Blue exorcist rin in full growth. But yes! Shura Kirigakure and her role in the anime

In five episodes of Blue Exorcist: girl soup, subspecialties, session, hard memories, love, intrigue and a small divine tragedy. All to beautiful music.

In the sixth episode, the action revolves around food. Getting a bun at recess in the buffet is a great success; in the privileged canteen building heaps of food, but its price leaves much to be desired, especially when the scholarship allows you to go out on only a dozen sandwiches a month. Rin, like any healthy teenage organism, is forever suffering from hunger, and Yukio, a busy and employed person, invites his brother to start cooking homemade food from products bought with his money.

Altruism in Yukio's proposal is fifteen percent. On the one hand, busy cooking, Rin will get up earlier - goodbye, eternal lateness and cries of “Bespectacled man, why didn’t you wake me up ?!”. On the other hand, Yukio, attending classes with bento, will be freed from the need to taste the dinners that the fans carefully prepare for him, three pieces. Well, Yukio won't have to worry about his daily bread anymore, because Rin's culinary skills have been carefully practiced in the monastery.

Rin enthusiastically set to work ... and ran into the spirit of the kitchen, which did not tolerate the invasion of his fiefdom. A quarrel with Ukobach threatened years of eating Mephisto Phel's hellish oatmeal, from one portion of which Rin saw the deceased grandmother, but the culinary duel quickly reconciled the two chefs, who mutually impressed each other.

Ukobach's peace was soon disturbed again: Yukio's fans were so eager to feed him with their cooking that they guarded at the hostel, and saw how Shiemi came to visit the Okumura brothers. The eyes of the young ladies darkened with jealousy, and when they found the food prepared ahead of time by Rin, they, of course, recognized Shiemi's handiwork in innocent food and threw it into the trash can in their hearts. Ukobach went berserk from such vandalism and was about to cook a soup of mischievous girls, but Rin appealed to the good feelings of the spirit and convinced him not to subject his brother's fans to heat treatment. In the end, Rin and Ukobach came to the conclusion that it was Yukio who was to blame for the act of hating food, not wanting to eat dishes prepared especially for him and seasoned with true love ... well, they forced him to eat all three servings from fans.

I have always felt that the importance of these bento in popular Japanese culture is exaggerated. Every anime girl considers it her duty to go crazy, sculpting a culinary masterpiece in a box for an object of passion, and then offer her edible creativity in a trembling voice, and anime boys pee with boiling water from a girl who makes the very best bento ... Ugh. Part of the episode was saved by the parodic mood, but it disappeared somewhere when Rin began to make speeches on the topic “What feelings did you experience when you cooked food?”, Recalling his own culinary exercises during the rainbow monastic childhood. So the series is funny, but far-fetched.

But in episodes from the seventh to the ninth - a story arc.

The story begins innocently enough as Shiemi tries to make friends. She makes every effort to get close to the only girls on the course, girlfriends Paku and Izumo (the latter, by the way, also has some tragic reasons for becoming an exorcist). The tone in this pair is set by Izumo, an arrogant priestess with strange eyebrows, and she absolutely does not need Shiemi as a friend. Especially after her pride is hurt: at the lesson, exorcists learn to summon familiars, and only Izumo and, suddenly, Shiemi have a rare talent. Moreover, the priestess calls wayward foxes, and Shiemi was the sweetest Green Man Ni (as it turns out later, also extremely useful). The naive Shiemi does not notice Izumo's dissatisfaction, on the contrary, it seems to her that since they have something in common, they must certainly become friends. A hurt Izumo agrees to be friends with Shiemi, actually using her as an errand girl.

Meanwhile, exorcists have an exam on their nose, the passing of which gives the title of Esquire, the second step in the hierarchy of the order. And it’s time for schoolchildren to think about specialization, who to be in life: Tamer (summons familiars), Dragoon (fights with small arms), Knight (wields cold metal), Songsinger (reads prayers) or Healer. The division is like in some kind of RPG, and there is also a constant emphasis on the fact that there is nothing for an exorcist to catch alone, all the strength is in the team. An "Unboosted" Songsinger is a Level 1 mage! No wonder Suguro wants to be both a Songsinger and a Dragoon at the same time, and Yukio's coolness is already in the fact that he is a Healer and a Dragoon.

To prepare for the exam, the guys go to a training camp - Rin and Yukio's dorm. Okumura's teacher is strict, demanding, and doesn't want to spy on girls in the bathroom; Rin unsuccessfully tries to open Shiemi's eyes to the fact that she is being used; Paku in the bathroom rebels against Izumo who has undressed. She also went to the exorcists only for the company (it’s okay, huh! I don’t understand in any way, exorcists are secrets or not?), but she realized that it wasn’t her, but Izumo actually behaves too badly with pure soul Shiemi. The girls failed to quarrel enough - a demon appeared in the bathroom. He granted, of course, Rin's soul, but Paku fell under his arm, and she could have died if Rin had not come in time. And then the imp had every chance to say goodbye to life if Yukio had not come to the rescue ... And the demon just ran away. By the way, to the teacher that teaches the summoning of familiars.

Here I want to say that Izumo is rubbish. No, her behavior with Shiemi is just innocent mischief, so to speak, quite forgivable. But to see that your friend was captured by a demon, and not come to her aid just because she reported her opinion about your behavior a few minutes before, is disgusting.

The incident with the demon excites all the students. Izumo suffers from the realization of her meanness, becomes irritable and short-tempered and quarrels with Suguro (and falls for Rin). It comes almost to a fight, for which Yukio punishes everyone - he brings up the spirit of collectivism - and leaves on business, locking the students in the hostel. They do not stay alone for long - an unfinished ghoul is declared to visit. Shiemi saves everyone by using Ni to create a maze of roots in the room and trap the ghoul in it. But this is only a delay, because the demon stubbornly breaks through the roots. Rin can't use the sword in front of everyone, so he gets out of the room, leading the ghoul with him. Only now he did not know that another monster had already managed to bud from the creature. Shiemi is unable to maintain the shield for long, and Suguro remembers the ghoul's death stanza. In reading, the bespectacled Konekomaru is ready to help him, Sima takes out a staff in order to detain the ghoul as a last resort. But Izumo is buzzing again. They say that everything is useless, prayers will not help, they will not cope, therefore - wow! - it's not even worth trying. Thank God, she is gently sent and taken to work. As expected, well-coordinated work leads to victory (even Izumo at the very end came to her senses and called her foxes to help).

While classmates demonstrate the benefits of teamwork, Rin proves that one is a warrior in the field. He finished with the ghoul quickly, but the identity of the person who called the demon confuses him. Indeed, how can one expect such a set-up from a comrade with a giant compass from the teaching staff?

And then it turns out that there was no set-up, but there was an exam, cleverly disguised as an emergency situation at the direction of Mephisto Phel. Therefore, the guys can no longer remember with goosebumps about what happened, but worry about the grades. Everyone thanks Shiemi as a savior, even Izumo, so everything is fine with the girl and her friends.
What's funny, I just wanted to be outraged why two more students - a boy with a toy on his arm and a silent guy in a hoodie - did not participate in the exam battle, as Rin did for me.

