Energy donors and vampires - do they exist?

R This article is not about vampires, such as the fairy tale character from the movie Interview with the Vampire, but about something else. No wonder there are phrases among the people, such as "he drank all my blood." Sometimes we hang out with people who just energize us. negative energy, we get tired of communicating with them, as if the vital forces had really “drank” from us.

All roads lead to each other

It covers it from the outside, everything you want to sink in the middle. Fear and emptiness caused by low self-esteem. If you expect human gratitude to be a sign that you are not giving anything selflessly. And in order to help others, as well as to change your reality, you always have to start with each other, because "there is always less under the lamp." The world and people show us everything that is inside us and what we do not want to accept. If in the middle we are "unprofessional" - then we will be attracted as a magnet for such experiences and people who will show us their attitude.

Great healers and magicians have a large supply of vitality, which create the so-called charisma - a powerful biofield that can influence others. A person born with a low energy reserve is subject to other people's influence and needs constant “feeding” from the outside world. Part of the energy can be obtained from food, part from mother nature ( Sun rays, fresh air, communication with plants and animals). But if there are not enough "legitimate" sources, a person begins to "steal" energy from others.

How can we be believable and help or advise others when we ourselves are confused and disturbed? It will only be knowledge extracted from books or heard. It is as if we listened to the advice of a businessman who was growing, and he himself gave us brilliant advice and taught us "how to achieve financial success." Most importantly, what we see under the "outer layers", we cover our interior. Confess how you feel. Do you feel useless? If you fully accept it, you don't need to prove anything.

Because you feel good, and so do you. So how do you feel? Can you do something for yourself without thinking about it: and why should I do it? Because you do what you like and that's enough for you. You don't have the pressure of being successful and impressive or public showing yourself off to impress someone. You don't expect others to talk about you: how wise, how, how good. Because you really know what is their opinion, and how many people can have so many different opinions and beliefs.

Vampires also become those who expend much more energy than can be obtained from nature. At risk: salespeople, managers, leaders of large companies and everyone who works in a "nervous" job. A lot of emotions and strength are spent on communicating with people, making responsible decisions, and there is practically no time left for proper rest, recovery, and as a result, sooner or later, one’s own energy is not enough. In addition, becoming an energy thief is not difficult through constant communication with a vampire. Regularly “feeding” an irritable mother-in-law, a girlfriend crying into a vest or a capricious patient, you can “get infected”.

You have your own truth about yourself. Before you find your "truth", it's good to give back the energy you put to other people before and you didn't get a refund. Give them also the energy you took because you were expecting gratitude. Start the journey within yourself with a clear map, fully aware that everything depends on you, that everything flows from you.

Focus, dumb, close your eyes. Go back in time to childhood. Remind yourself of the people you contacted, especially those who disappointed you, upset you, upset you. Then see that there are connections between you and the person. They resemble cords, sometimes quite tangled. Some of them are thinner, others are thick, like cords. The more energy you give someone, the more connections they have and the stronger they are. Some of them are less firmly attached, and some are like roots that hold a person in place.


To determine how much energy you have, write down your date of birth, for example, April 10, 1965: 10041965. Adding the numbers, we get an intermediate indicator of energy potential: 1+0+0+4+1+9+6+5=26. Then we look for the main indicator: 2+6=8. If the sum is greater than 11, carry out one more addition. Enter in the table:


The second indicator demonstrates the role assigned by nature in energy exchange.

You can imagine that you are breathing in your energies and breathing out the energies of that person. If you see that you are still tied to the ropes, you can cut them. Sometimes it's easy, just trim or trim once with a thread with scissors. But sometimes they are very difficult to cut, they can even be automatically updated. This should be done with every person we remember. Then we should feel better. Our forces must gradually increase. Don't be surprised if these people start unexpectedly in your life, call, email or come by.

A number less than 5 indicates that the person was born an active vampire.

If your indicator is 5.6 or 7, then you have had a good supply of vitality since childhood, and the threat of turning into an energy “thief” can arise only in case of chronic overwork.

The main indicator, equal to 8 or 9, happens to good donors who have enough "elixir of life" for themselves and for a neighbor.

This is a sign that you have been able to break your connection and take away your energy and of course give energy to others in the past. By removing their energy, sacrificing others, and cutting off limitations, it's time to take care of yourself. Even if you have no idea who they are. Have you ever heard of this term?

