How to develop psychic abilities. mental protection. How to develop the mental body and increase the power of the mind? Efficient technique! How to develop mental abilities

By mental development, we mean, first of all, mental development, as well as changes in the way of thinking, the totality of mental skills and spiritual attitudes inherent in an individual or social group 1 . Considering mental development Let us first give a general description of this concept, and then consider mental development in the context of our understanding of abilities.

5.1. General characteristics of development

Definition of concepts

Development is defined as “directed, regular change; as a result of development, a new qualitative state of the object arises” 2 . When people talk about human development, they primarily mean three areas of development: physical, cognitive and psychosocial. general characteristics areas of development are presented in table 8 (according to G. Craig 3)

Table 8

General characteristics of development areas

Development area



Includes growth and changes in the human body. This includes both external treasonchanges, such as the dynamics of growth and weight, and internal: changes in bones and muscles, glands, brain and sensory organs. This area also includes physicalphysical health and motor skills (e.g. walking, crawling,letters)


Includes mental processes related to thinking and decisionproblems. Covers changes in perception, memory,reasoning, creative imagination and speech


Includes the development of personality and interpersonal relationships. These two areasdevelopment are interconnected and cover, on the one hand, changes in the self-concepttion, emotions and feelings, and on the other hand, the formation of social skills and fashionlei behavior

We will be primarily interested in psychomotor and cognitive development, which is expressed in the development of appropriate abilities. Consideration of developmental processes, we will limit the age to 6 years. At this age period, development is most intensive. No wonder the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy noticed that from me to a 5-year-old - one step, from a 5-year-old to a newborn - a huge distance.

When considering questions of development, we will be primarily interested in the determination of this process.

Usually, human development is carried out systematically in all three areas, but the development process is characterized by irregularity and heterochrony.

Development is characterized by three processes: maturation, learning, socialization. When development is determined by the genetic code, one speaks of ripening. “The process of maturation consists of a sequence of pre-programmed (genetically) programmed changes not only in the appearance of an organism, but also in its complexity, integration, organization and function” 1 . The maturation of body organs, mental functions and abilities proceeds at different rates. "Term aging refers to the biological changes that occur after passing the point of optimal maturity” 2 .

learning define a wide range of processes of formation of individual experience. A detailed description of the various types of learning is given by us in work 3. Learning also plays a decisive role in the processes of developing abilities. This determines the process of acquiring intellectual operations and schemes for their use in various situations.

Socialization- there is “the process of assimilation by the human individual of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society; socialization includes both a targeted impact on the personality (education) and spontaneous, spontaneous processes that affect its formation” 4 . Socialization is carried out in the process of interaction between the subject and his social environment. Already in infancy, not only the mother influences the infant, determining the formation of his individual experience, but the infant also influences the mother, determining her behavior. The process of socialization continues throughout a person's life, is a reaction to a change in his living conditions: going to school, professional activity, marriage or divorce, retirement, etc. Socialization is manifested in the formation of spiritual abilities.

In the process of development, the three noted processes (maturation, learning and socialization) closely interact with each other. The maturation of functional systems contributes to learning, learning determines the development of intellectual operations and schemes for their use, socialization forms the moral foundations of the individual, which determine the formation of life goals and the development of certain types of activities, and all this in turn leads to the development of abilities necessary to perform a specific activity.

It is also necessary to dwell on two concepts: the critical period and readiness. The critical period is understood as the only period of time during which a certain environmental factor leads to certain changes in development. Readiness is also understood as a certain period when external influences lead to the best learning. But unlike the critical period, this learning can also occur outside the readiness period, but with less effectiveness.

Obviously, such periods exist for the development of abilities, but this issue has not yet been sufficiently studied.

In the following, we will focus mainly on the cognitive area, while remembering that development in this area is closely related to development in other areas.

cognitive development

prenatal development due to the genetic program and is one of the most striking examples of maturation.

Without dwelling on various aspects of this process, we note that after 24 weeks of intrauterine development, the electrical activity of the brain is recorded, which indicates that the fetal brain begins to function. In the seventh month there is a rapid development of the brain, accompanied by the localization of sensory and motor centers. The fetus responds to loud sounds, speech, and light. Mimic movements, body turns and head movements are observed. In the eighth month, the fetus opens its eyes and is believed to be able to see its hands. “Some scientists believe that from the 32nd week the fetus begins to become aware of what is happening, since many neural circuits of the brain have already formed by this time 1 . There is every reason to believe that development goes “from head to toe”.

“Over the past three months, the fetus continues to grow, its motor and sensory capabilities expand, and it begins to process information from the environment, which contributes to the maturation of its nervous system” 2 .

The newborn is viable, that is able survive.

The cognitive abilities of the newborn are limited, but develop rapidly. Unfortunately, we have to admit that we are just beginning to learn about the amazing abilities and skills of newborns. Newborns have an amazing ability to learn. In the same period, intensive maturation of the newborn continues. Perceptual, motor, cognitive and emotional development proceeds as a single process taking place in a specific social environment.

In the period up to four months, the baby "discovers himself", discovers that he has hands and fingers. He can look at them for several minutes in a row, follow their movement, bring his hands together, clasp one hand with the other. Some four-month-olds discover their legs by performing similar operations on them.

From 5 to 8 months, visually guided reaching is formed, the ability to use one's own hands (fine motor skills) progresses, movements and actions are mastered in which the large muscles of the body participate (gross motor skills). Children can sit down, more than half can stand still, holding on to something. A small proportion of babies begin to walk by holding on to the edge of the bed. In the same period, most children begin to move in space in a different way.

