Is there magic in our world? Wizards exist or not. How to recognize the magical effect. the most common misconceptions among those who think that magic really exists. Cases from the life of acquaintances

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What do you associate the word "magic" with? Surely with something unknown, secret, something that modern science cannot explain. Magicians have long been called people who can, by the power of thought and words, influence other people, cause rain in a drought, heal people, or vice versa, cripple, causing damage. Is all this true or fiction of superstitious people, does magic really exist or should it be classified as pseudoscience?

Magic and official science

Official science rejects magic, since magic has no evidence base. The sorcerer casts spells, conducts rituals and ceremonies, but can hardly explain how everything works. Oddly enough, but magicians helped ... science itself, proving the existence of a biofield. But that's not all: scientists have realized that the human brain functions like a quantum computer, and thoughts are elementary particles-quanta that can affect the person himself, those around him and natural processes. All these interactions are transmitted through the noosphere discovered by Vernadsky. It turns out that magic does exist.

Modern magicians: who are they?

Modern mages don't look like they're supposed to

If magic exists, then what do modern magicians look like? If you imagine a witch or a special sorcerer in a black robe, bending over a potion and whispering spells, then you are deeply mistaken ... A real witch can turn out to be an ordinary neighbor - a school teacher, a mother of three children, a grandmother-God's dandelion, etc.

Magicians are quite secretive people and try not to give themselves away unless absolutely necessary. Then why are programs like "The Battle of Psychics" so popular? This is a cunning technology designed to present some kind of magic as a show, entertainment for millions.

What is it for? They hide the truth from people - the whole world is ruled by magicians-masons. They influence world governments, provoke wars and an economic crisis, control public opinion, including with the help of zombie technologies. But more on that in our next articles.

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The attitude of people to magic has always been tense. Some nationalities relied on it as the only source of conduct, while others could be burned at the stake for its use. In our century, many skeptics have appeared who not only answer in the negative to the question of whether magic really exists in the world, but also find rational explanations for magical manifestations. But not always even the physical laws of the world explain why supernatural things happen, and some people can literally penetrate the thoughts of others.

History of occurrence

The first mentions appeared at a time when a person realized his place in the world. The desire to get what he wanted appeared in him immediately from the moment he realized that he was not nature and not an animal. In this sense, it can be considered in analogy with religion. After all, judging, Orthodoxy is also a kind of magic.

A believer comes to a temple or church, prays to the Saint, and then puts a candle to him. This is the same ritual, because they do not turn to themselves during prayer and not to the people around them, but to the holy spirit, some spiritual Absolute. Such an understanding of the contiguity and practically synonymousness of these two currents is by no means blasphemy, as it might seem. This is a sober view of things, for which there are many confirmations.

The same view on the division of the current into black and white. In fact, as the esotericists themselves note, no separation exists in the real world. All this is one force, one essence. The point here is only how a person is able to cope with it. If his goal is to get what he wants in the possible neutral ways, then the ritual will be white. If the magician does not set himself an end in itself, so that the desire is fulfilled without harm to others and without affecting the will of another person, then this is a darker ritual. The magic itself is not divided into white, gray, black, purple ...

How was formed

Answering the question whether there is magic in the world, one can unequivocally say that people have been forming this knowledge since the same time as religious canons. It is noteworthy that it largely repeats the religious path.


In the most ancient times, when there was practically no physical, astronomical knowledge, magic and religion were one. With the help of rituals, people solved their problems, for example, they caused rain or contributed to better hunting. Of course, magicians in those days were the most revered strata of society, on an equal footing, and possibly higher than the heads of the tribe. Reverence was the same in front of the divine pantheon and the ordinary magician in the village. At the same time, the magicians of those times could dive into the astral world, it was real and understandable for them.

In the Middle Ages, the situation changed. Christianity began to rule the world, but by no means according to God's laws. Now many historians are inclined to think that such rituals of ancient Christianity as the Inquisition or the burning of witches at the stake are nothing more than the action of some magicians for their own purposes. After all, it turns out that such unlawful cruel actions in relation to others violated the commandments - do not kill and love your neighbor. Religion became in opposition, but they were equal forces.

If people of that time thought that this was fiction, then there would be no cruel sacrifices. The attitude towards magical power has transformed, it has become more perverted.


