Shamanic disease - what is it? Shamanic disease symptoms

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In a remote Buryat village, not far from Goose Lake, in an old house, a young man lay unconscious for several days. Two old men tore his body apart, tore with iron hooks, cleaned the bones, bled, ripped out his eyes from their sockets...

No, this is not footage from a horror movie and not a meeting of a club of maniacs mocking the victim. We are talking about the rite of initiation into shamans, which is still practiced in Buryatia, Yakutia, Khakassia, Tuva, Altai. The ceremony takes three to seven days. A shaman candidate first "dies" and then "resurrects" in a new image. The most terrible moment is the "dismemberment" ceremony.

Of course, no one mocks a defenseless person, the whole procedure is symbolic character. But the one who is being prepared for this difficult “position” really lies all the time in seclusion in a special place where outsiders are not allowed to enter. You won’t envy him: the poor fellow’s head is splitting from pain, some visions seem to him, voices are heard, nightmares overcome him during sleep. But there is no getting away from this - it is impossible to become a shaman without getting sick with the so-called shamanic disease.

Shamans have always been considered intermediaries between spirits and people. These sorcerers, with their skillful intercession, saved people from ailments, bad heredity, problems in their personal lives. But shaman shaman strife. Some could act to the detriment of a person: they “infected” with ailments, sent curses, and sometimes killed, “ate” a person. Depending on what kind of deeds shamans do - good or evil, they are divided into "eating" and "giving". In the old days, this division of duties was observed especially strictly.

One way or another, a shaman never receives his gift just like that, for beautiful eyes. The gift must be earned. Many become shamans, inheriting their gift from their grandfather, grandmother, aunt, less often from their father or mother. Such shamans are called tribal. If the shamanic family is interrupted, this is a great tragedy. Then the shamans look for those around them to whom they can pass on their gift. The best candidate is a baby born in a shirt.

From such children, shamans believe, the most gifted and promising students are obtained. If the child was completely in a shirt, he will make a great sorcerer. If the shirt half covered his body, then an average shaman would come out of this. A small oval was cut out of the shirt, pulled over the frame and received a tambourine. This tambourine was hung over the baby's cradle. When the baby grew up, the tambourine was buried in the ground.

Victor P. did not belong to a shaman tribe. His father, a Buryat, spent his whole life on a boat on Lake Baikal - he caught fish, smoked it, dried it, salted it and sold it to dealers. But the mother belonged to a rare, disappearing nationality, to the Tofalars. There are no more than 700 of them in Russia. Mother's ancestors led a nomadic life in the remote taiga tracts of the Sayan, they bred deer. Mother in childhood from relatives heard that someone from her distant relatives was a shaman. The Tofalars had a cult of skulls - they worshiped them, they embroidered them on their clothes and on the bandages with which they tied their heads. As an adult, Victor realized that skulls, as decorations on clothes, served as protection from evil spirits to his shaman ancestors. Victor's mother herself had nothing to do with witchcraft, except that she conjured all her life over the stove - he had two brothers and one sister.

Victor was the eldest child in the family. The father assumed that he would pass on all his knowledge and skills to him, and from early childhood he took the boy with him “on flights”. But one day a shaman showed up in their village...

In the Buryat villages, the way of life has changed over time - civilization has brought its own adjustments here, but much has remained the same. In villages, people live side by side and know almost everything about each other. And when a stranger appeared in their village, the news of this quickly spread to all the houses. They said that a stranger is not an easy person, but a shaman who came here from the Sayan Mountains. He traveled to many places in search of someone to whom he could give his gift. But no one was fit for such an important mission. And so his choice fell on Victor - not only was the boy born in a shirt, but also maternal line he was considered a tofalar.

And the shaman was just of this rare family-tribe. When the old man heard about this, he was shaking. He wanted to see the boy and talk to his parents.

Vita was then barely 15 years old. When the shaman appeared in their house, the father closed himself in one of the rooms with him and talked about something for a long time. Many years later, Victor learned that his father was categorically opposed to his eldest son practicing witchcraft. But the authority of the old shaman on Baikal was so great that only a madman could refuse him. The father had to obey the will of the old man. Since then, Victor's life has completely changed.

