Vivien is a male or female name. Decoding what the female name Vivienne means. Origin and meaning of the name Vivian

Origin: Scandinavian
Name meaning: Alive

The name Vivien suits the zodiac signs

Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio


Stone: amethyst; Plant: fern; Animal: seal

Compatibility with other names

Maxim, Alexander, Dmitry, Alexey, Egor, Timofey, Daniil, Ruslan, Oleg, Timur, Victor, Evgeny, Gleb, Vyacheslav, Fedor, Elisey, Peter.

Derived from names

Vivianochka, Vivienka, Vivi

Vivienne - name day

March 9, March 22

A girl with the beautiful name Vivien quickly becomes a favorite in any environment. Vivien knows how to enjoy life, enjoy simple things and convey her admiration for the world to those around her. She is a good friend, and you can rely on her - Vivienne is always ready to help and make any sacrifice for the sake of a loved one, without demanding reciprocity.

Sociable and responsive, Vivienne has many friends. Colleagues appreciate her for her simplicity, openness and hard work. Being in a comfortable environment at work, Vivien is able to achieve high results; she adequately perceives criticism and willingly learns everything new. Her vitality energizes everyone around her, making work progress smoothly and making the working day easier and more fun.

Vivienne loves to stand out from the crowd: she prefers bright clothes, unusual accessories and everything that catches the eye. At the same time, she knows how to wear all this perfectly. Even the craziest outfits look harmonious on her. All this goes well with her friendly character. A person who sees Vivienne for the first time may think that she is a rather cold and aloof person. But this is not so, women with this name are very open, easy to contact and pleasant to talk to.

Vivien strives for stability. She is distinguished by calmness and well-developed logical thinking. Having once chosen her path in life, she firmly moves towards her goal, patiently going through all the obstacles and obstacles and not straying from the chosen course. She calculates her every step, ready to achieve results even to the detriment of her interests or the interests of her loved ones. Thanks to her flexible mind and common sense, Vivienne is able to solve any problem, sometimes in a very unconventional way that can pleasantly amaze those around her.

Attentive and caring, Vivien becomes a reliable wife for a sincere and faithful partner. Initially, she is aimed at a serious relationship, therefore she is always honest with her partner. Vivienne is a good housewife and a wonderful mother. Her husband and children will always feel the sincere care and participation of a wife and mother.

You may be indiscriminate in shaping your own image. By and large, the quality and comfort of clothing is much more important to you than whether its style matches the fashion of today. The only rule that you should probably adhere to is to make sure that your suit does not destroy the impression of you as a person deserving of all trust. After all, this is exactly the impression you should make.

Compatibility of the name Vivienne, manifestation in love

Vivienne, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity.” You are extremely picky in any connections, be it friendship or closer relationships. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for your partner, misled by your external closeness and aloofness.


You are a “closed” person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one’s own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the world around you.

Over time, this “shell” becomes thicker, and the possibility of “coming out” becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the strongest shell may one day fail to withstand external pressure and burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intelligence nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of “interpenetration”, without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a product that can be “sold”, but as a tool for working in a team. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot,” but the affection of others is not a trifle.

It is quite difficult to argue with the fact that the name given to a person influences his character and destiny. A small, tiny man, when born, gives meaning to life to his parents. Of course, they, overwhelmed with happiness, choose a name for him, guided by their own taste, desire, and perhaps family tradition. So, the topic of today's publication will be devoted to the meaning of the name Vivien. Moreover, we will tell you about the origin of this name, and we will also present to your attention a list of character traits inherent in the owners of a beautiful name.

Origin of the name and its meaning

The name Vivien, the origin and meaning of which we are studying, has a long history. So, from Latin the name Vivien is translated as “alive”, “lived”. The name is quite popular, especially in the USA. Perhaps the famous British actress Vivien Leigh played her role. In addition, I would like to remind you that Angelina Jolie and Bret Pitt gave one of their daughters this beautiful name - Vivienne, or rather its derivative - Vivienne. The baby's full name is Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt.

Note that the meaning of the name Vivien, which is similar to a name like Bibiana (as Vivien is called in the Italian manner), is very euphonious and significant. As we noted above, Americans call their girls not Vivienne, but Vivien or Vivian. In our latitudes, a name of this kind is rare and has clearly French notes. But how is it adapted in our country? The meaning of the name Vivien in the Russian manner, defined as “living,” sounds somewhat different than in other countries. Vivochka, Viva, Vivi, Vivianka - this is what our girls are called.

Character traits

One of the brightest and most vibrant character traits of the owner of the beautiful name Vivien is the ability to enjoy life, feel it in all its manifestations, feel everything with the soul. The ability to enjoy simple things and convey your sincerity to other people, to fill life with light - this is what Vivien can do. For a girl, the name Vivien, the meaning of which, as mentioned above, is defined as “live”, “vivified”, is very favorable in all respects. She is a good friend who you can really rely on. She is a ray of light, so from the first minutes she becomes everyone's favorite. Vivienne will always help in difficult times, without demanding anything in return. Moreover, for the sake of a loved one she is capable of making sacrifices.

Vivien is very hardworking, she correctly perceives criticism addressed to her and is very willing to learn new things. By creating a comfortable atmosphere for everyone around herself, Vivien achieves great success in her career. She is sociable, she always has a lot of friends, she is simple and open, she infects everyone around her with her vital energy, work progresses in her hands, it is easy and pleasant to be around her.