From 9 to 12 months, the child's walking skills are improved. Motor development acts as part of a dynamic system of perceptual-motor development, in accordance with the conditions. The ability to move and vertical position opens up new possibilities for understanding the world around. One-year-old children have a developed ability to manipulate.

By 18 months, almost all children can walk, carry something in their hands, pull something, push something in front of them, some children can climb ladders, hit the ball with their feet, eat more skillfully themselves, can partially undress. They strive to imitate adults: “read” a magazine, “sweep”, “talk” on a toy phone.

By the age of 24 months, children can “not only walk and run, but also ride a tricycle, bounce in place on both feet, balance on one foot for a while, and throw a ball with both hands quite deftly at an adult. They climb stairs, and with outside help they can go down from it. They examine objects and furniture from all sides, trying to pick up, shift, carry, push and pull everything that catches their eye. Put various items in large boxes and put them back. They pour water, sculpt from clay, stretch and bend everything that stretches and bends, transports objects in a wheelchair, on a cart or on their "trucks". They explore, test and try. All this allows them to gain vital experience in relation to the properties and possibilities of the physical world.

If a crayon or pencil falls into the hands of two-year-old children, they can draw scribbles and for some time be fascinated by these “magic signs”. They are already able to build a tower of 6-8 cubes, and build a “bridge” of three. The ease with which they build their buildings from cubes speaks of the ability to select elements that are suitable in shape and to focus on the principle of symmetry in their designs. If desired, two-year-old children are able to take off almost all their clothes, but they can put back on very little 1 .

Studies by scientists 2 3 4 5 6 (and others) show that already in the period of up to two years, intensive cognitive (cognitive) development of the infant takes place.

The formation of functional physiological systems that ensure the perception of the surrounding world is nearing completion. At the same time, it should be emphasized that this formation is carried out in a certain cultural environment, in interaction with objects and using them in accordance with the desires of the child. Images of objects of the surrounding world in this process intellectualized. “In the process of thinking, S.L. Rubinshtein notes, there is some trimming of its visual content to a more adequate expression of the intellectual function that it performs in the thought process” 7 . Eleanor Gibson 1 notes that almost from birth, babies evaluate almost everything they see and hear in terms of possible use. With motor development, these possibilities increase and this leads to further intellectualization of the image. In an objective action, sensorimotor development is carried out and the sensorimotor intelligence of the child is formed, which includes sensory, motor abilities and figurative knowledge. T. Bauer discovered that already for three-month-old children, the value of the shape and size of an object is available. Babies reach for small objects, and only follow the big ones with their eyes. Babies already distinguish between men and women, at the age of 7-8 months they distinguish living beings from mechanisms, at 9 months they notice similarities and differences in objects. One-year-olds have an idea of ​​a container, such as a cup.

Simultaneously with the development of sensorimotor abilities, various forms of memory develop. The baby remembers sounds and movements, remembers the place where the toy lies. Experiments have shown that already two-month-old children store visual impressions in their memory, and five-month-olds are able to recognize an ornamental image after 48 hours, and photographs of a human face after 2 months. Thus, babies have both short-term and long-term memory.

G. Craig notes, based on the analysis of various kinds of research, that “it is possible that children are born with ready-made neural structures that allow them to perceive certain categories of objects in the same way that older children and adults perceive them” 1 .

Language development gives a new impetus to the intellectual development of the child. Without considering this process in detail, we note only that, starting with the work of Noam Chomsky, many scientists believe that a person from birth has a mental structure designed to master the language. These representations indicate innate language abilities.

A brief overview of the skills, abilities and abilities of the baby (according to G. Craig) is given in table 9.

And now let's consider the problem of mental and psychic protection against the so-called psychic and magical attacks. You may have already heard something about them.

There is a group of people, fortunately not a very large one, who take pleasure in attempting a mental attack on others. By stories of imaginary or actual psychic attacks that they themselves carried out or repulsed, they try to increase their prestige, counting on respect and reverence.

The most common signs of a psycho-mental attack are:

  • mental and physical weakness;
  • feeling sleepy and tired;
  • problems with concentration;
  • feeling that vitality is leaving;
  • other people's thoughts, emotions, visions come;
  • a constant sense of the presence of some person or non-material being.

Among parapsychologists, very often the signs mentioned above are considered the result of a psycho-energetic attack or manipulation. However, this is not always the case. Fortunately, real attacks are rare.

People who are hypersensitive to the weakest (almost not felt by other people) energies believe that they are often subjected to such attacks. Such people, staying in geopathic zones or near installations that create a strong electromagnetic field, may experience similar symptoms.

Another reason for negative feelings may be the natural ability for many people to equalize their level. vital energy according to the principle of connecting vessels. Often this happens in the family.

When one person feels bad, the rest subconsciously "give" him an excess of their own energy. Their health suddenly deteriorates.

An example would be a "wandering" headache. Mechanisms of this type most often come into play in close partnerships or in a parent-child situation.

Sometimes there are people who unconsciously cause the phenomenon described above - both in acquaintances and in strangers. So they strengthen their energy, using the presence of another person. They are often said to "drink all the blood".

“Victims as a result of such meetings cannot work normally and act actively, they have problems with concentration. They must rest and gain strength again.

There is evidence that some people in the concentration camps survived in those terrible conditions precisely thanks to such energy recharging.

If someone does (or did) something like this unconsciously, you can’t blame him for it. However, you need to learn how to defend yourself against such actions. Protection is especially important when a person acts quite consciously.