The shirt in which Victor was born, he had not had for a long time. But this did not stop the shaman. The old man called the boy after him, and he left the house forever. From now on, Victor began to be called adatsla sama - “made from pieces”, “exalted”. Any experienced shaman knows - this is the name of those who received their gift not by inheritance. These usually do not make the strongest shamans, but the mentor tried to convey to his student everything he knew. And over time, Victor became very strong shaman and received a new name - Shagai.

Victor was present at the rites of his teacher, saw how he raises the sick to their feet, instills hope in people, finds the missing, reads fate from the stars, fortune-telling along the lines of the hand.

The gift of shamanism never comes easy. Everyone who has embarked on this thorny path falls ill with a special, shamanistic disease. Sometimes it lasts for several weeks, and sometimes for several years. The old shaman urged Victor to be patient: the longer he suffers, the stronger he becomes.

Victor was "sick" for a long time - four years. He spent most of his time alone, as required by the old shamanic tradition. During this time, Victor learned to control his emotions and body. From the outside, such a person seems strange - he behaves like a madman. The motives of his actions are incomprehensible, his speech is incoherent, his actions are inconsistent. To intensify the attacks of the disease, the future shaman artificially introduces himself into a state of ecstasy, using self-hypnosis, straining his will, and often using hallucinogens. It can be hallucinogenic mushrooms or special herbs.

In this state, the future shaman may not sleep for several days, not eat, not drink, seizures happen to him. Where his strength comes from is unclear. Nevertheless, some "candidates" show miracles of endurance: they sing, dance, hunt in the taiga, and fish. Something similar happened to Victor, but what exactly - he does not remember. He was told that once he fell dead on the bed, and then experienced shamans came to him. First, they subjected him to "torture" and "torture" - so that his soul left the body and flew away to other world. This moment is the most important during the birth of a new shaman. It means that the shaman "concluded an agreement with the spirits" - established a connection, and now he can cast spells - tell fortunes. They say that at such a moment the shaman sees - as if from the outside - his own mother-soul. This only happens twice in a lifetime. The first time - during his spiritual birth and the second - at the time of death.

After the rite of initiation, when the shaman begins his direct duties, all the symptoms of a strange illness disappear forever. This means that the shaman has fulfilled his calling and henceforth lives in accordance with the will of powerful spirits and shaman ancestors.

Steps № 18 2011

I thought about such a phenomenon as a shamanic disease. In the very broad sense today, this is mistakenly understood as any disease, including organic. I have already heard such cases in my shamanic circle more than once that a person fell ill with something seriously, cancer or any other bedridden disease, often accompanied by long periods of unconsciousness, and then he kind of recovers and becomes a shaman. But something tells me that in this case, in principle, there is a reassessment of life values, and a person chooses shamanism purely by chance. In place of shamanism could be any religion or anything that gives a new spiritual meaning to life.

A real "shamanic disease" is a phenomenon of a neuropsychological nature. In a person, suddenly the subconscious begins to seep into real life, which entails visual and auditory hallucinations, emotional breakdowns, paranoia, etc. Often this condition does not even have a religious orientation. If a person is not immersed in the mythology of spirits, ancestors, gods, angels and other otherworldly beings, then everything will turn into domestic psychosis, he will be diagnosed with some kind of schizoid state, put on record and given pills that will block the opened channel with the subconscious.

Under the cut, I collected excerpts on this topic from various books that I came across in the last month.

Donna Tartt - "The Secret History"

(...) we started talking about the madness sent by the gods to people - poetic, visionary and, finally, Dionysian.

