Unusual rescue of people during the war. Miraculous cases of saving human life by animals

There are cases when people who were considered dead, for example, in accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters, suddenly return "from the other world." Many mysteries are connected with this - after all, these miraculous rescues defy rational explanation.

During the Great Patriotic War, Private Ivan Zh. died. In any case, his comrade saw him fall to the ground, struck by a grenade fragment. There was no way to pick up the bodies of the dead. The commander of the unit sent a funeral to Zh.'s family.

A few months later, the commander received a message that a deserter from his unit had been caught in one village. The name of the captured fighter was Ivan Zh. “Why, he died!” - exclaimed the commander. However, he was assured otherwise.

Ivan Zh. appeared before the military all tattered. At the age of 30, he completely turned gray. The private was talking some nonsense. As if after the battle, when he was hit in the head and, according to his comrade, killed, he woke up in an unfamiliar area.

There was not a soul anywhere, no volleys of guns, no fighting. Around only the steppe and the forest. For several days the soldier wandered through the forests, eating what God would send. In the forest, Ivan came across some small house, like a gatehouse. There he was met by a woman dressed in a dark dress and headscarf, like a nun. It turned out that she spoke a language unfamiliar to him - not Russian, but not German either. Ivan claimed that the woman was able to talk with animals, a dog and a cat that lived with her, as well as with squirrels and birds.

Zh. remained in the forest house. The woman fed him, looked after him, but they explained only by gestures. He never understood who the mistress of the house was, what she was doing here. For all the time no one ever visited the woman, although she herself sometimes went somewhere for a long time with a bundle in her hands. Ivan wandered around, hoping to find signs of other human habitation or meet other people.

Once a soldier could not return to the woman's house - he did not find the way to him from the forest. For another week he wandered through the forest, completely weakened from hunger and fatigue. Finally fell somewhere under a bush and lost consciousness. Then the inhabitants of a nearby village came across him. Before putting Ivan Zh. on trial for desertion, they nevertheless decided to conduct an inquiry. They put him in a car and drove him in search of the “forest woman”.

They combed everything in those parts, but did not find any hut in the forest. They began to ask local residents, what if some German spy who had recruited a Russian fighter was really hiding in the forest? No one has heard of the mysterious stranger. And only one village old woman suggested that Ivan met with a mermaid. “In the old days, there were goblin, and witches, and mermen, and mermaids. And now they rarely show themselves to a person.

Of course, none of those who conducted the investigation believed in these "grandmother's tales." It was decided that Ivan Zh., most likely, was hidden by one of the local women. And about the mermaid, everything is either a lie or nonsense. Ivan disappeared without a trace somewhere in the Stalinist camps, and most likely, he was immediately shot. His family was never told anything.

A mysterious story happened today with a young climber Eugene R. Being with a group of comrades in the mountains, he fell off a cliff into an abyss. However, his remains have not been found anywhere.

A year later, several people from that group went to the same place to remember their deceased friend. We sat down at the cliff and suddenly noticed that from below, from the bottom of the abyss, some kind of haze was rising. And then they heard shouts: "Help, help!"

With apprehension, one of the friends looked down. There, at the bottom of the abyss, Zhenya stood and waved his hands, calling for help. He was wearing the same clothes as on the day he disappeared. At first, the figure of Eugene seemed to be shrouded in fog, but then the fog dissipated.

Zhenya was immediately dragged upstairs with the help of a cable. It turned out that he had no idea how much time had passed. He remembered the fall into the abyss. Then - a failure in consciousness. I woke up at the bottom of the abyss, whole and unharmed. I was able to stand up on my own. I saw my comrades above and shouted to them. At the same time, he was still surprised that they were not dressed the way they were before his fall.

It looked like Eugene had lost his memory. He never managed to answer the question of where he was all this time. It was assumed that some people had kidnapped him and injected him with psychotropic drugs. But during a medical examination, nothing was found in his body.

Later, some more details came to light. Zhenya said that when he was lying in a swoon after a fall, he had an amazing dream (or was it a vision?) About a city that has no equal on earth. This city consisted of beautiful buildings quaint architecture surrounded by lush gardens. He met there people in long robes, speaking in a foreign language, but at the same time he understood every single word. Gradually, the memory returned to Eugene, and he began to claim that he had seen a magical land in reality.

The young man gave up mountain climbing, although he came to the place of his “death” several times, trying to find his way to the fabulous city. But all in vain. Few believed his stories.

In one of the Latin American countries, when a bomb was planted by terrorists in the lobby of an administrative building, about two dozen people were killed. Some of them were only ashes. About a month later, a young man and woman who looked very haggard approached the local police. The newlyweds Hustavo and Anita La Paglia, who were considered dead during the explosion, remained alive!