In Poland, little is said about empathy - so people who search the Internet for answers to the question of what is wrong with me usually do not have easy way. It is difficult for them to find similar ones with whom they can exchange experiences or simply feel that they are not the only ones. This state of affairs is partly due to the fact that over-empathy comes to us more as a problem or even a manifestation of nudity, instead of describing it or learning to use it positively, people are trying to cure it, rather than telling it like this: if you have soft heart You must have a hard ass.

People whose index is 10 and 11 have special bioenergetic abilities. The “master” of ten has the abilities of the White Magician, he has access to a magical source of pure and bright forces. Eleven testifies: this person has too much energy, and it can be directed to unrighteous deeds. In other words, 11 is the number of the Black Magician.

Could there be a better motivation to tackle this blog topic? Empathy is not a temperament, it is not a test of personality or even one of the psychological divisions. Empaths are sometimes called "emotional sponges" because they can infect others, feel their pain, anger, and euphoria. They cannot concentrate in places that are saturated with negative energy or crowded. Theoretically, he should work well with people, helping them - in practice, many empaths cannot control their skills and cause them more problems, fatigue than good.

"Freebie" or work?

If the numbers ruthlessly revealed your "bloodthirsty" essence, then do not despair. Congenital "vampirism" can be neutralized, but on one condition: a constant supply of energy from the outside world. For some people, including would-be vampires, nature provides an uninterrupted supply. Others, in order to receive the necessary amount of vitality, need to adhere to special diets, engage in special physical and breathing exercises. Determining which type you are is very simple. Look at your table and count the total number of digits 2 in all three lines.

And yet it could be otherwise. He mentions empaths, or people with extraordinary empathy, among others. Elaine Aron, researcher on this topic. This is most likely innate and is due to the fact that in the areas of the brain that are responsible for awareness and empathy, more blood flows through the brain. Such a small thing and it changes so much.

Being empathetic is not limited to emotions - it is a wider range of characteristics and predispositions. You may feel the hidden emotions of others. Even before they talk about them, even when their face says something else. You know exactly if a person is in a state of tension, anxiety or sadness, even if he smiles widely.

If there are no deuces in the table, then the channel for receiving energy from the outside world is blocked. You should urgently do yoga, qigong or other ancient art of managing your own energy: otherwise, you cannot avoid the fate of a vampire or the role of an “eternal patient”, all ailments of which are caused by a deficiency vital energy. The lonely deuce warns: nature gives you its energy very reluctantly, literally drop by drop.

You absorb the emotions and feelings of others. Especially those who are near you, or next to you. So if they are angry or sad, you also start feeling those emotions; If you feel pain or are sick, you may feel physically weak even in the same place as they are. empathy for pain.

Negative emotions overwhelm you. You cannot concentrate in a place where there is conflict, voices, or tension. While others may cut off and, for example, work, you feel like you are annoying yourself, almost physically and calmly.

Two deuces in the table say that the incoming energy is quite enough. However, be careful: your biofield is very attractive to vampires, but is not able to "take out two."

Three deuces is a reason to rejoice at your "unsinkability", you restore strength literally before your eyes, like solar panels: you recharge from light, air, birdsong.

Strangers are easy to drink or ask for help. They may tell you your secret or problem in the shop or train, or from the crowd you ask for help. The sight of cruelty or suffering is unbearable for you. Therefore, you avoid such films or even news, because there is always something negative in them.

The energy of crowded places covers you. Everywhere in this gallery or office building there is a mixture of emotions coming from all those people that you pass. Similarly, you feel bad in areas of sadness or pain - such as hospitals, nursing homes, or animal shelters.

You will never be a vampire, but a donor - as much as you like: bloodsuckers thirsting for free energy flock to you from all sides. But, not knowing how to defend yourself properly, you can eventually turn into a couch potato: having fed a flock of vampires to your fill “in service and friendship”, you will no longer have the strength for yourself. So be careful and do not tame extra "freeloaders".

You have strong intuition. Sometimes you know something before anyone tells you, you know who is calling before you pick up the phone, you experience synchronicity and extraordinary coincidence. Sometimes you may not know where you are from, but you are sure of it. You feel the energy of places, things, buildings, countries, moments. For this reason, you may not like second-hand items, because you can feel the energy of previous owners. When something special happens in the world, you may feel compassion for a country or city.