Of course, the argument about whether there is magic in the real world begins with two opponents discussing whether rituals actually exist or whether this is autosuggestion. The question should immediately be answered: would there have been a doctrine from primitive times to our time, if it had not been effective?

Many esotericists tend to think that magical powers are given to every person from birth. Someone puts them away, someone actively uses and does not even suspect it. Only one person out of several thousand turns the magical abilities inherent in him into the power that can change the world. For example, with the power of thought, such a person can move objects or influence the will of another.

Whether magic really exists is an individual question. Those who live in a world in which any action can be explained only with the help of physical laws are not inclined to believe in the existence of higher powers. Others, even people of a mathematical mind, are sure that it is impossible to explain everything in a rational way.

Punishment for using magic

Of course, everyone has heard that there are severe penalties for using magic in the real world. Allegedly, the young lady who has bewitched the guy will be happy with him for several years, but then the dark forces will definitely take their toll - the spouse will start drinking, the children will get sick, or the woman who has made the love spell will be haunted by various troubles.

There is only one argument - magic goes against God's commandments. But do we strictly adhere to them now, and does the world dictate its own rules to us? We don't think it's strange to drink at a restaurant on the weekend, we don't call cohabitation with an intimate relationship before marriage something supernatural. However, if you look at what warnings God left, it becomes clear that such actions do not fit. What can we say about the fact that in our world abortion is perceived as an ordinary surgical operation, and not as a terrible sin of infanticide. Or an affair on the side of the spouse as a common thing, and not as a strong sin before the Lord.

If you think about all this, it becomes clear that magic among all these sins is clearly not in a leading position. Those who perceive all previous actions adequately, but only treat magic with caution, considering or even calling it out loud "the machinations of Satan", are simply prevaricating.


Is there magic in the world - this is not a question that can be answered using the usual dogmas and canons. First of all, experience should be taken into account, and whether real magic really works.

Real magicians, namely those who have the power to inspire their thoughts to other people, do not need careful and very complex rituals. An ordinary Voodoo doll or a simple photograph of the offender is enough for them. Looking into the eyes, they can make a person, even at a distance of thousands of kilometers, experience certain feelings and come to the right conclusions. Of course, only those who have natural abilities can fully master it.

Oddly enough, but indirectly affected by magic and atheists, those who absolutely do not believe in the presence of the supernatural in our world. But when they see needles in the door jamb or graveyard earth sprinkled on the threshold, their skepticism is instantly dispelled. They immediately begin to think about who could have done this, whom they did not please, and independently form a funnel with their thoughts, thanks to which the magical effect is enhanced and accelerated.


Wizards in our time, of course, exist. Dedicated to this popular TV shows, enjoying a huge rating. There are also quite a few documentaries that talk about the miracles that some people can do in reality.

Despite the fact that many "Old Believers" forbid the use of magic, if we take into account the previous statements, it becomes clear that this is no worse than anything that modern people allow themselves.

For some reason, evidence of existence is associated with the influence of dark forces. Allegedly, if a person can control the forces of nature, or at least the thoughts of others, this is from the Devil. In fact, magic is a reality that has no light or dark side, polarity. It depends only on the person himself what this power will become for himself or for other people. Is there really magic - everyone decides for himself. But if the answer is yes, then you should not thoughtlessly start your workouts. It is necessary to decide what this action is for the world.

Not everyone has the same magical ability from birth. For some, a few minutes is enough to uncover them, but the vast majority need to learn. Even with minimal ability, results can be achieved. The main thing is to strive to acquire knowledge, to identify the path that submits better. For example, some manifest themselves in the search for things, while others are given a description of future events or the creation of herbal preparations for the treatment of ailments.

Magic is the same religion. The ritual is identical: a ceremony is performed before the power, the Absolute is asked for something in the form of a conspiracy-prayer. The punishment for using magical "chips" is no stronger than what awaits a person who has sex before marriage, drinks alcohol, smokes. Magic is not divided into colors, but it depends on the person himself what deed he will bring to the world.