They said that, being in the building on the case, they heard a terrible roar, and came to their senses in the desert hundreds of kilometers from the city. They ended up on a ranch, whose owner received them and fed them, but refused to help them get home, demanding that they do various work for him. He treated them like working cattle. But somehow they managed to steal his car and escape. Having reached the first settlement, they left the car there and took a bus to the city.

The most interesting thing is that when the police tried to find the man who kept La Paglia and his wife as slaves, there was no one with that name and surname in the district. True, someone remembered that a man with the last name of the rancher died many years ago, leaving no offspring, and his estate was sold to someone. There was no habitation in the indicated place in the desert. Meanwhile, Khustavo and Anita talked about their stay at the mysterious ranch in such details that it is simply impossible to invent.

So what happened to all these people? Perhaps, at the moment of danger and death, they were teleported to another reality, which saved their lives, and then somehow returned back? But why exactly they were saved and what forces are behind this - this is the biggest mystery.

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People believe in miracles, and sometimes they really do happen! Some amazing escape stories from imminent death can be attributed to incredible escapes, but more often than not, the most miraculous stories of human survivors are explained solely by their amazing willpower.

Yossi Ginsberg. 19 days spent in the Amazon jungle in search of people

In 1981, Israeli traveler Yossi Ginsberg, in the company of three of his friends, went to the Amazon jungle in search of yet undiscovered tribes of Indians.

During the expedition, the group had to split up. Yossi and a friend built a raft, but during the descent down the river they landed in a waterfall. Ginsberg survived, but was swept away by the current.

When Yossi got ashore, it turned out that he only had insect spray and a lighter with him, which were in his pockets during the rafting.

For 19 days, the man wandered through the jungle, eating fruits, insects and bird eggs. Ginsberg survived a jaguar attack, which the traveler frightened off with a makeshift flamethrower.

At the end of the journey, Yossi almost drowned in the swamp.

When Ginsberg was found by a group of volunteers, a colony of termites managed to settle on the traveler. The search party was equipped by Comrade Yosi, who managed to swim ashore first. The other two members of the expedition could not be found.

Douglas Mawson. In 56 days he traveled more than 500 km to the base in Antarctica. More than half - all alone

Polar explorer Douglas Mawson and two of his colleagues were returning to their base in Antarctica after a long hike. On December 14, 1912, a tragedy happened - one of Mawson's colleagues fell into a crevice and died. Together with him, the team failed, on which there was most of the provisions and the tent. Scientists had to go almost 500 km to the base. The situation was complicated by the fact that the temperature did not rise above -20°C and the strong wind did not subside.

Due to food shortages, Mawson and Merz had to eat the meat of the surviving dogs and pull the sled themselves.

Three weeks later, on January 8, 1912, Merz died, and Mawson continued on his way alone. He had to get rid of almost everything in order to lighten the sled.

A couple of days before the end of the trip, the polar explorer fell into a crack in the ice, but was able to get out. When Mawson managed to get to the base, it turned out that the Aurora ship, on which he was supposed to sail home, set sail 5 hours ago. Mawson had to wait another 9 months for his return.

Aaron Lee Ralston. Spent four days in the mountains without food or water, nailed to a rock by a 300-kilogram boulder

Aaron Lee Ralston was an accomplished climber and often made solo trips.

During his next ascent in the Blue John Canyon in Utah, he had an accident - a 300-kilogram boulder fell on the climber and squeezed him right hand in the crevice of the rock.

Aaron did not tell anyone about the upcoming ascent. There was no connection, and Aaron lay for 4 days near the stone without moving.

The water ran out on the first day, and Aaron had to drink his own urine to keep himself going until possible help arrived. During this time, Ralston managed to carve the estimated date of his death on the rock and record the farewell on the phone. On the fourth day, the waiting became unbearable, Aron tried to remove his hand from under the boulder, but eventually broke it. Then he decided to amputate the hand with a penknife.

After that, Aaron descended from the 20-meter wall and met the tourists. They gave him first aid and called rescuers.

Evan Munzi. Spent a month under the rubble of the market after the strongest earthquake

In 2010, Haiti was hit by a terrible earthquake that claimed the lives of more than 200,000 people.

On the day of the disaster, Evan Muntzi was working in a rice market. When the aftershocks began, the roof of the building collapsed, and the man was buried under the rubble, where he spent a whole month without food.

As it became known later, air continued to flow through cracks in the concrete slabs, sometimes rainwater seeped through them. This helped Evan survive. When they found him, Muntzi had gangrene. Doctors from the field hospital saved the young man's life by stopping the infection.

Jose Salvador Albarengo. Spent 14.5 months on the high seas without fresh water

Fisherman Jose Salvador Albarengo and his friend went to catch a shark. On their boat, they sailed from the coast of Mexico. Fishing did not work out - the motor broke down, and the fishermen were carried away by the current to the Pacific Ocean. José's comrade, Ezequiel Cordoba, died of exhaustion some time later, and Albarengo continued his journey alone. He ate raw fish, drank the blood of sea turtles and his own urine. Occasionally, after rain, the fisherman managed to drink rainwater. From the sun, José took cover in a fish box.