Each day or month has a characteristic for you that affects you. Even if you did not work from Monday to Friday, you feel the general joy of the world on Friday, and on Monday you have a heavy mood with it on Monday. You know when someone is lying. You just see a discrepancy between his words and the tone of voice or imitation. False in people is very offensive. For this reason, you also avoid lying.

Communication with some people inspires and inspires, while talking with others leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. Moreover, this sediment does not always apply to the interlocutor himself - sometimes after such contact there is a feeling of guilt or your own worthlessness, and sometimes you find that you suddenly began to treat some acquaintances or people in general worse. Often such communication exhausts one of the interlocutors, he feels as if he had just endured a battle with an entire enemy army.

You have good contact with animals. You feel their mood, you easily tame them, it is hard for them to endure suffering. You may even have decided to become a vegetarian for this reason. You may have problems with your lower back or digestive tract. This is the physical effect of constant exposure to negative emotions from the outside.

You love peace, loneliness, and you are constantly looking for them. You feel good only in a harmonious environment, you try to avoid disharmony, and if this is not possible, then staying in such places, you need time alone with yourself, preferably in the bosom of nature, where you regenerate. Even being in good relations, you need to stay quiet for a while to function properly.

Perhaps you do not believe in the existence of subtle energies and fields, but the presence of energy "vampires" and "donors" has long been recognized as a fact and studied by psychologists. There are people who literally draw energy onto themselves, and it is difficult to understand how they manage to do this. And there are those who seem to radiate warmth and goodwill - you want to be next to them endlessly.

You are allergic to self-centered people, narcissists, jealous or evaluative people. These qualities suck the energy out of you, it hurts that someone can behave like this. You cannot do something that doesn't make sense to you. Your work or other activity must give you joy, satisfaction, or a sense of usefulness, otherwise you will find it difficult to focus on it, you will be constantly distracted, bored and drifting. Often you are attracted to activities related to creativity, creativity.

You cannot bear the restrictions. You are a free spirit who, in places governed by strict rules, in a situation of control, subroutines disappear. You need freedom, you love to experience life your way, and you have many different, bold experiences behind you that have given you a lot of wisdom.

We seem to be aware of such amazing properties of individuals, but our knowledge is rather scarce. We remember that energy "vampires" do nothing but swear and quarrel, while "donors" ... And what, by the way, do "donors" do? Yes, we are really little aware of the manifestations of both, and therefore do not understand how to learn to avoid the first and establish contacts with the second.

You cannot hide when you are unhappy. Emotions are usually written on your face. Sometimes your moods change very quickly, you are subject to their fluctuations. You often feel tired. Even if you are sleeping or not working. This is because you are constantly taking on the emotions of others and they are stimulating and draining. Empacha often has something called chronic fatigue syndrome.

You are attracted to scapegoats or the weakest links in the group. They raise your compassion, you want to give them some understanding, warmth and boost your self-esteem. You are prone to addiction. Alcohol, drugs, sex, or other things that allow you to forget and give up on your escape from overwhelming emotions. Empacha often have a life stage after which they were addicted.

Creating a comfortable environment is essential for healthy friendships and love relationship, business, and indeed any cooperation. Therefore, let's first look at the varieties of "vampires" in order to learn how to distinguish and avoid them.

All types of "vampires" receive moral satisfaction when the interlocutor is helpless and confused - they will deprive a person of self-control, calmness and confidence. They revel in themselves, watching how a person loses the ground under their feet under the influence of their moral blows. Such pressure can be different, and sometimes you don’t even recognize that you have a “vampire” in front of you. Most species of these bloodsuckers are in dire need of attention and seek it in all possible ways.

You don't like turmoil. Too many things make you lose focus, so you may have a natural desire for minimalism. You are a dreamer. You can cut off your thoughts from the world and wander in the clouds or just look at the stars. You may appear shy or withdrawn. Even if you love people, sometimes you move away from them to relax and if you have one of your moods. You're not going to pretend that you can have fun with them. You have to feel very well tamed with someone, relax completely in your company and show your true self.

Types of energy vampires

1. Fountain of stupidity

This person is full of energy, manages to do ten things at the same time, his head is constantly teeming with projects, he has a lot of hobbies and always has time for communication. He is smiling and friendly, he will definitely seize the moment to chat with colleagues, he will find an opportunity to draw someone into another adventure. But here's the problem - not all of his projects are brought to an end, he jumps on top, rushing here and there. Anyone whom such a person manages to involve in his turbulent life immediately finds himself knocked down by a stream of vectorless energy. With such a character, it is impossible to predict what will happen tomorrow and where it will take him again. He also enjoys the realization of his activity (and in reality - pseudo-activity), while unobtrusively letting people know: look how much I do, and you are lazy and losers.

