What is faith in social science. What is faith? Orthodox faith. Faith in the future. Faith in man. Is it reasonable to believe in God

Definition. “Faith is the reasonable expectation of what is hoped for, the evident proof of things that are, though not seen” (Heb. 11:1).
true faith- this is not gullibility, that is, the tendency to believe in something without hard evidence or just because you want to believe in it.

Toto have real faith, it is necessary to know the basic truths, be familiar with the facts, and also wholeheartedly accept what these testifydata. While it is impossible to have true faith without accurate knowledge, the Bible says that faith is exercised by the heart (Rom. 10:10).

Why don't many people have faith?

Faith is the fruit of God's spirit, and God gladly gives his spirit to those who ask for it (Gal. 5:22; Luke 11:13).

This means that people who do not have faith do not ask for this spirit. And if they ask, they do it for the wrong reasons or do not allow God's spirit to influence their lives. This may be due to many reasons.

Lack of Accurate Bible Knowledge

The Bible is the fruit of God's spirit because it is inspired by God (2 Tim. 3:16, 17; 2 Sam. 23:2).

Without studying the Bible, it is impossible to develop true faith. And although those who go to church have a Bible, they will not have real faith in God and his purpose if they are taught in human terms, and not what is written in the Word of God.

In solving life's difficulties, they will rely on their own wisdom and the wisdom of other people. (Compare Matthew 15:3-9.)

Disillusionment with religion

Many have lost their faith because of the hypocrisy that reigns in Christian churches whose ministers claim to teach God's Word but do not themselves
what is written in it.

Some were once adherents of not Christian religions. However, they have seen that their religion is bearing bad fruit, or have realized that their faith, by and large, does not help them cope with life's difficulties.

Lacking accurate knowledge of the true God, such people shun everything related to religion. (Compare Romans 3:3, 4; Matthew 7:21-23.)

Why God Allows Evil

Most people do not understand why God allows evil, and therefore they blame him for all troubles. They don't realize that people tend to do evil because of Adam's sin, not because it's the will of God (Rom. 5:12).

Perhaps they do not know about the existence of Satan the Devil and that he influences what happens in the world, and therefore they attribute to God the atrocities committed by Satan (1 John 5:19; Rev. 12:12).

If they have heard about it, they may feel that God is too slow, because they do not fully understand the issue of dominion in the universe and do not realize that God's patience makes it possible for them to be saved (Rom. 2:4; 2 Pet. 3: 9).

In addition, they do not fully believe that God has already appointed a time when he will forever destroy all those who do evil (Rev. 22:10-12; 11:18; Hab. 2:3).

A life centered on carnal desires and attitudes

As a rule, the life of people who do not have strong faith is far from spiritual interests. Some of them say they believe the Bible, but they never
they did not seriously study it and did not reflect on what they read: about what it was written for and how it is applicable in Everyday life. (Compare 1 Chronicles 28:9.)

And some, instead of strengthening their faith, let unrighteous desires take over their hearts, and this led them away from God and his ways (Heb. 3:12).

How to gain faith?

Rome. 10:17: "Faith comes by hearing." (Compare Acts 17:11, 12; John 4:39-42; 2 Chronicles 9:5-8).

First, a person needs to know what the Bible says.

As he carefully examines the Bible and becomes convinced of its reliability, his faith will be strengthened and grow.

Rome. 10:10: "The heart shows faith."

As a person meditates on God's truths and begins to appreciate them more and more, they are imprinted on his symbolic heart.

Faith is strengthened when a person, acting in accordance with God's promises, sees that God blesses his works. (See Psalm 106:9-12.)

Example. Most likely, you have a friend about whom you can say: “I trust him. He always keeps his word. If something happens to me, he
will definitely help me."

You wouldn't say that about someone you just met yesterday, right?

This should be a person whom you have known for a long time and who has repeatedly proved that you can rely on him.