Only 14.5 months after the start of the ill-fated voyage, the fisherman's boat was washed ashore off the Marshall Islands.

Many considered the story of José a hoax, believing that it was impossible to cover a distance of 10,000 km in 439 days. However, Mexican authorities confirmed two fishermen were missing in November 2012.

Gudlaugur Fridthorsson. Spent over 6 hours in freezing water trying to get to shore

In 1984, a fishing schooner was caught in a storm in the Norwegian Sea. A few people survived, but soon they all died from hypothermia. Only Gudlaugur Fridtorsson survived.

The average annual water temperature in the Norwegian Sea is 5°C. The average person can survive in such water for half an hour. Friedthorsson held out for 6 hours before he managed to reach the nearest shore.

Having got out on land, the fisherman walked for several hours on the fragile and hard lava barefoot - he threw off his shoes as soon as he was in the water.

After Gudlaugur's recovery, scientists conducted a series of experiments with him to find out what allowed the sailor to hold out for so long in icy water. It turned out that Friedthorsson's fat is three times denser than that of the average person. This saved his life.

Vesna Vulovich. Fell from a height of 10,000 meters and survived

In January 1972, a Yugoslav DC-9-32 flew from Stockholm to Belgrade. There were 28 people on board, including stewardess Vesna Vulovich.

When the plane flew over Czechoslovakia, an explosion occurred inside the hull, the cabin separated and flew down.

Vesna Vulovich spent three minutes in the air, flying 10,000 meters during this time. A relatively soft landing for the girl was provided by snow-covered trees - she “got off” with a fracture of the base of the skull, pelvis, legs and three vertebrae.

Spring came to its senses only a month later. Coming out of a coma, she immediately asked the doctors for a cigarette. Vulovich was recovering for 4.5 years. As a result, the stewardess fully recovered from her injuries and learned to walk again. Subsequently, Vesna tried to return to the position of a flight attendant, but the airline refused her, arranging the girl to work as a secretary.

The whole world is now praying for Japan - for a people who have suffered a terrible misfortune. Do you know what amazes me the most? That there is no looting. Japanese priest says Orthodox Church about. Nicholas Kotsiuban:
Thank God there are no shameful cases, such as looting. For Japan, this is out of the question. People here are very civilized, even if food or things just stand on the street, no one will take them until they announce that it can be taken. Especially now, when such grief. People rallied and help each other in whatever way they can. I have known the Japanese for many years and I am sure that there will be nothing unworthy.

A relative of one of our parishioners filled the car with food and took it to the place where the victims were. And there are many such cases. Even restaurant owners are now trying to feed those who cannot pay for food. Some restaurants bring hot food to schools and other places where displaced people now live.
And now, when so many terrible things can be heard on TV and radio, read on the Web, I want to write about the miracles that have happened both in Japan and in other parts of the world. Miracles of salvation - contrary to all forecasts. Let's start, of course, with Japan.

Hiromitsu Shinkawa, a 60-year-old resident of the Japanese town of Minamisoma, was washed away by the tsunami into the open sea, where he drifted on the rubble of the roof of his house 15 km from the coast and said goodbye to life, writes The Daily Telegraph newspaper. Shinkava spent two days at sea. He tried to get the attention of crews of passing boats and helicopters flying over him, but apparently no one noticed him - the fragment of the roof on which Shinkawa was drifting merged with thousands of other pieces of buildings and debris.
Shinkawa was eventually discovered by a crew from a Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force ship. Grabbing a piece of roof with one hand, Shinkawa held a piece of red cloth in his other hand, trying to attract the attention of the rescuers.

Shinkawa said that he and his wife, having learned about the earthquake, first ran out of the house, but then returned for things when the tsunami hit. His wife was washed away by a wave, but Hiromitsu himself climbed onto the roof, on which he was carried away to the open sea. “I thought that today is the last day of my life,” said the Japanese.

Upon learning that his wife had not yet been found, Shinkawa burst into tears. The man himself, according to naval experts, survived only thanks to relatively tolerable weather and calm.

A citizen Japanese city Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture, who lost his tiny daughter in the earthquake, was certain he would never see her again. However, the baby miraculously survived after spending three days without food and water among the wreckage. The surviving girl is only four months old. When she was found, she was immediately sent to the nearest hospital for a general examination, although the health condition of the little patient did not cause much concern. “It’s incredible, she was born in your shirt,” the doctors assured the parent.

More stories from Japan:

A 70-year-old Japanese woman was found alive on the fourth day after the tsunami in the ruins of her own house in Osaka Prefecture. The elderly lady actually escaped with a slight fright: the doctors found she had only a slight hypothermia.
Store owner Harumi Watanabe told The Daily Mail that she didn't have time to save her elderly parents. Upon learning of the approaching tsunami, she rushed home to pick up her father and mother. “Because of their advanced age, they could not walk, and I did not have time to transfer them to the car,” Watanabe explained.