However, is everything in order with the teacher Neuhaus, under whose supervision the ghoul tried to kill Rin? Too zealously he followed the order of the rector and tried to force Rin to draw a demonic blade in front of his comrades. Yukio suspects something is wrong and, just in case, at night replaces Rin's carcass in bed with a bundle of blankets. In the light of the moon, Neuhaus visits the room and tries to kill the sleeping imp with a pair of compasses, but, of course, he only makes holes in the blanket (you must be able to tell the bundle from the boy, of course). Yukio catches a teacher for violence against a textile product, and the teachers start a fight. Spectacular, I must say! Yukio finally looks really cool with pistols, Neuhaus summons flying hands and other nastiness (I was waiting for compasses to be used!). In the midst of a fight, Rin appears on the battlefield, and the brothers work together to disarm Neuhaus. Then he tells about his motives: on the Blue Night, Satan took possession of the body of a young exorcist and killed his entire family. That the son is not responsible for his father, he, you see, is unaware, so he took the opportunity to satisfy the thirst for revenge.

The explanation is kind of lame, to be honest. Three interesting series - and all because of the uncle who decided to take revenge on the child? No matter how! Neuhaus acted on Fel's orders. Rin's brother continues to play his mysterious game - or just having fun, testing the youngest for strength. And his next move is to call Amaimon, another prince of Hell.

And all exorcists successfully passed the exam.

After the session - stuffy and hot Japanese summer. Such a temperature regime has a bad effect on the characters of Rin and Yukio: the brothers quarrel from scratch, and Yukio's glasses, with the help of Rin, make a flight that contradicts the laws of physics. The bell that calls Yukio to work saves him from heightening passions, and Rin once again follows his brother.

Yukio will have to pacify Kuro (Blackie in our opinion) - the familiar of the late Fujimoto (the reverend, by the way, was indeed the strongest exorcist of the order - he occupied the place of the Paladin, the first in the hierarchy). The two-tailed cat was a spirit that guarded the work of silkworms, and when the time of individual silk-spinning points passed, it went wild. The cat was so angry at people that he was constantly buzzing at a construction site that was broken on the site of his collapsed temple, and Father Fujimoto was called to help (hm, why was only Paladin called on such an occasion?). He talked heart to heart with the forgotten god, offered a glass of vodka on valerian and a vacant position as a familiar, and the incident was over. Now Kuro found out that the owner was dead, and went berserk again. The exorcists signed the cat's death warrant, and Yukio went out to carry it out with a heavy heart. But Rin's demonic nature allowed him to hear desperate cries behind the menacing roar of a giant cat: “You are all lying! He didn't die!" And Rin, following the example of his father, simply talked to Kuro. Familiar position and valerian vodka succumbed.

I don’t know what was added to this episode, but I sobbed for about twenty minutes. It was supposed to be an easy, pleasant series, a rest after the story arc ... and I am still writing and crying, one has only to remember Kuro's heartbreaking lamentations. Some kind of nightmare.

And in the next episode they promise a beach. This is alarming, because the bento problem was somehow unsuccessfully highlighted, and the fan service in the form of Izumo in her underwear, who did not come to the aid of Pak, caused rather bewilderment ... And it seems that Valentine's Day is definitely inevitable.

The main features of a quality anime are known to all fans of the genre - a fascinating plot, flawless graphics and bright, memorable characters. Blue Exorcist is a fantastic series that has all of the above advantages. Viewers who are interested in the history of the war between the two worlds will certainly be interested in getting to know the heroes who inhabit them. So, what are the main and secondary characters of the cartoon?

A few words about the plot

Knowledge of the plot of the anime will allow the audience to better understand what place the characters occupy in the universe of the cartoon. The Blue Exorcist invites viewers to watch the war between the two worlds, which is actually a battle between demons and humans. The leader of the demonic forces is Satan himself, who has a son, Rin, born of a representative of the human race. Satan intends to use his descendant as a kind of key that will allow darkness to triumph over light.

However, the audience is hardly capable of being seriously interested in characters obedient to someone else's will. "Blue Exorcist" is an anime in which the main characters take important decisions on one's own. Rin, the son of Satan, does not intend to play the role chosen for him by his powerful father. The young man plans to become an exorcist, for which he needs to undergo training. Mastering ancient art, he simultaneously acquires loyal friends who will turn into his associates.

"Blue Exorcist": twin characters

The main character, who is assigned the leading role in the coming battle, is a descendant of Satan, Rin. The boy is a teenager, like many other characters (The Blue Exorcist, however, is not only aimed at a youth audience). The young man, born of an ordinary woman, did not suspect his demonic origin during the first years of his life. However, the awakened supernatural forces attracted the attention of his father to him, from whom he decides to hide by hiding in a school that trains exorcists.

Rin Okumura is a very controversial, ambiguous hero. On the one hand, such qualities as purposefulness, fortitude make a favorable impression on others. On the other hand, the young man is prone to bouts of laziness, sometimes behaves irresponsibly, and is irascible.

Rin is far from the only interesting character active in the Blue Exorcist anime. The characters surrounding him are also noteworthy. First of all, this concerns his twin brother Yukio. He is also born from Satan, but he did not get the supernatural power of his father. Yukio fights with pistols and potions, unable to use demonic flames. The guy is not like his brother, in terms of character, he is characterized by such qualities as responsibility, patience.

Who is Ryuji Suguro

Not only twin brothers have to play important role in the animated series Blue Exorcist. The characters who are their friends and enemies also deserve detailed consideration. It is impossible not to mention such a bright personality as Ryuji, who also responds to the nickname Bon. He studies in the same class with the descendant of Satan, constantly competes with him, envious of his rival in the depths of his soul.

Ryuuji has many virtues, behaves honestly in any situation, does not like people who are prone to vices. He comes from the Cursed Temple, which was destroyed several years before the events described. The goal of the young man is the restoration of the Temple, in order to achieve it, he needs to cope with the army of darkness.

Rina and Yukio's classmates

What other bright characters from the anime "Blue Exorcist" comprehend science along with brothers born from the leader of the dark forces? Rin maintains friendly relations with a girl named Shiemi Moriyama, whom he once helped get rid of the demon that took over her body. In battle, she is of little use, but those around her appreciate her talent as a tamer. Shiemi's main goal is to help his friends in their struggle.

Izumo Kamiki also goes to school with the Okumura brothers. This girl is selfish, overconfident, often rude. However, she is also capable of good deeds. Izumo belongs to the family of temple priestesses, which leads the Illuminati to hunt for her.

Rin and Yukio's classmates

Renzo Shima is a child from a large family, left to himself from early childhood. This hero has characteristic features, like many other characters in the Blue Exorcist anime, whose character names are ready to be memorized by fans. The guy easily starts novels with the fair sex, he is characterized by frivolity. He also has a wonderful voice, intends to become a singer. Renzo's weakness is the horror that insects inspire in him.

