Kirill the meaning of the name is character and fate. The meaning of the name Kirill, character and fate The meaning of the name Kirill for a boy portfolio

Like most popular names in Russian, the name Kirill came to us from ancient Greece. This happened as a result of the adoption of the Orthodox faith in Kievan Rus. Translated from Greek the meaning of the name Kirill (Κύριλλος) means "lord" or "lord".

The meaning of the name Kirill for a child

Kirill is an obedient and receptive child. He easily finds understanding and love from adults. But Kirill’s relationships with other children are tense. His sense of justice and self-worth prevents him from making friends. He doesn't like helping others on tests and doesn't let them cheat. He is ambitious and loves awards and praise. He always tries to be the first, which many of his peers do not like.

Kirill has been well intellectually developed since childhood. He easily learns to read and count, and the school curriculum is easy for him. The main thing is that he enjoys studying. Kirill has an excellent memory that can only be envied. He is often praised by teachers, which often causes narcissism and narcissism. It is worth noting the boy’s good athletic abilities. If Kirill takes up sports seriously, he can achieve great success in this.

The boy's health only makes his parents happy. Overall, he is one of the healthiest children. With age, this trend continues. The only weak point is the digestive system. Kirill should watch his diet. And of course, if any health problems arise, do not self-medicate, but contact a specialist.

Short name Kirill

Kir, Kirya, Kiryukha, Kiryakha.

Diminutive pet names

Kiryusha, Kiryunya, Kirusya, Kiryasha.

Children's middle names

Kirillovich and Kirillovna. It has the popular form of patronymic as Kirillich and Kirillichna.

Name Kirill in English

IN English language The name Kirill is spelled Cyril.

Name Kirill for international passport- Kirill, according to the latest transliteration rules for government agencies in Russia.

Translation of the name Kirill into other languages

in Arabic - سيريل‎‎
in Belarusian - Kiryl
in Bulgarian - Kiril
in Hungarian - Cyril
in Greek - Κύριλλος
in Hebrew - קיריל‎
in Spanish - Cirilo
in Italian - Cirillo
in Latvian - Kirilas
in Lithuanian - Kirilas
in Macedonian - Kiril
in German - Kirilo
in Polish - Cyryl
in Romanian - Cyril
in Serbian - Ћiril
in Ukrainian - Kirilo
in French - Cyril
in Czech - Cyril

Church name Kirill(in the Orthodox faith), like most of the names that came to us along with Orthodox faith, remains unchanged in church tradition.

Characteristics of the name Kirill

Hidden in Kirill’s character enormous strength, which is not noticeable to many. He is so strong that not everyone can stand such a personality nearby and try to limit communication with Kirill. Kirill, realizing over time the peculiarities of his character, shows it less and less in vain. Adult Kirill is calm and at the same time cheerful. He has a wonderful sense of humor that contrasts with his iron will, which is a rather rare combination. Kirill does not like to show his feelings openly and keeps the entrance to his inner world under lock and key. Only those closest to him can find out what is going on in his soul. However, when it comes to defending his interests, Kirill is not a fan of worries and long thoughts. He quickly mobilizes and fights back against offenders.

Kirill loves large and noisy companies, although he keeps himself a little aloof at such events. Kirill's independence and determination help him in career growth and earning credibility with colleagues.

But these sides of Kirill’s character also have an unpleasant side. Often in family life, those character traits that help in achieving goals conflict with the characteristics necessary for a calm family life. His isolation and reluctance to show feelings often lead to tension in the family. If Kirill learns to share his inner experiences with his soul mate, he will find real family happiness.

Another characteristic of Kirill that can interfere in life is seriousness. Often taking even small things seriously. he creates conflict situations out of nowhere. The only thing that can save him in such a situation is the ability to laugh at oneself and one’s own ability to make a mountain out of a molehill.

The secret of the name Kirill

Kirill has at least two secrets. One has to do with his secrecy. Seemingly cheerful and sociable, Kirill does not allow strangers into his inner world. If it seemed to you that Kirill was like an open book in front of you, then he managed to make the necessary impression on you, nothing more. Only those closest to him can know about his true experiences.

Kirill's second secret is his tendency to spontaneous laziness. All people accustomed to his crazy performance are usually very surprised by this quality. But you don’t have to worry, his laziness quickly passes.

Guardian angel named Kirill and his patron, like other names, depends on the date of birth. If you know your date of birth, you can find out the patron of the name Kirill in a special article.

1. Personality: living in two dimensions

2.Color: red

3. Main features: will - sexuality - intelligence - health

4. Totem plant: corn

5. Totem animal: seal

6. Sign: Scorpio

7. Type. It is difficult to describe their character, since they live in two elements, like a seal, living both in water and on land.

8. Psyche. It is never known in what form they will appear. These are unexpected people. They are objective, self-confident, and not influenced. They look timid, but this is only an appearance.

9. Will. They have a strong will, which they successfully use to their advantage.

10. Excitability. Very weak.

11. Reaction speed. Fast, in an argument they are capable of sharp attacks that injure their interlocutors; it is better not to get into a verbal altercation with such men.

12. Field of activity. They want to know for whom and what they are working for. From their youth, they need a clearly defined goal. They make excellent judges, industrialists, and doctors.

13. Intuition. Highly developed.

14. Intelligence. They are endowed with a synthetic and analytical mind, excellent memory and healthy curiosity.

15. Receptivity. They are able to understand everything, observe people kindly and carefully. They express emotions with restraint and should not be forced to demonstrate their feelings.

16. Morality. We can say that they have the moral principles of a soldier, accustomed to acting according to regulations, who does not have his own opinion.