When the wave hit the windows of their house, Harumi grabbed her parents' hands. But under the impact of water, they could not keep their parents. With cries of “I can’t breathe,” they disappeared under the rushing stream of water. Harumi herself held her ground. “I was standing on the furniture, and the water had already reached my neck. Only a thin layer of air remained under the ceiling. I thought I was going to die,” she said.

Three elderly people were found alive in a wrecked car swept away by the tsunami. One woman clung to the branches of a tree and then jumped onto a floating mat. Streams of water carried her a considerable distance, she waited for help all night. Now she only cares about the fate of her missing daughter, CNN tells.

A 34-year-old truck driver in Sendai saved his life by choosing not to run from the wave, but to lock himself in his car, Global Post notes. “Smaller cars raced through the water around me. All I could do was sit in my truck,” he said.

God grant that these wonderful stories do not run out - let's hope for a miracle and pray for the victims.

And now a few more stories when people survived in spite of, not thanks to ...

24-year-old resident of Yekaterinburg (Russia) Yulia Shumakova was taken to hospital in critical condition after she returned from work and suddenly lost consciousness. Julia was 32 weeks pregnant. The examination revealed a seal in her brain, which was the cause of the attack. The patient was given a disappointing diagnosis, with such a disease people die in 96% of cases without even reaching the hospital.

The doctors decided to perform brain surgery and at the same time perform a caesarean section. There were practically no chances. But, to the surprise of the relatives of the patient and the doctors themselves, both the mother and the child were able to survive.

What do you think is more life-threatening: getting struck by lightning, falling out of an airplane, or wading through the rainforest for 9 days with multiple injuries? High school student Juliane Koepcke went through all these misfortunes and stayed alive. On December 24, 1971, LANSA flight 508 (Peru) was caught in a thunderstorm and struck by lightning. At that moment, the plane was above the tropical forest at an altitude of 3 kilometers. The plane broke into pieces.

A row of seats, to one of which Juliana was fastened, collapsed into the forest 3 kilometers from the main accident site. The remaining 92 people on that ill-fated flight died. The girl herself claimed that a row of seats in the fall rotated like a helicopter blade, which probably slowed down the speed of the fall, in addition, the seats fell into the dense crowns of trees.

After a fall from a height of 3 kilometers, Juliana's collarbone was broken, her arm was badly scratched, her right eye was swollen from the impact, her whole body was covered with bruises and scratches. But, fortunately, there were no injuries that prevented movement. Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself! Juliana's father was a biologist, she repeatedly visited the jungle with him and had an idea how to survive in the forest and get out of it. Juliana was able to get food for herself, then she found a stream and went down its course, hoping in this way to get to the river, where you can meet people. After 9 days, she came across fishermen who saved the girl.

The case of Juliana Koepke formed the basis of two films. Julian herself, after her adventure, did not turn away from wildlife and became a zoologist.

Khaleed Hussain, a 20-year-old farm worker, was buried alive under the rubble of his home in the October 8, 2005 earthquake. Wooden and brick fragments clamped him in a very uncomfortable position, only his hands could move a little. Both hands continued to make involuntary digging movements even after his rescue, which makes it possible to understand what horror the person buried alive experienced.

Khalid was accidentally discovered only on November 10, that is, almost a month after the earthquake. His right leg was broken in several places.

We are constantly faced with amazing stories about people who survived in situations where it would seem impossible to survive. These incredible cases teach us that self-confidence and a positive attitude can sometimes be enough to emerge unscathed (or recoverable, at least) from the most critical situations.

Model whose body is supported by 11 metal rods

Adorable model Katrina Burgess survived a car accident that broke her neck, back and ribs, damaged her pelvis, punctured her lungs and inflicted numerous other injuries. Katrina's car drove off the highway at over 100 km/h into a roadside ditch.

Her body is held together by 11 metal rods and countless screws, which is sure to give her some trouble getting through metal detectors at airports.

The day after the accident, doctors inserted a rod into the girl's left thigh from her foot to her knee. It is held on by 4 titanium studs. A week later, 6 horizontal rods appeared in Katrina's body, which should support her spine. A week later, a titanium screw attached Katrina's neck to her spine.

Katrina Burgess was able to live without pain medication only 5 months after the accident. Today Katrina Burgess is a famous model.2.

Climber who cut off his hand

Aaron Lee Ralston, born in 1975 a mechanical engineer by profession and a climber by vocation, he was forced to amputate his right arm, which was clamped by a boulder, in order to free himself.

The accident occurred in Utah (USA), in April 2003, while climbing in national park Canyonlands. A 300-kilogram boulder fell on the climber's right hand and pinched it. Going to the ascent, Ralston did not tell anyone about his plans and route, so he knew that no one would look for him.