Not to mention Konekomaru Miwa, who also attends the same class as the Demon Twins. The guy lost his parents in early childhood, he was raised by the Me Dha sect, for the sake of whose prosperity he is ready to sacrifice everything. Like Renzo, the hero intends to become a singer. Konekomaru has a calm disposition, has the talent of a strategist, and is well versed in human psychology. Among his negative features can be called excessive modesty.

Shura Kirigakure and her role in the anime

Not only teenagers are present in the anime "Blue Exorcist". The list of adult characters is also helpful in understanding the plot. Shura Kirigakure- Rin's mentor, with the help of which he masters the technique of handling the sword. The woman is sent to the school by the Vatican, her mission is to control the current situation.

Shura seems brave and fearless in the beginning. animated series, however, later becomes under the influence of Mephisto, fearing his own death.

Who is Mephisto Pheles

This minor hero is the head of the True Cross Academy and is an experienced exorcist. He is the half-brother of the Okumura twins, as he was born from Satan. His gift is the ability to turn into some animals, insects. Viewers will see how Mephisto becomes a cockroach, a dog. It is believed that the famous demon Mephistopheles is its prototype.

The character has a pronounced strategic talent, he is excellent at misleading his interlocutors. Feles also loves a variety of intrigues.

Other children of Satan

Amaimon is a demonic prince who is also a descendant of the leader of the forces of evil. Has a bright appearance (green hair), loves defiant clothes. Amaimon is difficult to piss off, but those who succeed quickly begin to regret it. His weakness is sweets, which the demon is ready to consume in unlimited quantities.

Satan also has other sons, not least of which is Lucifer, who is considered one of the most powerful creatures of hell. The hero leads a terrorist group. Only a select few can see his face, as Lucifer prefers to wear a mask.

The child of the supreme demon is also Astaroth, having fun by capturing other people's bodies. The demon cannot be called dexterous, as all his attempts to catch Rin fail. Other inhabitants of the hellish abyss treat him somewhat dismissively.

These are the most outstanding characters of the Blue Exorcist anime. Photos of characters can be viewed in this article.

Rin Okumura Kanji


The son of Satan


Half Demon

Date of Birth

blood type

Professional DataAffiliation


Exorcist DataClass


Personal dataStatus


Yukio Okumura (brother)

Satan (father)

Yuri Egin (mother)

Ernest Frederic Agin (grandfather - anime)

Mephisto Pheles (half-brother)

Amaimon (half-brother)

Shiro Fujimoto (adoptive father)


Rina's clothes Rina has black hair (blue-black in the anime), since chapter 98 her hair has White color. He has pale skin and sapphire eyes. After using Kurikara, Rin's ears and fangs are pointed, and a long demonic tail appears with a fluffy tassel at the end in the color of his hair.

In his demonic form, Rin lights up two pockets of blue flame (reminiscent of horns), and his ears elongate even more, like an elf. The pupils constrict. Blue flames completely cover his body, the tip of his tail and sword burn especially expressively. Prior to joining the academy, Rin wore a blue sweatshirt and black jeans with chains on the sides, giving the impression of being a rebel. He also wore a white jacket with large pockets and various decorations on it. Rin fought a lot, so he wore bandages that Yukio put on. At True Cross Academy, he wears a uniform that consists of a white shirt, tie, jacket, and black trousers. He carries the Kurikara sword in a red sheath. Sometimes he pinned his bangs back to read.

Powers and abilities

Flame of Satan (魔神の炎, サタンのほのお, Satan no Honō): also known as "Blue Flame" (青い炎 Aoi Honō). Rin, as the son of Satan, inherited his father's flame, which has Blue colour. Most of Rin's powers are sealed within Kurikara's katana. He used his powers even when it was damaged. Later, he learns to control his flames so that nothing or no one is destroyed and consumed by the fire and loses control of himself. Later, Rin learned to control the fire, but in times of anger, it can manifest itself. By the time he saves Izumo, Rin has enough control over his flames to create various attacks to fight.

Pyrokinesis: Rin's most important ability. He is able to create various forms of flame and control it with the power of his mind.

Demonic Form: When Rin draws his blade from its sheath, it acts as the "heart" and source of all demonic power. Similarly, Okumura in demonic form becomes vulnerable: the tail is always visible, which is the weakness of any demon. After Yukio broke the kurikara, Rin's heart "was in plain sight". And if the katana is destroyed, then Rin will die.

Knight (騎士, ナイト, Naito): Rin is a newly minted knight who uses the demonic sword Kurikara as his primary weapon. Subsequently, he has a fairly good amount of skills and controls his flames well. With the help of fire forms various forms of attack.

Meditation (火生三昧 Kashō Zanmai): Rin allows his sword to be possessed by the demon Kongo Uchchushima, who helps him control his flames. Okumura then recites a mantra, after which Satan's fire concentrates on the end of the sword's blade, and Rin creates a strong swing of the sword, releasing all the accumulated flames that cover the territory of the town. It has been said that the fire created during this move burns absolutely all matter the user desires. Also, an additional effect is the cleansing of the territory of a small mountain from filth.

Satan Slash (サタンスラッシュ Satan Surasshu): Rin concentrates his flames into his sword and then delivers a powerful blow that launches a slash at the opponent that can travel tens of meters. Rin can only deal damage to his opponents without hitting his allies.

Satan's Bomb (サタンボム Satan Bomu): Rin concentrates his flames on the tip of his sword blade and then hurls the concentrated flames at his opponent, causing a massive explosion on impact.

Pyre of Satan (悪魔の焚き火 Akuma No Takibi): Rin pierces his opponent through with his sword, then releases his flames, which completely engulfs the opponent, preventing him from escaping the attack.

Satan's Explosive Bonfire (悪魔の爆発の火 Akuma No Bakuhatsu No Hi): Rin inserts Kurikara into the ground and sends a massive amount of fire down through it, which creates a massive explosion that covers a vast area and creates massive destruction.

Satan Blast (サタンの爆発 Satan No Bakuhatsu): Rin inserts Kurikara into the ground and sends his flames to the desired target, where it begins to quickly accumulate and then release, creating a huge explosion.

High-Speed ​​Regeneration: Due to his heritage, he has inherited the demonic speed regeneration, which allows him to recover from mortal or near-mortal wounds at great speed.

Telepathy: Rin has shown the ability to telepathy, but only when he communicates telepathically with a higher-class demon that is unable to speak human language. This was shown in the situation with Chernysh and Ukobak.

Spectral Awareness: Although this ability was suppressed by sealing Kurikara, Rin's awakened powers allowed him to see demons.

Cooking: According to Shiro, cooking is Rin's specialty. He could well make money from this by finding a good restaurant and use his talent. He also showed this talent during the Fun Camp Arc when no one was able to cook anything edible.

Strength: Thanks to his demonic heritage, Okumura has incredible strength, which allowed him to use it even as a child: he could break someone's ribs with a simple blow.