17. Health. In general, it doesn’t give them much trouble. Weak parts of the body are the blood circulation and the digestive system.

18. Sexuality. Men with this type of character are introduced early to the joys of life, without, however, allowing themselves to be drawn into undesirable situations. They get real pleasure from sex, but always remain tactful. These are men who manage to easily win the trust and love of women. They are loyal and reliable, capable of strong love.

19. Activity. As leaders, they demand iron discipline from their subordinates, while simultaneously creating a family atmosphere in the team.

20. Sociability. Guests are received on a grand scale, spending a lot of money on it.

21. Conclusion. These are people with a very strong character, top-class men. Their only drawback is the desire to take their partner by surprise.

By D. and N. Zima

Meaning and origin of the name: "Lord" (Greek)

Energy and character of the name Kirill

The intensity of this name is not immediately noticeable. In terms of energy, there is a sense of significant strength and hardness in him, perhaps even excessive. At the same time, it sounds rather closed, little inclining its owner to an external manifestation of strength. Usually the name gives Kirill moderate calmness and cheerfulness, but with the emergence of any problems in his soul, tension begins to grow, especially noticeable in adolescence, when it often makes Kirill overly irritable. And even in his more mature years, behind his apparent poise, one can sometimes discern a readiness to instantly bristle and stand up for himself.

Most often, Kirill loves good companies, although he prefers to stay quite independently in them, and if something goes wrong, he can easily leave it. At the same time, balance with strangers in the family circle sometimes turns into excessive severity and exactingness, because somewhere he needs to pour out the accumulating discontent. However, if Kirill’s wife also has a fairly strong character, then, most likely, he will cede primacy to her and begin to look for release either in work or on the side.

Nevertheless, all this endows Kirill’s character with such useful qualities as the ability to work patiently, independence, enviable performance, the ability to work in a team, and many others. Of course, Kirill has a good chance of achieving significant success in his career or business, but in order to experience full happiness, he needs to pay attention to the weaknesses of his character, in the development of which his name also plays a significant role.

Disadvantages of the name Kirill

Lack of softness and ductility. This can lead to an overly painful perception of conflict situations, exacerbating Kirill’s already well-developed pride. Sometimes scandals leave such a deep mark on his soul that he can remember the offense for a very long time, however, most likely, he will try to avoid new conflicts in the future, which may be perceived by others as peacefulness. It happens that life's blows force him to seek reassurance in cynicism, but this solution can hardly be called the best. It is most favorable for Kirill if his upbringing included a fairly easy attitude towards life and himself, as well as the ability to laugh at himself not only externally, but also internally.

Secrets of communication: Usually Kirill values ​​his independence, but often people, seduced by his apparent balance, try to actively influence him and quietly make an enemy. It also happens that someone unwittingly becomes a source of irritation for Kirill. It is unlikely that things will come to a scandal, however, an astute person will be able to notice the growing tension in his soul. In this case, you can defuse the situation by switching the conversation to a topic where Kirill feels like a professional. If you are able to discern his merits in this area, then, most likely, instead of irritation, mutual respect will appear between you.

Famous people named Kirill

Kirill Razumovsky

Field Marshal General, the last hetman of Ukraine and the organic husband of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, Count Kirill Razumovsky (1728–1803) was at one time a very prominent figure in the Russian state. Possessing all the necessary qualities of character - courage, strong will, the ability to subjugate people, Kirill Razumovsky, among other things, received an excellent education abroad and for many years was the permanent president of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

To this day, there are many historical anecdotes about this man, describing the character of Count Razumovsky as a person who knew how to appreciate someone else’s joke and loved to joke himself.

Thus, one day Razumovsky’s niece, Sofya Apraksina, who was in charge of his entire household, categorically demanded that the count reduce the number of his servants, whom he clearly could not afford to support. After carefully listening to his niece’s arguments, Razumovsky replied:

“I agree with you that I don’t need these people, but first ask them if they need me.” If they give up on me, then I will give up on them without objection.

Another time, when Razumovsky was playing cards with Catherine II, the captain standing on guard called him. The Count left and returned a few minutes later.

- What happened? – the empress asked with interest.

- So, madam, a trifle: Mr. Captain was a little offended. There, in the guardroom, a full-length portrait of him was painted on the wall with a long scythe and a sword in his hands and signed: “Tran-tararan, Bulgakov is a brave captain.”

– And how did you solve this important matter?

“I ordered, if the portrait is similar, to leave it, if not, to erase it.”

The Empress burst out laughing.

According to Higir

Of ancient Greek origin, a diminutive of Cyrus - lord, ruler, according to other sources, from the Greek word “sun”.

Little Kirill is interested in everything: why the bubbles in sparkling water rise up, and why he was born alone, and his friend was born with his sister... As soon as he learns to read, he strives to read everything that is in the house, and thanks to his good memory, many things are beautiful remembers. He learns the rules of good behavior early, teachers have no trouble with him and often set him as an example to other children. However, he is an egoist, and his peers do not like him: Kirill will never give advice to his deskmate who is in a difficult situation, or allow him to write off a test. He is ambitious and strives to be the first everywhere; Colleagues often consider him a careerist.

Character and compatibility of the name Kirill

Kirill most often has one child. He can have a purebred beautiful dog, but caring for it will fall on the shoulders of his wife. He strives to live separately from his mother-in-law, with whom mutual hostility is immediately (and often forever) established. Outwardly, however, this hardly manifests itself: Kirill has good self-control, and he can hide his feelings. He is one of the people with high self-esteem. Inferiority complexes are almost unknown to him, but if he has them, then those around him will never guess about it. He loves to show off and constantly expects praise for his intelligence, subtle taste, manner of behavior, and ability to dress. Even when choosing a wife, he thinks first of all about what impression she will make on others.