For 4 days Aaron lay by the rock. Then he ran out of water and had to drink his own urine. Aaron carved his name into the canyon wall (with the date of his supposed death) and made a farewell note on the camera phone.

Then the realization came that there was nothing to lose and the climber decided to fight. Aaron with a sharp movement tried to remove his hand from under the stone. But in doing so, he broke his arm. With a blunt knife, he cut the skin, muscles and tendons, thus separating the arm from his body. After that, Aaron was able to descend from the 20-meter wall and began his journey to salvation.

Fortunately, he met tourists, they fed and watered Aaron, and also called rescuers who took the climber to the hospital and found a severed hand. The hand was later cremated.

Some time later, Aaron Lee Ralston wrote the book "In a stalemate", in which he described what happened to him. He continues to climb, is married and has a child.


Mexican revolutionary who survived the execution

The Mexican Revolution is an armed conflict that lasted 7 years (from 1900 to 1907). March 18, 1915 Wenseslao Moguel (Wenseslao Moguel), who fought on the side of the revolutionaries, was captured and sentenced to death without any trial. The revolutionary was placed against the wall, a volley of firing platoon was heard. Wenceslao received 9 bullet wounds, including one from a control shot fired at point blank range by an officer in the head.

The soldiers left, rightly deciding that the revolutionary was dead. But Wenceslao woke up, was able to get to his own, and after that lived a long restless life. But a photo of Wenceslao Moguel in 1937 shows the scar left by a control shot on an NBC show called "Believe It or Not?".


Woman giving birth during brain surgery

24-year-old resident of Yekaterinburg (Russia) Yulia Shumakova was taken to hospital in critical condition after she returned from work and suddenly lost consciousness. Julia was 32 weeks pregnant. The examination revealed a seal in her brain, which was the cause of the attack. The patient was given a disappointing diagnosis, with such a disease people die in 96% of cases without even reaching the hospital.

The doctors decided to perform brain surgery and at the same time perform a caesarean section. There were practically no chances. But, to the surprise of the relatives of the patient and the doctors themselves, both the mother and the child were able to survive.


Music teacher who survived many accidents

Croatian music teacher Frank Selak is possibly the luckiest person in the world. The train Frank was on derailed and fell into the icy water. His bus overturned. The door of the plane on which the teacher was flying was blown off. Two cars burned down while Frank Selak was driving. In addition to everything, during a trip along a mountain road, Frank lost control and his car fell into an abyss. The driver himself at the same time fell on a branched tree and watched the flight of his car another 100 meters down and its explosion.

It would seem quite enough to simply survive all these misfortunes, but Frank Selak also won $ 1 million in the lottery.


Man nearly cut in half by train

This accident happened in June 2006 to Truman Duncan, a rail yard switchman in Cleburne, Texas. He was riding a handcar to the repair dock, but he slipped and fell on the front wheels. Truman struggled to keep himself from falling onto the rails under the wheels of the handcar, but was instead pinned between the wheels of the wagon bogie. In this position, the trolley dragged him 25 meters, cutting the switchman's body almost in half. He was able to call 911 and waited for help for 45 minutes. Truman suffered 23 surgical operations, lost his right and left leg, pelvis and left kidney.


Woman who survived a plane crash due to lightning

What do you think is more life-threatening: getting struck by lightning, falling out of an airplane, or wading through the rainforest for 9 days with multiple injuries? High school student Juliane Koepcke went through all these misfortunes and stayed alive. On December 24, 1971, LANSA flight 508 (Peru) was caught in a thunderstorm and struck by lightning. At that moment, the plane was above the tropical forest at an altitude of 3 kilometers. The plane broke into pieces.

A row of seats, to one of which Juliana was fastened, collapsed into the forest 3 kilometers from the main accident site. The remaining 92 people on that ill-fated flight died. The girl herself claimed that a row of seats in the fall rotated like a helicopter blade, which probably slowed down the speed of the fall, in addition, the seats fell into the dense crowns of trees.

After a fall from a height of 3 kilometers, Juliana's collarbone was broken, her arm was badly scratched, her right eye was swollen from the impact, her whole body was covered with bruises and scratches. But, fortunately, there were no injuries that prevented movement. Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself! Juliana's father was a biologist, she repeatedly visited the jungle with him and had an idea how to survive in the forest and get out of it. Juliana was able to get food for herself, then she found a stream and went down its course, hoping in this way to get to the river, where you can meet people. After 9 days, she came across fishermen who saved the girl.

The case of Juliana Koepke formed the basis of two films. Julian herself, after her adventure, did not turn away from wildlife and became a zoologist.


Earthquake victim spent 27 days under rubble

Khaleed Hussain, a 20-year-old farm worker, was buried alive under the rubble of his home in the October 8, 2005 earthquake. Wooden and brick fragments clamped him in a very uncomfortable position, only his hands could move a little. Both hands continued to make involuntary digging movements even after his rescue, which makes it possible to understand what horror the person buried alive experienced.