"We cook food to make happy those who eat what we cook. And we are happy when we are praised for it." (Rin Okumura)

Rin Okumura.
The main character of the Blue Exorcist. He and his younger brother- twin, Yukio, sons of Satan, King of Gehenna, and Yuri Egin, a young exorcist. He is a student at True Cross Academy and dreams of becoming a Paladin in order to defeat his biological father.
Race: Half Demon
Gender: Male,
Age: 16 years old
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 63 kg,
Date of birth: December 27,
Hair Color: Black (Manga)/,
Dark Blue (Anime)
Eye Color: Blue,
Blood Type: A
Affiliation: Exorcists,
Class: Exquirers,
status: alive
Yukio Okumura (brother)
Satan (father)
Yuri Egin (mother)
Ernest Frederic Agin (grandfather - anime)
Mephisto Pheles (half-brother)
Amaimon (half-brother)
Shiro Fujimoto (adoptive father)
Rin has black hair (dark blue in the anime) with ragged bangs. He also has pale skin and dark blue irises. In his human form, Rin has a number of physical traits that hint at his demonic origins: for example, he has visible fangs, slightly pointed ears, and has a black tail (he hides it under his shirt). In his demonic form, two pockets of blue flames light up above Rin's head (reminiscent of horns), and he also has ears, like an elf. He is completely engulfed in blue flames. Before entering the Academy, Rin wore a blue hoodie and black jeans with chains on the sides, giving the impression of being a rebel. He also wore a white jacket with large pockets and various decorations on it. Rin fought a lot, so he wore bandages that Yukio put on. At True Cross Academy, he wears a uniform that consists of a white shirt, tie, jacket, and black trousers. He carries the Kurikara sword in a red sheath. Sometimes he pinned his bangs back to read textbooks.
Rin is a strong person. He can be very violent and get into fights (probably due to his demonic nature), but actually has a good heart. Rin supports his friends and tries to help them. He is able to understand other people's feelings as his own. He also seems to be very protective of Yukio, and strives to outdo him. Rin can be ignorant, such as thinking that the Kraken's fins are his ears. He is not one of those people who easily learn and adapt to school, but nevertheless, Rin was able to become Exwire. Unlike his younger brother, Rin is childish, which leads other people to believe that he is the younger brother and not Yukio. He is stubborn and open with his friends. However, when his friends found out about his demonic blood, some became afraid of him, thinking that he was unstable, which could lead to disaster, but they slowly got used to him and accepted him during the Kyoto Arc. Rin is kind-hearted towards animals as well. At the start of the manga, this is the reason why he got into a fight with Reiji Shiratori and his gang for torturing the pigeons.

Shiemi Moriyama.
The daughter of the owner of the Futsumiya Anti-Demon Store. Rina's classmate. Like he wants to be an Exorcist. Received the title of Exwire. Possesses the abilities of a caster, summoned a familiar - a green man Nii-chan.
Race: Human
Gender Female,
Age: 15 years old
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 49 kg,
Date of birth: March 6,
Hair Color: Blonde,
Eye color: Green,
Blood type: 2,

Occupation: Exorcist,
Partner(s): Nii-chan,

Class: Exwire,
Status: Alive.
Shiemi is a young girl of short stature, she has fair short hair and green eyes. She wears traditional Japanese clothing before changing to the academy uniform for convenience.
Moriam has a very good-natured and kind nature. Slightly naive. He really cares about people and tries to help in any way he can. She is quite purposeful. She always worries about her friends, she is ready to do anything for them. Shiemi has no experience of interacting with people, it is difficult for her to distinguish real friendship from feigned, a request from mocking prodding.
At the beginning of the story, Shiemi is very shy and even a little shy. At the first meeting with Rin, she was very scared because of the gate guard who reacted to him. But she quickly recovered, and soon Rin was already helping her in the garden. Shiemi is drawn to people, wants to be useful and make friends. Shiemi is very fond of her grandmother's garden, and plants in general. Initially, she does not intend to become an exorcist, but then decides that she must become stronger so as not to be a burden. She is an optimist and always says what she thinks. Izumo called her a "weed", but Shiemi wasn't offended, quite the contrary. She decided to follow the "spirit of the weed".
Since childhood, Moriyama Shiemi (Shiemi) has been so shy that she was afraid to interact with people. Therefore, she grew up alone, and studied at home.
The Moriyama family owns an exorcist shop. Shiemi's mother was always busy in the store, so the girl was raised by her grandmother. She taught Moriyama how to care for the garden, how to love plants.
Shortly before the events shown in Blue Exorcist / Ao no Exorcist, Moriyama Shiemi's grandmother died due to an accident. Moriyama felt guilty about her grandmother's death. The suffering heart of the girl became an easy prey for the demon. But then the Okumura twins appeared and weeded out the evil spirits by the roots.
After that, Moriyama decided to give up her life as a recluse and entered the True Cross Academy: to study as an exorcist.

Ryuji Suguro.
Also known as Bon, an Exwire from True Cross Academy, a talented youngster and Rin's rival in his class. He is also the heir to the temple that was destroyed on the blue night. For this reason, he dreams of becoming the strongest exorcist, defeating Satan and rebuilding the Temple.
Race: Human
Gender: Male,
Age: 16 years old
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 76 kg,
Date of birth: August 20,
Hair color: black, blond (dyed),
Eye Color: Black,
Blood type: 3,
Affiliation: Order of the True Cross,
Occupation: Exorcist,
Base of Operations: True Cross Academy,
Class: Exwire,
Weapon: Mantras,
Status: Alive
Torako Suguro (mother)
Tatsuma Suguro (father)
Ryuuji has black hair with a blond-dyed topknot. He has pierced ears. He is most often seen in his school uniform. Wears sports shoes.
Suguro Ryuji is a strong-willed person with a strong character. Studying and all sorts of activities are not given to him easier than others, but nevertheless he is the best in many areas of activity. He is either really strong, or he overestimates his strength, saying that he will defeat Satan. Bon values ​​his friends very much, even if he does not express it openly. Ryuuji also shows respect to his parents.

Izumo Kamiki.
Exorcist and Rin's classmate. It comes from the genus Miko. Received the title of Exwire. Possesses the abilities of a caster, summoned familiars - two byakko, but was familiar with them since childhood.
Race: Human
Gender Female,
Age: 16 years old
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 49 kg,
Date of birth: October 11,
Hair Color: Purple,
The black,
Eye Color: Red,
Blood Type: A
Affiliation: Order of the True Cross,
Occupation: Exorcist,
Base of Operations: True Cross Academy,
Class: Exwire,
status: alive
Tamamo Kamiki (mother)
Tsukumo Kamiki (sister)
Sou-san (father)
Izumo is very cold and condescending towards everyone around her except for her friend Noriko Paku. However, at heart she is very vulnerable and sensitive and can sometimes show kindness. So she was the only one of the Exwires who supported and expressed sympathy for Rin after learning that he was the son of Satan. Also, initially she easily lost confidence in herself when she saw her friends in trouble, but gradually after many battles, she learned to remain calm and collected in hard situations.