Questions that have long been of concern to everyone: does magic exist? What is it, magic or trick? What are the types of magic? Everyone believes in what is convenient for him. Some vehemently prove that it exists, and is able to influence the fate of people. Others resist and do not believe in its existence. For several centuries, mankind has been trying to understand this matter in order to finally find the right answer to all these questions.

Does magic really exist, or is it a figment of the imagination of certain people? And is there really a science of magic? Even if we assume that this is all fiction and an accident.

But, do not forget that a large number of accidents develops into a pattern. It would be clearer to everyone if there was one defining name, but until today no one can say with certainty that it is talent, magic, miracle or science.

Everyone who believes in witchcraft has decided for themselves that this is a combination of certain actions aimed at changing reality and the world around them.

The history of the emergence of magical influences

It is impossible to establish the exact date of occurrence of this phenomenon. The history of magic goes far into the past, it developed in parallel with the development of mankind.

Ancient people believed in the afterlife and the rebirth of the soul. The history of magic testifies that in ancient times in Russia there were people, witches, healers who performed magical rites. They helped to get rid of serious illnesses, called for good luck, created amulets for those who came to them for help.

By certain magical rituals, they could control the weather.

Many argue that the main types of magic are black and white. Initially, it is worth noting that real magic has no color. It all depends on the sorcerer who uses it, and the goals set for him.

The history of magic allows us to conclude that it really exists, is passed down from generation to generation and is constantly evolving.

Science or art?

The science of magic reveals the incredible ability of a person to influence the course of events, feelings and destinies of people. Also, the science of magic makes it possible to learn how to influence the human biofield. And the stronger your energy, and the sooner you will be able to unravel the magic. To become a magician, it is not enough to read one article or perform several rites. The science of magic requires a responsible approach. As in other sciences, there are laws and foundations of magic that a novice magician should know.

To learn how to control magical powers, you need to know its basic laws:

  1. Law of knowledge. Knowledge is a unique weapon, the more you know about a certain object, the easier it is to control it.
  2. Self-knowledge. A sorcerer who has no knowledge of himself cannot have knowledge of what he is doing. Before establishing control over someone, you need to know yourself.
  3. action and result. When performing a magical effect, each magician must clearly understand what he is doing and understand what result he is counting on.
  4. The power of a word. Each word has great power, it helps to change both inner and outer reality.

Types of magical influences

There are different types of magic. It combines many completely unrelated subspecies. Each of them has its own rules for conducting rituals and consequences.

Among the large number of classifications, the main ones can be distinguished:

  • White - implies communication with good spirits. Helps to cope with various diseases, get rid of spoilage.
  • Black. It is the complete opposite of white. Magicians resort to the help of evil spirits. All rituals have a destructive effect, bring trouble and grief.
  • Green. It is carried out with the help of a variety of magical or healing infusions, fats. At the heart of cooking, which are special herbs.
  • Mental. It is carried out only through the ability to concentrate. No additional attributes are used.
  • Christian, consists of a number of church rites that help overcome difficulties.

Is it possible to learn witchcraft?

Would you like to be trained in magic, but recently let magic into your life and do not know how to deal with it? If you want to practice white magic, you should follow some of the guidelines that white magic requires for beginners.

It is impossible to learn magic in one day. Learning magic requires responsibility and judgment. Magic practice requires attentiveness and concentration.

Real magic is based on 4 elements: Water, Fire, Air, Earth. To learn how to control the energy of these elements, you need faith in yourself, willpower and imagination. Therefore, to begin with, go through the lessons that will help you strengthen these three aspects, and only then you can take on learning magic.

  • try to learn to control your own feelings and emotions;
  • before each ritual, it is necessary to take a course of meditation in order to concentrate your energy in the right direction;
  • carefully study all existing methods of witchcraft, the procedure for conducting and possible consequences;
  • to become a real sorcerer, you need to regularly perform rituals.


Some sorcerers and magicians practice private lessons. You can contact them for help and get detailed information. But before you connect your life with this mysterious and almost inexplicable phenomenon, you need to understand if you need it. After all, the opinion that all magical actions leave an imprint on the fate of the magician himself has a place to be. In fact, sorcery often has a destructive effect. Therefore, you must be completely sure of the correct choice.

