Translator into Old Slavonic. The Old Russian language was given to man by the creator

We have been taught today that the most important and widespread language in the world is English, and Russian in recent times it does nothing but enrich itself with a mass of words borrowed from other peoples. Linguist and author of sensational books A. Dragunkin proved that everything is just the opposite. He is sure that it was the Old Russian language that was the main base on which all dialects of the Earth were created.

The parent language of the world is Old Russian

A. Dragunkin tells how he came to study the topic of the origin of the Old Russian language. While teaching English, he was not satisfied with the teaching methods, and he began to compare languages ​​precisely in order to create effective methods for teaching foreign languages. More and more new ideas surfaced. In 1998, Alexander Dragunkin sat down to write the first book, which was supposed to be a guide to learning English.

The result of the work exceeded the most daring assumptions of the author himself. In the work, the author offers his own way of quickly learning English words, drawing an analogy with Russian words. Developing this method, the author literally accidentally saw the obvious that lay on the surface: English words not only look like Russian, but have Russian roots that go back to the Old Russian language.

Rules for learning foreign words from Dragunkin

A. Dragunkin deduced three basic rules for learning foreign words.

  1. You don’t need to pay attention to vowel sounds in a word at all, in a word the main thing is the backbone of consonant sounds.
  2. Consonants are clearly grouped according to linguistic pronunciation. So, the sound of L, R, N is formed by different language movements, but in one part of the palate. The linguist A. Dragunkin deduced several chains of consonants that can be combined according to the place of pronunciation in the mouth, based on the rule of palatalization:
    • v-m-b-p-f,
    • l-r-s-t-d-n,
    • x-ts-k-g-z-zh,
    • v-r-x,
    • s-c-h (j).
  3. These chains of consonants go in unison from century to century, forming the basis from ancient Russian to modern. When borrowing a word from another language, it is possible to replace consonants, but only within these chains.

A word, when moving from a language to another, can become shorter, and most often the first syllable falls out. It depends on the characteristics of auditory perception: the root of the word is heard more clearly and is easier to remember. The prefix and the ending that do not carry a semantic load fall out first. More<< >>.


The word GIRL in English sounding has no explanation of national origin. Old Russian language gives a hint: in Russia, young people were called Gorlitsy. The backbone of consonants is the same, the English word is much shorter than the Russian one - it is clear where the British got this word from.

Another example is the English word REVOLT. Translation means rebellion, rebellion, rebellion. The division of a word according to the rules of Russian grammar into a prefix, root, suffix u ending allows you to apply by analogy to an English word. The result is: prefix - RE; root - VOL; suffix - T. It can be assumed that this word got into English in the process of borrowing, and over time it was transformed according to the rules of pronunciation. In this case, the prefix: not RE, but our abbreviated PERE; L u R - consonants from the same phonetic chain - are interchangeable. Having rewritten the word in Russian letters, we get: PERE-VOR-OT. And who borrowed from whom?

There are many such examples. Why would the British, from an isolated island far from Russia, use Russian words?

Russians and Anglo-Saxons have common genetic roots

The English are direct descendants of the ancient Rus. Official data, which, as usual, are hushed up, indicate that the Saxons, the direct ancestors of the British, came from the Volga. The plural of the word "Sak" is Saxons. They were called SAKs on the Volga. According to the law of word shortening, we can conclude that the word was originally significantly longer: saki - rusaki.

Morphology reveals the secret of the origin of words

Only a person who knows several foreign languages. Linguist A. Dragunkin belongs to this category of people, he is fluent in six European languages ​​and knows several Asian ones, he can be trusted.

The Latin word SECRET is known throughout the world, but its origin is still unknown, officially considered a mystery. In Russian spelling, this word does not lend itself to morphological analysis. The same incomprehensible suffix ending T is visible. However, written in the letters of the Old Russian language, this word is read as СъКРыТ (in accordance with the rule about vowels). It turns out the complete similarity of the meaning, a prefix appears, our root u suffix.

Old Slavonic Bukovica

So, it turns out, why we changed the Old Russian alphabet to the modern one - to hide the obvious connection of native words with the words of other languages ​​lying on the surface.

A good example is the word "HAREM". Until the time of the reign, the Russian princes had many concubines who lived in best rooms, HoRoMach. Replacing the consonants according to the second rule of chains of interchangeable consonants, we get GaReM.