The same is true with religious faith. It takes time to gain faith—time to get to know Jehovah God and how he works.

Belief in the existence of God

Is it reasonable to believe in God?

Ps. 19:1: "The heavens proclaim the glory of God; the firmament tells of the works of his hands."

Ps. 104:24: “How many are your deeds, O Jehovah! All this you have done with wisdom. The earth is full of your creations."

Rome. 1:20: "His invisible qualities ... are clearly visible from the creation of the world, because they are recognized through what is created."

The New Scientist magazine said: “Among the uninitiated, there is an opinion that science has succeeded in debunking religion. According to them, all scientists are atheists.

In addition, they believe that Darwin hammered the last nail in the lid of God's coffin and that scientific and technological progress killed any hope of his resurrection. But such views are profoundly erroneous” (New Scientist, 1977, May 26, p. 478).

Pierre-Paul Grassé, a member of the French Academy of Sciences, noted: “The order in nature is not a product of human thought and is not a product of
speculative conclusions. […] The existence of order presupposes the existence of the mind that established it. This mind may belong
only to God” (cited in: Chabanis C. Dieu existe? Oui. Paris, 1979, p. 94).

Scientists know more than a hundred chemical elements. The structure of their atoms suggests that there is a complex relationship between the elements that can be described mathematically. The Periodic Table of the Elements speaks volumes about the intent. Her striking slenderness can in no way be accidental.

Example. We have no doubt that the camera, radio and computer were created by someone. Is it reasonable in this case to consider that such complex
organs, like the eye, ear and human brain, appeared by themselves, without the intervention of a wise Creator?

Faith that a righteous new world will come

When a person learns from the Bible how Jehovah God dealt with his servants, he begins to think in the same way as Joshua, who said: “You know well with all your heart and with all your soul that not one of all kind words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you. All of them came true.
Not one of them was left unfulfilled” (Josh. 23:14).

Promises recorded in the Bible, such as that people will be made well and the dead will be resurrected, are supported by reports of miracles that
done by Jesus Christ.

His miracles are not fiction. Read the gospels and make sure that they have all the signs of reliable historical messages. They indicate the geographical names and names of the rulers, as well as the evidence of at least two eyewitnesses of those events.

Meditating on these evidences will help you strengthen your faith in the Bible's promises.

Visit a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses or one of their conventions and you will see for yourself that applying Bible counsel makes a difference in people's lives.

Thanks to the Bible, they become honest and highly moral people. The Bible helps people of all races and nationalities live and work together in true brotherhood.

If a person has faith, are works really necessary?

Jacob. 2:17, 18, 21, 22, 26: “Faith, unless it has works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works. Show me your faith without works, and I will show you my faith with my works.”

Yes, just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead.

Example. The young man courts the girl and tells her that he loves her. But if he does not propose to her to marry him, then can it be said that he truly loves her?

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Faith is a property of a person’s character and his ability to make a choice and be convinced of the implementation of something.

Definitions and basic properties

Faith as the most important characteristic of a really strong Man. A strong person always has faith in something and is filled with what he believes in. It can be anything! It doesn't have to be God! Through faith, one receives great power, which gives the meaning of life, the value of life and the direction of movement forward. Faith and Purpose can give the same vital energy to move forward. Lack of Faith can completely crush and destroy. All wars are the result of clashes of some faiths. When a person fights to the death, it means that he has Faith. In an effort to achieve, a person is filled with energy, and.

What is Faith as a personality trait?

This is the presence in the mind of a person of a clear awareness of his destiny, a stable understanding of what Happiness is and the sources of Happiness. source of happiness as business card personality. Knowing the source of a person's happiness, you can learn a lot about this person. For some, the source of happiness is God, for some, atheism or a Kalashnikov assault rifle, and for some, money and material wealth.

The true source of happiness is inside a person, this is his ability to give himself, his strength for the benefit of another person or society. This is to show Love to your neighbor!