"Which is surrounded by much more mystery than all the others," said Julian. — We used to believe that religious ecstasy is found only in primitive cultures, but it is often the most developed peoples that are subject to it. The Greeks, as you know, were not too different from us. They were highly civilized, adhering to a complex and rather strict system of norms and rules. Nevertheless, they often fell into a wild mass frenzy: rampage, visions, dances, massacres. I suppose all this would seem to us irreversible, clinical madness. However, the Greeks, at least some of them, could voluntarily plunge into this state and voluntarily leave it. We cannot simply dismiss the evidence to this effect. They are quite well documented, although the ancient commentators were as puzzled as we are. Some believe that the Dionysian frenzy was the result of fasting and prayer, others that wine was the cause. Undoubtedly, the collective nature of hysteria also played a role. Yet the extreme manifestations of this phenomenon are still inexplicable. Participants in the sacraments were, figuratively speaking, thrown into an unconscious, pre-mind state, where the personality was replaced by something else - and by "other" I mean something that is not subject to death. Something inhuman.

Shamanic illness, manifestations.

This is an article by my student, you can read the first part by clicking on the link. You can send your stories to my e-mail:

From the previous article, I think you understood that we are talking about entering the path of magic, about the call of magic and such a phenomenon as "shamanic disease". It manifests itself differently for everyone, but, as a rule, a shamanic disease includes such signs as a complete collapse of life, physical ailments, problems in all areas - money, health, personal life, luck, relationships with loved ones. Everything that used to be good suddenly becomes bad. And not only doctors, but also magicians cannot find the reason. This is not a negative, this is not damage, the evil eye, or a curse. Shamanic disease is the call of magic.

In life, I am a purposeful person who knows how to plan my life well and get the results of my thoughts in the form of certain benefits. Luck and luck have always been my companions. Yes, it was like that until a certain moment, until everything began to collapse .... everything that I had, that I created, the world in which I lived harmoniously, which I studied at various universities. All my confidence, backed up by a good upbringing, education and experience in leading metropolitan organizations burst like a soap bubble!

For a long time I tried to keep the fighting spirit, as always .... until I was so “bent” that I wonder how I even survived until 2015! In all manifestations, I finally died in 2014.

The destruction of my values ​​\u200b\u200bprobably began in 2010. If earlier, then maybe it happened somehow imperceptibly for me, but the prerequisites began already in 2007-2008.

I do not undertake to make a “diagnosis” for myself, because not an expert in this matter, but what I repeatedly applied to hospitals with, medicine did not confirm.
For several years, the evil eye, damage, and something else that I didn’t know and didn’t understand fell upon me .... but I felt IT with my organs, more precisely, malfunctions in the organs of the heart, breathing, in my head, in my thoughts ...
Every day I got worse. All the time, starting from 2013, I only did what was being treated, although I had excellent health all my life. I now understand that it was necessary to pay attention to such events. As far as I'm concerned, this doesn't happen on its own. And the standard methods of "treatment" will not work here. Magic cannot be cured, rather the opposite)) But, it means that it took time, tests of the soul and body, in order to embark on the path that was determined for me from Above, and which I didn’t even know about ... And there, upstairs, no one worries that I studied for a completely different person.

And that's what happened to me. There were constant calls to the ambulance, first packages of pills for all kinds of diseases, then large packages of medicines, hands were taken away, breathing completely stopped, I could not sleep, I could not breathe ... I gained a lot of weight, puffed up like a ball, my lymph flow clogged, my eyes went out .... I looked in the mirror, but I didn’t see myself, and didn’t want to see ... I didn’t have the energy just to do something around the house, I didn’t have the strength to react to the child at all. They tried to save me different people, which I found: frequent trips to church, grandmothers poured wax, in the center of Chinese medicine they did therapeutic massage, kinesio therapist appointments, acupuncture, swimming in the pool ... For several years, when I literally died from respiratory arrest and heart failure, when I asked for help from the Higher Powers, from all Orthodox saints, when I repeatedly went out due to lack of money and took a loan from a bank to travel through churches, I hoped for salvation, but I did not get better.
Things stopped, endless loans began, for many months without income at all. My friends and comrades imperceptibly disappeared from me somewhere, others just fell off ..