Names of holy books

Moreover, the titles of religious books have a Russian basis. The Koran is the revelations of the Prophet Muhammad, Zeid kept it, it turns out, SO-KHRAN.

The Jewish Torah is translated even more simply: a book about T(v)or, that is, about CREATION - Torah.

The word "Bible" has a slightly different meaning. This is one of the first books written on paper, paper is made from cotton, cotton in Old Russian is called BaVeLna (in Ukrainian it is still bavovna) - the result is BiBLe.

The Indian "Vedas" come from the word to know.

Each explanation can be disputed, but the semantic interpretation is correct only with the application of the second rule of interchangeable chains of consonants.

religious names

The names of gods and servants can also be easily brought under the rule of replaceable chains. Allah is a non-Arabic word, VOLHV - WALLAH eventually lost the first consonant sound, and began to correspond modern meaning. As you know, the Magi were the forerunners of the clergy.

The Russian root MOL is the basis of the word "pray". We involve the chain of consonant substitution, and we get: MOL - means the same as u MUL. Translated into Russian, MULLA is a person who asks God.

This also includes the name of an English priest - PrieST, to write this word in Russian letters - it means ASK.

A lot of coincidences - this is a pattern

Lots of random coincidences where words have the same meaning and similar spelling. When a word in the "native" dialect does not find a basis, origin, then the Russian rules of morphology help the word to acquire a logical meaning. What world philology cannot explain becomes a normal word in the Russian dialect! A. Dragunkin seeks to prove that he was created artificially, and it is in him that the cipher of the matrix of the entire universe lies.

Another interesting discovery is that only in the Old Russian language the names of natural phenomena from the surrounding world are described using syllables with a root of two consonants - BL, given the chain of interchangeable consonants. Ancient people created the words: Bor, Field, Sea, Swamp, Par. . .

The meaning of the word OLD RUSSIAN in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova


staror at Russian


1) Existing during the Russian Middle Ages, associated with it.

2) Peculiar to the period of the Russian Middle Ages, characteristic of it.

3) It has long belonged to the Russians.

Efremov. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms and meanings of the word OLD RUSSIAN in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • OLD RUSSIAN in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    old ssky, old ss, old ss, old ss, old ss, old ss, old ss, old ss, old ss, old ss, old ss, old ss, old ssky, old ssky, old ssky, old ssky, old ssky, old ssky, old ssky, old ssky, ...
  • OLD RUSSIAN in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    adj. 1) Existing during the Russian Middle Ages, associated with it. 2) Peculiar to the period of the Russian Middle Ages, characteristic of it. 3) For a long time ...
  • OLD RUSSIAN in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    old Russian (from old Russia and Old ...
  • OLD RUSSIAN in the Spelling Dictionary:
    old Russian (from old Russian and old Russian ...
  • OLD RUSSIAN in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    old Russian, old Russian (philol.). Belonging to the era of the Russian Middle Ages. Old Russian …
  • OLD RUSSIAN in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
  • OLD RUSSIAN in the Big Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language:
    adj. 1. Existing during the Russian Middle Ages, associated with it. 2. Peculiar to the period of the Russian Middle Ages, characteristic of it. 3. For a long time ...
    open orthodox encyclopedia"TREE". Filaret (Denisenko) (born 1929), ex. Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine, self-proclaimed "Patriarch of Kyiv and ...
  • SERGIUS (PETROV), ODESSA in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Sergius (Petrov) (1924 - 1990), Metropolitan of Odessa and Kherson. In the world Petrov Sergey ...
  • HOLY SYNOD OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church is the governing body of the Russian Orthodox Church between the Councils of Bishops. …
  • PITIRIM (NECHAYEV) in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Pitirim (Nechaev) (1926 - 2003), Metropolitan of Volokolamsk and Yurievsky, vicar of the Moscow diocese. …
  • NOVGOROD DIOCESE in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Novgorod and Staraya Russian diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Diocesan administration: Russia, 173000, Veliky Novgorod, ...
  • MICHAEL (ERMAKOV) in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Mikhail (Ermakov) (1862 - 1929), Metropolitan of Kyiv, Exarch of Ukraine. In the world of Ermakov ...

In the 9th century, Saints Cyril and Methodius translated the Gospel into Slavonic. Old Slavonic was similar to the Old Russian language, it was understood in Russia without translation.