Kirill is a big arguer; it is almost impossible to convince him of anything. Likes to speculate on abstract topics. He’s not picky about food, doesn’t refuse help around the house, but doesn’t show much initiative either. Jealous. As a rule, he does not cheat on his wife.

According to many sources, Kirill’s wife would be one of those whose names are Ada, Alla, Angela, Veta, Gelena, Elena, Margarita, Oksana, Rimma, Yana. The likelihood of an unsuccessful marriage is high with Aurora, Agnia, Alevtina, Valeria, Ekaterina, Lydia, Maya, Marianna, Nadezhda, Ruslana, Emma.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Kirill clearly separates love and sex. In sexual relationships, he not only seeks sensual pleasure and relaxation, but also strives to achieve inner comfort and mental balance. His sexual energy is often directed towards the implementation of his plans and is a means of achieving a specific, not at all sexual, goal. He knows how to relax during sex, combine romance with eroticism, and introduce elements of fiction, fantasy, and play into sexual intercourse. For Kirill, the foreplay of intercourse is very important; in love games, he is inventive and knows how to give his partner maximum pleasure.

But not all Kirills are like this, some of them are indecisive and can get lost at a decisive moment (in particular, the “January” ones). “Summer” Kirill is usually handsome and ambitious, the latter makes itself felt in intimate relationships- they serve for him mainly as a means to establish himself in his masculine abilities. He also has breakdowns, but he endures them calmly, without panicking. Perhaps, on the contrary, they give him the persistence to once again take his toll, to make up for lost time. He knows how to look after beautifully, seducing his partner, literally bewitching her with his words. Kirill is a well-organized person, and this quality of his is also manifested in intimate relationships with women. He does not like spontaneous sex, quick sex, but tries to plan and arrange everything with maximum convenience. He is patient with his partner, knows how to wait and understand her problems.

“Autumn” Kirill does not tolerate it when a woman imposes her plan of action on him; in sex, he should feel like a leader, not a follower.

According to Popov

Passion for his chosen line of work makes Kirill an egoist of the highest order. But he is delicate enough not only not to hurt the pride of those around him, but also to force them to grist for his mill. Possessing a rare sense of purpose, Kirill, as a rule, brings all his cherished plans to life.

The man’s name is Kirill, like most names Christian religion with non-Slavic roots came to our country from the Byzantine state. Translated from the language of ancient Greece, the name Cyril means “powerful” or “having strength.” In our country, in the process of strengthening the Christian religion, priests, preachers, missionaries and patriarchs were named after Kirill.

It is in this article that the meaning of the name Cyril will be discussed, as well as the reasons for its popularity will be revealed. It should be noted that the largest number boys born began to be called by the name Kiryusha over the past two centuries, and currently, according to statistical data, about 5 children out of 1000 are called by this name.

And at the same time, history knows a large number of outstanding people who bore or bear the name Cyril, which is a wonderful monument to the writing of Byzantium and Rus'. These include the domestic folklorist Kirill Chistov, actors Kirill Serebryannikov and Kirill Lavrov, athlete Kirill Koltsov, commentator Kirill Nabutov, philologist and poet Kirill Reshetnikov and many others.

Characteristics of the name Kiryusha

If you try to observe more closely a man named Kirill, you can see his tension hidden inside behind his external equanimity. The man, named Kiryusha, has a rather difficult time making new acquaintances, but living alone doesn’t bother him at all. In every society, Kiryusha prefers to stay somewhat separate, leaving himself the opportunity to leave her at any time.

Today, the meaning of the name Kirill endows a person with simply amazing energy, which less powerful people are not able to endure and stop contact with such a person, even despite the fact that a man bearing the name Kirill is reserved and only in exceptional cases shows the strength of his energy.

The man, named Kiryusha, keeps all his experiences to himself, without flaunting his own problems and difficulties, which is sometimes revealed by irritability. The main disadvantage of a man named Kiryusha is excessive pride, as well as a small amount of plasticity.

The man, named Kiryusha, has difficulty adapting to both the environment and people, and the furrows left by the conflict are so deep that Kiryusha will digest the grievances for several years. Thus, the meaning of the name Kirill has a significant impact on personality. It is not recommended to act on a man named Kirill with force or ridicule, but only with respect and friendliness, which will bring much more benefit.

Characteristics of Kirill

A man named Kirill practically does not have the ability to find compromises, and is also not able to look at individual things more simply, or correctly perceive the mistakes of other people. Such specific character traits only bring harm to a man named Kirill. Perceiving real life as a war for the best place Thus, Kiryusha lives under the sun all his life.

In the team, a man named Kiryusha is often disliked because of his lack of sociability and selfish feelings, which he is not at all offended by. Growing up, a man named Kirill becomes more collected and balanced. He comes to the realization that his explosive character and excessive emotionality only interfere with work and family life.

Thus, the meaning of the name Kirill allows his friends to realize that Kirill is unlikely to ever be able to learn to correctly understand critical remarks, and accordingly carry out work on mistakes. For a man named Kirill, friendship seems to be an abstract judgment, since in every relationship he looks for benefits for his own personality.

However, a man named Kiryusha has a large number of positive traits. Kirill is distinguished by activity, objectivity, firmness and assertiveness. Characterized by a strong will, as well as aspirations for victory, a man bearing the name Kiryusha is able to stand on a par with the born lucky ones in life.