The meaning of Faith for a person

The highest goal of a person's life depends entirely on his Faith. Life without Faith is empty. Faith makes a person persistently go to the main goal of his life. Faith causes a desire to live and be active, to act with enthusiasm and inspiration. Faith is an internal source of energy of Happiness and inspiration as the most powerful of all the existing human energies.

A high idea of ​​Happiness in society or personal Happiness is formed in a person thanks to society and understanding deep meanings life of a person only thanks to his own awareness and desire for Self-knowledge.

There is a statement of Ph.D. O.G. Torsunov in the following interpretation:

“Faith can be passed from one person to another. It does not arise spontaneously in the head. That is, faith - it comes to a person from another person. If a person has some lofty idea of ​​life, he can pass this idea on to another person.

Faith encourages a person to self-improvement, to the desire to change for the better, and advises to start not with others, but with oneself.

Start with self-knowledge of yourself and your goal

A person receives a stable connection with the source of happiness, and he loses all desire to teach, dictate his will, control and bully his loved ones.

Lack of Faith in Man

When a person manifests a desire to control everything, to build and crush everyone, it means that discontent and vices have been registered in him. A person tries to throw out dissatisfaction at the expense of reproaches, accusations and mockery of his surroundings, and this means only one thing: a person lacks the energy of Faith. There is no clear indication of what to believe! Simply in this case there is no Faith or it is false.

If a person tries to force everyone to live according to his own rules, it means that his heart has opened to the wrong Faith. True faith brings Happiness, false faith brings only disappointment and sorrow.

It should be noted right away that Faith does not imply a mandatory Belief in spirituality or Christian or Muslim or other religions. Faith performed on Atheism is also Faith! This was shown by the real results of Soviet society. For example, faith in a bright communist future gave rise to an unprecedented enthusiasm of the masses. Now, in times of crises and recessions, it is difficult to imagine such Faith in Capitalism!

Signs of the true Faith and a believer

When a person wants to love, hug and help everyone, this is a sure sign that the right Faith has entered him.

If you have become respectful and kind to people, it means that your heart was not mistaken in choosing Faith. When everything is in order with True Faith, a person is peaceful and calm.

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BEPA is a spiritual state that includes intellectual, emotional and volitional components and expresses a person's attitude to reality or imaginary phenomena, when their reliability and truth are accepted without theoretical and practical evidence. To have faith means to be convinced, confident in something: faith in success, faith in the decency of your friend, in the bright future of your people, etc. Religious faith - a system of views held by a particular person (for example, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist). object religious faith God, angels, other world, immortality of the soul, dogmas. In the field of science, the term *faith* denotes knowledge-based conviction, confidence in the truth of certain theories, laws, principles, provisions. Theology considers a person incapable of a true understanding of the world without relying on faith, considering it as an integral property of the soul, the highest manifestation of consciousness

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Wolf Christian - Wolf (Wolff) Christian (01/24/1679 - 04/09/1754) - German philosopher, popularizer and systematizer of philosophy G.V. Leibniz. Professor of philosophy in Halle (1706–23), in Marburg, again in Halle (since 1740). Among his listeners was M.V. Lomonosov. The goal of his philosophy was to achieve the universal bliss of people, for which he considered it necessary to clarify the first basis for the existence of all creations. Psychology was divided into empirical and rational. One considers the connection of the soul with the body (Psychologia empirica. 1732), the second deals only immortal soul(Psychologia rationalis. 1734). He considered the union of the soul with the body an inexplicable miracle, and reduced all mental phenomena to the special abilities of the soul. Works. Eigene Lebensbeschreibung. Lpz., 1841; Wolfian experimental physics. Abridged from the German original in Latin, from which Mikhailo Lomonosov translated into Russian. SPb., 1760.
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1) voluntary union between God and man;
2) Christian, the inner conviction of a person in the existence of God, coupled with the highest degree of trust in Him as the Good and Wise Almighty, with the desire and readiness to follow His good will;
3) dry agreement of reason with the fact of the existence of God; knowledge about God and His will, not accompanied by a desire to fulfill it (demonic faith) ();
4) religious cult, belief (false).