Konekomaru Miwa.
Rin's friend and Bon's friend. They came from the same temple and he was asked to take care of him. From an early age he was orphaned, but was "adopted" by the "Myo Dha" sect. For this reason, he is ready to do anything to protect her. He is the young head of the Miwa family, so he can attend important meetings of the "Myo Dha". Going to be Aria. Friends often call him "Koneko" - "kitten". Calm, small.
Race: Human
Gender: Male,
Age: 15 years old
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 43 kg,
Date of birth: January 7,
Hair Color: Black,
Eye color: Brown,
Affiliation: Order of the True Cross,
Occupation: Exorcists
Base of Operations: True Cross Academy.
Konekomaru is a thin, short teenager who looks younger than his 15 years. He shaves his head like a monk and wears glasses due to his nearsightedness. Konekomaru has a big round head and lop-eared.
He is very protective of the people who raised him and keeps a close eye on those who might try to harm his friends or family. Konekomaru also plays the role of something like a guardian of the world, as he is always trying to keep Ryuuji Suguro from fighting. He tries not to upset or hurt Ryuji, as he has been imbued with respect for him since childhood. In addition, he reprimands Renzo for being vulgar, but he does it quietly.

Ordinary students.
Noriko Paku.
A friend of Izumo Kamiki, she entered True Cross Academy with her. She soon dropped out of school because she did not understand the training material and constantly failed.
Race: Human
Gender Female,
Age: 16 years old
Height: 159 cm,
Weight: 49 kg,
Date of birth: May 21,
Hair Color: Brown,
Eye color: Brown,
blood type: B
Affiliation: True Cross Academy,
Previous affiliation: Order of the True Cross,
Occupation: Student
Previous activity: Exwire,

Status: Alive.

Mrs Momoy.
The manager of the Niko-Niko-Dou store where Rin worked for a while. It is obvious that she loves to bully new employees. Appears only in the anime.
Race: Human
Gender Female,
Hair Color: Orange,
Position: Supermarket Manager,
Status: Alive.
A short woman with orange and yellow hair tied back in an Afro hairstyle with butterfly clips. Also wears glasses.
She is strict and likes to keep everything under control, she is a person who lives for her work. She is also shown to be stingy, as she has bought so many disgusting noodles just because they are cheap.

Yukio Okumura.
Brother of Rin, Son of Satan and Yuri Egin, adoptive son of Fujimoto Shiro. Born weaker than Rin, and did not receive the power of Satan. Because of Rin, masho passed in deep childhood. He trained as an exorcist at the age of 7 under Shiro Fujimoto to protect Rin. At the age of 16, he already began teaching Anti-Demonic Pharmacology at the True Cross Academy, becoming the youngest teacher. At the beginning of the manga, he has the 1st rank of the middle level and the ranks of dragoon and doctor. Later, in a fight with Satan, he received his power like Rin
Race: Half Demon
Gender: Male,
Age: 15 years old
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 70 kg,
Date of birth: December 27,
Hair Color: Dark Brown,
Eye Color: Blue,
Blood type: 0,
Affiliation: Order of the True Cross,
Occupation: Exorcist,
Teacher of anti-demonic pharmacology,
Former partner(s): Shiro Fujimoto,
Grade: First Grade Intermediate,
Master: Doctor,
Weapon: Holy water
Status: Alive
Yukio is called a genius. He has a rather calm and serious character, but not at all a bore. Responsible, since childhood wants to become a doctor. In the exorcist world, taking care of Rin as if he were the youngest and not Yukio. In ordinary life, it was the other way around. Holds back emotions. prudent. Strategist. She loves and hates Rin at the same time. He hates himself for his weakness. He is a little worried because of the abundance of moles, he believes that there are more of them all the time.
Appearance: . Like Rin, he has rather pale skin, black hair, and blue eyes. Yukio is taller than Rin, his height is 180 cm. He has a softer facial expression. He wears glasses because of his poor eyesight. Yukio has a lot of moles all over his body. He almost always wears an exorcist's coat, sometimes even in the heat. On the belt, over the coat, he wears a belt on which holsters, pouches and a reamer with drugs are fixed.

Shiro Fujimoto.
Adoptive father of Rin and Yukio. Holy Father Church in the southern part of the city. Paladin, formerly taught Anti-Demonic Pharmacology at True Cross Academy. Shura Kiigakure's mentor. He had the titles of knight, dragoon, doctor, aria, and tamer. Chernysh was his familiar. Possessed by Satan, he sacrificed his life to save Rin. Chapter 88 reveals that he was a clone of Azazel, one of the lords of Gehenna.
Race: Human
Gender: Male,
Age: Died at 49
Height: 177 cm,
Weight: 62 kg,
Date of birth: May 10,
Hair Color: Grey/Gray,
Eye color: Red/Brown,
blood type: AB
Affiliation: Order of the True Cross,
Occupation: Exorcist,
Holy father,
Partner(s): Chernysh,
Class: Paladin (former)
Meister top level first rank,
Master: Tamer,
Holy water,
Status: Deceased
Rin Okumura,
Yukio Okumura (adoptive sons)
Shirou has a rather easygoing personality, but is extremely dedicated to his work and his ideals. But he behaves like a "wrong priest", loves women, drinks and delicious food. He doesn't panic. Resolute. Often jokes, rarely serious. In some situations, he behaves arrogantly and rudely. Shirou is a determined and tenacious person with a strong will. He told Shura that he raised Rin as a weapon for the order. But this is nothing more than a white lie. He loved Rin and Yukio, and raised sons, not weapons. Casually thrown by Rin during a quarrel, "Damn you!" suppressed Shiro's will, and Satan was able to take over his body. Shirou was the only person whose body could withstand the presence of Satan in him. But to save Rin, Shiro sacrifices his life.

Mephisto Pheles.
Real name Samael. An exorcist, the rector of the True Cross Academy and the second most powerful of the eight hierarchs of Hell. Bears the title of King of Time. Publicly, he uses the name Johann Faust V. After Shiro's death, Fujimoto becomes Rin and Yukio's guardian and enrolls them in the Academy.
Race: Demon
Gender: Male,
Age: 1000+,
Height: 195 cm
Weight: 74 kg,
Date of birth: August 28,
Hair Color: Purple,
Eye color: Green,
Affiliation: Order of the True Cross,
Previous affiliation: Gehenna,
Occupation: Rector of True Cross Academy,
Partner(s): Ukobak (anime only),
Base of Operations: True Cross Academy
Class: Flame Knight,
Master: Tamer,
status: alive
Satan (father)

Yukio Okumura (half-brother)
Amaimon (brother)
Lucifer (brother)
Astaroth (brother)
Mephisto is tall with dark purple hair and green eyes.
Usually Samael wears a tight-fitting white tailcoat. In addition, the demon's wardrobe includes: loose short (knee-length) trousers to match the tailcoat; red shirt for release; a pink handkerchief with white polka dots, which is tied in the manner of a tie. As well as pink striped stockings; purple gloves and a top hat to match the tailcoat and trousers, which has a pink-purple trim over the brim. Extravagant pointed knee-high boots and a white raincoat complete the whole look. In addition, for official events, the demon has an almost ordinary white suit, but purple gloves remain an integral part.
Mephisto loves people and the world they created in his own way. He is crazy about Japanese pop culture and even calls himself an otaku. In addition, he calls himself a player, and Assia - his game board. The identity and plans of Samael are never completely clear. Upon first meeting Amaimon, it is implied that Mephisto intends to bring Rin into an alliance with Satan, and watches with delight as the conflict develops between Rin and the other Exwires, but nonetheless does not want any of his students to die. He is thorough and meticulous, but loves to rule over chaos. He builds long and complex plans, but loves to get involved in adventures. He is eccentric, but at some points becomes very serious.