Kiryusha's childhood

As a child, Kiryusha develops into a rather inquisitive child who loves to read a lot, at the same time remembering everything perfectly. His peers do not really like Kiryusha, since the child shows his kindness only to those close to him, usually to his mother or grandmother. In general, the name Kirill, the meaning of the name for a child allows him to study well without any problems.

The same goes for his behavior. As a teenager, internal tension becomes more and more noticeable in a child, which results in excessive irritability, as well as short temper. For this reason, Kiryusha’s parents should pay careful attention to the child’s insufficient sense of humor, the presence of which will provide him with the opportunity to relate much more simply not only to his own personality, but also to those around him.

Otherwise, the meaning of the name Kirill for a boy will make him a cynical person, which will also create problems when communicating with others. The most comfortable life for Kiryusha will develop in such a situation when the parents instill in the child a feeling of easier attitude towards both his own personality and his whole life. In addition, it would not be superfluous to develop a sense of irony at oneself.

If, in his childhood, Kiryusha is given a specific life goal, this will make it much easier for him to navigate it. A child needs to know where to direct his thoughts.

The intimate life of Kiryusha

In this section, we will consider how the name Cyril, the meaning of the name and whose fate is being discussed, affects his intimate life. A man named Kirill draws clear boundaries between the concepts of sex and love. Kiryusha almost never openly shows his own feelings, for this reason his girlfriend will have to understand his attitude towards her herself.

However, having truly fallen in love, a man named Kirill becomes a generous and attentive partner, capable of very beautifully caring for his chosen one. Kiryusha’s weakness is spectacular, sexy and very sensual partners; he usually doesn’t pay attention to simpletons at all. Kiryusha's acquaintance with sex occurs very early, and over time he turns into a skilled lover who knows how to bring real pleasure to a girl.

The man named Kirill perfectly combines strong passion with conservatism, sensitivity with coldness, external peace with passion. In intimacy, a man named Kiryusha usually relaxes, equating eroticism with romance, and is good at inventing, role-playing games, and fantasies. A man named Kiryusha always strives to bring significant pleasure to his partner.

Compatibility, marriage and family

In order for the family life of a man named Kiryusha to become happy, he needs a beautiful girl with a strong will and character, at the same time subtle and smart, who has managed not to affect her husband’s excessive pride. In addition, Kiryusha will not marry a girl who loves scandals and conflicts, since there is no need for serial passions.

A man bearing the name Kirill, the meaning of the name whose character and fate is described, is capable of becoming an excellent family man who remains faithful to his wife, always helps her with household matters, and also takes an active part in raising children. By a comfortable family life, Kiryusha understands the absence of conflicts, quarrels, as well as the presence of a calm, trusting environment.

At home, Kiryusha is like a soldier, he will carry out any orders of his wife, but he cannot be called a homely and economic person. At the same time, he does not want to be a leader in the family. Kirill will have a smooth family life with Elizaveta, Daria, Tatyana, Oksana, Inna, Natalya, Margarita, Elena, Alla. You should not connect your life with Yana, Svetlana, Maria, Lyudmila, Larisa, Ksenia, Galina, Anastasia.

Career and business

The man named Kiryusha is a rather ambitious person, always ready to make great sacrifices for the sake of financial well-being, as well as fame. Kirill is an inveterate careerist, albeit in the good sense of the word, who can work a lot, without control and with considerable patience. The man, named Kiryusha, has the ability to position himself correctly in a team, for this reason he enjoys considerable respect among employees.

The meaning of the name Kirill given above for a boy ensures his success when occupying a leadership position, thanks to which he knows how to demand discipline, practicality, and seriousness in the work performed from employees. However, Kiryusha sometimes lacks softness, plasticity, and tolerance for the shortcomings of others.

If a man named Kiryusha is able to overcome his maximalism and excessive self-confidence of his former youth, he will be able to open his own successful business. However, Kiryusha must be its sole owner.

Kiryusha most likely will not become a very rich man, but he will not need finances. Usually people bearing the name Kiryusha occupy positions as programmers, designers, doctors, and also become excellent lawyers and financiers.

Short form of the name Kirill. Kirilka, Kirya, Kir, Kira, Kiryukha, Kirukha, Kiryusha, Kiro, Tsirek, Sai, Kiryunya, Kirunya, Kirusya, Kiryakha, Kiryasha, Kirka, Pickaxe.
Synonyms for the name Kirill. Cyril, Cyril, Cirillo, Cirillo, Ciril, Kirel.
Origin of the name Kirill. The name Kirill is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Cyril translated from ancient Greek means “lord”, “lord”. In Persian, the name Kirill means "sun". The diminutives Kir and Kira are also independent names.

Since childhood, Kirill has been very inquisitive. He is interested in absolutely everything, you will get tired of answering his questions. To compensate for this, he begins to read early, devouring books with amazing speed, sometimes not fully understanding the content. Kirill knows how to behave well and correctly in society. All the adults praise him and set him up as an example for other children, which can cause the boy to become arrogant.

Kirill is smart and has a strong will. In fact, the character of this man is quite difficult to describe. He is inquisitive and ambitious. Kirill is tireless when he acquires new knowledge, and ambition is his main feature and driving force in life. Kirill is often too self-confident and proud. He knows how to show others that all his business is going well and he has no problems. Kirill is very susceptible to praise.

Kirill's fate depends on which side of his character prevails. So, Kirill can become fixated on his positivity, become arrogant and ultimately become selfish.

No one can predict how Kirill will behave in any situation. He may seem timid, but in fact this man is not susceptible to other people’s influence, is unusually objective and self-confident.