Here is a fragment of the Gospel in Old Slavonic and modern Russian. In Russian, a translation of the Gospel was published in the middle of the 19th century.

Gospel of Mark Chapter 1

1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,

2 as it is written in the prophets: Behold, I am sending my angel before your face, who will prepare your way before you.

3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight his paths.

4 John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

5 And all the land of Judah and Jerusalem went out to him, and they were all baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.

6 John wore a garment of camel's hair and a leather belt around his loins, and ate locusts and wild honey.

7 And he preached, saying, The strongest of me is coming after me, of whom I am not worthy, stooping down to untie the strap of his sandals;

8 I baptized you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

Slavic letters

1. The capital of Ancient Russia.
3. The name of the city in Macedonia, where the holy brothers Constantine and Methodius, the Enlighteners of the Slavs, were born.
5. Bread, which is consecrated in the church at Easter.
6. The name of the Patriarch of Constantinople during the life of the holy brothers Constantine and Methodius.
8. The head of the region in the Byzantine Empire during the life of the holy brothers.
9. What does the Greek word "sophia" mean?
2. Type of painting on wet plaster.
4. Writing material used in the time of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
6. What was the name of Constantine among the people?
7. What was the name of St. Cyril before becoming a monk?
9. What was the name of the Byzantine emperor who sent Constantine to preach to the Slavs?
10. The name of the prince under whom Russia was baptized.
11. A set of rules.



(Materials for the lessons: in sections 1 and 3 of this collection, as well as in the textbook N.G. Gorelova, B.I. Pivovarov "Native History", - Novosibirsk: "Ekor", 1995)

Lesson #I

Dialogue with students, introduction to the topic.
5 minutes.

What is literacy? Start national script- the most important milestone in the history of every nation. Origin Slavic writing. The names of the creators. The contribution of Russian literature to world culture. historical sources.

For materials, see pages 9-13 of the section! of this collection.

Historical excursion.
Orientation along the time axis.
10 min.

The desire for enlightenment by the faith of Christ led the Slavs to the need for a bookish language. Who are the Slavs? What do they have in common? Slavs in the 10th century What can become a unifying principle for peoples?

Information on the topic of the lesson.
20 minutes.

Life of brothers Cyril and Methodius. Konstantin Philosopher. Translation of the word philosophy ("love of wisdom"). Enlightenment by the faith of Christ in the Slavic lands. Creation of the Slavic alphabet. Death of Konstantin (Cyril) and testament to his brother. Translation of the Holy Books into Slavic by Saint Methodius.

A visual aid is an icon, see the intro on page 53 of this collection.

Add. material 10 min.

Prince Vladimir and the Baptism of Russia Page 72-79 textbook N.G. Gorelova, B.I. Pivovarov "Native History".

Lesson #2

Basic information on the topic. 20 minutes.

Slavic alphabet. What alphabet did Constantine create? Cyrillic and Glagolitic.

Page 12 of this collection.

Slavic alphabet and Greek alphabet. Where do Greek words come from in our language? Words-tracing paper. See article "Greek Around Us", p. 18.
Church Slavonic language and its role in the formation of the literary Russian language. . See section 3, pages 59-65.

Practical lesson. 20 minutes.

Reading some words in Slavonic Text for language, reading text in Church Slavonic, writing in a notebook of Slavic letters and numbers. See text for reading on page 35, lettering and numbers - pages 15-17 of the collection.

House. exercise

Learn the names of Slavic letters.

Lesson #3

Information on the topic. 35 min.

Commemoration of Saints Cyril and Methodius. Glorification of the holy brothers Orthodox Church(commemoration day May 24). Icon of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius.

Icon - on page 57.
Hymn to Cyril and Methodius: Listen to a tape or sing along with the piano.
Celebration of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture in Bulgaria.

See pages 33-34 of this collection.

Ancient book. What were the first books in Russia, when did they appear, how and by whom were they written? In the 11th century Russia was one of the most literate countries in Europe. Yaroslav the Wise. High level book art in Russia. Love for the book. Decoration of ancient books. Statutory letter. Textbook N.G. Gorelova, B.I. Pivovarov "Native History", pp. 261-266.
Additional material. 10 min Archive. Who are archaeologists? What is an archive, and what can its documents tell about? The first archives in Russia (XVIII century). Textbook "Native History", pp. 261-266.