There are two schools of thought on this problem. One proposes to transfer excess energy to people who require it, that is, to help them. Naturally, only those who can generate a large amount of energy can apply such a method.

Giving their own energy, they not only do not weaken themselves, but also support others. For the time being, we will deal with another school, which categorically orders: "Do not give your energy to others."

The biofield shell of a person is his most basic defense against harmful effects other people. It is difficult to imagine how many times a day our biofield is exposed to such an impact, and how much it deforms: we just feel general fatigue, loss of strength, and we need a night's sleep to restore our energy.

Such random deformations received during the day are not yet a disease, but if they become stable, then in the area of ​​violation of energy harmony, a person begins to experience certain discomfort.

Thanks to topological diagnostics, it is possible to characterize the consequences and identify the degree of influence of evil on the protective shell of a person. The thing is that the emotions of irritation, envy, anger and others excite strong energy vibrations around the source of these emotions.

And if a person in this state concentrates anger on this, this vibration is able to break through or push through the biofield shell of the victim even in the case when any chakra is energetically completely normal, and the field of the organ subordinate to it is deformed, therefore, it can be argued that the blow was delivered from outside.

You can often come across the belief that only those people who share a belief system with the attacker are susceptible to mental attacks. This may be a belief in the "evil eye", spells and curses, magic, superfine energies, astral bodies, spirits, telepathy, negative energies, radiant forms, etc. Probably, all this really weakens our resistance to such actions.

The belief that a given phenomenon does not exist can sometimes be a very good defense. However, since we are talking about little known phenomena, we cannot "build" our defense only on the fact of disbelief.

It can always happen that the force of the impact of a person trying to harm us will be stronger. Such a person can "bring to light" our phobias. For example, it can restore in our minds the feelings of guilt or low self-esteem instilled in us in early childhood.

At the same time, the "aggressor" may try to impose on us "the only possible way" to solve our imaginary problems. Perhaps there is even a way to restore the primitive and archaic belief system that continues to exist in our subconscious (despite the millennia separating the present from the past).

Thanks to altered states of consciousness, it was proved that the fear of big cats and snakes still sits in the subconscious of the Eskimos - residents of the distant and cold North, who for many generations have not had the opportunity to encounter these animals and feel threatened by them. But, despite this, the fear sitting in the corners of their consciousness has survived to this day.

And now we will move on to the study of some mental defense techniques.

If you are afraid that you may become the object of someone else's attempts negative impact First of all, change your environment. If you feel bad in this place, leave it.

Go for a walk, preferably in the bosom of nature. Perform several physical exercises, it can be fast walking, running, free dance, during which you can perform movements that would free you from invisible shackles, from someone else's skin stretched over you.

Eat something tasty - what you like, it is good if it is spicy or sour. You can take a cold or hot shower, imagine that the flowing water cleanses you and protects you from all negative influences.

In situations of such a threat, shift your attention from the fear of negative impact to something else. Concentrate on your new job or on the task assigned to you. Do something that interests and attracts you, which usually completely absorbs you.

Another defense is to set yourself up to disbelieve any possibility of a psychic attack. This good method, unfortunately, is a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, it can protect you from a possible attack, but on the other hand, it carries with it a certain danger. If you persistently tell yourself about the futility of parapsychological techniques, you yourself will block the possibility of achieving success in this area.

Since many attempts at negative influence consist of energetic influence, we will deal with the creation of appropriate protection - at the energy level. On occasion, we will also develop our visualization abilities.

Parapsychology. An exercise

Be free. (...) Stretch your arms forward, place your palms at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the forearm. Focus on the center of the palm. (...) Imagine a point located in this place. (...) Feel her presence. (...)

Feel and realize the space that is between your body and this point. (...) Imagine that your palms begin to glow with white-golden energy (...). Slowly describe a circle with your palms around your body, at shoulder height.

Radiant energy begins to create a light circle around your body. (...) Lower the palms along the body, stretch the radiant energy with outstretched arms from the feet, along the body, to a point above the head. Fill the cocoon formed in this way with golden- white color.

Feel the positive energy vibrate and shine around you. (...) A cocoon of energy surrounds you from all sides. It is located around your body, above your head and below your feet. (...)

In this cocoon you are completely safe, no negative energy does not have access to you. Any negative energy will be reflected from your protective cocoon. Only positive energy surrounds you. (...)

Take a deep breath, imagine a figure "5" and "breathe" it out of your lungs. (...) Every time you need protection, it will be enough to provide a figure "5" and exhale it from the lungs - and the cocoon will surround you with a dense barrier. (...)

Do this exercise many times. As you acquire skills, the effectiveness of your protection will increase. Over time, it will be enough for you to imagine only a number "5" , and the energy protection you created will itself appear around the body.

Despite this, it is necessary that you update your cocoon from time to time and perform all the actions related to creation. Remember that, like any energy, your protection gradually fades away, and after a while you will have to create it again.

It is very important that during the creation of a protective cocoon you realize that this energy barrier protects you from the impact of negative energy, while letting in any positive vibrations.

If a completely impenetrable cocoon formed, then after a while you would "suffocate" in it. To exist, we must be able to exchange energy with our environment and other beings. It is up to us to choose at what level and with whom we will conduct an energy exchange.

Other defense techniques include visualizing mirrors that reflect someone's impact and energy, and building walls to separate us from potential threats. These techniques are especially helpful when in direct contact with a person who is trying to influence us in a negative way.

We are sure that by using the experience gained in the visualization of the cocoon, you yourself will be able to perform the appropriate exercises with the visualization of a wall or reflective mirrors. Remember that such impenetrable barriers must then be "dismantled" so that you do not remain cut off from the world for too long.