Khalid was accidentally discovered only on November 10, that is, almost a month after the earthquake. His right leg was broken in several places.


A child with a rare tumor who happened to be born twice

Keri McCartney was 4 months pregnant when doctors discovered a dangerous tumor the size of a grapefruit on the baby's body that interfered with the baby's blood circulation and weakened his heart. The doctors decided to try to save the child.

Doctors at the Texas Children’s Fetal Center (USA) opened up the mother’s womb and removed the fetus halfway to remove the tumor. The operation was performed very quickly, after which the fetus was placed back. The baby survived and the next 10 weeks of Keri's pregnancy were uneventful.

In due time, Keri McCartney gave birth to a daughter, who became a twice-born child.


Airplane passengers who lived in the winter mountains for 72 days after it crashed

Uruguayan Airlines Flight 571 (also known as the "Miracle in the Andes" and "The Catastrophe in the Andes") crashed in the Andes on October 13, 1972. There were 45 people on board, including rugby players, their families and friends. 10 people died immediately, the rest had to survive for 72 days in the mountains with little or no food and warm clothes. The surviving people were forced to eat the meat of the dead, it was well preserved in the cold. Only 16 passengers managed to beat death, the rest died from hunger and an avalanche.

After the surviving passengers of Flight 571 heard on the radio that their search had been terminated, two of them, without mountain equipment, clothes and food, went for help and 12 days later came across people. The surviving passengers were rescued on December 23, 1972.

A book was written and a movie made about the heroism and will to live of the passengers of Flight 571.

Over the centuries of “progress”, a person has lost something very valuable, something important, which no technology and everyday amenities will replace him, rather, on the contrary, they will alienate and mislead. Man has become severely torn away from nature, from his soul and, in essence, his consciousness. Thus, creating a constant potential risk factor and danger for oneself, for the environment and the entire planet as a whole. Against this depressing background, they look especially piercing real stories help, salvation and amazing devotion, ingenuity, selflessness of animals, not only domestic, but completely "wild". I heard that during the terrible Indonesian tsunami, many people escaped by trusting animals, such as people who followed elephants to the foothills, a couple of hours before the cataclysm. Here I have collected some of the most known cases rescues that took place in different countries.

It is not uncommon for dolphins to save a person from drowning. Dolphins push the drowning man upward, into the air and the sun, and some even transport the unfortunate person to the shore. But Todd Endris boasts of his miraculous dolphin-shark rescue.
Once he was surfing, and suddenly he was attacked by a shark almost five meters long (!). At first, she managed to grab Todd by the side, but then her lower jaw rested on the surfboard, so the man’s stomach was safe. After that, she tried to knock the surfer off the board into the water, but Todd understood that the board was his last chance for salvation , and firmly held on to the board. After that, the shark attacked a third time, trying to grab her right leg, and Tedd began to kick her nose with all his might with his left foot. He quickly lost his strength, and then a miraculous rescue came - dolphins, taken literally from nowhere, formed a ring around him, preventing the shark from approaching. Tedd in such an environment reached the shore, where he was able to receive first aid.

A pit bull once saved the life of an unfamiliar girl and her son. They were returning from the playground and were met in the parking lot by a man threatening with a knife. He ordered the mother and son not to move, and began to approach. Suddenly, a huge pit bull appeared, which immediately attacked the criminal, who was forced to hide, pursued on the heels of a pit bull. This is how the animal saved the life of a man.

On August 18, 1996, at Brookfield Zoo, a three-year-old child accidentally entered a gorilla enclosure and passed out. Zoo visitors froze in horror, expecting an attack by animals. However, the boy found a protector - a large female gorilla, which did not allow other gorillas to get close to the child. Her own baby was sitting on the back of the mother. The gorilla took the boy in her arms and carried him to the exit from the enclosure, laying him on the ground. After that, the caretakers were able to calmly pick up the child.
By the way, this is not an isolated case - in August 1985, a five-year-old boy Levan in the UK, at the Jersey Zoo, looking at gorillas, fell into their enclosure and, having received serious injuries, lay unconscious. At this time, a male from a group of gorillas named Jumbo approached him. The monkey, seeing the child in trouble, immediately began to throw away sharp stones from him so that the boy would not get hurt. When the boy came to his senses, he began to scream in fear. Jumbo understood everything and immediately began to drive away the curious flock of monkeys that had gathered around the child. With his actions, Jumbo helped the rescuers quickly and freely enter the enclosure to pick up the boy.

Brenda Owen was walking with her dog along the bridge when she suddenly saw a woman in the water of the river. She started calling for help, but there was no one around. After that, she automatically, without thinking, shouted “Take it!” to the dog, and it jumped into the water. It was a very smart dog, because it immediately grabbed the drowning woman by her clothes and dragged her to the shore. And pulled out, acting as a savior. Interestingly, the dog was already 10 years old, but despite this, she was in very good shape.