In reality, such people are often quite lazy, and their violent activity is just a front. If there is such a person in your environment, try not to start any common business with him. Not only will they not be completed - you will spend a lot of internal energy and remain in an emotional hole.

2. Charming wall

This variety of "vampires" is also quite friendly and pleasant to talk to. They are smart, have a good sense of humor, and often have an attractive appearance. They are the first to make contact, emotionally tying a person to themselves with a pleasant pastime, they know how to make compliments. In general, after a while you already consider him yours. best friend and ready to go to the end of the world. But it was not there.

Trying to establish feedback, you will stumble upon a blank impenetrable wall. It turns out that you know quite a bit about your friend, that he tends to ignore questions and ignore any of your initiatives. It opens your energy channel in its direction, but does not open itself in response. He is mysterious and secretive, never accepting help, although he is often ready to provide it himself.

This "vampire" leaves a huge field for thinking, his reactions are ambiguous and it is never completely clear what he meant. In suspicious people, this behavior raises the question: “What did I do wrong?” As a result, a nervous search for ways of self-correction begins, self-esteem falls.

Most often, this scheme of vampirism is used in relation to the opposite sex. A person does not have a permanent relationship, but at the same time he has a bunch of "friends" ("girlfriends"), the lion's share of whom are simply in love with him. These are his little chargers. He is charged from each of them little by little, sensitively catching the line beyond which he himself will have to give something in return. A little before reaching this limit, he "turns off" and goes to recharge to the next victim. It seems that he didn’t do anything bad, and didn’t promise anything to anyone, but in fact it only brings harm: it draws attention, energy and mental strength victims, leaving them bewildered and confused.

If you have such a "passion", then it is better to cut off contact with her. Pleasantness from such communication is only an illusion.

3. Seven Fridays in a week

They are looking for a victim and begin to fool her head. Victim in this case becomes a person interested in partnership, at least personal, at least business. "Vampires" of this breed do not need the proposed cooperation, but they like the attention and emotional energy they receive from the applicant.

Sometimes they themselves come up with offers, but as soon as they receive a positive response, they immediately back down. Subterfuges begin: “Sorry, I can’t do it right now”, “I need to think”, “I have problems” ... It is worth forgetting about them - and they are right there again. Sometimes such catch-ups can last for years, especially when it comes to personal relationships. But over time, the opponent begins to get annoyed and either "sends" such an unpredictable subject in plain text, or stops contacting him.

The reaction of the “vampire” follows immediately: “All people are bad”, “No one understands me”, “I go to them with all my heart, and they ...” Thus, he moves into the next category of attention and emotion eaters.

4. Whineers

They complain to everyone, talk about their problems, forgive about sympathy. But as soon as they are offered real help, whiners immediately find a million excuses not to accept it. They cannot fix their lives because they need a base for endless whining. And, of course, the circumstances surrounding, the government, the Lord God and anyone else are to blame, but not themselves. We are all familiar with whiners, but we hardly thought that they also belong to the ancient clan of "vampires".

They get energy and attention through pity, discussing their problems, trying to help. Especially severe cases are hypochondriacs and pseudo-suicides. All their conscious lives they ruffle their nerves, tie them to themselves through the fear of losing and - "if something happens to him, it's because of me." They endlessly cry about the injustice of the world and their health, but do not even try to change something. Run away from them.

5. Gossipers

They have nothing to offer others, so they live other people's lives. Moreover, with particular pleasure, gossips plunge into the problems and shortcomings of other people. And the more successful the objects of gossip, the more persistent the search for dark spots in their biography. This helps the "vampires" to assert themselves and feel not so worthless. But the main goal is the attention of the interlocutor. Gossips not only pull emotions, they also shed their negative, accumulated irritation in this way. After communicating with them, there is a feeling of some disgust - here you are digging with him in someone else's dirt, you are also dirty. And the "vampire" only needs this: to draw others into his little world, so as not to stew in bad thoughts alone.

6. Teachers

Well, what would you do if your omniscient deliverer had not come and told you how to live right? Behind the mask of benevolent support lies a banal desire for self-affirmation at the expense of humiliating the dignity of others. And sometimes the mask of benevolence is not even used - teachings are accompanied by nit-picking, grumbling, cursing. Finding victims who succumb to this tactic, teachers instill in them a sense of guilt and an inferiority complex. By evoking negative emotions in this way, know-it-alls feed on them.