Researchers of magic and religion say: yes, witchcraft exists among all peoples of the world. From time immemorial, it was also common in Russia, sorcerers and healers lived in every village. They differed in that the sorcerer could cause damage, and the healer could take away. Love magic was practiced by natural and involuntary sorcerers.

People were considered involuntary, to whom, before death, sorcerers transfer their power, otherwise the mother-cheese earth will not accept them. To expose sorcerers in Russian villages, three means were used: a lit palm candle, aspen firewood, which must be heated on Maundy Thursday before Easter, and a rowan rod - all this must be held in hands in the church during bright matins. It is believed that the sorcerer will come to the house either to ask for ashes from aspen logs, or simply from anxiety, and then he will expose himself.

Sorcerers come in different strengths: it is enough for one to look and send his unkind thought with a sidelong glance to make him wither. The one who is weaker needs either the powder of the curse, which he sends into the wind, or the witch's potion, or the trace taken out, that is, a handful of earth from under the feet of the doomed. Or you need a thing that they slander - conspiracies are common among both sorcerers and healers. Against all the intrigues of sorcerers, there have always been many amulets: onions, garlic, amber, incense, a cross sewn on a headscarf, a slandered coin put in stockings, needles without ears sewn into a dress, etc.

love spell

Inquisitor monks of the 15th century wrote a practical guide to fighting witchcraft called The Hammer of the Witches, which describes cases of inducing sexual impotence and claims that men are bewitched more often than women:

  1. when they interfere with rapprochement in general;
  2. when a man's heart is ignited for one woman and turned away to another (potions, conspiracies, energy message, thought);
  3. when hatred is aroused between spouses;
  4. when sexual impotence of men is caused up to its paralysis;
  5. when there is an obstruction to the release of the seed. They argued that “the bewitchment of the feeling of love and sexual intercourse lies in the bewitchment of the will and that the doctor cannot cure this. Here the intervention of the church is necessary: ​​reprimanding, casting out demons.

Modern psychiatrists believe that only in 15 percent of cases they can provide effective help in the treatment of sexual impotence, the remaining 85 percent remain beyond what can be understood by modern biology. Like this! The monks explain who can be bewitched - either a sinner or an innocent - for the sins of his parents, the sin is also transmitted by hiding other people's sins. For violence in love in any of its manifestations, for the separation of lovers, for encroaching on someone else's happiness, for one's own sins, they are punished with sexual impotence. Sickness as a punishment for evil done is in itself a way of washing away this evil. Therefore, not all healers undertake such a cure, a person must work out and atone for his sin himself.

Until he has gone through suffering and illness, he will not be freed and will not wash away the evil done by him or his ancestors once. Sometimes this is a punishment for the sins of one's people, one's country, the most terrible punishment is the deprivation of the ability to procreate. It will hang over him: evil, once committed, will surely return like a boomerang. This is the cosmic law of development in a circle and return to normal. The infidelity of a husband can lead to the illness of an innocent wife, and the stronger the emotional closeness between the spouses, the more likely the deflection of the blow to the other. Probably, the reason here is the sacrifice of the lover, who takes the blow.

Sometimes such blows are taken by children, their spoiled life is the payment for the sin of their mother or grandmother, as a rule, this is retribution for treason, for killed love. The sphere of the occult is dominated by eroticism. Near the spell of love many different combinations of sexual charms, aimed not only at the termination of marriage ties, but also at strengthening sexual potency. There are three groups of love charms: suggestion by thought, occult activities, stimulants. Even the ancient Romans believed that the blood of a bat under a woman's pillow causes her passionate sexual desire.

And the Slovaks deeply believe that it is enough to run a charmed orchid flower over the body of a lover so that he remains faithful to them forever. Astrology has rendered a great service to human love: a love talisman has been created. It was cast from the metal of Venus - copper. It was round in shape, the signs of Venus were displayed on it on that day and hour that are dedicated to this planet, that is, on Friday, coinciding with the twentieth day of the month. They wore it around the neck in a bag, as a talisman against evil spells that encroach on love.