In Hebrew, the word for "faith" sounds like "emuna" - from the word "haman", fidelity. “Faith” is a concept very close to the concept of “loyalty, devotion”.

Faith is the realization of what is expected and the certainty of the invisible (). “Without faith, it is impossible to please God” (). - "faith that works by love" ().

Exist three levels of faith, three stages of spiritual ascent, based on the three forces of the soul (mind, feelings and will): faith as rational certainty, faith as trust and faith as devotion, fidelity.

1 . Faith as certainty is a rational recognition of some truth. Such a belief does not affect a person's life. Suppose someone believes that we are. And what do we have from that? Inner world a person does not change much from such a belief. For him, God is, as it were, one of the objects of the universe: there is the planet Mars, and there is also God. Therefore, such a person does not always correlate faith with his actions, does not try to carefully build his life according to faith, but acts according to the principle “ I am on my own, and God is on His own". That is, it is simply the recognition by one's mind of the fact of the existence of God. Besides, usually such a belief is illusory, ask such a believer "Who is God?" and you will hear naive fantasies that have nothing to do with.

2 . Second step - faith as trust. At this level of faith, a person not only rationally agrees with the existence of God, but feels the presence of God, and in case of sorrow or life difficulties, he will certainly remember God and begin to pray to Him. Trust presupposes hope in God, and man is already trying to conform his life to faith in God.
However, if a child trusts his parents, this does not mean that he will always obey them. Sometimes children use parental trust to justify their misdeeds. A person trusts God, but he himself is not always faithful to Him, justifying his passions by the sinfulness of those around him. And although such a person prays from time to time, he rarely tries to overcome his vices, he is not always ready to sacrifice something for God himself.

3 . The highest step is faith as fidelity. True faith is not only knowledge about God (which even demons have ()), but knowledge that affects a person’s life. This is not only the recognition of God with your mind, and not only trust in Him with your heart, but also the coordination of your will with the will of God. Only such faith can express, because true love is unthinkable without fidelity. Such faith becomes the basis for all thoughts and actions of a person, and only it is saving. But this also implies inner work on oneself, victory over one's own and gaining the gospel.
So, the human soul consists of three forces -, and; true faith involves them all.

Faith in relation to other virtues

“At the head of the holy virtues is faith, the root and essence of all holy virtues. All the holy virtues flow from it: prayer, love, repentance, humility, fasting, meekness, mercy, etc.

Source of Faith

Faith is given by God (), to those who seek it. The saint said that faith, like a spark ignited by the Holy Spirit in the human heart, flares up with the warmth of love. He calls faith a lamp in the heart. When this lamp burns, a person sees spiritual things, can correctly judge spiritual things, and even sees the invisible God; when it does not burn, it is dark in the heart, there is the darkness of ignorance, there delusions and vices are elevated to the dignity of virtues.

Components of Faith

Faith is made up of human will (desire, will) and Divine action. She is a holy sacrament in which the human will and Divine grace are coordinated (see).


Expression of Faith

Faith can be divided into speculative () and active, living, expressed in the performance of the Gospel. These kinds of faith complement each other in human salvation.

“Faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself. But someone will say: “You have faith, but I have works”: show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith from my works. You believe that God is one: you do well; and the demons believe, and tremble. But do you want to know, unfounded man, that faith without works is dead? Was not Abraham, our father, justified by works, when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith worked with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? And the word of Scripture was fulfilled: "Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness, and he was called the friend of God." Do you see that a person is justified by works, and not only by faith? Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she received the spies and sent them away in another way? For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead.”

