerers, there have always been many amulets: onions, garlic, amber, incense, a cross sewn on a headscarf, a slandered coin put in stockings, needles without ears sewn into a dress, etc.


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Questions that have long been of concern to everyone: does magic exist? What is it, magic or trick? What are the types of magic? Everyone believes in what is convenient for him. Some vehemently prove that it exists, and is able to influence the fate of people. Others resist and do not believe in its existence. For several centuries, mankind has been trying to understand this matter in order to finally find the right answer to all these questions.

Does magic really exist, or is it a figment of the imagination of certain people? And is there really a science of magic? Even if we assume that this is all fiction and an accident.

But, do not forget that a large number of accidents develops into a pattern. It would be clearer to everyone if there was one defining name, but until today no one can say with certainty that it is talent, magic, miracle or science.

Everyone who believes in witchcraft has decided for themselves that this is a combination of certain actions aimed at changing reality and the world around them.

The history of the emergence of magical influences

It is impossible to establish the exact date of occurrence of this phenomenon. The history of magic goes far into the past, it developed in parallel with the development of mankind.

Ancient people believed in the afterlife and the rebirth of the soul. The history of magic testifies that in ancient times in Rus' there were people, witches, healers who performed magical rites. They helped to get rid of serious illnesses, called for good luck, created amulets for those who came to them for help.

By certain magical rituals, they could control the weather.

Many argue that the main types of magic are black and white. Initially, it is worth noting that real magic has no color. It all depends on the sorcerer who uses it, and the goals set for him.

The history of magic allows us to conclude that it really exists, is passed down from generation to generation and is constantly evolving.

Science or art?

The science of magic reveals the incredible ability of a person to influence the course of events, feelings and destinies of people. Also, the science of magic makes it possible to learn how to influence the human biofield. And the stronger your energy, and the sooner you will be able to unravel the magic. To become a magician, it is not enough to read one article or perform several rites. The science of magic requires a responsible approach. As in other sciences, there are laws and foundations of magic that a novice magician should know.

To learn how to control magical powers, you need to know its basic laws:

  1. Law of knowledge. Knowledge is a unique weapon, the more you know about a certain object, the easier it is to control it.
  2. Self-knowledge. A sorcerer who has no knowledge of himself cannot have knowledge of what he is doing. Before establishing control over someone, you need to know yourself.
  3. action and result. When performing a magical effect, each magician must clearly understand what he is doing and understand what result he is counting on.
  4. The power of a word. Each word has great power, it helps to change both inner and outer reality.

Types of magical influences

There are different types of magic. It combines many completely unrelated subspecies. Each of them has its own rules for conducting rituals and consequences.

Among the large number of classifications, the main ones can be distinguished:

  • White - implies communication with good spirits. Helps to cope with various diseases, get rid of spoilage.
  • Black. It is the complete opposite of white. Magicians resort to the help of evil spirits. All rituals have a destructive effect, bring trouble and grief.
  • Green. It is carried out with the help of a variety of magical or healing infusions, fats. At the heart of cooking, which are special herbs.
  • Mental. It is carried out only through the ability to concentrate. No additional attributes are used.
  • Christian, consists of a number of church rites that help overcome difficulties.

Is it possible to learn witchcraft?

Would you like to be trained in magic, but recently let magic into your life and do not know how to deal with it? If you want to practice white magic, you should follow some of the guidelines that white magic requires for beginners.

It is impossible to learn magic in one day. Learning magic requires responsibility and judgment. Magic practice requires attentiveness and concentration.

Real magic is based on 4 elements: Water, Fire, Air, Earth. To learn how to control the energy of these elements, you need faith in yourself, willpower and imagination. Therefore, to begin with, go through the lessons that will help you strengthen these three aspects, and only then you can take on learning magic.

  • try to learn to control your own feelings and emotions;
  • before each ritual, it is necessary to take a course of meditation in order to concentrate your energy in the right direction;
  • carefully study all existing methods of witchcraft, the procedure for conducting and possible consequences;
  • to become a real sorcerer, you need to regularly perform rituals.


Some sorcerers and magicians practice private lessons. You can contact them for help and get detailed information. But before you connect your life with this mysterious and almost inexplicable phenomenon, you need to understand if you need it. After all, the opinion that all magical actions leave an imprint on the fate of the magician himself has a place to be. In fact, sorcery often has a destructive effect. Therefore, you must be completely sure of the correct choice.