It should be noted that not only women, but also men are engaged in love spells. Many peoples of the world describe the ways that guys use to "dry" a girl, or mature men to beat off someone else's wife. In our literature, such cases are described Gogol, Kotsyubinsky, Kuprin, Bulgakov. One of the ways to separate, quarrel loving spouses is to weave tangled knots from ribbons of various materials and put them on the victim. In the 113th chapter of the Qur'an there is a report about women who weave such knots, and in the 114th it is told how Mahomet he was freed from the corruption inflicted on him by a girl who tied a rope of eleven knots. Sex magic creates nothing, it destroys everything, entails evil, for coercion is a misfortune for both sides. Magic rarely brings salvation to a person, because it is based on violence.

The attitude to magic is something like the attitude to religion. Even the most inveterate atheists, no, no, and even think about the fact that not everything is so simple and clear in our world. You can talk for a long time about whether magic really exists or is it just a part of human self-hypnosis, such an illusion that allows you to wishful thinking. I will not argue with you on this matter, I will simply state the facts to you and tell you what this power is and whether it is worth believing in it.

Magic is a kind of religion

History of Magic

Magic as a science, and this is science, has existed since the time when a reasonable person realized his place in this world and began his journey to the top. It was not for nothing that I mentioned at the beginning that magic is a kind of religion. Just think, even the Christian religion is a kind of magic. People go to the Temple, put a candle to their Saint and say the words of a prayer, that's the ritual for you. And we must admit that every prayer is a request, a request to the Holy Spirit. If you discard everything that filled your heads regarding the fact that magic is rituals and evil, and religion is the worship of the Lord and means good, you will understand that the same source lies at the heart of these two directions. And this is not blasphemy, this is a real sober look at things.

I want to say the same about the division of magic into two different directions, that is, about what exists: White Magic and Black Magic. There is no White, Black, Gray or Violet Magic, it is one, it is one power, one skill and one knowledge that makes it possible to work with human energy and with the energies of the world. Does Black Magic Really Exist? Is there White Magic? Yes there is, yes there is magic in the real world. But she is not Black, and not Lilac, she is just magic, without colors and shades.

How the canons of Magic were formed

By studying the historical facts that relate to magic and how this doctrine developed on earth, we can clearly see that the path largely repeated the path of religion.

First Fact: The Path

Primitive Times: Magic is on par with the first religion. It is with the help of rituals that most issues are resolved. The magicians of those times are not condemned or persecuted, on the contrary, they are honored. The ancient servants of the Divine Pantheon are magicians and sorcerers. That is, religion and magic in those days were a single whole and won the same worship and reverence.

All ancient magics were able to visit the astral world, and this was also magic, ancient and strong.

The period of the Middle Ages brought its own adjustments. With the advent of Christianity, the view of magic has changed dramatically. Just think how perversely the Inquisition used religion to its advantage. For a long time, historians have been screaming that all the actions of the Inquisition, the Witch Hunt, and the Burning at the stake are nothing but magic, and very unkind. In those days, the most strict laws of God were violated: do not kill and love your neighbor as yourself. If you throw off the shackles of imposed opinions and compare the ritual of Burning the Witch at the stake and the ritual of the Black Sacrifice, you will see that the procedure is identical, and this is a real human sacrifice. And therefore, no matter what they say, but even during the time of the Inquisition, religion and magic were one, only the attitude towards this force was perverted.

Burning a witch at the stake is nothing but magic, and very unkind

Fact two: Efficiency

It is possible to argue about whether magical rituals are effective, or whether this very self-hypnosis is possible for a long time, but the fact remains that if there were no effects, this teaching would not have gone its way from the Beginning of Time to the Times of the Great Computerization. I will not assure you that everyone can become a magician, but still, we all have the rudiments of the Force from birth. It’s just that someone doesn’t want to believe in it, someone is afraid of what he feels and tries to hide from it, and someone opens his mind and takes the first step choosing the path of magic. Think, here is a person with a look, with the power of thought, moves an object. We all know that this is no magic, but telekinesis, one of the many powers hidden in our subconscious. It's just that some people can do it and some can't. Also with the ability to work with energy, someone can do it, and someone can not. But at the time of the Inquisition, this was already a clear application for magic.