“Without faith it is impossible to be saved, because everything, both human and spiritual, is based on faith. But faith comes to perfection in no other way than through the fulfillment of everything indicated by Christ. as well as works without faith. True faith is shown in deeds.

“The image of worship of God consists in these two things: in the exact knowledge of the dogmas of piety (1) and in good deeds(2). Dogmas without good deeds are not favorable to God, He does not accept good deeds if they are not based on the dogmas of piety.

“Faith in the Gospel must be alive, one must believe with the mind and heart, confess the faith with the lips, express, prove it with life. Constancy in the Orthodox confession of the dogmas of faith is nourished and preserved by deeds of faith and integrity of conscience... My Savior. Plant in me a living faith, proven by deeds ... so that I become capable of resurrection in my spirit.

That we truly believe God...let it be revealed by our works and keeping God's commandments.

Faith consists in accepting the truths of Divine Revelation contained in Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition, formulated in the dogmatic teaching of the Church. These truths are supersensible, immaterial, invisible, immaterial, mysterious. They transcend the visible material world, surpass the human senses and reason, and therefore require faith.

Knowledge of God is acquired by faith, and without faith it is impossible to know Him... For what reasoning will convince us, for example, of the Resurrection?.. By what kind of reasoning can the birth of God the Word be comprehended?

How to gain faith?

What strengthens faith?

Listen to the Word of God, sermons and teachings, read, [creations] of the holy fathers and old books, seek and ask questions, talk and communicate with believers who are rich in faith; pray, cry out to God for faith, live by faith, confess more often and commune.

Is it possible to be a true believer without knowing the fundamentals of the faith?

Unfortunately, today, even among the parishioners, there are a considerable number of those whose personal religious position regarding the study of dogmas is not only neutral, but even negative.

Why burden yourself with too much knowledge? - they are surprised; after all, the main thing is to visit God's temple, participate in worship, obey the priest, try not to sin. Meanwhile, such a point of view is not only not welcomed by the Church, but also contradicts the very concept of faith.

And this is understandable. The very entry of a person into Christ's things implies a certain knowledge of the conditions, tasks and goals of life.

Let's say, without knowledge of why and for what it is necessary to fulfill obedience, conscious, voluntary service to God, humble, sacrificial self-giving is unthinkable. But this is exactly what the Head of the Church, the Lord, expects from us ().

Without detailed knowledge of what exactly one must believe in order to be saved, to inherit, faith cannot be the axis human life, the subject of conviction of the mind; cannot rise to the high Christian level.

“Faith” not supported by knowledge leads to delusions, the birth and development of false ideas about God, to the formation of an imaginary idol in the mind. Idolatry is a barrier on the way to the Kingdom of God.

Faith based on a simple recognition of the fact of the existence of God and His Providence, on the blind and indistinct confession of Christ as the Son of God, is akin to demonic. After all, the demons were crying out, shouting to Christ: “What have you to do with us, Jesus, the Son of God? You came here before the time to torment us "(); for the demons also believe and tremble ()

Is faith possible outside the Church?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to clearly understand what kind of faith (what kind of semantic meaning of this concept) is meant.

Faith in the One God manifested itself in people even before creation. Adam, Abraham, and Israel had such faith.

Some faith in the One Beginning, manifested at the level of reason, was characteristic of a number of pre-Christian philosophers. Even representatives of the pagan world () possessed some rudiments of faith in the Unknown God.

Individual Old Testament righteous people (and, for example, during the conclusion of the Sinai Covenant - all) became partakers. All this contributed to the formation and strengthening of people's faith in the True and Only God.

However, through the Old Testament faith, a person was not freed from slavery, did not reach the Highest Heavenly Abodes. This became possible only with the Coming of the Son of God, the conclusion between God and man, the formation of the Church.

Communion to the faith of Christ is carried out through the assimilation of the Gospel teachings, communion with the True Church, observance of the commandments.