Igor Neuhaus.
A First Class High Exorcist, as well as a teacher at the True Cross Academy, on the subject of summoning, holds the titles of Tamer, Doctor, and Aria. He is a Pole by nationality, but has been living and working in Japan for many years, and is fluent in the language. Loyal to Mephisto, ready to listen to any command of his rector. Has an obsession with killing the son of Satan. Survived after the Blue Night, but lost his family and lost one eye..
Race: Human
Gender: Man,
Age: 39 years old
Height: 182 cm,
Weight: 70 kg,
Date of birth: November 15,
Hair Color: Brown,
Eye color: Dark green,
blood type: AB
Affiliation: Order of the True Cross,
Occupation: Exorcist,
Teacher of calling and the art of seals,
Base of Operations: True Cross Academy,
Class: Maester of the highest level of the first class,
Master: Tamer,
Status: Alive
Tall middle aged man. He has medium long brown hair, pale skin and a very dark, almost black, greenish right eye, the left eye is hidden by an eyepatch. Igor lost or damaged it during the Blue Night. He had a run-in with Satan when he was younger, when he lost his family and his eyesight.

Shura Kirigakure.
Race: Human
Gender Female,
Age: 26-27 years old,
Height: 169 cm
Weight: 60 kg,
Date of birth: August 8,
Hair color: Dark pink, blond,
Eye Color: Violet/Purple,
Blood type: 0,
Affiliation: Order of the True Cross,
Occupation: Exorcist,
Base of Operations: True Cross Academy,
Class: Maester
Master: Tamer,
Status: Alive.
Shura has purple eyes, and two colors of hair - red and yellow, which she collects in a high ponytail. She first appears as Yamada-kun, Rin's classmate, with her face covered by a hood. AT Everyday life Shura prefers to wear clothes that do not cover the seals on her chest and stomach.
Shura, at first glance, is frivolous about his work, drinks a lot of alcohol, plays a console, or even sleeps. But in case of danger, she instantly sobers up. She reacts inappropriately when people say something bad about her appearance or try to find out her real age. She easily violates orders from above for her own reasons. So she did not report to the Vatican that Rin inherited the flames of Satan, and facilitated his escape from prison when Rin was sentenced to death. It is mentioned that she comes from a line of female ninja, and that Shiro once saved her. Shura has a snake familiar whose name is unknown. The name of her sword is also unknown.

Arthur August Angel.
The next, after Shiro Fujimoto Paladin. Was sent by Gregory to interrogate Mephisto and get Rin as evidence. According to Shura, Arthur is a saint on the outside, but the devil is on the inside. Uses the demonic sword Caliburn. He is arrogant, likes to put on performances and delight others, but at the same time he is very jealous of his position as a paladin, and does not tolerate when someone tries to challenge him. Shura teases him as being either bald or bald because he cuts off his own hair from time to time in exchange for a one-time super powerful attack boost with his sword. For example, he was able to destroy the Impure Princess with one blow (manga). Despite his ostentation, he is indeed a powerful exorcist.
Race: Human
Gender: Male,
Age: 30 years old
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 79 kg,
Date of birth: December 1,
Hair Color: Blond,
Eye color: blue,
Blood type: B,
Affiliation: Order of the True Cross,
Occupation: Exorcist,
Partner(s): Lighting,
Class: Paladin,
Master: Tamer,
Weapon: Caliburn.
A tall young man, fair-skinned, with light blue eyes. He has very long blond hair, partly left loose, partly in a ponytail at the back of his head, jagged bangs, and two short, shaggy strands at the edges of his face. He wears a white suit similar to the Exorcist's everyday uniform, and a forked winged cloak, white on top and colored on the lining. The scabbard of Caliburn, made of brown leather, is worn at the waist.

Kaoru Tsubaki.
Physics teacher. training at the True Cross Academy. Nicknamed "Mr Whiskers" by some students. He is well known for abruptly stopping a class or leaving his students due to a call from his wife.
Race: Human
Gender: Male,
Age: 40 years old
Height: 191 cm
Weight: 80 kg,
Date of birth: October 1,
Blood Type: A
Affiliation: Order of the True Cross,
Occupation: Exorcist,
Base of Operations: True Cross Academy,
Class: Intermediate First Rank,
Master: Dragoon,
Status: Alive

Yuri Egin.
Daughter of Ernest Aegina, mother of Rin and Yukio, lover of Satan.
Race: Human
Gender Female,
Date of birth: June 8,
Hair Color: Brown,
Eye color: Green,
Affiliation: Order of the True Cross,
Occupation: Exorcist,
Class: Lower level second class,
Status: Deceased
Rin Okumura (son)
Yukio Okumura (son)
Enest Frederick Egin (father, anime only).
Yuri is a short girl with dark brown hair and blue eyes. Her hair is long and curvy.

Levin Light.
Better known as Lightning, an exorcist who holds the rank of Rainbow Knight and is the second-ranking member of the Order of the True Cross, he is also a partner and right hand paladin.
Race: Human
Gender: Male,
Age: 34 years old
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 60 kg,
Date of birth: February 24,
Hair Color: Black,
Eye color: blue,
Blood type: AB
Affiliation: Order of the True Cross,
Occupation: Exorcist,
Team: Angelic Legion
Partner(s): Arthur August Angel,
Class: Rainbow Knight,
Master: Tamer,
Status: Alive
Levin is a young man of average height and average build. He has stubble on his face, and has medium-length black hair that completely covers his eyes.
His casual outfit consists of a light-coloured, worn shirt, an exorcist jacket, a pair of mitts, dark breeches and lace-up boots, and wears a camping hat on his head. In the cold season and in the desert, a light-colored fringed poncho adds to his look.

Yaozo Shima.
Exorcist of the highest level of the first class. Chief of the Kyoto branch of the Order of the True Cross. High priest of the Myo Dha sect. Father of Renzo, Juzo and Kinzo Shima.
Race: Human
Gender: Male,
Age: 54 years old
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 62 kg,
Date of birth: August 10,
Hair Color: Black,
Eye color: Brown,
Blood Type: A

Occupation: Exorcist,

Class: Superior First Rank,
Master: Aria,
status: alive
Takezo Shima (eldest son; deceased)
Jun Shima (Oldest daughter)
Juzo Shima (Son)
Gozo Shima (Son)
Kinzo Shima (Son)
Renzo Shima (Son)
Yumi Shima (Daughter)

Juzo Shimayu
The second son and heir of the Shima family, his older brother died in the blue night, younger brothers Renzo and Kinzo. Exorcist of the highest level of the second class, from the Kyoto branch.
Race: Human
Gender: Male,
Age: 25 years old
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 70 kg,
Date of birth: February 5,
Hair Color: Brown,
Blood type: O
Affiliation: Myo Dha True Cross Order
Occupation: Exorcist
Base of Operations: Kyoto Branch,
Class: Superior Second Rank
Master: Aria,
Status: Alive
Yaozo Shima (Father)
Takezo Shima (Older brother; deceased)
Jun Shima (Sister)
Gozo Shima (Brother)
Kinzo Shima (Brother)
Renzo Shima (Brother)
Yumi Shima (Sister)
Mamushi Hojo (Wife).