Parapsychology. An exercise

Work through and complete the exercise on your own with building a wall and installing mirrors that protect you mentally. Try to keep your visualization as detailed as possible, with all sorts of features. Use all channels of sensations for this.

Now we'll make some small changes to our protective cocoon and do several versions of the previous exercise.

Parapsychology.An exercise

Perform the introductory procedure, say a protective affirmation.

Create your protective cocoon. (...)

Imagine that your cocoon is filled with red light, (...) move it in a circular motion to the left, (...) feel how the cocoon rotates around your axis, passing from the feet through the spine to the top of the head. (...)

Imagine your cocoon filled with orange energy and move it in a circular motion to the left. (...) Similarly set in motion yellow, (...) green, (...) blue, (...) indigo, (...) violet energy. (...) And now bring the energies of all colors into motion simultaneously. (...)

During their connection, a common white energy appears. Feel how it revolves around you - slowly, evenly. (...) A cocoon of energy surrounds you from all sides.

It is around your body, above your head, under your feet. (...) You are completely safe in it, no negative energy has access to you. All negative vibrations are reflected from your cocoon. Only positive energies have access to you.

Now, thanks to the rotation, your defense has become more effective.

Take a deep breath, holding the air in your lungs, imagine the number "5". Now "breathe" it out of your lungs. (...) Every time you need protection, it will be enough to imagine the number "5" and exhale it from your lungs - and a rotating cocoon will surround you with a dense barrier. (...)

Parapsychology. An exercise

Work out the next version of the exercise suggested above and do it yourself.

Draw the axis of rotation of energy (counterclockwise) parallel to the plane of the earth, it passes through your center of gravity, which is 2-3 centimeters below the navel.

And now we will move on to visualizing the two most effective versions of protective cocoons.

Parapsychology. An exercise

Perform the introductory procedure, say a protective affirmation. Create your permanent protective cocoon of multicolored energy. (...)

Imagine that the colored energy you created begins to rotate and flows through your feet into your body, surrounding it from all sides. After that, it flows back into the feet to move up your body again. (...)

You are completely safe in your spinning cocoon, no negative energy has access to you. All negative vibrations are beaten off from your cocoon. Only positive energies have access to you. Now, thanks to the rotation, your defense has become more effective.

Take a deep breath, imagine the number "5". Now "exhale" it from your lungs (...) Every time you need protection, it will be enough to imagine the number "5" and exhale it from your lungs - and a rotating cocoon will surround you with a dense barrier. (...)

Parapsychology. An exercise

Work through and complete the following version of the exercise on your own. Make changes in the movement of energy. When it pours over your head from your body, rotate it around the vertical axis of your body.

You have seen four options for creating a rotating protective cocoon. Try to practice making them all. The one that works best will become a model for you. Try to always use it.

Another, very good way of mental protection lies in the absolute focus on magical items, such as: amulets, medallions, cult objects - especially if they were performed according to all the rules, and the power was skillfully contained in them.

The concentration of attention and energy on this subject will not allow us to succumb to someone else's suggestion and submit to someone else's energy. If we are connected with some religion or creed, then through prayer and visualization we can ask for the protection of the appropriate forces and spiritual beings, for example, saints, Spiritual Guardians of this path of development.

Through prayer, we will be able to appropriately communicate to them the problem that is troubling us and the difficulties that lie in our way. The stronger our faith and practice, the more sincere we are, the stronger protection we will receive.

Although it may seem paradoxical, our psyche functions like the energy world. In order to receive something, we must first believe in it. This condition also applies in the case of a request for protection, etc.

The most effective form of defense is a clear conscience and pure intentions, a sense of innocence. A person who wants to mentally attack us, we must FORGIVE from the heart. We do not know life path this person.

We don't know what prompted him to do this. We are not in a position to objectively evaluate his life, and, in the end, no one gave us the right to do so. We not only have to forgive him, but we ourselves mentally ask for his forgiveness. After all, maybe by chance, by our behavior, we provoked him to attacks.

At the same time, we must be aware that our behavior, which is extremely noble, can lead to the negative energy of the attacker turning against him. According to the laws of nature, everything that is energetically "released" by us into space returns to us in a state amplified many times over.

Many people have difficulty noticing this pattern. This is because the response of the universe to our actions can return to us even after many years.

We use mental protection not only to protect against mental or energy attacks, but also against threats in the physical world.

Now we will introduce you to the technique that came from Hawaii. There she is taught by the Kaguns - the so-called Guardians of the Secret - priests, magicians, healers and psychologists at the same time. You will learn to manage the energy coming from the Highest Self in order to protect yourself and others.

First, let's look at an example of how this technique works.


At a certain place, two women who were successful in spiritual practice were taking part in meditation. Suddenly a drunken man came in, grabbed a chair to smash everything to smithereens. Women in their minds said protective formula. At that moment, the man seemed to suddenly sober up, came to his senses, put the chair in place and said: "Forgive me, I seem to have behaved unworthy." And left.

Parapsychology. An exercise

Take a few deep breaths in and out. (...) Imagine that a huge ball of white-golden energy is hanging above your head, which is emitted by the Highest "I" - the Highest Being.

Take a deep breath and as you exhale say out loud or in your mind:

"Wonderful Light of Kindness upon me." (...) Imagine how white energy slowly flows down your body, surrounding it from all sides. (...) Now you are in complete mental and physical safety - in the energy "enveloping" you from all sides. (...)