The true Church is the Ecumenical Orthodox. After all, only she is the pillar and affirmation of the truth (), only she is entrusted with the fullness of salvation, only in her true faith is observed, the one that the Lord had in mind, saying about Himself that “he who believes in Him is not judged, but the unbeliever is already condemned” ( ).

For to be a believer, in the highest sense of the word, means not only to believe in the existence of God and everything that constitutes the subject Christian doctrine but also live to the fullest Christian life, insofar as we understand that faith is achievable only within the framework of general church life (implying participation in church services, the Sacraments, etc.), within the framework of life in Christ.

The Lord Himself, speaking of the need for such an attitude towards faith, asserted: “Without Me, you cannot do anything” ().

“Faith” is a concept very close to the concept of “loyalty, devotion”. It becomes obvious that faith is not a passive trust in external authority, but a dynamic force that transforms a person, puts before him the goal of life, makes it possible to achieve this goal.

“Do not mistake satiety for happiness. The truth is that we have nothing permanent on this earth. Everything passes in an instant, and nothing belongs to us, everything is borrowed. Loan health, strength and beauty . »

“There are only believers and non-believers. All believers are there.
M. Tsvetaeva

“Faith is not just an expectation; it is reality itself."

“Christian faith has two sides: faith in God and faith in God. There is dogmatic faith - adherence to certain religious statements and certain religious practices, and there is personal faith - adherence to a certain person, our Lord Jesus Christ. Personal hope in Christ, repentance and faith cannot exist without dogmas. Here are the dogmas without hope, repentance and faith - as much as you like.

“A person is never a stranger to faith… God is encoded in the soul of everyone: in the feeling of Eternity, the feeling of the Highest principle. And therefore, in order to come to faith, one must come to oneself. We live as if away from ourselves. We work in a hurry, we fuss about household chores. But we do not remember ourselves at all. I often think of the words of Meister Eckhart: "In silence God speaks his word." Silence! Where is our silence? We have everything rumbles all the time. But in order to come to some kind of spiritual values, it is necessary to create islands of silence, islands of spiritual concentration. Stop for a minute. We are running all the time, as if we have a very long distance ahead. And our distance is short. It doesn't cost anything to run. So, in order to cognize, deepen, realize the faith that lives in us, we must return to ourselves ... ".
archpriestAlexander Men

Faith is the assurance of things unseen. We use this word in relation to God, to spiritual things; but it also applies to many things in ordinary life. We talk about love, we talk about beauty. When we say that we love a person, we thereby say that in an incomprehensible, inexpressible way we have seen something in him that others have not seen. And when we, overcome with delight, exclaim: “How wonderful!”, we are talking about something that has come down to us, but which we cannot simply interpret. We can only say: come and see how the apostles said to their friends: come, look at Christ, and you will know what I saw in Him ().
And so our faith in invisible things, on the one hand, is our personal faith, that is, what we ourselves knew, how we once, at least once in our lives, touched the edge of Christ's robe () - and smelled Him Divine power, at least once looked into His eyes - and saw His infinite mercy, compassion, love. This can happen directly, mysteriously through the meeting of the living soul with the Living God, but this also happens through other people. My spiritual father once said to me: no one can renounce the earth and turn his whole gaze to the sky, if in the eyes of at least one person, on the face of at least one person he does not see a radiance eternal life… In this regard, we are all responsible for each other, all are responsible for the faith that we have or yearn for, and which can be given to us not only by the miracle of a direct meeting face to face with God, but also through man.
Faith is therefore made up of many elements. On the one hand, this is our personal experience: behold, I saw in these eyes, on this face, the radiance of eternity, God shone through this face ... But it happens: I somehow feel that there is something - but I can’t catch it! I only catch a little. And then I can look, hear, communicate with my soul to other people who also know something - and that miserable, perhaps, but precious, holy knowledge of faith that was given to me is expanded by experience, faith, that is, confidence, knowledge of others. of people. And then my faith becomes wider and wider, deeper and deeper, and then I can proclaim the truths that I possess not personally, but collectively, together with other people. This is how we proclaim the Creed, which was given to us from ancient times by the experience of other people, but which we gradually come to know, partaking in this experience.
And finally, there is another faith, which the Gospel of John speaks of: no one has seen God, except for His Only Begotten Son, who came into the world to save the world (). There are truths of faith that we receive from Christ, because He knows all the depths of the Divine and all the depths of man and can bring us both to the human depth and to the Divine depths.