Vivienne loves bright, beautiful clothes and knows how to wear them; even the most elaborate outfits look harmonious on her. Therefore, every person always notices and singles out this bright woman in the crowd. Even the very sound of the name Vivienne, the meaning of which we have already determined, is like a gust of fresh spring wind that, after a long winter, wakes you up, excites you, makes you spread your wings. This is the purpose of a girl with this name.

Another important character trait of the owner of the name Vivienne is the desire for stability. She is distinguished by a logical mindset, she will never throw a tantrum, will not succumb to provocation, having once chosen her path in life, she firmly moves towards her goals. She will calculate her every step, solve any, even the most difficult problem, sometimes in an unconventional way, which earns the respect and admiration of those around her. Vivienne is able to think outside the box, go beyond what is proposed, and knows how to see the whole picture at once, in its entirety.

Love and family

Of course, such magnificent qualities make her a desirable wife. She is a good wife, faithful, attentive, caring mother. But she will demand the same return from her husband. She is initially committed to a serious relationship, she will always be honest with her partner, here you will not see intrigue, drama, hysterics, or terror. The happy owner of Vivienne's heart will always receive tender care, sincere attention, and lively participation. Vivien is a wonderful housewife and a wonderful mother.

Men with the names Maxim, Alexey, Ruslan, Dmitry, Oleg, Alexander, Victor, Evgeniy, Timofey, Vyacheslav, Peter, Gleb are compatible with the name Vivienne.

Day Angel

When does Vivienne celebrate her angel's day? March 22 (according to the old style, this day falls on March 9) Vivienne and Vivian (male name) celebrate their name day. The remembrance day of your patron saint is what angel day means and should be celebrated differently than your birthday. First of all, this is a spiritual holiday, so you should go to church and receive communion.

The unique Vivien Leigh

When studying the meaning of the name Vivien, it is worth remembering the British actress Vivien Leigh, who is the “culprit” of such popularity of the name. There is, perhaps, no person in the world who would remain indifferent to the legendary film “Gone with the Wind,” where the unique, bright, talented and insanely beautiful Vivien Leigh created the image of the invincible Scarlett O’Hara. Femininity, intelligence, beauty, courage, desire to live, love for one’s land, passionate nature - every woman living on this planet wants to have all this.


In conclusion, summing up what has been said, we note the meaning of the name Vivien as a certain example of femininity, courage, courage, and beauty. Vivienne has become the name that every mother, with boundless love, is ready to give to her little girl. This name personifies such qualities as reliability, openness, honesty, and love of life. And, as you know, a name influences a person’s character and destiny, so let there be as many such names as possible!

If we talk about symbols with which one or another name can be compared, then Vivien is the personification of reliability and fidelity. Currently, it is common throughout France and the United States as a female name, although not so long ago it was more common among men (Vivienne or Vivian).

You can learn more interesting things about this name, in particular its meaning and origin, from this article. There is a version that the name “Vivien” has Latin roots, as it comes from the word “vivus”, which means “alive”, “living”.

Also among experts who study the meaning of names and their influence on the owner’s character, there is an opinion that this name is of French origin and in translation “Vivianne” means “vital” or “energetic”.

Like any other name, it has different spellings that are relevant to different countries. For example, in England the forms Vivien and Vivyan are used, which sound like Vivien and Vivian respectively.

The Spanish version of the same name is Viviana, and the Italian version is Bibiana. Its diminutive forms, which are used in different countries, include:

  • Vivianochka.
  • Vivienka.
  • Vivi.

What qualities does the owner have?

For its owner or owner, the meaning of the beautiful name Vivianne (Vivienne or Vivian) predicts that they will enjoy authority from a very early age and be among the favorites. Over time, such people find a clear application of this ability and use it to achieve their own goals.

In addition, the character of the owners of this name is decorated with such qualities as determination and loyalty. You can rely on people with this name in any life situation - they are ready to help or give practical advice.

Self-sufficiency helps to form in these individuals a desire to implement plans if they at least slightly reflect these people’s own benefit. Those who received such an interesting name as Vivienne from birth have a very extraordinary mindset and incredible intelligence. They are ready to begin solving any task and at the same time implement it in a very unexpected way.

At the same time, such people often choose self-improvement as the only true path in life. As a result, when the limit of development comes, they return to the real environment and feel defenseless. But this is not for long, because having received a new guideline, they begin to implement their ideas and plans.

Colleagues and co-workers know Vivien (Vivian) as a person with an open heart and soul, although owners of this name find it difficult to share their ideas with other people. Once they get used to their surroundings, they will be able to feel comfortable and achieve even more amazing results, being part of a close-knit and friendly team.

Relatives and friends should know about people who received the French-sounding name Vivien (Vivian) that they are ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of people dear to their hearts. They perform quite well in friendly relationships.

As for personal life, for such natures the main values ​​are the sincerity and loyalty of a partner. Attentive, responsive and caring, they will become reliable partners as a legal spouse. People who receive this name will definitely prove themselves to be an excellent family man and loving parent.

In general, when studying the meaning of the beautiful and melodious name of Latin origin Vivienne, it is worth noting the simplicity of these people. They know how to enjoy simple things and enjoy every minute they live. It is pleasant and comfortable to be around such people. Author: Elena Suvorova

IN- sociability, optimism, love of nature and art. People with names starting with "V" choose professions related to creativity. They are excellent musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers. Despite their passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their entire lives with one person.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

b- easy-going, balanced and slightly shy natures. They treat all people kindly and try to avoid conflict situations in every possible and impossible way. In their work they pay attention to even the smallest details.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.