Take a deep breath and as you exhale, say aloud or in your mind: "Wonderful Light of Kindness on You." Imagine how white energy slowly flows down on a person whom you want to surround with protection or from whom you expect danger.

Now you and the person protected by you are in complete physical and mental safety, immersed in the energy that envelops you. (...)

Always remember to surround yourself with protective energy first, and only then the other person. The distance separating us doesn't matter. The person we want to help can be either near us or on another continent.

Neither time nor space is able to limit energy. Over time, when you acquire the necessary skills, it will not be necessary to represent energy. This will happen automatically, it will be enough just to pronounce the words of the protective formula.

To enhance the effect of this exercise, you can "multiply" the effect of the white-golden energy in your thoughts. To do this, completing the pronunciation of the formula, add: "one".

In place of the three dots, say any number. Don't think about how this mechanism works. Your subconscious will be freed from such a task.

This technique can be used when the child does not return home at the agreed time or when someone close goes on a trip. Remember! The power of this technique increases as you develop your visualization, concentration, and energy working abilities.

It will also depend on your faith in it and skills in practical exercises. Use this method only for serious purposes, in situations where you (or someone else) really need protection.

Do not play with it, because then you will weaken its effectiveness and the strength of its impact. Your subconscious may later, in a difficult moment, not distinguish whether you are joking or really need help.

How to make your mind powerful, able to quickly find effective solutions! Learn a simple and effective exercise for the development of the mental body!

According to ancient esoteric knowledge, a person has several bodies, and physical body- just one of many. Remaining bodiescalled thin andinvisible to normal vision becauseare at different vibrational frequencies.

Each subtle body has its own functions, and in this article we will talk about the development of the mental body.

The mental body is responsible for all intellectual and mental activity of a person. All your thoughts, statements and beliefs are born in the mental body. It contains those ideological models by which you live.

It is at its frequency of vibration of the mental plane and surrounds a person with a shell at a distance of about half a meter from the physical body.

To make your mind powerful and fast, the mental body must be trained in the same way as the physical body. One of the options for training the mental body is the exercise below.

Step 1: Meditation on the development of mental abilities

1. The practitioner takes a comfortable position of the body, closes his eyes and relaxes all muscles;

2. After some time, he will fall into a meditative state of consciousness¹, which is necessary for work.

3. The practitioner begins to imagine himself from the outside, to imagine a spherical shell of the mental body around him.

4. He fills it with different colors of the rainbow: he imagines how the colors shimmer in the sphere surrounding the physical body.

5. After that, a person begins to imagine how information is exchanged in the mental body, the constant movement of energy. He imagines that hundreds, thousands, millions of gigabytes of information of various types pass through the mental body, and this process intensifies.

6. After ten minutes of concentration, the practitioner finishes: calms the mind, tries to “throw out” all thoughts from the head, concentrating on the sensation of the physical body.

7. Returns to his normal state and opens his eyes.

Step 2: Exercise for the development of the mental body

Exercise for the development of mental abilities:

1. The practitioner chooses an interesting book on a topic that encourages reflection and analysis of the text contained in it.

2. The person reads a few sentences at a slow pace, and then carefully considers the information read. The practitioner analyzes the read text from every point of view they can think of.

No need to build restrictions, you need to take into account all the possible thoughts that come to mind! Your goal is to strengthen your mental faculties and develop your mental body.

3. At the initial stage of practice, this exercise should take no more than 15 minutes; with the development of the skill, the time can be increased to half an hour.

Also, at the first attempts to think intensively, a person can quickly get tired. Attention and mind should get stronger, get used to the loads.

Gradually, with daily practice, you will notice how your mental power increases; mental abilities will increase several times.

Soon the mental body will become stronger - the ability to solve complex life problems in a short period of time will appear.

You need to remember well: superpower training should be done regularly - this is the main key to success!

Is it possible to develop intelligence? Neuroscientists have long answered this question in the affirmative. Your brain is plastic and able to physically change depending on what you are doing. And even the smartest person has something to strive for. So don't waste your time! We have collected tips and exercises from our books to help you become even smarter.

1. Solve logic puzzles

You will find exciting tasks for training logical thinking in the book of the popular blogger Dmitry Chernyshev "What to do in the evening with your family in the country without the Internet". Here are a few of them:


This is a type of credit card. Notches about the borrowed goods were simultaneously made on both sticks. One was kept by the buyer, the other by the seller. This ruled out fraud. When the debt was repaid, the sticks were destroyed.


This is Morrison's hideout to protect people during the bombing. Not everyone had cellars in which to hide. For poor households, the device was free. 500,000 of these shelters were built by the end of 1941 and another 100,000 in 1943, when the Germans began using V-1 rockets. The shelter paid off. According to statistics, in 44 houses equipped with such shelters, which were heavily bombed, only three out of 136 residents died. Another 13 people were seriously injured and 16 were lightly injured.


Look again at the condition of the problem: there was no task to "continue the sequence." If 1 = 5, then 5 = 1.

2. Train your memory

Until now, you've been trying to guess the number by choosing the average. This is the ideal strategy for a game in which the number was chosen at random. But in our case, the number was not chosen randomly. We have deliberately chosen a number that will be difficult for you to find. The main lesson of game theory is that you need to put yourself in the shoes of the other player. We put ourselves in your place and assumed that you would say the number 50 first, then 25, then 37 and 42.

What will be your final guess? Is it number 49? Congratulations! Yourself, not you. You are trapped again! We thought of the number 48. In fact, all this reasoning about the average number from the interval was aimed precisely at misleading you. We wanted you to choose the number 49.