The concept of faith in patristic literature

The circle of ecclesiastical authors who devoted a place to this issue in their writings is quite foreseeable. Firstly, these are those ancient writers who composed large texts of apologetic content, such as (d. c. 215), blessed (d. c. 460); secondly, these are church catechists - the saint (d. 386); finally, these are the systematizers of church knowledge, as the anonymous author of the “Teaching of the Holy Fathers on the Incarnation of God the Word” (Doctrina Patrum), approximately dating from the 6th-7th centuries, the monk (d. c. 700) and the monk (d. before 787 G.).
Main supporting texts Holy Scripture for the Holy Fathers are two passages from the Apostle Paul. The book of Hebrews gives the classic definition of faith: Faith, on the other hand, is the realization of what is expected and the certainty of the invisible... And without faith it is impossible to please God; for it is necessary that he who comes to God believe that he exists, and that he rewards those who seek him(). In this understanding Vera reveals for a person an unobvious, but invaluable bottom inaccessible to direct sensory perception and everyday reliability; the object of faith is the intelligible, verified only in the mystical experience of communion with God. The second passage from the apostle Paul does not serve as a definition. It is rather a description of the necessary conditions for the emergence of faith, which turn out to be Scripture itself, in other words, divine revelation, and instruction in it, that is, a tradition inculcated in the church community: …for whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. But how to call on Him in Whom they did not believe? how to believe in the One about Whom they have not heard? how to hear without a preacher? So faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the word of God.().
For the first time, the concept of faith is subjected to theoretical consideration by y, who, on the one hand, refuted the accusation of the Greek philosophers that Vera is an unreasonable opinion based on prejudice, on the other hand, opposed the opinion of the Gnostics, who left the faith to the simple members of the Church, opposing it with the meaning gnosis, understood as some kind of esoteric knowledge, accessible only to the initiated and closed from the profane. On the third hand, he opposed the conviction of those same simpletons who believed that faith alone without knowledge or gnosis is enough.
“Faith,” Clement writes in The Stromata, “is free anticipation and pious consent… Others define faith as an act of mental assumption of the implicit, like proof, revealing to us the existence of a thing, although unknown, but obvious. So, faith is an act of free choice, since it is a certain aspiration, and a reasonable aspiration. But since every action begins with an intelligent choice, it turns out that faith is the basis of every intelligent choice ... So, he who believes the Scriptures and has correct judgment He hears in them the voice of God Himself, an undeniable testimony. Such a belief no longer needs proof. Blessed are that's why not seeing but believing.
With an attempt at a complete and systematic theological presentation of the concept of faith, we meet with the author of the 4th century saint in his fifth “Catechetical Teaching”. This is what he writes: "The word Vera one by its name ... is divided into two kinds. Faith that teaches belongs to the first kind, when the soul agrees to something. And it is useful for the soul... Another kind of faith is that which is bestowed by grace by Christ. To one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom, to another the word of knowledge, by the same Spirit; faith to another, by the same Spirit; gifts of healing to others, by the same Spirit(). And so, this faith, bestowed by grace by the Holy Spirit, is not only teaching, but also acting above human strength. For whoever has this faith: this mountain will say, “Move from here to there,” and it will move() ... So, for your part, have faith in Him, so that from Him you will receive faith that acts above human strength.
Reverend in the "Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith", in a chapter specially assigned to the disclosure of the meaning of the word Vera, summarizes the previous tradition: “Faith, meanwhile, is twofold: there is faith from hearing(). For when we hear the divine Scriptures, we believe the teaching of the Spirit. This faith, on the other hand, acquires perfection through everything that is lawful by Christ: believing by deed, living piously, and fulfilling the commandments of our Renovator. For whoever does not believe in accordance with the tradition of the Catholic Church, or who through shameful deeds has communion with the devil, is unfaithful. Faith is there again, the realization of what is expected and the certainty of the invisible() or the unquestioning and unquestioning hope of what God has promised us, and of the success of our petitions. Therefore, the first Vera refers to our intention, and the second refers to the gifts of the Spirit.
Saint John, just like Saint Cyril, clearly distinguishes what is in our own power and what is a divine gift. So, the three main meanings of the word, the three prevailing images - dogmatic (faith of the church), psychological (consent with the faith of the church) and charismatic (gift of the Holy Spirit); these are the three entities behind these images - the church, man, God. At the Holy Fathers inera is primarily seen as something external to a person, which becomes "internal" due to the consent of the soul in an act of personal faith.