Elephants are known to be very intelligent animals, so they have an honorable role in the rescue human lives. One of the most significant cases of human rescue by this giant animal occurred in Thailand during the 2004 tsunami. Amber Mason, 8th summer girl, who at that moment was on the beach, was rescued by a 4-year-old elephant. As soon as a huge wave hit the shore, the elephant grabbed the girl with his trunk, put her on his back, and ran towards the nearest hill. When the water closed around them, and the waves began to roll on the hill itself, the animal carefully covered the girl with its body from each next blow of the elements. If the girl had remained on the beach, alone or with her parents, inevitable death would have awaited her.

Janice Wolf walked through the pasture, where at that moment there were cows, including an 11-month-old calf. When the woman tried to walk along one of the paths, the calf blocked her path and did not let her go further. The woman tried to bypass the calf, but he again blocked her path, beginning to lower his head menacingly, as if butting heads.
The woman could not understand what was the matter until she saw a copper-headed snake behind the calf. These snakes are not the most poisonous in the world, but the woman had an increased sensitivity to poisons, so a lethal outcome would have been guaranteed. After the snake crawled away, the calf calmly let Janice pass on.

An amazing incident occurred in 1998 in the US state of Pennsylvania. There a pig and a dog saved their owner. That day, Jo-Ann Altsman had a heart attack and fell to the floor. The dog immediately began to bark loudly. Pig Lulu was also at home at that time. She ran outside and lay down on the road. For a long time, the owners of vehicles passing by could not understand what this pig wanted to “say”. And then she got up and ran to the house, then lay down again on the road. Until one passer-by alerted: a loudly barking dog and a scurrying pig. The man hurried into the house, called the doctors, and thus Jo-Ann Altsman was saved, thanks to the pig and the dog.

But an elderly farmer, Noel Osborne, who lived as a hermit in one of the Australian states, owed his life to his goat. The thing is that his own cow kicked him and he fell, and a huge pile of garbage and manure fell on him. Due to the fact that the thigh was shattered, he could not move, and there was no one to call for help. It is not known how this story would have ended if not for the goat. She fed her master with milk for five days. And on cold nights she lay down next to him and warmed him. I must say that the weather in those days was rainy, and it was very cold at night, so Noel survived only thanks to the fact that the goat warmed him with her body, laying next to him for the night.

Freediving competitions were held in Harbin a couple of years ago. Young athletes dived and held their breath. The winner was the one who dived deeper than others and stayed under water longer than others, holding their breath. By the way, the water in the pavilion was icy, according to the plan of the organizers, the conditions of the Arctic were fully recreated. One of the participants, 26-year-old medical student Yang Yun, was just starting to dive into the icy water when her legs cramped. The athlete panicked - she began to flounder, swallow ice water, because all this was happening no longer on the surface, but at depth, the rescuers did not notice anything. Young was very lucky - during the competition, its inhabitants were left in the pool, they wanted to make the competition more spectacular. Beluga (polar whale) Mila swam up to the drowning girl and pushed her to the surface, where doctors picked her up. The pictures taken by eyewitnesses clearly show that Mila grabbed the girl by the leg and pulled her up. Prior to this, the white whale had lived in the pavilion for several years and, apparently, remembered how people behave when they need help.

11-year-old Doberman Turbo, who lives with his owner on Marco Island, Florida, was also rescued by dolphins. His owner Cindy Burnett forgot to close the gate, the dog immediately ran out of the yard to take a walk. But the walk ended very badly - the dog fell into the canal. And spent 15 hours there. All this time, the owners were looking for her, but it never occurred to them to look for their pet not near the canal, but in the water itself. At some point, dolphins arrived to help the dog. They kept the dog afloat and flapped the water with their fins and tails to get people's attention. A terrible splash was heard by a family living next to the canal. Rescuers pulled out of the Turbo Canal. After the incident, the dog quickly recovered, and its owners still regret that they could not thank the dolphins with a fish.

Off the coast of the Philippines, a drowning woman after the crash of the ship "Aloha" was saved by ... a giant turtle! And Upali Gunasekur, a pensioner from Sri Lanka, generally claims that he was rescued by a crocodile during the terrible tsunami of 2005. Judging by the description, it was an estuarine crocodile, the largest of all crocodile species. The pensioner claimed that he was familiar with the reptile before, as the animal visited his garden more than once before the natural disaster. The man was washed away huge wave just at the moment when he was walking in his garden. For some time he remained afloat, then began to sink. And at that moment he saw a huge log moving in his direction. Upali caught on a log, which, upon closer examination, turned out to be the same crocodile ... For 7 hours, the pensioner swam in an embrace with a dangerous animal until he swam to the shore.