My first magical experiments were not related to magic at all. At the age of 10-11, magic for me was somewhere on the level of a fairy tale about an evil witch. But the fact remains, I used force on myself, took up self-treatment. I had a toothache, badly, I couldn't sleep, and then I began to concentrate on this pain, imagining it as a black-and-red ball, studded with needles and glass fragments. He hurt me this ball, and I began to mentally imagine it in detail, just visualize it, and then I just “pulled it out”. The experiment was a success, the pain is gone, here is the magic for you. Magic exists, and magic is the ability to manipulate energy, using it for your own purposes.

Fact three: Punishment

Oh, yes, what, what, but what a terrible punishment awaits those who practice magic, you can talk and listen for hours. Ask the townsfolk why you can't do magic, and you will hear that it is against God's laws, that it is a sin, and so on. I noticed a strange thing, for those who are up to their necks in sin, magic is a terrible sin. In our knowledge of the world, its modern canons, we can treat with irony a girl who has kept her virginity up to 25 years old, and she adheres to the law of God about the purity of her body. But we don’t see anything wrong with having an affair on the side, we don’t deny ourselves the pleasure of eating something tasty or drinking wine with friends, yes, to say a lot, we have abortions as a legal surgical operation. And adultery, sexual relations before marriage and murder, and abortion is murder, and even collective, and plus it is also the murder of an innocent soul according to God's laws, sinless, these are much worse sins than practicing magic. Therefore, we conclude that the punishment for witchcraft will not be worse than the punishment for an abortion or the punishment for relationships before marriage. And if so, then why do we accept these sins as something ordinary, and do not tremble before God's punishment, but the punishment for magic plunges us into horror and fear of retribution? This is just hypocrisy.

Fact Four: Suggestion

Suggestion is a terrible weapon. And don't argue with me. This very suggestion is especially vividly revealed in those areas that relate specifically to witchcraft. I know a practice girl who did not at all resort to rituals as such to punish her offender or vice versa to give a person strength and faith in himself. Her work was sometimes based simply on suggesting certain thoughts to people. Let me give you an example: a colleague at work plotted her. But she did not waste her strength on this person, despite the fact that she has the skills. She took the shortest path: downloaded a photo of her offender from the Internet, simply pierced her eyes in the image, mind you, without any rituals, just poked, and burned the photo along the contour. Then she threw this disfigured drawing to the offender. When the photo was discovered, the offender's brain launched the self-hypnosis program "I'm in trouble!". And despite the fact that she was a convinced atheist, the subconscious mind began its work and all life's failures and problems, which before that she had perceived just as life's ordinary troubles, suddenly found a basis: "Magic, Black Magic, Corruption." What a horror, though! To be honest, watching her throwing was quite funny, and for all that she did, there was no desire to calm her down or regret it. But the fact remains, this person's arrogance has sharply decreased, she did not know who did this against her, and came to the decision to leave her colleagues alone. Well, yes, later she found some charlatan magician who confirmed her damage and wore him money for removing this most terrible damage. But that's a completely different story. The fact remains that the forces were not spent precisely magic, but the effect was. And why? Because subconsciously we all believe in the existence of magic and are afraid that magicians will begin to act against us with a desire to cause harm.

Persuasion is a terrible weapon

Summing up

Now, when we have already figured out what magic and witchcraft are, it's time to take stock. Why you shouldn't be afraid of it:

  • the ability to practice magic is not a fact that you have contacted the devil, it is only a fact that you did not lose the ability to work with the energy of the world given to you by nature at birth, but managed to strengthen and develop them;
  • magic and religion have the same roots at the core, lighting a candle in front of the image and saying a prayer, you carry out the most ordinary ritual of turning to a higher power and reinforce it with a conspiracy (prayer);
  • the punishment for magic or witchcraft is no worse than the punishment that awaits you for adultery, sex before marriage, abortion, or simply for wanting to dance and drink alcohol.

Magic exists, but these forces did not come to you from the Devil or God, magic is one, it is the ability to work with energy. But you direct your skills to punish or to help people, this is your own business. I do not divide Magic into colors, just as I do not condemn if the practitioner works with rituals designed to bewitch someone, harass someone or send damage to the victim. As the saying goes, everyone gets according to their deeds. I recognize the fact that one person can bring another person to such a fever that revenge on him can result in a ritual for the death of an enemy or damage to health. And I also recognize the fact that a love spell, even if it is referred to as an aggressive type of magic, is sometimes the only way to achieve such a desired happiness.