Mamushi Hojo.
The eldest daughter of the Hojo family, the keepers of the Shinbu Myo Dha. Intermediate 1st Class Exorcist from the Kyoto branch. She has two sisters - Sari and Ane, their father is the head of the Hojo family, Uwabami. She has the rank, or at least the abilities of a tamer.
Race: Human
Gender Female,
Age: 24 years old
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 48 kg,
Date of birth: June 4,
Hair Color: White,
Eye color: yellow,
Blood Type: A
Affiliation: Order of the True Cross Myo Dha,
Occupation: Exorcist,

Class: Intermediate First Rank,
Master: Aria,

Kinzo Shima.
The middle of the Shima brothers. Intermediate Tier 2 Exorcist. Juzo calls him "the idiot of the Shima family". Among other things, he plays in a band.
Race: Human
Gender: Male,
Age: 20 years old
Height: 175 cm
Date of birth: November 17,
Hair Color: Blond,
Blood type: O
Affiliation: Order of the True Cross Myo Dha,
Occupation: Exorcist,
Base of Operations: Kyoto Branch,
Class: Intermediate Second Rank,
Master: Knight,
status: alive
Yaozo Shima (Father)
Takezo Shima (Brother; deceased)
Jun Shima (Sister)
Juzo Shima (Brother)
Gozo Shima (Brother)
Renzo Shima (Brother)
Yumi Shima (Sister)

Uwabami Hojo.
Head of the Hojo family, guardians of the shinbu Myo Dha, father of Mamushi, Sari and Anye. A top-level exorcist of the first class from the Kyoto Branch of the Order of the True Cross, holds the titles of Aria and Tamer. One of the priests of Myo Dha. This is a middle-aged man, completely bald. On his head, the tail of a snake-tattoo, which is characteristic of all Hojos, goes under his clothes on his back. He is very calm and reasonable, does not single out favorites, respects even those who are younger than him. The sect is very important to him, and he does everything to protect it. He has some power and authority not only in Myo Dha, but also in the entire Kyoto Branch.
Race: Human
Gender: Male,
Age: 48 years old
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 63 kg,
Date of birth: September 3,
Eye color: yellow,
Blood Type: A
Affiliation: Order of the True Cross Myo Dh,
Occupation: Exorcist,
Base of Operations: Kyoto Branch,
Class: Superior First Rank,
Master: Aria,
status: alive
Mamushi Hojo (Daughter)
Ao Hojo (Daughter)
Nishiki Hojo (Daughter)
Juzo Shima (son-in-law).

Lord of Gehenna. Father of Rin and Yukio, as well as the Eight Princes of Hell.
Race: Demon
Gender: Male,
Affiliation: Gehenna,
Occupation: Lord of Gehenna,
Base of operations: Gehenna,
Status: Alive
Yuri Egin (Deceased)
Rin Okumura (Son)
Yukio Okumura (Son)
Mephisto Pheles (Son),
Astaroth (Son),
Amaimon (son)
Lucifer (Son).
The true face of Satan has never been shown.
When Satan captured the body of Shiro Fujimoto, characteristic demonic changes occurred with his appearance - his ears became pointed and extended, fangs and nails increased, a tail appeared, and a blue flame, the same as Rin's.
In the Anime, two more forms of Satan were shown - a wolf shrouded in blue flame, in which Satan moved in, and a small blue light.
In his first appearance, in the manga and anime, Satan is shown as an insane sadist. He laughed and enjoyed what was happening when Rina tightened the gates of Gehenna. He emphasized that he created Rin just out of boredom, and only then realized that Rin is exactly what he needs to defeat Assia, since he possesses human body capable of withstanding the power of Satan.
In the anime, Satan shows up on the other side - he falls in love with Yuri Egin, and wants to unite Assia and Gehenna so that humans and demons can coexist peacefully.

The seventh son of Satan, the demonic prince of Gehenna, the King of the Earth, the younger brother of Lucifer and Mephisto. His name is a reference to the demon Maimon, who is also sometimes referred to as Amaimon. The character ア (ama) in his name is pronounced 甘 (ama) - sweet. He has a pet goblin Behemoth.
Race: Demon
Gender: Male,
Age: 1,000+,
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 58 kg,
Date of birth: March 10 (anniversary),
hair color: green,
Eye Color: Golden (Manga)
Blue (Anime),
Affiliation: Gehenna,
Partner(s): Behemoth,
Base of operations: Gehenna,
status: alive
Satan (Father)
Astaroth (Brother)
Mephisto Pheles (brother)
Lucifer (brother)
Rin Okumura (half-brother)

In human form, Amaimon looks like a young man of medium height and asthenic build. He has light, normal human skin, green short hair with a "horn" on the top of his head, and long, dark-colored claws. Like Samael, a very specific style of clothing. He wears a blazer with cross buttons, green fingerless gloves, and a black and pink striped shirt with short sleeves and slits at the bottom.
In his demonic form, his ears become longer, a pair of horns appear on his head, and a green tail grows. The arms become more muscular and have markings similar to those of his pet, the Behemoth.
Usually quite calm, almost apathetic, with a bored expression on his face. It may seem frivolous, but in fact, in this regard, he takes his duties much more seriously than Mephisto. He's perceptive enough that when he first meets the Exwires, he realizes that Rin has a crush on Shiemi, using this to force Rin to use the power of Satan. But, and some playfulness is not alien to him, he uses ironic or sarcastic phrases, however, mainly to offend or anger. He is terribly angry when mortals laugh at him, or ignore him. But none of this really pisses him off. Sincerely rejoices when he meets a worthy opponent.
He loves caramel and other sweets, and despite his initial skepticism towards Samael's unusual hobby, after spending some time on earth, he also became imbued with Japanese cake culture.