The point of our game with you is not to show you how cunning we are, but to clearly illustrate what exactly makes any situation a game: you must take into account the goals and strategies of other players.

5. Do math

Lomonosov believed that mathematics puts the mind in order. And indeed it is. One way to develop intelligence is to make friends with the world of numbers, graphs and formulas. If you want to try this method, the book Beauty Squared will help you, where the most complex concepts are described simply and in a fun way. A small excerpt from there:

“In 1611, the astronomer Johannes Kepler decided to find himself a wife. The process did not start well: he rejected the first three candidates. Kepler would have married a fourth if he had not seen a fifth, who seemed "modest, thrifty, and capable of loving adopted children." But the scientist behaved so indecisively that he met with several more women who did not interest him. Then he nevertheless married the fifth candidate.

According to the mathematical theory of "optimal stopping", in order to make a choice, it is necessary to consider and reject 36.8 percent of the possible options. And then stop at the first one, which will be better than all those rejected.

Kepler had 11 dates. But he could meet with four women and then propose to the first of the remaining candidates, whom he liked more than those he had already seen. In other words, he would immediately pick the fifth woman and save himself six bad dates. The theory of “optimal stopping” is also applicable in other areas: medicine, energy, zoology, economics, etc.”

6. Learn to play a musical instrument

Psychologist and author of We Are Music, Victoria Williamson, says the Mozart effect is just a myth. Listening to classical music will not increase your IQ. But if you make music yourself, you will help your brain work better. This is confirmed by the following experiment:

“A number of extensive analyzes of the relationship between music lessons and IQ in children have been conducted by Glenn Schellenberg. In 2004, he randomly assigned 144 six-year-olds from Toronto to four groups: the first had keyboard lessons, the second had singing lessons, the third had acting lessons, and the fourth was a control group with no extra lessons. To be fair, after the study, the children in the control group were offered the same activities as the rest.

The training lasted 36 weeks in a dedicated school. All children took IQ tests during summer holidays before these sessions began, and also at the end of the study. Criteria of comparable age and socioeconomic status were used.

After one year, the vast majority of the children performed better on the IQ test, which is logical since they are a year older. However, in the two music groups, the increase in IQ was greater than in the acting and control groups.”

7. Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation not only helps to reduce stress levels, but also helps to develop memory, creativity, reaction, attention and self-control. For more on this method, see Mindfulness. Advice from her:

“Have you noticed that the older you get, the faster time passes? The reason is that with age we acquire habits, certain patterns of behavior and live on the "automatic": the autopilot guides us when we eat breakfast, brush our teeth, go to work, sit on the same chair every time ... As a result, life passes by, and we feel miserable.

Do a simple experiment. Buy chocolate. Break off a small piece of it. Examine it as if seeing it for the first time. Pay attention to all the kinks, texture, smell, color. Put this piece in your mouth, but don't swallow it right away, let it melt slowly on your tongue. Try the whole bunch of flavors. Then slowly swallow the chocolate, try to feel how it flows down the esophagus, note the movements of the palate and tongue.

Agree, the sensations are not at all the same as if you just ate a bar without thinking. Try this exercise with other foods, and then with your usual activities: be mindful at work, while walking, getting ready for bed, and so on.

8. Learn to think outside the box

Creativity will help find a solution even in a situation that seems hopeless to most. book author"Rice Storm"I am sure that anyone can train creativity. To get started, try applying the Leonardo da Vinci method:

“Leonardo da Vinci’s way of generating ideas was this: he closed his eyes, completely relaxed and streaked a sheet of paper with arbitrary lines and scribbles. Then he opened his eyes and looked for images and nuances, objects and phenomena in the painted. Many of his inventions were born from such sketches.

Here is a plan of action on how you can use the Leonardo da Vinci method in your work:

Write the problem down on a piece of paper and reflect on it for a few minutes.

Relax. Give your intuition the opportunity to create images that reflect the current situation. You don't need to know what the drawing will look like before you draw it.

Give shape to your challenge by delineating its boundaries. They can be of any size and take shape as you wish.

Practice drawing unconsciously. Let the lines and scribbles dictate how you draw and position them.

If the result does not satisfy you, take another sheet of paper and make another drawing, and then another - as many as you need.

Explore your drawing. Write down the first word that comes to mind for each image, squiggle, line, or structure.

Tie all the words together by writing a short note. Now see how the writing relates to your task. Have new ideas emerged?

Be attentive to the questions that arise in your mind. For example: “What is this?”, “Where did it come from?” If you feel the need to find answers to specific questions, then you are on the right path leading to a solution to the problem.

9. Learn foreign languages

According to researchers, this promotes brain development and helps maintain mental clarity even in adulthood. In the guide of the polyglot Susanna Zarayskaya you will find 90 effective tips on how to learn new foreign languages easy and fun. Here are three recommendations from the book:

  • Listen to songs in the language you are learning while driving, cleaning your home, cooking, tending flowers, or doing other things. You will be imbued with the rhythms of the language even with passive listening. The main thing is to do it regularly.
  • The non-profit organization Planet Read is using Bollywood music videos in its Indian literacy program with subtitles in the same language. The subtitle format is the same as in karaoke, that is, the word that is currently being spoken is highlighted. Easy access to such videos doubles the number of first-graders who have mastered reading. And all due to the fact that viewers naturally synchronize audio and video. The method by which illiteracy is fought in India will allow you to compare what you hear with what you see.
  • Who said that drama is incompatible with the table of irregular verbs? Soap operas can be a very fun way to learn a new language. The storylines are simple and the acting is so expressive that even if you don't know all the words, you'll still be in the know just by following the emotions of the characters.