The word "magic" in the people often has such synonyms as " sorcery», « magic», « witchcraft», « witchery". The first encounters of each person with magic and witchcraft fall on the earliest years of his life - in childhood. And the most beloved of each of us, for sure, were fairy tales in which magic was present.

To the question of the child: “Does this happen?” - the parents condescendingly answer: “Well, of course not!” And yet, much of what old folk tales tell is true. AND Witchcraft and magic always existed on Earth, exist and will exist.

Another thing is that in fairy tales miracles happen instantly, but in life they take time, sometimes quite a long period. AND "miracles" always have a natural shell, a scientific explanation. However, the facts of a person's influence both on objects and on other people with the help of the direct mental efforts of one single individual are obvious.

This means that it is possible, in the end, to introduce changes with the help of some purposeful idea, an all-consuming passion, and on a larger scale, to influence the surrounding reality. For faster and more accurate fulfillment of desires, magicians use.

There is an opinion that in ancient times people had many of the same abilities that they struggle to achieve modern magicians. After all, in people living today, 95% of the brain sleeps even during wakefulness!

Moses and Kabbalah

They say that when Moses first went up the mountain, he received. These secrets told what a person could do. But people were not ready to accept freedom inherent in Kabbalah. And, descending from the mountain, Moses was shocked by what he saw: people served an idol, sinned recklessly, caring more about the body than about the spirit. And Moses destroyed the slabs that brought great knowledge to mankind!

The second time Moses climbed the mountain, God gave with him plates with 10 commandments, but with the opposite meaning. Seeing human ignorance, instead of the secrets of Kabbalah, the Lord sent them commandments that people should not do. Something similar is happening with all of humanity as a whole. It’s ridiculous, you see, to trust a 2-3-year-old kid to drive a complex car on a busy highway! This is how it was with the knowledge of the great Kabbalah.

Although, to be honest, in our time, most people can hardly be counted among the cohort of those ready to truly accept freedom. There are very few people on Earth today who are capable of think independently. The majority in our time follow various doctrines of political or religious groups, continue to create idols for themselves and bow before them. And only a small fraction of the population gradually begins to think and wake up from centuries of hibernation.

It is they who make the first attempts to influence nature and man with the help of their consciousness, sometimes resorting to the help of magical rituals and. These are the actions called magic. And meanwhile, taking into account the words of Crowley, any action, any change that occurs in accordance with your will, can already be attributed to magical actions.


waiting for the bus, which is obviously late. But you really want the bus to come! And here he is turning around the corner! Of course, there are many explanations for this case, which suit both physicists and ordinary average citizens. But in fact - you were committed magical action, because with all your willpower you wanted this - the arrival of the bus.

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences R. F. Dodeltsev in his book "Modern Magic" gives an even more striking example. It relies on the actions of a person who wants to open the door. Here he takes the door handle with his hand, turns it and opens it ... Based on all of the above, he already performed a magical act.

That is, magic is not at all something supernatural and transcendent, as many around believe. Does modern man consider lightning, thunder strikes to be supernatural? Even the eclipses of the heavenly bodies, today's scientists have learned not only to explain, but also to predict. And imagine what would have happened to a scientist who correctly predicted an eclipse of the Sun in the 16th - 17th century? Its exactly be accused of witchcraft and simply - simply burned at the stake, like an ardent sorcerer and heretic!


and the narrowness of thinking forced people to deify many physical phenomena, because they did not know how to explain it. Now the stories about that terrible time when the Inquisition ruled seem absurd and implausible to us. But it was! Science is advancing by leaps and bounds. Phrases such as: “If I can’t see it, then it simply doesn’t exist,” have long come to mean a narrow-minded person.

Molecules, atoms and neutrons are also not available to our eyes, but no one doubts that they exist. Of course, the presence of these physical phenomena has been proven experimentally by scientists. But isn't it magicians and sorcerers prove daily us their existence and power? The only problem so far is that scientists cannot explain this phenomenon.

People are used to hypnosis psychics give answers to questions to which no one could answer. Scientists come up with names for unexplained phenomena. But no one can yet thoroughly explain the whole ins and outs of a strange phenomenon, popularly called magic. History proves to us that every discovery on earth has always been met with hostility by the bulk of the inhabitants.