1. special condition of the human psyche, which consists in the complete and unconditional acceptance of certain information, texts, phenomena, events or one's own ideas and conclusions, which in the future can serve as the basis of his Self, determine some of his actions, judgments, norms of behavior and relationships. 2. "The recognition of something as true with such decisiveness that exceeds the strength of external factual and formal logical evidence. This does not mean that the truths of faith are not subject to any evidence, but only that the strength of faith depends on a special independent mental act, not determined entirely by empirical and logical foundations" (Vl. Solovyov). From the positions of materialism, faith always acts as a result of the preliminary work of consciousness, which creates the subject's ideas about the world, about his place in it, about the connections and relations of this world. The construction of a consistent, all-explaining picture of the world (-> image of the world) is the work of the subject's consciousness, based on the mechanisms of cognition, anticipation (-> anticipation), causal attribution, repression, rationalization, substitution, etc. The more inquisitive a person's mind is, the more complex it is. reasoning, the less grounds he has for blind faith. If "faith affirms more than what is contained in the data of sensory experience and the conclusions of rational thinking, then it means that it has its root outside the realm of theoretical knowledge and clear consciousness in general. "Faith is always connected with the subject, it is determined by content and infinitely diverse in manifestations. So, if the subject of faith is the phenomena of external reality and the subject studying them provides evidence of the truth of his results, confirmed by experience, then there is conviction or faith in one's own Faith has a different content in the case when a person is not able to comprehend with the mind an object that is excessively complex or not amenable to rational explanation.Then he either somehow refuses cognition, including the mechanisms of repression, substitution or rationalization, or simplifies and reduces the object, preferring the irrational faith without any evidence. The foundations of such faith lie deeper than knowledge and thinking. In relation to them, it acts as an initial fact and therefore stronger than them. For example, in relation to the foundations of our being, faith is a more or less direct or indirect, simple or complicated representation in the mind preconsciously and connection of the subject with the object. The simpler, more comprehensive and inevitable this connection, the stronger the faith corresponding to it. Thus, faith in the reality of the external world is the strongest of all, because it only reflects in the consciousness that initial, simple and irremovable fact that each person is a part of the universal whole, a part of the common being. A close relationship to the subject is characteristic of religious faith, the object of which is the questions of the immortality of the soul, free will, the existence of a deity, the multiplicity of its manifestations, etc. Being associated with the search for human spirit, religious faith does not directly depend on such simple and unconditional grounds as the reality of a person's physical existence in the physical world. Therefore, not only the processes of spiritual existence, but also the objects and postulates of religious faith themselves are a special subject of faith. Freedom of religion just lies in the fact that a person includes in his image of the world the existence of an extra-material world, as well as in the absence of persecution for the profession of faith.