A man named Kirill has a very developed intuition, but more often he uses his mind. Kirill's mentality allows him to analyze and pay attention to detail equally well. This man has a good memory.

Kirill's moral principles allow us to compare him with a soldier who always acts according to the regulations, without thinking. You shouldn’t consider Kirill a flighty man. He is reliable and can love deeply. As his wife, Kirill chooses a powerful woman who is capable of becoming the head of the family.

In the company of friends, Kirill, on the contrary, strives to dominate. He argues passionately and incites his friends to take adventures. In his work, Kirill needs a clear goal, then this man is able to present himself correctly. Otherwise, Kirill can be pretentious and lazy. Typically, men with this name become doctors, industrialists or judges. However, to achieve significant success, Kirill needs to overcome himself, stop striving for spectacular beauty, and not go with the flow.

Kirill strives to be the first everywhere. He has a good chance of achieving success in his career or business. He has such useful qualities as independence, the ability to work patiently, the ability to conduct a conversation, communicate and find the right people. He has an enviable ability to work. Sometimes Kirill is too strict and demanding, he lacks softness and plasticity. This man does not like to lose even in a humorous argument; he loves to show off his knowledge and abilities. If you instill in Kirill a light attitude towards life and yourself from childhood, teach him to laugh at himself and make fun of himself, then he will become the life of the party.

Kirill chooses everything in his life with an eye on those around him - how they will look at it, how they will say it, how they will evaluate it. And a wife, and a car, and a vacation spot. His wife should take into account these features of Kirill’s behavior so that the marriage will be a joy and not a burden. Kirill doesn’t particularly like to mess around with children.

Kirill's name day

Kirill celebrates his name day on January 31, February 17, February 27, March 18, March 22, March 31, April 3, April 11, May 11, May 17, May 23, May 24, June 3, June 22, June 30, July 22 , September 19, October 11, November 11, November 20, December 15, December 21.