For example, with what reverence, and in some cases with undisguised horror, electricity was met! And to be honest, how many copies were broken until the computer with the notorious Internet entered our lives so firmly that today it is already difficult to find a clergyman who does not have it. Even within the monastery walls there is access to special theological sites.

Magic and religion

Very difficult

the question of whether the practice of magic is contrary to belief in God. I will surprise you by saying - no, it does not contradict. If God was disgusted that so far only a few individuals master the skills and knowledge of the occult, what would it cost him to stop all this?

And one more thing: based on the expression that every hair on our head is counted, and nothing in the world happens without the permission of our Lord, how did He give magicians such knowledge and skills?

Related publications

Researchers of magic and religion say: yes, witchcraft exists among all peoples of the world. From time immemorial, it was also common in Rus', sorcerers and healers lived in every village. They differed in that the sorcerer could cause damage, and the healer could take away. Love magic was practiced by natural and involuntary sorcerers.

People were considered involuntary, to whom, before death, sorcerers transfer their power, otherwise the mother-cheese earth will not accept them. To expose sorcerers in Russian villages, three means were used: a lit palm candle, aspen firewood, which must be heated on Maundy Thursday before Easter, and a rowan rod - all this must be held in hands in the church during bright matins. It is believed that the sorcerer will come to the house either to ask for ashes from aspen logs, or simply from anxiety, and then he will expose himself.

Sorcerers come in different strengths: it is enough for one to look and send his unkind thought with a sidelong glance to make him wither. The one who is weaker needs either the powder of the curse, which he sends into the wind, or the witch's potion, or the trace taken out, that is, a handful of earth from under the feet of the doomed. Or you need a thing that they slander - conspiracies are common among both sorcerers and healers. Against all the intrigues of sorcerers, there have always been many amulets: onions, garlic, amber, incense, a cross sewn on a headscarf, a slandered coin put in stockings, needles without ears sewn into a dress, etc.

love spell

Inquisitor monks of the 15th century wrote a practical guide to fighting witchcraft called The Hammer of the Witches, which describes cases of inducing sexual impotence and claims that men are bewitched more often than women:

  1. when they interfere with rapprochement in general;
  2. when a man's heart is ignited for one woman and turned away to another (potions, conspiracies, energy message, thought);
  3. when hatred is aroused between spouses;
  4. when sexual impotence of men is caused up to its paralysis;
  5. when there is an obstruction to the release of the seed. They argued that “the bewitchment of the feeling of love and sexual intercourse lies in the bewitchment of the will and that the doctor cannot cure this. Here the intervention of the church is necessary: ​​reprimanding, casting out demons.

Modern psychiatrists believe that only in 15 percent of cases they can provide effective help in the treatment of sexual impotence, the remaining 85 percent remain beyond what can be understood by modern biology. Like this! The monks explain who can be bewitched - either a sinner or an innocent - for the sins of his parents, the sin is also transmitted by hiding other people's sins. For violence in love in any of its manifestations, for the separation of lovers, for encroaching on someone else's happiness, for one's own sins, they are punished with sexual impotence. Sickness as a punishment for evil done is in itself a way of washing away this evil. Therefore, not all healers undertake such a cure, a person must work out and atone for his sin himself.

Until he has gone through suffering and illness, he will not be freed and will not wash away the evil done by him or his ancestors once. Sometimes this is a punishment for the sins of one's people, one's country, the most terrible punishment is the deprivation of the ability to procreate. It will hang over him: evil, once committed, will surely return like a boomerang. This is the cosmic law of development in a circle and return to normal. The infidelity of a husband can lead to the illness of an innocent wife, and the stronger the emotional closeness between the spouses, the more likely the deflection of the blow to the other. Probably, the reason here is the sacrifice of the lover, who takes the blow.

Sometimes such blows are taken by children, their spoiled life is the payment for the sin of their mother or grandmother, as a rule, this is retribution for treason, for killed love. The sphere of the occult is dominated by eroticism. Near the spell of love many different combinations of sexual charms, aimed not only at the termination of marriage ties, but also at strengthening sexual potency. There are three groups of love charms: suggestion by thought, occult activities, stimulants. Even the ancient Romans believed that the blood of a bat under a woman's pillow causes her passionate sexual desire.