One-eyed kangaroo Lulu saved the life of his owner, Australian farmer Len Richards. A farmer was hit by a tree branch during a hurricane. Lulu found Len and literally barked at him like a dog, calling for help. The farmer's daughter, Celeste, came running to the sounds made by the animals. The man was taken to the hospital, where doctors diagnosed a severe head injury. At one time, Len saved Lulu - he found him when the kangaroo was dying of starvation and injuries in his mother's bag, knocked down on the freeway. The Richards family got the baby out and left it to live. Time passed, and now Lulu saved the head of the family.

Pig Priscilla saved her owner's 11-year-old son when the boy was drowning. The mother of the child - Carol Burke - always closely watched her son, as Anthony suffered from a developmental delay. She turned away from the boy for only a couple of minutes, during which time Anthony managed to jump into the water and swim away from the shore for a considerable distance. And then he began to sink. Priscilla jumped into the water and reached the child faster than his mother could call the rescuers. The pig grabbed the boy by the T-shirt and swam with him to the shore.

Persian cat from the village of Koryakovo (Myshkinsky district Yaroslavl region), Simba from New Zealand, Angora cat Timofey from the city of Lebedin (Sumy region) ... - all of them and many others warned their owners about the fire. The fire in all these cases occurred at night, and people could burn or burn alive if the furry creatures had not warned them of the danger. All the "rescuers" could simply run away and save themselves alone, but they preferred to save the owners first.
And in the tiny village of Bezlesny (Ulyanovsk region), the outbred cat Vaska protected his owner from drug addicted robbers. When the criminals attacked the man with an ax, the animal in response rushed at one of the attackers and grabbed him with its claws. Taking advantage of the confusion, the man fled. He returned accompanied by a local policeman. The robbers were gone. Vaska was killed by them on the spot...

A couple of years ago, all of Germany admired the cat, which warmed the baby all night long, preventing him from freezing. The cuckoo mother left the baby on the streets of Cologne, and if it were not for the animal that warmed the child and attracted the attention of passers-by, he would not have survived until morning - it was about zero degrees outside. A very similar story happened not so long ago in England. There, a cat named Sloley also saved the baby - he found the child on the street while walking, and the baby was packed in a plastic bag. Sloley made his way to him and kept him warm until morning. In the morning, the worried owners went to look for their cat... They returned home with their beloved pet and a tiny boy. By the way, that night the temperature dropped to minus 12 Celsius - without Sloley, the baby was doomed ...

Cat Tommy was able to call rescuers for his disabled owner, who lost consciousness. Harry Rochaison had a stroke. He fell off his wheelchair and lost consciousness. His pet immediately called 911 by radiotelephone. Harry, who came to his senses, told the doctors that he had only shown the cat how to dial a number a few times, but he did not expect Tommy to remember it at all. It turned out that he doubted for nothing.

In the Moscow region, a German shepherd died from electric shock, grabbing a bare wire hanging from a power line. She did this intentionally while walking with the owners - a young woman and her five-year-old daughter. We walked the dog already at dusk, and if she had not grabbed the wire, either the mother or the child would have stumbled upon it.

Jemmy Hanson, a disabled woman who lost her leg in an accident, lived with a dog and a cat in Ryn, Wisconsin, USA. One quiet autumn evening, Jamie was watching TV when the cat jumped on the table where the lit candle was and knocked it over onto the artificial flowers. The fire broke out instantly, and the woman could not do anything - her artificial leg and phone were very far away. Then Jessie - an old German Shepherd - first brought her a leg, and then a phone.

Jessie pulled me outside and then ran into the house because our cat was screaming there. I didn’t see them alive anymore .., - now a 49-year-old woman recalls. She received a third-degree burn on her hand, but survived, her house burned down completely and both pets died.

And this case was shown, perhaps, by all the television companies of the world - in Kenya, a dog found a newborn girl in the forest. And brought her to her puppies - whole and unharmed. There the child was found by the owner of the dog. How the dog managed to cross a busy highway with a baby in his mouth and get over a barbed wire fence remained a mystery.

Maria Tripodi, a resident of the Italian city of Aquila, destroyed by an earthquake, also owes her miraculous salvation to a dog. Labrador Angelina knocked Maria down, preventing her from entering the house. The woman was furious and was already thinking about how to punish the dog when the building collapsed before her eyes.

In the American city of Oklahoma, a Staffordshire Terrier saved three children from a bandit. Angelica Shoemaker and her children were watching TV in their trailer when a man with a gun burst in. He put a weapon to the head of one of the girls and demanded that everyone lay down on the floor. At that moment, D-Boy jumped on the bandit ... The criminal shot the dog in the head, but the wounded dog continued to rush at him. As a result, the bandit had to flee. The dog was badly injured, fortunately it was saved.

Former football player and actor Vinnie Jones admitted in an interview that at one time he suffered from severe depression and was about to shoot himself. He took a gun and went to the nearest forest. The actor was followed by his dog. According to Winnie, the dog looked at him with such a pleading look that he simply could not pull the trigger.