To steer a critical situation, it was necessary to act, and I opened my own business. Before its opening, I worked in completely different areas of business, got very good experience and practice, had good salary. What happened during this period - did not understand. Things were standing ... there was not enough money for the needs of the family, for many months without a penny, mired in loans, there were thoughts of selling an apartment to pay with banks and to have money for living. Many said it was a test. But I, an experienced specialist in my professional field, was left without work, without orders, and without brains, because. my head just didn’t think, the system of thinking, building up events, orderliness, loss of memory, loss of luck… I couldn’t solve even the simplest issue for profit. Personal life - nothing. So you think, well, at least in some area it should be ... but in my case, on all fronts, it’s a solid fat minus.

In such a situation, the same questions arose: why are things not going well and I do not receive any income at all, who and why took away my luck and financial prosperity, why did my personal life collapse and this issue is not being resolved?
Sticks and leeches in the form of people and false healers got me from all sides, and there were no forces: some leave - others come. I wanted to live peacefully with my energy and my life program, as before... And due to my ignorance and misunderstanding of how to defend myself, I was forced to play the role of a victim. There was no way to rely on anyone, there was no one to help, and there was more than enough responsibility. I was no longer interested in arguing on the topic “I didn’t do anything bad to anyone, but they are trying to bring me out of the world” and I was tired of everything, but the problems around did not become less. It was clear that my cash flow was cut off, my luck was taken away, but it is impossible to de-energize a person completely?! Where is the justice! It was as if I was isolated from society, I saw everyone, but they didn’t see me. I wanted to throw off everything unnecessary and alien, I had to move forward, but it felt like I was standing still.

To be continued....

From myself, I must add. If you're experiencing similar symptoms, don't dismiss them. The shamanic disease does not go away and the magic will not disappear anywhere. If you close your eyes, the problems will not go away, they will accumulate and multiply until you follow the call of magic.

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There is a concept - Shaman sickness "when the spirits of the ancestors (Ongons) , begin to bring to their “chosen” descendant, an understanding of the existence of a parallel higher power and their decision to whom they intend to transfer their knowledge and power of healing, whom they have appointed to become their representative on earth.

Few people have experienced and are experiencing the joy of such news, resisting in every possible way and trying to get away from the heavy burden. In reply Ongons“break” his consciousness, sending illnesses and troubles, hindering any undertaking to an uncomprehending descendant. Descendants, as a rule, refuse to accept the gift (initiation) up to a certain point, realizing that, having assumed the role of a spiritual guide, he will no longer belong to himself. He bears a heavy responsibility before the Spirits for people, for their weaknesses and deeds. He must contribute to the well-being of his relatives, protect them from troubles, disinterestedly help everyone who needs help.

Vision Ongonov(divine spirits of ancestors) and prediction, a protracted illness, the diagnosis of which is not established by doctors, irritability and unreasonable aggression, the manifestation of superhuman strength and loss of memory at the time of such aggression causing horror and fear among relatives and relatives, in a word, not natural human behavior, all this signs of a shamanic disease, which can be found in both men and women, at different ages.

The shaman chosen by the spirits of his ancestors learns about his election either directly from his Ongonov, or from a serious illness, from which he almost dies, but is cured by receiving initiation. In other cultures, a person with the makings of a shaman is singled out at an early age, trained, and then led through a rite of passage.

One of the most common forms of choosing a future shaman is meeting with the spirits of ancestors, who appear to him in reality, during illness or under other circumstances, and inform about his “choice”, and incline him to initiation.

A confirmation of the “chosenness” of a shaman can be any distinctive sign on the body - tengeriin temdag (divine mark): unusual spot on the skin, split fingers, odd behavior. It is believed that a true shaman has tengeriin temdag , or an extra bone and that only people whose souls studied shamanic literacy in the next world will reach high degrees and become good shamans.

IN traditional societies, where shamanism is a tribal tradition, the "shamanic disease" can begin at any age - both at 10 and at 45, there are no age restrictions for it. Regardless of the selection method, the candidate is recognized as a shaman only after the initiation rite.

No living person can become a shaman with only one desire. The passage of initiations into shamans, the development of extrasensory and healing abilities in any person against the will of God, inevitably leads to a serious price for intrusion into an invisible sphere closed to human consciousness!