And the Slovaks deeply believe that it is enough to run a charmed orchid flower over the body of a lover so that he remains faithful to them forever. Astrology has rendered a great service to human love: a love talisman has been created. It was cast from the metal of Venus - copper. It was round in shape, the signs of Venus were displayed on it on that day and hour that are dedicated to this planet, that is, on Friday, coinciding with the twentieth day of the month. They wore it around the neck in a bag, as a talisman against evil spells that encroach on love.

It should be noted that not only women, but also men are engaged in love spells. Many peoples of the world describe the ways that guys use to "dry" a girl, or mature men to beat off someone else's wife. In our literature, such cases are described Gogol, Kotsyubinsky, Kuprin, Bulgakov. One of the ways to separate, quarrel loving spouses is to weave tangled knots from ribbons of various materials and put them on the victim. In the 113th chapter of the Qur'an there is a report about women who weave such knots, and in the 114th it is told how Mahomet he was freed from the corruption inflicted on him by a girl who tied a rope of eleven knots. Sex magic creates nothing, it destroys everything, entails evil, for coercion is a misfortune for both sides. Magic rarely brings salvation to a person, because it is based on violence.

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For many people, at one point or another in their lives, the question “does magic really exist” begins to arise? Is this true and is our life really filled with some kind of secret secret knowledge, which is usually spoken about only in a whisper and only in a narrow circle of trusted persons? Let's figure it out and clarify all the pros and cons, but what do you think, is there magic and witchcraft?

From time immemorial, the study of this topic gives us many more questions than answers, perhaps because the world of subtle matters should not be studied and experimented, but felt. With the current rhythm of life, we forget about such eternal concepts and lose the ability to hear and feel ourselves, which already speaks of the world around us.

The phenomenon of "Magic", as expressed in our lives?

  • Matches. Has it ever happened to you, think about a person today, just remembered someone by chance and meet him at the checkout in a supermarket or at the next table in a cafe? Or let’s say you need to get from point A to point B, but you don’t have your own transport and you are standing at a bus stop, and a passing friend saw you and drove you to your destination. Is it magic or just a little bit of luck? Or maybe you just attract the right people into your life? But we will talk about this law of "attraction" later.
  • Clairvoyance. Many treatises have been written about this phenomenon, and the grain of such a gift is glimmering in each of us, and 99.9% of people have no idea about it and simply consider everything that happens to them to be a coincidence)) (see above). There are many varieties of predicting future events: clairvoyance, clairaudience and Dreaming (receiving information through dreams). Let's discard all the TV shows in which you saw psychics and sorcerers, this is unlikely to help you in life, but a prophetic dream or a warning dream for most people is quite common. So what happens? Are we all magicians and have supernatural powers? Or are these abilities inherent in us from the very beginning, just blocked? For what purpose?
  • Miracles. With the development of the Internet, we receive information from everywhere and often see news about how myrrh icons cry in temples all over the planet, how the sick are cured after talking with healers, or whose life is radically changing for the better by getting rid of "damage, the evil eye" and other bad stuff. Is it worth believing such statements if they are not advertising in nature and simply convey information to people? Do you believe in miracles? In the strength of a person who can influence another and heal him with the power of thought?
  • Dreams. The most favorite part of our readers. Turns out. we are all a little wizards and have the power to fulfill our desires and dreams, not just visualizing them, but also talking about them at every step)) Well, as usual, the stronger the mental message and the desire to fulfill a dream, the better and faster it will be fulfilled. And if, among other things, you also perform actions in the direction of fulfilling your dream, be sure: everything will come true!!! Here you need to remember: nothing is given to us immediately, there is such a concept of “time”, and so it is also needed for some reason. Why do you think?

And the most important conclusion: A person has a huge brain, and it is used by 4-5% of its capabilities. How could a bodybuilder's muscles grow if they were never used??? And how could such a brain develop? Strange evolution... Think about it.

P.S. Today I do not want to answer all the questions that are asked in this public, it is enough that you learn how to ask these questions correctly ... this is the first step to getting all the answers. In order to understand your opinion, click a couple of times in the poll or wait for your thoughts in the comments.