10. Make up stories

This is another way to become more creative and develop flexibility of thinking. Don't know where to start? In the notebook "642 ideas to write about" you will find many tips. Your task is to continue the stories and turn them into complete stories. Here are some assignments from the book:

  • You meet a girl who can close her eyes and see the entire universe. Tell about her.
  • Try to fit the whole life of a person in one sentence.
  • Take an article from a fresh newspaper. Write down ten words or phrases that caught your eye. Using these words, write a poem that begins: "What if..."
  • Your cat dreams of world domination. She figured out how to switch bodies with you.
  • Write a story that starts like this: “The odd thing started when Fred bought a house for his miniature pigs…”
  • Explain to a gold miner in 1849 how e-mail works.
  • An unknown force threw you inside the computer. You need to get out.
  • Choose any object on the desk (pen, pencil, eraser, etc.) and write him a note with thanks.

11. Get enough sleep!

The ability to learn depends on the quality of your sleep. A curious fact from the book "The Brain in a Dream":

“Scientists have found that different stages of sleep are meant for different types of learning. For example, non-REM sleep is important for mastering actual memory tasks, such as memorizing dates for a history exam. But dream-filled REM sleep is necessary for mastering what is associated with procedural memory - with how something is done, including with the development of new behavioral strategies.

Psychology professor Carlisle Smith says: “For a month we sawed out blocks from which we built a maze for mice, and then recorded their brain activity around the clock for ten days. Those mice that showed greater intelligence in running through the maze also showed greater brain activity during REM sleep. I myself never doubted that sleep and learning are related, but now enough data has accumulated that others are interested in this issue. ”

12. Don't neglect exercise

Sport has a positive effect on our intellectual abilities. Here is what evolutionary biologist John Medina has to say in his book The Rules of the Brain:

“All sorts of tests have shown that physical activity throughout life contributes to a striking improvement in cognitive processes, in contrast to a sedentary lifestyle. The exercisers outperformed the lazy and couch potato in terms of long-term memory, logic, attention, problem-solving ability, and even so-called fluid intelligence.”

More books on the development of intelligence- .

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What does it mean and what is it for? What does it look like, how to clean it, keep it clean and develop it? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

What is the human mental body

M The mental world is a certain part of the universe that exists parallel to the physical world, surrounding and partially penetrating the physical world, but not visible and not perceived by physical vision, since it consists of matter of a different order. it world of mind, ideas and thoughtforms, also a world of dreams and dreams. This is the place where the seed of Consciousness, the Divine Presence is planted. The mental body consists of even finer matter than the astral and etheric bodies.

The bearer of personality on the mental plane, the lower, concrete mind. In the mental body, there is awareness, a sense of oneself and the world, the Divine essence is to think and accept the world with the Heart, and not with the mind. It generates thoughts and ideas. There is a mental perception of the world and its reflection through language, speech, rational and logical thinking.

The memory cells of the Mental Body store all the knowledge, all the information that a person heard, read, perceived, learned. The event series is also stored there. All memories are also recorded in your bodies and stay with you.

What does the mental body look like?

Acting in conjunction with other bodies, the body of the mind is not, however, an exact copy of the physical person (like the astral body). It has a less clear copy of the body, an oval outline, similar in shape to an egg, permeates the physical and astral bodies surrounding them. It is even wider than the astral body, as it develops, it has a luminous aura, which becomes larger and larger in the process of intellectual and spiritual improvement of a person.

Inside it are mental images, most often they are clots with different shapes and brightness. The color of the clot depends on the emotional content of the mental image.

Due to the development of the higher mental faculties of man, this egg-shaped form is transformed into an increasingly beautiful and majestic object. It's impossible to see him astral vision, it is accessible only to the higher vision belonging to this world and above.

The state of the mind body that we will acquire in the next incarnation depends on what we have time to do with our current mind body; hence the direct dependence of the evolution of man on how he uses his body of mind in the continuation of his earthly life. We cannot separate one life from another, nor can we miraculously create something out of nothing. Karma brings a harvest in accordance with what is sown: whether the harvest will be poor or rich depends on how well the sower has prepared the soil and what seeds he has picked.

Cleansing the mental body. How to cleanse, restore and heal the mental body.

As a rule, with age, astral-mental accumulation overflows in people, and if it is not unloaded, then over time it becomes difficult to fully live and change your life, thinking, behavior, navigate new information, for example, change your profession, look, opinions, get rid of from dependencies and influences of other people, forces, various sources.

The overcrowding of the astral-mental layer can be different: both energetic and informational. Bodies lose their saturation, the ability to emit energy, visually become darker, inside, as a rule, some clots of information or energy are formed that look like dark spots, different shapes and density. If you approach compaction on a subtle level, then you can read information (emotion, sensation, memory), understand what is at stake and what has accumulated in a particular place.

Because information is distributed around the entire perimeter of the body, then physiology and psychosomatics are added to this, the location of information affects the organs and systems around, creating certain bindings.

Promotes healing and strengthens the mental body:

  • Practice meditation and concentration. To be an observer of thoughts and the process of thought-creation!
  • Awareness of your thoughts throughout the day.
  • Stop unnecessary and negative thoughts.
  • Meditations. Spiritual practices.
  • Identification and elaboration of negative programs and beliefs.
  • Observation of thoughts "from the outside" and as a result - the ability to move away from thoughts (to understand that I am not a thought).
  • Understanding that every thought entails karmic consequences.
  • Healthy rest. Healthy sleep and maintaining the correct "daily routine".
  • Communication with harmonious and pleasant people. If possible, stop communicating with negative people.
  • Moderate physical. loads. Physical cleansing. body, post, hardening.
  • Reading books.
  • Stay in nature.
  • Pleasant thoughts and states.