Famous people named Kirill

  • Cyril ((827 - 869) in the world - Constantine, nicknamed the Philosopher; brother of Methodius from the city of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki). Together with his brother - reformers of the Slavic alphabet, creators Church Slavonic language and preachers of Christianity. Canonized and revered as saints in both the East and the West.)
  • Patriarch Kirill ((born 1946) in the world - Vladimir Gundyaev; Russian religious figure, bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church; since 2009 - Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, ruling bishop of the Moscow diocese.)
  • Cyril of Alexandria ((376 - 444) Father of the Church, Christian Egyptian exegete and polemicist who led the opposition to Nestorianism. Representative of the Alexandrian theological school, interpreter of the Holy Scriptures)
  • Cyril of Radonezh ((d.1337) reverend, father St. Sergius Radonezh)
  • Kirill Kondrashin ((1914 - 1981) Russian conductor, teacher. Laureate of two Stalin Prizes (1948, 1949), People's Artist of the USSR (1972).)
  • Kirill Romanov ((1876 - 1938) second son of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, third son of Emperor Alexander II, and Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna; cousin of Nicholas II. In 1924, while in exile, he self-proclaimed himself Emperor of All Russia Kirill I, with which a significant part of the Imperial family did not agree.)
  • Kirill Moskalenko ((1902 - 1985) Soviet military leader, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union)
  • Kirill Eskov ((born 1956) Soviet, Russian paleontologist and writer)
  • Kirill Zabelin ((1763 - 1823) hero of the Battle of Ragusa (aka Dubrovnik), during the Napoleonic Wars on the Adriatic Sea)
  • Kirill Kazachkovsky ((1760 - 1829) Russian military leader, lieutenant general, Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812)
  • Kirill Kondratiev ((1920 - 2006) Russian geophysicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1984) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, adviser to the Russian Academy of Sciences, honorary doctor of sciences from the universities of Athens, Budapest and Lille. The main works relate to research in the field atmospheric physics, satellite meteorology, atmospheric optics, actinometry, global environmental problems and global changes. state university(1964−1970), head of the department of atmospheric physics of Leningrad State University and Russian State University of Humanities. The area of ​​scientific interests covers all problems of sustainable development of human society, including the consequences of global climate change and the development of strategies for global ecodynamics. Participant of the Great Patriotic War.)
  • Kirill Serebrennikov ((born 1969) Russian theater and film director, laureate of the National Television Award "TEFI", winner of competitive programs of the Open Russian Film Festival "Kinotavr", Rome International Film Festival)
  • Kirill Pokrovsky ((born 1965) Soviet and Belgian rock musician, best known as the keyboard player of the groups “Aria” and “Master”)
  • Kirill Tolmatsky, better known as Decl, Le Truk ((born 1983) Russian rapper. Gained fame under the pseudonym Decl. Other pseudonyms are Le Truk, Giuseppe Zhestko. Former member of the rap association “Bad B. Alliance”. Debut album of the artist “ Who? Are You" is one of the best-selling albums in Russia with a circulation of more than 1 million copies. In the early 2000s, he was considered one of the most famous rap artists in the country along with SHEFF, Mikhey, Legalize.)
  • Kirill Lavrov ((1925 - 2007) Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. Laureate of State Prizes of the RSFSR and USSR. People's Artist of the USSR (1972). Hero of Socialist Labor (1985).)
  • Kirill Pirogov ((born 1973) Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2005))
  • Kirill Meretskov ((1897 - 1968) Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1944), Hero of the Soviet Union (1940))
  • Kirill Reshetnikov ((born 1975) poetic pseudonym - Shish Bryansky; Russian poet and philologist)
  • Kirill Serikov ((born 1982) Russian athlete, member of the Russian Olympic luge team at the Olympics in Turin)
  • Kirill Bechvaya ((1903 - ?) Soviet statesman and party leader)
  • Kirill Elkin ((born 1987) former Latvian football player, defender)
  • Kirill Shchelkin ((1911 - 1968) first scientific director and chief designer of the nuclear center Chelyabinsk-70 (Snezhinsk, since 1992 RFNC-VNIITF - Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics). Corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 23 October 1953, Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences). A specialist in the field of combustion and detonation and the role of turbulence in these processes (it was he who formulated the theory of spin detonation), in scientific literature the term “turbulent flame zone according to Shchelkin” is known.)
  • Eric (Kirill) Laxman ((1737 - 1796) Russian scientist and traveler of Swedish origin; chemist, botanist, geographer)
  • Kirill Mazurov ((1914 - 1989) Soviet party and statesman)
  • Kirill Sosunov ((born 1975) Russian athlete, Honored Master of Sports in long jump, International Master of Sports in bobsleigh)
  • Kirill Ogorodnikov ((1900 - 1985) Soviet astronomer. Basic scientific works relate to stellar and extragalactic astronomy. In 1923-1926 he carried out a series of works devoted to determining the apex and speed of the Sun from the radial and spatial velocities of stars. In 1932, he proposed a method for determining the characteristics of the differential velocity field in the Galaxy from the radial velocities and proper motions of stars. In 1938-1940 he performed a theoretical analysis of star counts in dark areas of the sky, which made it possible to develop a method for determining the physical characteristics of dark nebulae in the Galaxy. He formulated the general dynamic properties of stellar systems, examined the equilibrium figures of rotating stellar systems, and showed that some of the theoretical consequences obtained correspond to the observed forms of galaxies. Predicted the possibility of the existence of spindle-shaped galaxies and galaxies with a pear-shaped equilibrium figure. He came to the conclusion about the gravitational instability of solid-state rotating galaxies, thereby explaining some of the structural features of spiral systems. He developed a dynamic classification of galaxies and made a number of assumptions about the possible sequence of their evolution. Author of the monographs “Fundamentals of the dynamics of rotating stellar systems” (1948) and “Dynamics of stellar systems” (1958). He wrote a number of works on the history of astronomy, as well as several popular books (“On what the Earth is supported”, “How many stars are there in the sky”). Since the creation of the abstract journal “Astronomy” in 1953, he has been its editor-in-chief. Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1968). Member of the International Academy of Astronautics (1960).)
  • Kirill Androsov ((born 1972) Russian statesman, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Russian Railways, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Aeroflot. Candidate of Economic Sciences.)
  • Kirill Pletnev ((born 1979) Russian theater and film actor)
  • Kirill Zhandarov ((born 1983) Russian theater and film actor)
  • Kirill Klepalov ((born 1985) Russian cinematographer, director)
  • Metropolitan Filaret ((born 1935) in the world - Kirill Vakhromeev; Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church; since 1990, Primate of the Belarusian Orthodox Church with the title (1992): Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, Holy Dormition Zhirovitsky Monastery, Holy Archimandrite.)
  • Kirill Chistov ((1919 - 2007) one of the largest Russian folklorists, an authoritative and internationally famous representative of Russian humanities, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Kirill Demin ((1966 - 2011) Honored Artist of Russia, one of the leading actors of the Maly Theater, acting teacher, associate professor at the Shchepkin School)
  • Kirill Nababkin ((born 1986) Russian football player, defender of the Russian national team)
  • Kirill Laskari ((1936 - 2009) Russian and Soviet ballet dancer, choreographer, writer, Honored Artist of Russia (2002))
  • Kirill Fesenko ((born 1986) Ukrainian professional basketball player, plays as a center)
  • Kirill Taranovsky, Kiril Taranovsky ((1911 - 1993) Yugoslav and American Slavic philologist of Russian-Polish origin, one of the most famous poets of the 20th century. Works on Russian and Slavic metrics, Mandelstam’s poetry, semantics of poetic language.)
  • Kirill Yakimets ((born 1964) Russian science fiction writer, counterculture figure, in 2007-2008 head of the press service of the Union of Journalists of Russia)
  • Kirill Tyufyaev ((1777 - 1845) Perm, Minsk, Tver and Vyatka civil governor, vice-governor of the Caucasus and Penza provinces. Acting state councilor at the courts of Alexander I and Nicholas I.)
  • Kirill Kondratiev ((1920 - 2006) Russian geophysicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1984) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, adviser to the Russian Academy of Sciences, honorary doctor of sciences from the universities of Athens, Budapest and Lille. The main works relate to research in the field atmospheric physics, satellite meteorology, atmospheric optics, actinometry, problems of global ecology and global changes. Rector of Leningrad State University (1964−1970), head of the department of atmospheric physics of Leningrad State University and Russian State University of Humanities. The area of ​​scientific interests covers all problems of sustainable development of human society, including the consequences of change. global climate and development of strategies for global ecodynamics. Participant of the Great Patriotic War, fought in the ranks of the 1st Guards Airborne Division, was wounded, demobilized. Returned to the University in 1944).
  • Kirill Ramium, Ramium (Russian musician, singer, beatmaker. In his original music he combines musical styles such as rap, house, trance and trip-hop.)
  • Kirill Tolpygo ((1916 - 1994) Soviet physicist. Of interest are the works of K.B. Tolpygo on the development of the multielectron theory of valence crystals: the development of an effective method for taking into account multielectron correlation in band theory, the justification of the quasi-molecular model of valence crystals and a new interpretation of their optical absorption spectra based on the representation about Frenkel's metastable excitons. He proposed a theory of the formation of defects when light is absorbed from the depths of its own band. He developed a microscopic theory of the absorption of a light wave when it is incident on a semi-infinite crystal, and constructed a microscopic theory of Cherenkov radiation as a result of the generation of light excitons by the field of a fast electron. solid body, K.B. Tolpygo’s scientific interests lay in the field of biophysics. In 1979, he proposed an original theory of muscle contraction based on the hypothesis that the energy of ATP breakdown is transmitted through chains of hydrogen bonds between the polymers actin and myosin, which causes their movement. On this basis (together with S.V. Bespalova) it was possible to explain a number of characteristics of muscle contraction (speed, tension forces, Hill’s law, etc.)
  • Kirill Sidelnikov ((born 1988) Russian professional athlete who competes in combat sambo and mixed martial arts tournaments)
  • Kirill Stolyarov ((1937 - 2012) theater and film actor, TV presenter, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Cyril Norman Hinshelwood ((1897 - 1967) English physical chemist, winner of the 1956 Nobel Prize in Chemistry)
  • Cyrille Thomas Makanaki ((born 1965) Cameroonian footballer, midfielder)
  • Cyril Rose ((1830 – 1902/1903) French clarinetist and music teacher)
  • Cyril Despres ((born 1974) French motorcycle racer, two-time world champion in rally raids (2003, 2009), four-time winner of the Dakar Rally (2005, 2007, 2010, 2012))
  • Cyril Rafaeli (French actor, stuntman, acrostriter. In 1997, Cyril won the IKFF World Cup in wrestling, and a year later became the French champion in Chinese boxing. The actor’s film career began mainly with minor roles, but knowledge of the martial arts Shotokan, Karate and Wusha also helped him achieve fame in the field of cinema - Cyril was invited to play a role in the film of the famous director Luc Besson called “District Thirteen”, and a little later his sequel “District 13: Ultimatum” It is worth noting that he had a chance to work then. with the founder of the parkour style, David Bell, who later became his best friend. Cyril Rafaeli managed to create his own team, which choreographs stunts in films. Thus, the group worked on such films as: “Carrier 2”, “Carrier 3”, “Hitman”, “The Incredible Hulk”, “Die Hard 4.0”, etc. They are the winner of the IKKF World Cup in the Art of Combat and the French champion in Chinese boxing.)
  • Cyril Northcote Parkinson ((1909 - 1993) British military historian, writer, playwright, journalist, author of satirical works on business, management and political science. He gained world fame as the author of Parkinson's laws.)
  • Cyril Lionel Robert James ((1901 - 1989) African-American Trotskyist and Marxist theorist)
  • Cyril Abiteboul ((b.1977) Formula 1 team manager Caterham F1 (2012))
  • Cyril Jackson ((1903 - 1988) South African astronomer. During his life he discovered 72 asteroids and 3 comets. Asteroid (2193) Jackson was named in honor of Cyril Jackson.)
  • Cyril Descourt (French theater and film actor)
  • Cyril Emanuel King ((1921 - 1978) Governor of the US Virgin Islands (1975-1978). In 1984, the Harry Truman Airport on the island of St. Thomas was renamed in his honor.)
  • Cirilo Tadeus Cardoso Filho, better known as simply Cirilo ((born 1980) Russian and Brazilian football player, futsal player, forward. Player of the Russian national futsal team. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2012).)