The eighth in the hierarchy is the Prince of Hell. King of Rot. Appears at the beginning of the manga and anime, as an ordinary demon who used a vessel from Assia to interact with Rin: the body of a young man named Shiratori Renji (a minor major and gopnik). After trying his luck in capturing Rin and being defeated by Fujimoto Shiro, he disappears from the narrative. However, in one of the specials for the anime, it was said that after some time, Shiratori, who did not remember anything, entered the academy, accidentally meeting Rin Okumuro in the corridor, lost his temper again and allowed Astaroth to move into his body again. Therefore, it is possible that there are as many as three Gehenna Kings in True Cross Academy at the moment. Constantly surrounded by a host of Coal Tar and numerous other lower-level demons, such as ghouls or zombies.
Race: Demon
Gender: Male,
Age: 1,000+,
Hair color: Pale pink,
Blood type: AB
Affiliation: Gehenna,
status: alive
Satan (Father)
Amaimon (Brother)
Mephisto Pheles (brother)
Lucifer (brother)
Rin Okumura (half-brother)
Yukio Okumura (half-brother)

Rin's demon familiar black cat. He was once Shiro Fujimoto's familiar. In the past, a deity, now deprived of worship and his temple, and became a demon.
Race: Demon
Age: 121
Gender: Male,
Hair Color: Black,
Affiliation: Exorcists,
Partners: Rin Okumura,
Status: Alive
Chernysh is a black cat with two tails. The lower half of the muzzle is covered with chocolate-brown fur, on the chest the fur is white. He has a small white spot on his right front paw. He has green eyes and small horns on his head because he is a hellspawn. When Kuro transforms into his nekomata form, he becomes huge, much larger than an adult. He wears the mark of an exorcist around his neck. His appearance in the manga and anime is different. In the manga, he has a fang protruding from the left side, but not in the anime.
As a cat, Blackie is very playful and energetic, constantly hovering around Rin, asking him to play with him. However, he has a cruel side. This was shown when he attacked the people bulldozing his temple and when he learned of Shiro's death. He likes Shiro's catnip wine.

He is Mephisto's familiar and the spirit that cooks food for Rin and Yukio. He befriends Rin because of their love of cooking. Appears only in the anime.
Race: Demon
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male,
Eye color: yellow,
Hair Color: Purple,
Affiliation: Demons,
status: alive
Relatives: Mephisto Fell (familiar).
Ukobak is a minotaur-like demon. It has been noted that he can transform into a larger minotaur by appearing under thunderclaps (for a sort of comical effect).
Ukobak prides himself on his cooking skills, and is also fiercely protective of his food and territory in the dorm kitchen. Since, he was furious with Rin for using the kitchen without his permission and for a while he refused to cook for the brothers. He also tried to cook 3 girls for ruining Rin and Yukio's lunch he cooked. He is often silent, but Rin is able to communicate with this little demon and they get along well due to their mutual love of cooking.

Blue Exorcist
Ao no Exorcist

Blue Exorcist

Genre:adventure, mystic

Type of: TV (26 episodes), 25 min.

Release: from 10.04.2011

Producer:Tensai Okamura/ 岡村 天斎
Original author: Kazue Kato / Kazue Kato / 加藤 和恵

Taken from the manga:Ao no Exorcist / 青の祓魔師



The world of "Ao no Exorcist" consists of two dimensions, which are combined into one, like a mirror. One of the dimensions - where people live - is called Assia. The other is the abode of demons, Gehenna. These dimensions do not intersect with each other and it is impossible to move between them. However, cunning demons have become agile to move into the world of people, moving into something from the world of Assia.

Satan, the lord of all demons, also wants to take a tour of the world of people, but nothing in the world of Assia can withstand his essence. Therefore, he is going to use his son Rin, born of a mortal woman.

Rin has a brother - Yukio, but for some reason, they are orphans and therefore are raised in the exorcist Fujimoto's temple.

Until the age of 15, everything was calm, until finally the real dad decided to return his son to his home in order to use him in the future according to the plan.

But the son seems to have his own plans for the future. Yes, he is the son of the greatest of demons, but does that stop him from becoming something like... an Exorcist?

No, this did not stop Rin, and even the death of Fujimoto, who tried to protect Rin, spurred the desire to take revenge on Satan and prevent him and his henchmen from breaking into the human world.


Okumura Rin

Son of the demon Satan and a mortal human woman. At the time of writing, he is 15 years old. Since he is the son of Satan, he is his successor and inherits his Power. This power is sealed within the blade of the demonic katana Kurikara, or Koumaken, granting Rin 15 years of peaceful human life.

Rin found out about his true nature when Kurikara could no longer hold the seal that blocked the power received from his father. This resulted in a chain of events that led to the death of Fujimoto, an exorcist and Rin's guardian.

As you can easily see, Rin has some external signs, connecting him with infernal relatives. Pointy ears, teeth, but it's all nonsense… Rin's main advantage is… his tail!!! They did not expect? ;)

The character has not gone far from the appearance, Rin is very quick-tempered and pugnacious, gets into various alterations. Not that his brother is quiet.

Okumura Yukio

Rin's younger twin brother. When it turned out that a human woman would give birth to twins, it was believed that they would share the Power of their father among themselves. However, due to his weak body, Yukio did not receive the power of Satan, which was completely inherited by Rin. Thus, Yukio was born ordinary person, but at birth, due to the fact of the existence of his brother, he received the ability to see demons.

Yukio secretly trained as an exorcist from the age of 7 in order to protect Rin from the demonic world with the help of his guardian Fujimoto.

As we have said, the characters of Rin and Yukio are diametrically opposed. While Rin behaves like a pugnacious and restless half-demon, Yukio is distinguished by good intelligence, calmness and diligence, and also dreams of becoming a doctor.

Yukio is afraid that Rin might lose control of himself, so his pronounced impulsiveness is always condemned.

Suguro Ryuji

Suguro Ryuji, nicknamed "Bon", acts like Rin's "competitor" and is considered a prodigy in their class.

He lived in the Cursed Temple, which Satan destroyed 16 years ago.

Suguro is always serious and strives to become strong enough to destroy Satan and rebuild the temple.

In addition, he wants to receive a Master's degree simultaneously in two directions of the Academy - in reading sacred texts (Aria) and in the use of specific weapons (Dragoons).

Moriyama Shiyomi

Rin's classmate and friend. Rin and Moriyama met by chance when she was tending her grandmother's garden and her mother was shopping.

Due to her poor health, the girl could not go to school and play with other children.

A weak life force provoked a demon attack on her. Rin and Yukio saved the girl, and she finally decided to become an exorcist.

Moriyama does not seek open fights, but has some rare and valuable ability.

By nature, she is shy and naive, but quite sweet.

Kirigakure Shura

Belongs to the first class exorcists, Rin's mentor. Trained under the guidance of Fujimoto.

Shura is a swordsman of the highest class, owns a special demonic blade that can materialize from symbols on his chest (something like a tattoo),when she says "Devour the Seven Princesses, slay the Serpent".

Distinguished by an unbearable character, he treats his work mediocrely, preferring to drink and take a nap more.

And besides...

Producer « Ao no Exorcist » - Okamura Tensei, has behind him such serious projects as:

Darker than black

Wolf rain


and others

What will Okamura do this time?

As we seeao no Exorcistcould really be one of the few interesting anime of the spring season.

The series is expected to be dynamic and colorful, there are few templates, although the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba work about a half-breed demon that destroys other demons with the help of its abilities is no longer new. But, this is in the world of cinema! But in the anime, this topic has not yet had time to overgrow with ossified patterns.

The protagonist this time is not a Japanese schoolboy who does not understand anything, with an exaggerated sense of justice, as well as with rare luck and an extraordinary mind.

The protagonist is the son of a demon, and even when striving to destroy Satan and demons in general, he somehow manifests all the honorable demonic qualities in himself.

The creators (well, the creators of the original, of course), decided to move away from the template of a completely ordinary Japanese guy, which is easy to see from appearance Rina.

In general - we'll see and find out.



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