Pollutes and weakens our mental body:

  • Restless mind. Fussiness, wandering of the mind, thinking about unnecessary and irrelevant things. Too many thoughts.
  • Negative thinking.
  • Negative programs and beliefs, conscious or unconscious.
  • Identify with thoughts or thought process.
  • Negative thoughts, ideas and beliefs.
  • Communication with negative people. Negative thoughts of other people directed at the person.
  • Pride and Selfishness.
  • Excessive immersion in your own dreams and dreams.
  • Thinking about things that don't matter to you, such as solving problems in the distant future or empty thoughts about the past.
  • Unhealthy sleep at the wrong time, for example, in the afternoon, getting up late and going to bed late.

How to cleanse the mental body

Need to learn transform internal emotional and mental blocks. To rethink what we are: annoying, infuriating, what we cannot tolerate, what we are afraid of, and so on. The fact that we once did not accept or it “hurt” us.

It is important to stop thinking negatively and focus on the bad. Must learn constantly watch your thoughts and states. Very good to teach think well about yourself, other people and life in general!

The practice of information starvation and purification is also useful. When for some period you not only do not take food, but also information. You cleanse the cells of all your bodies with water and prayers, that is, you remove negative data and programs with the help of water and fill your body with high energy through prayers.

Very important be aware and listen to the heart, it can tell a lot!

How to develop the mental body. Training and development of the mental body.

Thoughts are the material from which we build our mental body; developing our mental abilities, thought process, improving our creative abilities, our higher emotions, we literally build our mind body; and this process goes on day after day, month after month, and year after year, for many lifetimes. If you do not develop your mental abilities; if in the sphere of thinking one remains only a plagiarist, but not a creator. If you constantly borrow thoughts from the outside, instead of developing them yourself, from the inside, going through life, fill your mind only with other people's thoughts, then the body of the mind simply will not be able to grow, and a person will actually end each of his next life in the same place where he and began.

By developing your mind, creatively using your abilities, improving them, constantly using them and straining them, you can develop your mind body and advance along the path of evolution.

Once you become aware of this, you will begin to follow his activities. And once this happens, you will find that, as mentioned above, most of your thoughts are by no means your own. But it is only the thoughts and ideas of other people that you perceive.

Try to focus on it right now and then for the rest of the day try to notice what you're thinking! Such a drastic change will most likely result in you finding yourself thinking about nothing (the most common result), or your thoughts so vague that what you dare to call your own mind, they don't make much of an impression.

By being conscious enough times (and this operation in itself contributes to the development of your self-awareness), you will learn to recognize individual thoughts that are in your mind, and you will be able to notice the difference between the state in which these thoughts were when they entered your mind and when they disappeared from it, that is, what you managed to add to them while they remained with you. As a result, your mind can become really active and its creative abilities will develop.

First of all, select those thoughts that you will allow to remain permanently in your mind; further - if you find a good thought in your mind - linger on it, enrich and consolidate it, try to improve it even more and then send it to the astral world as your potential assistant; if any evil thought enters your mind, drive it out as quickly as possible.

You will soon find that as you allow more and more good and wholesome thoughts into your mind and refuse to allow bad thoughts into it, good thoughts come to you from the outside more and more often, while bad thoughts enter your mind all the time. less and less.

A similar effect is explained by the fact that, becoming more and more a container of good and useful thoughts, your mind, like a magnet, more and more attracts similar thoughts from the outside world; and as soon as you deny shelter to all kinds of bad thoughts, your mind will automatically begin to stop any attempts to penetrate them. The body of the mind will acquire the ability to attract all good thoughts from the surrounding atmosphere and reject all bad ones.Thus, the mind will perfect only good thoughts, constantly replenishing the volume of mental material from which its body will be made up, year after year more and more enriched and increasing in size.

We must train ourselves to think clearly and consistently and not allow our minds to spontaneously jump from one subject to another and waste our energy on many unimportant thoughts.

It is a very useful practice to arrange thoughts in a sequential order, in which each subsequent thought flows naturally from the previous one; it allows us to develop in ourselves those intellectual qualities that make our thinking consistent and therefore fundamentally rational; acting in this way (when one thought replaces another in a certain, ordered sequence), the mind turns itself into an increasingly effective instrument of the true Essence, operating in the world of mind.

This improvement in thinking ability through concentration and orderliness of thinking is manifested in a more clearly defined and developed body of the mind, in its accelerated growth, in balance and balance. The efforts expended are rewarded a hundredfold with the progress that follows them.

Helps develop the mental body:

  • Awareness, control of thoughts and beliefs. Track your thought process! Remove negative thoughts, ideas and beliefs, cultivate positive ones!
  • Stopping the thought process (wandering of the mind, thinking about unnecessary and irrelevant things) when there is no need for it! Run only to solve a specific problem. Stop the internal monologue.
  • Engage in mental activity, train the mind, solve logical problems.
  • Sublime Thoughts and Ideas.
  • Meditation, concentration and visualization.
  • Development and purification of the Astral body.
  • Physical activity, sports.
  • Willpower, courage, responsibility, self-discipline.
  • Fasting, cleansing physical. body.
  • Friendly communication and discussions, ability to defend one's position.
  • Reading books, perception of new ideas and thoughts.

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