Beautiful, sonorous, with steely notes of masculine firmness - this is exactly what the name Kirill is. The origin fully justifies the first impression of hearing the word, since it is translated as “possessing power,” “strong,” “powerful.” According to the second theory, the roots were formed from the noun “sun”. In Rus', the name gained popularity during the formation of a new religion - Christianity. This was often the name of patriarchs, missionaries, priests and preachers.


These days the name has taken on a second life. Now it is in great demand throughout the CIS. Despite this, parents should be very careful when choosing the boy’s name Kirill: the meaning, origin and interpretation indicate that the child will have a changeable character. The baby has been very inquisitive and sociable since childhood. He is diligent and calm, so there are no problems with his studies. In addition, the boy loves to read books, watch scientific programs and explore the world in other ways. The main thing is not to overpraise the child, otherwise he will turn from an obedient excellent student into a selfish arrogant one.

The origin and meaning of which can be found in any thematic encyclopedia, promises parents a gallant child. In relation to close people, he behaves like a little gentleman: erudite, eloquent and caring. Kirill loves praise very much; he strives for leadership and management. Sometimes he is able to pretend to be a “good boy”, hiding


Knowing (interpretation, origin and characteristics), parents will be prepared for the changes that will happen to the boy in adolescence. As he gets older, he can become irritable and stubborn. The young man does not tolerate people's shortcomings, he speaks about it directly, which his peers do not really like. Therefore, problems may arise in communication. In addition, Kirill, being ambitious and ambitious, often gets involved in various adventures, causing his relatives a lot of trouble.

A young man can go over his head to achieve a goal. He is even capable of betraying people who trust him, and the concept of “friendship” as such does not exist for him. In any human relationship, he seeks benefit, preferring to get close only to people who are necessary and useful to him. Despite this, Kirill also has a lot of positive qualities. He is active, assertive, firm, objective. Possessing willpower and the desire to win, he can join the ranks of the born lucky ones.


With age, a man transforms even more into a notorious self-centered person. The name Cyril, the origin of which indicates a powerful and strong personality, endows its owner with an appropriate character. He is not ready to “play second fiddle” in the team, so his employees openly dislike him. But Kirill does not pay attention to them, slowly but surely moving towards his dream. With age, he can become more balanced and organized, realizing that excessive temper and emotionality can destroy not only his career, but also his personal life.