7. Brawlers

A lot has already been said about these comrades, so we will not go deeper. We all know them - to be rude in transport, to quarrel at work, to accuse household members of all mortal sins. This is a classic example of "vampirism" when a person feeds on pure negativity. For him, the main thing is to receive energy, the polarity of which no longer matters.

So, now we know the main varieties of energy "vampires". It is best to avoid them if possible. But what if you yourself are an energy "vampire"?

I am an energy vampire

If you recognize yourself in any of these types, if you realize that you get pleasure from annoying and taking people out, then you have problems. You could say that these are not your problems at all, but those of others. But next to the "vampires" there may be either relatives (and even then not all), or people with low self-esteem. A self-sufficient adequate person will immediately understand that you are nothing but disorders, and will go home. So, the problems are still yours. And they need to be fought.

To deal with a problem, you first need to identify its roots. And they, as usual, are in childhood. A person becomes an energy "vampire" because he lacks his own energy, and he compensates for it at the expense of someone else's attention. Internal emptiness arises from a lack of parental attention in childhood - when mom and dad were busy with their own affairs, leaving the child to himself. In order to somehow draw attention to himself, he began to act up or pretend to be sick. This tactic has taken root and entered adulthood.

Sometimes a person becomes a "vampire" already as an adult - due to illness or psychological trauma. The result is the same - he is uncomfortable being alone, he needs someone else's attention, emotions directed at him. And he achieves this by all means, sometimes without even realizing his behavior.

If you notice signs of "vampirism" in yourself, do not rush to despair - you can fight it. You need to learn how to generate your own energy, drawing it from the beauty of the world around you, interesting activities, self-improvement. "Vampires" are usually fixated on their mental imbalance and have little interest in everything else.

You need to break out into the outside world from the inner haze. A good exercise is to take a long walk for 2-3 hours, and along the way, comment in your head all the good things you see: a tree with a beautiful trunk bend, an interesting building, a cute child. This fills the soul with positive power, the need for someone else's energy disappears by itself.

Intensive sports, active hobbies help a lot. For believers, the church will be a good outlet - no matter what religion you profess. Meditation is also a great option. It is very important to improve, both externally and internally. If you are constantly in the process of development, you have no time to get the rest.

You need to set up your inner world to a state of constant rest, which is natural for any person. And "vampirism" will go away by itself.

Energy "donors" - what are they?

About "vampires" it is said many times, but how to recognize the "donor"? Let's start with the fact that these are not the people from whom "vampires" pump energy. These are not victims. Donors, as well as at blood collection points, do it exclusively voluntarily and not to the detriment of themselves.

"Donors" do not share energy purposefully and targetedly - almost tangible flows come from them, penetrating into the soul of any interlocutor. They bring joy, warmth, a sense of security and protection. These people are calm and self-confident, they will never humiliate a counterpart, but on the contrary, they will support him, help to cope with anxiety, and raise him above himself. After communicating with them, you feel as if you have become better, there is a desire to do something, to achieve success, to take an example.

While "vampires" are very different, all "donors" are similar to each other. They, like sensitive psychologists, help the interlocutor to restore peace of mind. If he committed a misconduct, inspire to rectify the situation, but do not condemn. "Donors" will always share their experience, prompt and teach, making it clear: "I have achieved this, which means you can too." Next to them, a long-term sense of guilt disappears - "donors" justify and understand. They are somewhat similar to the ideal mother - that's why we are so drawn to them. "Donors" are very rare, and they are always surrounded by a crowd of people.

Our environment determines our destiny. Sometimes it consists entirely of "vampires", but sometimes we are lucky to get people with a harmonious inner balance as friends. And if among your friends there is at least one "donor" - you are already lucky. Those with whom we communicate shape our personality, attitude towards ourselves and others, the ability to survive troubles and achieve success. Everyone around you is a part of you. Therefore, the improvement of life should occur according to two scenarios simultaneously:

  1. Remove from your circle those who spoil your nerves and carry negativity, leave only those from whom you yourself would like to take an example.
  2. Become a person with whom self-sufficient, friendly, decent people want to communicate.

And when you balance your inner state and the circle of people with whom you communicate - believe me, your life will improve many times over.