His attitude towards friendship also changes. He becomes a sympathetic and kind friend, with whom it is always a pleasure to have a heart-to-heart talk, have fun and just spend time. His friends perceive him as he is: an “iron man” who does not accept criticism and does not know how to “work on mistakes.” But Kirill is very reasonable: the youthful adventurism inherent in him earlier dissipates without a trace.

Love and sexuality

Its origin and interpretation leave an indelible imprint on a man’s personal life. He is very jealous, demands affection and tenderness from his girlfriend, while at the same time remaining cold and quite callous. Kirill does not like to express his feelings, so his partner will have to try hard to see his sensuality. But, having fallen in love, a man becomes an attentive and reverent gentleman who beautifully looks after his chosen one. He easily wins not only love, but also the trust of a woman, showing that he himself is capable of strong and deep feelings.

Kirill shares the concepts of “sex” and “love”. In the intimate sphere, he tries to achieve perfection. Every detail is important to him: a comfortable environment, a romantic atmosphere, a woman’s beautiful appearance, her languid gaze, playful movements and intoxicating words. At the same time, in sex he is not an egoist, trying not only to get pleasure, but also to give it to his partner. A spiritual connection with a woman is very important for him: in this case, he can make intimacy passionate, varied, sensual and unique.

Marriage and family relationships

Kirill is interesting and deep. It testifies to the fact that these men always behave with dignity and nobility towards women. As a spouse, they choose a girl who is smart, caring and even a little domineering, with whom they can while away their old age cheerfully and at ease. It is important for Kirill that his wife be admired in society, so she must be beautiful, well-groomed, and sensible. The man avoids hysterical and conflict-ridden young ladies - he hates sorting things out. He will not cheat, considering this act low and unworthy of a real man.

Kirill is a good family man. He takes care of his wife, helps her around the house, and pays attention to the children. But the relationship with the mother-in-law does not work out. Often a real cold war plays out between her and Kirill with all the ensuing consequences. The man carefully hides his dislike for his mother-in-law behind a fake smile and deceitful words. Comfort and silence are the main factors shaping the weather in the house. Kirill does not try to lead the family, so his wife needs to take the reins into her own hands.


Pragmatism, prudence and an analytical mind are the main characteristics of a man named Kirill. The origin of his profession is not difficult to predict: most likely, the guy will start working in a field that requires a person to have excellent memory, high intelligence, the ability to make decisions and navigate in any situation. It is not surprising that Kirill most often becomes a programmer, lawyer, designer or physician. He can also build a career in the financial sector, becoming a banker, economist or successful stock market player.

A man realizes himself in business. His hard work and original ideas will bring success. The main thing is to avoid co-owners and partners with whom you need to share power and money. Becoming the sole manager, Kirill is often able to achieve stunning heights. In addition, to achieve business success and material well-being, a man needs to get rid of self-confidence, willfulness and maximalism, and instead acquire qualities such as understanding, plasticity and gentleness.

Other characteristics

The name Kirill, the origin and meaning of which shapes many of a man’s life positions, endows him with high morality. He adheres to generally accepted principles of behavior, communication, foundations and canons, while at the same time not being a highly moral person. That is, he is always ready to rearrange the rules “to suit himself,” especially if a violation of morality promises him a major benefit. A man has a very developed intuition, although he does not trust it, relying exclusively on composure, calculation and analysis. By the way, the owners of this name are most often explosive and emotional choleric people.

As for health, nature did not deprive Kirill of this either. He rarely gets sick and is always in good physical shape. Appearance is very important to him: slimness, fit, sculpted muscles. Therefore, sports will always be present in his life. The only weak point is the stomach. A man needs to eat right, balancing his diet as much as possible.

Characteristics by seasons

The name Kirill has a “seasonal” influence. The origin and meaning for the child varies depending on the time of year in which the boy was born. For example, “winter” Kirill has diligence, attentiveness and hard work. This is a real darling of fate: luck accompanies him always and everywhere. At the same time, he is ready to lend a helping hand to those in need, to protect the offended, and to calm those who are crying. “Spring” Kirill, on the contrary, is far from society. He is a born romantic who lives in his own inner world: withdrawn and melancholic. He is loved for his good nature and nobility.

“Summer” Kirill is endowed with charm and charm. The origin and characteristics of the name make him the life of the party, a cheerful person. He competently builds relationships: business, friendly and personal. She also loves psychology and philosophy. “Autumn” Kirill is a great analyst and leader. He achieves success in the field of science. Being purposeful and pragmatic from birth, he hates surprises and surprises, even if they promise to be pleasant.

The name Kirill has its own talismans, the origin of which is closely related to the character of the man. For example, his stone - sapphire - gives a person even greater curiosity, love of truth, and the desire to rule. Kirill's lucky colors are yellow, brown, blue and red. Its number is 4, the planet is Saturn, the element is air, the season is winter, the day of the week is Saturday. The animals under whose protection the man is are the deer and the seal. His lucky plants are corn, crocus and fir.

Kirill, born under the sign of Aries, will be ambitious and consistent. Taurus and Gemini are distinguished by their emotionality and naivety. Cancers are charming, Leos are principled, Virgos are reserved, Libras are friendly. Scorpios and Capricorns are characterized by secrecy and authority, but Kirills born under their auspices are lucky in life. Sagittarius is quite contradictory, Aquarius is noble, and Pisces is practical. As for marriage, it would be ideal with Anna, Yulia, Irina, Ksenia, Alena. It is not advisable to contact Olga, Elena, Anastasia, Marina, Maria, Victoria and Lyudmila.